- All: Update detection now takes into account reports by other players, which should drastically reduce the need for version broadcast.
- Dragonflight: Updated toc.
- All: Updated Portuguese, Spanish and Mandarin localizations.
- Cata: Now displays item and currency tooltips properly.
- Cata: Updated popups to support the worsened API, fixing multiple bugs.
- Ready for Cataclysm!
- All: Fixed debug code mistakenly left during development that increased version checking rate unecessarily.
- All: Added OnePixel skin proposed by the community to the built-in list (optimized and improved).
- All: Fixed issue with some skins preventing clear background colors from being applied.
- All: Currenty Tracker can now enter multiline mode to fix niche issue that ocurred when tracking an extremely large amount of currencies.
- All: Fixed issue with party version broadcast detected by the community.
- All: Fixed issue with ColorPicker detected by the community.
- Wrath: Potential bugfix for the guild tab editing functionality.
- Retail: Multiple guild bank improvements.
- You can now edit guild bank tabs icons and names without having to turn Bagnon off.
- Unlike in the stock UI, you can also edit tab descriptions from the same edit menu.
- Redesigned guild bank tabs tooltips - more informative and better readability.
- Removed the tab info button from the guild bank, as it is now redundant due to the aforementioned changes.
- Made workaround of a bug in Blizzard API that reports the incorrect number of remaining withdrawals for guild bank tabs.
- Fixed issue that would cause guild bank not to show up if opened while any but the first tab was selected.
- Wrath: These changes have not been tested on Classic servers, as I currently don't have access to a guild bank there.
- Wrath, Retail: Guild tabs now show their description/notes on mouse-over.
- Wrath, Retail: Guild leaders can now buy new guild tabs.
- All: Updated TOC numbers.
- Updated portuguese localization.
- Small tweak to Slot Settings for clarity.
- Retail: Updated Color Picker to support changed API (while retaining classic support)
- Fixed issue with the "Character Specific Settings" button.
- Added optional parameters to the skin API to more easily control fonts.
- Fixed bug introduced last build that disabled closing bags on ESC.
- Retail: now displays caged battle pets and keystones properly while offline (wasn't supported since the new core).
- Updated "guild bank and vault"-only tooltips to the new design.
- Added new optional parameters to the skin API with commonly useful frame modifications.
- Miscellaneous code improvements and fixes.
- Overall update to the wiki.
- Reorganized the menu buttons and what actions their perform given the recently added functionalities. ** IMPORTANT! Some shortcuts, such as opening the bank with right-click, are no longer where they used to be! Please pay attention to the new tooltips. ** Temporarily highlighted important recent changes and functionalities in the tooltips.
- Comprehensive revamp of tooltip design, including tooltip item counts.
- Fixed issue with initializing the sorting configuration mode on some systems.
- Hotfixed issue with settings upgrade in previous version.
- Added new Skin API and serveral built-in skins.
- Users can now tell who is sending them version update alerts.
- Fixed bug that caused sometimes dropdown menus to have full-screen backdrops.
- Fixed bug causing an error on startup to some users.
- Fixed bug with setting profiles.
- New Trade-Skills/Reagents button.
- DataBroker display area now supports OnDragStart/OnReceiveDrag events.
- Increased out-of-version warning cooldown. Can now detect invalid versions as well.
- Fixed issue that caused the sort button to remain highlighted if pressed in an offline panel.
- Retail: Fixed bug with reagent bank purchase dialog (caused by typo in Blizzard code).
- Fixed bug that caused the Bag Break setting to reset to None.
- Fixed bug with linking items in chat from offline windows.
- This version is not yet feature-complete for Retail servers and thus only has Classic builds.
- New Feature: You may now lock specific item slots to be ignored during sorting!
- Happy new year!
- This version is not yet feature-complete for Retail servers and thus only has Classic builds.
- All: Made the buttons for forgetting character data more interactive and obvious.
- All: Added the new sorting configuration menu with upcoming options.
- All: Updated option headers and added a new question to the FAQ.
- Retail: Local sorting now compatible with inventory and bank.
- Retail: Fixed compartment being sillily attributed to Scrap.
- Added ability to break bags by type (credit goes to Alban / Xin4rius).
- Fixed concurrency issue introduced last version that could cause options not to appear.
- Retail: Added support to the new native Addon Compartment functionality.
- All: Fixed bug that caused new item highlight not to reset on mousehover.
- Now detects and warns user if the addon is out of date.
- Help menu improvements:
- Classic: Made sure help redirects behave the same as in retail.
- All: Fixed positioning of "Join Us"
- Added new Q&A about toggling frames.
- Updated spanish locales.
- New terms that were hard-coded are now localizable.
- Fixed missing icon bug.
- New Help menu!
- Upgraded to Sushi-3.2:
- Popup rework, with bugfixes and improved design.
- Fixed dropdown issue that could create lag, improved design.
- Function-chaining now possible.
- Other minor optimizations.
- All: Due to a technical difficulty, 10.2 and 10.2.1 were never actually released without my knowledge.
- All: Fixed issue with build system dependency making builds less optimized than they should have been.
- Retail: Updated for new C_Addons API with backwards support.
- All: Currency and sorting now more gracefully handle failed server requests.
- All: Custom Bagnon keybindings now appear in their own category.
- Retail: TOC update.
- All: Bagnon sort now clears the cursor before moving items, to prevent issues from the player grabbing an item or something else mid-sort.
- Wrath: TOC update.
- All: Fixed local sorting stacking issue.
- All: Fixed offline inventory and bank search.
- All: Offline viewing browser design.
- New dropdown menu.
- Right-clicking the bag toggle now opens bank.
- Classic: Fixed error message when right-clicking bags.
- All: Fixed issue that caused items to stay darkened after a cooldown.
- All: Default bank bag artwork changed.
- All: Fixed issue causing the wrong gender to be shown in the icons of some offline characters.
- All: Fixed bug that caused guild to always be shown as horde.
- All: Fixed bugs when shift-clicking items in guild bank or void storage.
- All: Fixed silly bug in French locales.
- Classic: Fixed issue that caused upgrade arrows sometimes not to show up (requires Pawn).
- All: Fixed bug with Flash Find.
- All: Redesigned the flash animation itself of Flash Find. Also reduced overall flashing speed to avoid creating negative effects on people vulnerable to intense flashing.
- All: Fixed issue caused by server sending currency update events with missing arguments.
- All: Updated French locales (by edalongeville).
- Wrath: Fixed issue with caching the bank on Wrath servers (thank you to wishes90 for finding the cause).
- All: Fixed bug with currency caching for offline viewing.
- All: Overall update to localizations.
- All: Added Dutch locales.
- All: New Feature! You can now offline view tracked currencies and amounts throughout characters in tooltips.
- All: Fixed bug that would cause item tooltips to not enable in the settings without a reload.
- All: Potentially fixed issue with offline viewing entity sorting that was causing errors at startup to some users.
- Vanilla & Wrath: Fixed issues with loading config in modern option panels.
- Sorting now running on the new core, which concludes the transition to this new more efficient system.
- Improvements to local sorting:
- Equipment saved as part of sets is still sorted before the rest of the equipment, but now right before it, without other categories of items inbetween.
- Fixed issue making sorting not target just the selected guild bank tab.
- All: Implemented new recommended style for plugins in the addon list, to help telling plugins from core bagnon modules apart.
- Classic: Fixed bug preventing sorting.
- Classic: Fixed bug preventing from opening the bags shelf.
- Dragonflight: Tooltip for empty reagent bag slot now displays properly.
- All: Bag buttons now desaturate when locked as expected.
- Dragonflight: Added support for the new addon logos API and multiple-TOC format (no Compartiment support yet).
- Classic and Wrath: Bagnon modules for features that don't exist in classic versions of the game no longer appear in the addon list.
- Wrath: Updated TaintLess (previous version was causing issues on this version of the game).
- All: There is an hidden easter egg included in this version, which will be removed in the close future. So if you want to hunt, hunt it now!
- Dragonflight: Updated for Embers of Neltharion.
- Dragonflight: Can now do search by item level and required level using math operators again.
- Guild and Vault: Fixed issue with their keybindings.
- Still in the process of finishing integration with new core, had to release earlier than desired due to new patch.
- Reverted local sorting to pre-alpha version, as it wasn't ready for release.
- Fixed bug that prevented new players from using the addon.
- Improved behaviour of the sorting button highlight.
- Vault: Fixed long time unreported issue that the frame would start behaving erratically if closed mid transfer.
- Vault: Fixed issue that would cause vault items to be in the wrong position until one was interacted with.
- Bank and Vault: Fixed issue preventing items from being cached.
- Reversed mistake made last version that caused new taint.
- Fallback Hidden Bags option now appears to work flawlessly.
- Testing build featuring the nearly completed new core, which should feature better performance and easier development moving forward.
- Tooltip counts now solely use the new data retrieval API. It should offer significant performance improvement to players with many characters.
- Guild bank sort button now properly highlights when sorting is in process.
- Fixed structural issue that could cause guilds be assigned to the wrong server and cause a multitude of issues.
- Fixed error when trying to open guild bank if not in one.
- Fixed multiple minor void storage and guild bank bugs.
- Reduced taint.
- Wrath: Hotfix for blizzard server bugs introduced with Secrets of Ulduar.
- All: New item glow no longer appears on all items for 1 frame the first time the inventory is open.
- All: Minor change that might reduce taint.
- Retail: Fixed issue preventing disabling backgrounds. Additionally, you can now pick between 3 different designs.
- Fixed issue preventing searching by expansion.
- Fixed issue with changing settings while Scrap is running.
- Fixed issue with color settings.
- Fixed bug in Sushi.Choice.
- Fixed unwanted behavior of new item flash.
- Dragonflight: Circumvented issue with Dragonflight client that was preventing items from being clicked.
- Updated vault and guild bank search to the new search engine.
- Fixed the conflict causing bad performance due to Blizzard's new tooltip hooking API.
- Colorization of quest items while offline is now more consistent with online viewing.
- You can now search items by soulbound status.
- Dragonflight: You can now search items for all manner of stats, Properties, expansion they were released on, etc...
- Technical Details
- Started core redesign by merging Wildpants with BagBrother.
- Upgraded to the new LibItemSearch-1.3.
- Updated C_Everywhere with backwards TooltipInfo support.
- Minor item display bugfixes.
- Embedded TaintLess.
- Dragonflight: Dragon Isle reagents now show quality icons.
- Refactor and optimization of tooltip and item border display.
- Fixed bug introduced last version that screwed up guild and vault tooltips.
- Item tooltip now updates properly when new server data is received.
- Dragonflight: Fixed bug preventing guildbank from being cached.
- All: Fixed bug introduced last version that was slowly deleting offline caches. Offline viewing functions again after visiting bank once.
- WoLK, Classic: enchanting now should display item counts properly?
- All: Item tooltips now longer refresh "OnUpdate".
- All: Russian localization updated.
- Dragonflight: added guild bank, void storage and bag flags support.
- Dragonflight: caged pet tooltips currently don't show counts.
- All: New sorting button icon (by Dethmold).
- All: Moving forward will have to depend on BagBrother, makes more sense implementation-wise.
- Dragonflight: Fixed issue with tooltip counts on merchant tooltips.
- Dragonflight: Reagent bags now properly use the reagent slot color.
- Dragonflight: Main features supported, without removing backwards support. Currently not implemented: the new reagent bag, bag sorting types, guild bank and void storage.
- All: Updated Chinese locals
- Dragonflight: Updated for new bag slot IDs
- Dragonflight: Fixed bag slot sorting flag bug
- Wrath: Fixed issue with honor points.
- All: Fixed issue if item slot coloring is turned off.
- New official logos and presentation, art by Daniel Troko.
- Added support for new item border types (cosmetics, conduits,...).
- Tightened currency display + bugfix.
- Improved Pawn support.
- Tagging release.
- Fixed some bugs with vault and guild bank.
- Fixed issue with databroker positioning in vault.
- Fixed some technical issues with the configuration menu.
- Near full Dragonflight support (except configuration).
- Largely improved auto frame display features. Auto display settings have been reset to default values.
- Updated Portuguese config locales (by... just me, actually).
- Basic Drangonflight support:
- No configuration, guild or vault yet.
- There are some known issues with the bank.
- Currency tracker:
- Now supports all game versions, including Dragonflight and Wrath of the Lich King
- Redesigned to match the layout chosen by the community.
- Each currency in the tracker can now be interacted with separately.
- Removed behavior that made all slots of guild bank glow when move-hovering a guild bank tab.
- Improved tooltips behavior while interacting with items.
- All: Added built-in currency tracker demo with basic functionality. Please vote which design you prefer.
- All: Changed some default settings to better accommodate modern monitors and currency display.
- All: Fixed minor bug in databroker display.
- Classic: Fixed bug introduced last version that only affected classic era servers.
- Updated for Wrath of the Lich King
- All: Reverted authenticator slot changes from last version. Behaviour didn't match expected, our apologies.
- TBC: Fixed bug preventing splitting stacks on guild bank.
- Retail: Tagged for 9.2.
- All: Fixed issue with authenticator extra slots.
- Retail: Fixed issue with viewing Vulpera's inventory offline.
- All: Updated italian locales.
- TBC: Fixed startup issue introduced in the latest patch.
- Retail: Updated for Shadowlands 9.1.5.
- All: Removed use of deprecated client APIs.
- TBC: Fixed keyring sorting issue.
- All: Further improvement to avoid "Item Cannot go into that Container" errors.
- All: Improved handling of simultaneous different bag types during sort to avoid "Item Cannot go into that Container" errors.
- All: Changed default engineering bag color to set it further apart from others.
- TBC: Fixed profession items sorting issue.
- TBC: Replaced guild bank icon that isn't available in these servers.
- All: Changed default mining bag color to set it further apart from others.
- Retail: updated for Chains of Domination.
- TBC: now compatible.
- All Classic: fixed keyring sorting issue (thanks to jazminite).
- Retail: can now sort guild bank tabs.
- Retail: improved search on unorthodox items (ex: pets).
- Retail: added command-line only option to disable server side sorting for inventory (not release quality).
- You can now search items by uncollected appearances.
- Equipment set items will be sorted separately from normal equipment.
- Now works with latest version of Pawn addon.
- Fixed issue with tooltips in profession window.
- Retail: fixed issue with junk icons.
- Fixed issue hiding item slots introduced in Shadowlands.
- Fixed visual update issue with bank slots after purchase.
- Fixed issue introduced in classic servers.
- Updated for Shadowlands.
- Improved backpack server update performance.
- Fixed issue with handling bank events introduced last version.
- Improved efficiency in server event handling.
- Fixed issue in new sorting algorithm.
- All: sorting efficiency improved (with help by Pierre Sassoulas).
- Retail: corrupted item overlay support (by mCzolko).
- All: frame title now disappears during search for increased visibility.
- Retail: fixed search issue with champion/follower equipment.
- Retail: fixed issue with some allied race icons.
- Retail: fixed tooltip issues with caged pets and keystones.
- Retail: fixed multiple loading issues with guild bank.
- All: updated Italian localization (thanks to kikuchi).
- Retail: added recent races.
- Retail: fixed issue making dropdowns unclickable.
- Updated Chinese localization (by Adavak).
- Updated Korean localization (by chkid).
- Updated for Visions of Nzoth.
- Made showing a coin icon on poor items optional.
- Removed some forgotten debug code.
- Can now change the transparency of frames as before.
- Now, if no plugins like
Bagnon Scrap
are installed, marks sellable gray items with the default junk coin icon.
- Now void storage and guild bank properly support Flash Find.
- Retail: fixed multiple bugs with void storage.
- Classic: hopefully improved key sorting behaviour.
- Fixed bug with data-broker display region.
- Added some backwards compatibility for out of date plugins.
- Frames now behave properly when pressing
key. - Fixed equipment tooltip compare issue.
- Fixed bank main bag tooltip issue.
- Fixed bug with slash command opening interface options.
- Fixed multiple issues with interface options sliders.
- Fixed issue on classic characters without keyring.
- Fixed mouse-over bug on retail servers.
- Fixed display issue with spacing option slider.
- Fixed
error when mouse-hovering items. - Fixed keyring empty slot count.
- Fixed startup issue on retail.
- Added missing appearance options to Frame Settings.
- Tagging release.
- Fixed all issues with clicking items introduced since 8.2.17.
- Fixed "blocked action" error when clicking items.
- Inventory now closes when the escape key is pressed, as intended.
- Fixed issue in retail PTR servers.
- Updated classic TOC number.
- Added keyring.
- Visible changes
- New owner selection menu.
- New frame selection menu.
- New icons in interface options.
- Upgraded interface options color picker design.
- Fixed issue with reappearing inactive widgets on scrollable menus.
- Internal changes
- Upgraded to Poncho-2.0 and Sushi-3.1.
- Reorganization of components shared functionality using Poncho-2.0 new features.
- Massive cleaning and standardizing of code into Ace-like modules using WildAddon-1.0.
- Moved internally used timer API to new library DelayMutex-1.0.
- No longer using taintable dropdown or static popup implementations.
- Sorting now even faster in most situations.
- Sorting now much faster in most situations.
- Fixed 2 sorting bugs, causing sorting to stop or enter a loop on very specific conditions on classic servers.
- Fixed issue with some container tooltips.
- Fixed issue with Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian localization.
- Updated Chinese localization.
- Retail:
- Fixed issue depositing items in the reagent bank.
- Fixed rare issue sorting the reagent bank.
- Sorting:
- Button tooltip now shows updated instructions.
- Now properly sorts void storage items in retail (guild bank will be next).
- No longer tries to start if in combat, dead, or holding something in the cursor.
- Automatically stops when entering combat.
- Fixed issue with enchanting reagents.
- Tooltip Counts:
- Now properly count items in the 1st bank slot.
- Localization:
- Changed how tooltip instructions are internally generated.
- Sorting:
- Improved sorting criteria.
- Fixed issue with the bank slot.
- Fixed issue with some quest items.
- Sorting button now highlights until the process is done.
- Fixed small visual issue with character select button.
- Internally changed how some tasks are scheduled with new delay API.
- Can now sort items, even if the server doesn't support it:
- Bags and bank in classic.
- Void storage in retail.
- Changed sort button icon.
- Fixed issue with button generation on classic servers, preventing frames from being disabled.
- Fixed issue with missing texture.
- Finished internal file organization change (make sure to update addon while wow isn't running).
- Fixed ordering issue with patron panel.
- Started internal file organization change (make sure to update addon while wow isn't running).
- Now character select button shows 3D portrait for current character. Racial and gender based icons remain the same for cached characters.
- Fixed bug with herb pouches in classic servers (thank you Denzer - Mirage EU).
- Ammo pouches now colored the same as quivers.
- Added option to color soul bags.
- Added option for quiver coloring.
- Fixed issue with loading void storage offline before visiting vendor.
- Fixed error with gem socketing auto display option on classic.
- Tagging release.
- Fixed bug in 1st bank slot.
- Now properly disables vault and guild configuration on classic servers.
- Updated Ace libraries.
- Smarter server type handling.
- Now compatible with World of Warcraft classic servers.
- Does not support keyring yet (don't have a character with a key).
- Now using the icons from character creation for player icons.
- Updated for Rise of Aszhara.
- Fixed issue with opening bags in combat.
- Currently "act as standard panel" mode is not implemented. Still trying to figure out if it is possible to do so patch 8.2 onwards.
- Fixed issue causing items to not appropriately show their greyed out locked status.
- Fixed issue with automatic bank sorting introduced by latest game patch.
- Updated for World of Warcraft 8.1.5 patch.
- Fixed root cause of "numbered string" internal bug.
- Fixed issue with character specific settings.
- Hotfix
- Fixed another tooltip issue that didn't went trough last version
- Fixed issue with non connected reals introduced in 8.1.1
- Fixed issue with splitting item stacks in the guild bank
- Now shows item count tooltips for singleton characters in a server
- Now handles server names differently, which should fix server specific issues.
- You might need to re-login on some characters for their data to show.
- Updated French and Russian localization.
- Fixed issue with bag toggle button.
- Fixed issue preventing Void Storage from working and that could also cause minor guild bank issues.
- Updated for World of Warcraft patch 8.1.
- Guild Bank:
- Fixed bug causing only up to 4 tabs being shown.
- Fixed issues with non-viewable tabs.
- Largely improved tab withdraw counter placement and behavior.
- Redesigned and improved tab tooltips.
- Tab permissions are now displayed even when not selected (requires caching).
- Reversed internal modification that created more issues than it fixed.
- Fixed issue with auto display events.
- Added display event for scrapping machines.
- Added portrait icons for the remaining 4 allied races. Improved Nightborne and Goblin icons.
- Items now display the azerite and artifact alternative border artwork.
- Can now search for "azerite", "artifact" and "unusable" items. Keywords translated for the different locales.
- Redesigned color options panel.
- Added patron list in the configuration options. See patreon.com/jaliborc to learn how to join the list.
- Fixed issue with double clicking the title bar.
- Fixed issue with Void Storage.
- Reduced tooltip count memory usage by about 80%.
- Fixed issue with updating inventory and bank frames.
- Fixed issue with properly marking the bank frame as "live" (not cached).
- Fixed issue with Aggra server.
- Updated for Battle for Azeroth.
- Now handles server names with spaces properly.
- Now handles the first 4 released allied races properly.
- Fixed issue on realms that are not connected to other realms.
- Fixed issue on realms with hyphens on their names that caused other characters not to be browsable.
- Fixed multiple issues with character specific settings.
- Reset the character specific settings that were screwed up by the previous version.
- Fixed a bug in the owner list that appeared when Bagnon_GuildBank was disabled.
- Fixed issue with deleting owner information.
- The money total tooltip now displays player icons just alike the tooltip counts.
- Fixed an issue when depositing items in the bank.
- Fixed an issue with the owner icon generator.
- Added back :GetItem API function of item buttons for legacy purposes (plugin support).
- Another major internal update! Completly reworked the internal system for representing item data.
- The previous system, although more memory efficient, suffered from many problems. It would easly break with updates of the game. It required constant re-specification, making developing and maintaining plugins for other developers much harder.
- More importantly, the previous system was designed before the advent of Guild Banks. These were considered a set of bags controlled by the player character, which led to a whole set of issues. In the new system, this is no longer the case.
- Visible changes:
- Guilds are now considered independent entities from player characters, and the Guild Bank is owned by the Guild.
- Due to the above, issues from having multiple characters on the same guild are now fixed.
- Guilds your characters belong to are now listed in the onwer selection dropdown. Selecting them will open the Guild Bank of that Guild.
- Choosing to open the Guild Bank of a player behaves the same as selecting his/hers Guild in the owner selection dropdown.
- Tooltip counts now display icons for each owner, just as in the selection dropdown.
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip displaying characters' money.
- The money tooltip now uses the standard money icons (except in colorblind mode).
- Fixed sound issues with Guild Bank and void storage frames
- Minor internal optimizations
- Updated for Shadow of Argus
- Added option to disable tooltip counts just for Guild Banks
- Frames are no longer click-through
- Internal changes to prevent future issues with internal library (AceEvent)
- Updated internal library (AceEvent) that reportedly was causing problems and preventing the program to load for users running other specific addons.
- Pressing enter now properly closes the search bars.
- Fixed issue causing the search not to start when double clicking the frame titles.
- Hopefully fixed issue causing multiple tries being sometimes required to open/close frames.
- The Frame Layer setting is now working as properly.
- Fixed bug preventing separate reagent Bank option from working.
- Pressing escape on a search editbox now properly disables item searching.
- Added a localized thousands separator to money display (large gold amounts are now easier to read).
- Guild Bank now fully functional again.
- Clicking on the money display while viewing another character will no longer pick money from your current one.
- Fixed visual issue with right-clicking title to toggle search frame.
- Fixed visual bugs with the money display and character icon when switching characters.
- Fixed long-standing display issue on Guild tabs with unlimited withrawals
- Void Storage now fully functional again. Next update will bring the Guild Bank back.
- Minor quality of life improvements to some UI elements hitboxes.
- Updated for WoW patch 7.2
- Major internal update! The large majority of Bagnon now runs on the same code as Combuctor
- Added an API for registering item rulesets. Has no visible effect yet.
- Fixed issue with some UI elements in the Bank frame
- New "options" slashcommand
- Fixed issue displaying Void Storage tooltips.
- Fixed issue with new build pipeline versioning system.
- Updated for WoW patch 7.1.
- Now displays upgrade icons.
- Removed some unused library files from build.
- Fixed issue with server names with spaces.
- Fixed issue causing compare tooltips to anchor on the wrong side of the main one.
- Minor bugfix.
- Fixed issue with containers inside containers.
- Fixed issue with displaying information about characters on the same server.
- Tagging as release.
- Hopefully fixed issue with Guild Bank tabs in Legion (can't test yet).
- Fixed issue with character and realm detection.
- Russian localization updated (thanks to DogmaTX)
- Hopefully fixed issue with server names like Azjol-Nerub
- Updated for Legion
- Fixed bug that caused errors when searching items with a few special characters.
- Added korean localization.
- Minor hotfix.
- Fixed bug when moving empty bag to inventory.
- Bagnon will now fill existing item stacks in the Bank bags before filling an empty slot in the reagent Bank.
- Localization updates. Thank you Phanx!
- Can now search for "naval" items.
- Hotfix.
- Workaround issue introduced by Blizzard preventing tooltip counts from displaying on tradeskill windows
- Fixed global leakage
- Minor bugfix
- Fixed rare frame display bug
- Fixed bug with display blizzard frames option
- Updated for Fury of Hellfire
- Fixed issue causing money display to not update when switching characters.
- Improved class color readability in tooltips and menus.
- Fixed minor bug in the Guild log frames.
- Major item draw performance improvement.
- When enabling character specific settings, they are initialized as a copy of the current global settings.
- Now frame settings can be saved per character or shared between characters, depending on the user preferences.
- You can choose wether to use the global settings on each different character. Look at the frame settings panel.
- By default, new characters will use the global options.
- Characters upgrading from previous versions will have specific settings.
- Fixed item quality search.
- Void Storage:
- Fixed issue affecting some users that caused the frame to require being open twice to appear.
- Fixed issue causing frame to appear empty on first appearance.
- Fixed issue preventing control click items to preview them.
- Flipped clean up button behaviour back to what it was before patch 6.1.
- Updated chinese locales.
- Fixed issue with the "Display Blizzard Bags" feature.
- Last version appears to be a success. Applied same process to Vault and Guild Bank.
- Fixed an interference issue between Bank, Guild Bank and Vault frames.
- Display options that have no effect in specific frames are no longer displayed.
- Attempt to fix the "unresponsive Bank" issue that affects some users.
- Fixed issue with Guild Bank repostioning.
- Fixed issue with slot color.
- Added option to change frames strata.
- GuildBank and voidstorage are now properly shown in row order.
- Blizzard frames for disabled bags option is now functional.
- Added keybindings and slashcommands for all windows.
- Multiple bugfixes.
- This is an experimental version. Use at your own risk. If you find a bug and report it, please indicate that you are using this version.
- More major bugfixes.
- Added option to have the reagent Bank separated from the normal Bank bags.
- Bagnon databroker plugin now displays number of free slots in inventory.
- You may now set the transparency of the frames background and borders.
- This is an experimental version. Use at your own risk. If you find a bug and report it, please indicate that you are using this version.
- Fixed major bugs reported so far.
- Added "Reverse Bag Order" option.
- This is an experimental version. Use at your own risk. If you find a bug and report it, please indicate that you are using this version.
- Complete rewrite:
- While Bagnon might look the same, the great majority of the code has been written from scratch.
- These changes should provide better performance and make future development and debugging much faster.
- "Script ran for too Long" errors should become much less frequent.
- This also increases the amount of code shared between Bagnon and Combuctor, allowing for updates to be easly ported between both addons.
- Note that there might be bugs on features that were previously working. This will be handled during the next days, as bug reports are received.
- The option menus have been redesigned.
- When offline viewing other character items, frames will now layout the items according to the corresponding character settings.
- Now typing "follower" will browse for follower items on english clients.
- The "use blizzard frames for disabled bags" feature has not been reimplemented in this version. It should be reimplemeted next version.
- Swaped behaviour of sort button on Bank.
- Fixed issue preventing proper stack splitting on right click.
- Minor bug fix.
- Fixed issue causing window to behave strangely when clicking on the "loot won" frame.
- Localization update.
- Fixed issues with item coloring (ex: highlight item sets not working properly).
- No longer displays warning messages when depositing non-reagents in the Bank or when the reagent Bank is full.
- No longer causes cursor flickering at vendors.
- Small changes to prevent tainting issues and extremely rare loading error occurrences.
- Fixed issue preventing character data from being deleted.
- Fixed issue preventing proper searches in Korean clients and possibly other localizations.
- The player dropdown list now displays all your connected realm characters.
- The new class and race introduced in 6.0.10 should help to keep the list manageable for players with many characters.
- Tooltips still only display players from the same faction (to keep tooltip sizes manageable) as only BOA accounts are sharable between these characters.
- Fixed issue preventing some servers to be visible in others.
- Fixed issue causing Guild Bank tabs sometimes to stay invisible.
- Guild Bank hotfix.
- Now supports all the Blizzard item sorting features, such as:
- Ignoring bags for auto sort.
- Setting bags to a specific type of loot.
- The sort confirmation dialog was removed.
- To avoid unwanted sorts, the Bank frame now performs a bulk deposit on left click, and a sort on right click.
- You may also set bags to be ignored for sorting.
- Bags now display the number of empy slots available.
- More minor bugfixes.
- Reagents now take priority in going to the reagent Bank before other bag slots when depositing.
- Fixed issue that could be fired when configuring other addons.
- Now the player dropdown list displays class colors and race icons. This should make it much easier to find players in long lists.
- Now new item glow flashes for a limited period of time.
- It remains with a bolder glow than regular items until the bag is closed or the item moused over.
- Now only characters from the same faction as yours will be displayed in the character list.
- You must login again in your characters so that BagBrother can learn their factions!
- Reverse slot ordering option is now working properly.
- Tip: you can use this option if you prefer to sort items to the bottom of the window instead of the top.
- To avoid sorting bags by accident, now auto sort displays a confirmation dialog before sorting.
- Items are no longer marked as new after the bag is closed.
- Made items in void storage movable.
- Tooltips now properly display in the void storage.
- Items in the Bank reagents slot are now properly accounted on item tooltips.
- Fixed Guild Bank issues, including long-standing log frame problems.
- Fixed issue with Bagnon Facade
- Fixed bug causing tooltips not to appear on the reagents Bank slot.
- Fixed issue preventing Bank slots from being purchased.
- Fixed errors with player listing.
- Tagging release version.
- Money frame cannot be disabled in void storage (needed for transfering)
- Item Sorting:
- The long awaited feature is finally here! Now there is a new button at the inventory and Bank windows where you can click to automatically sort your items.
- The button can be disabled at the interface options. But why would you?
- Reagent Bank:
- You can now right-click on the new sort button do deposit all reagents.
- Now properly displays whether the reagent Bank has been unlocked when offline browsing.
- Void Storage:
- Now supports the new void tab!
- Fixed several issues with the withdraw and deposit interfaces.
- Updated for Warlords of Draenor.
- Now supports the new reagent Bank, which appears as a new bag in the Bank window.
- To deposit all reagents, click on the reagent Bank icon.
- Now flashes new items, much alike Diablo 3 style.
- Fixed issue causing errors when opening the Guild Bank for the first time.
- Hopefully solved tainting issues when opening the inventory for the first time in combat.
- Now can change Guild Bank tabs while in offline mode.
- Guild Bank items now show tooltips in offline mode.
- Many offline Guild Bank issues solved.
- Guild Bank bugfixes.
- Added experimental offline Guild Bank support!
- Solved issue affecting some clients with specific system settings.
- Solved bug with the layer slider in the Frame Options.
- Solved bugs with connected realms support.
- Solved several bugs in the Interface Options.
- Solved bug with money frame.
- Removed unecessary test files.
- Now supports connected realms!
- Fixed some issues when using operators with the text search.
- Fixed issue causing caged pets quality to not always be properly identified.
- Fixed issue causing flash find to not work on all items.
- Fixed bug with Guild Bank and void storage.
- Updated for Siege of Ogrimmar.
- Added support for the new in-game store features.
- Hotfix of issue on upload system.
- Flash Find is back, behaving exacty as on previous patches! Yet, it now uses a different animation system, as the previous one could lead to taints in combat.
- Alt-clicking an item link in the chat now automatically opens the inventory and searches for the selected item.
- Updated LibCustomSearch.
- Fixed issue with the settings version upgrade system.
- Flash Find now behaves like standard text search. Search bars react accordingly.
- Now using LibItemSearch-1.2.
- Fixed bug causing error message on rare login situations.
- Updated for patch Escalation!
- Fixed issue causing some cached item icons to not be properly displayed.
- Closing the Bank window now properly releases the Banker.
- Fixed an issue causing caged pets to not be properly displayed in offline mode.
- Added caged pet tooltip support for the Guild Bank.
- Updated chinese translations.
- Added option to color items belonging to equipment sets. Packed with ItemRack and Wardrobe support!
- Idea and initial prototype by Omee - Proudmoore (US).
- Upgraded item search engine.
- Updated italian translations.
- Updated for patch 5.2: The Thunder King
- Added italian translations.
- Reduced chance of tainting issues with popup dialogs.
- Fixed bug with option to close inventory when leaving vendor.
- Added support for cooking bags.
- Updated for patch 5.1: Landfall!
- The realm money tooltip now displays class colors.
- Quick hotfix.
- Bagnon is now fully localized in French (by Noaah) and Russian (by Vgorishny).
- Small bug fix.
- Fixed bug causing item icons to not always display.
- Offline view of caged pets is now supported.
- For now, disabled support for Armory and Baggins caching systems. Very few players use them, were costly yo maintain, and made bug reports harder to decipher.
- Fixed bug causing Guild money display to behave incorrectly for users with no withdraw limit.
- Fixed bug causing void storage purchase dialog to sometimes show up when vewing void storage offline.
- Fixed error causing "Failed to load void storage items." message to show up.
- Fixed bug causing tooltips to now show for cached void storage items.
- Tagging as release.
- Updated for compatibility with latest Scrap version.
- Updated and tested for Mists of Pandaria.
- Added monk class and pandaren race.
- Bug fixes and internal improvements.
- Now it is possible to drag items into the void storage for deposit
- Now tooltip counts track items deposited in the void storage
- Now tooltip counts can be enabled with BagBrother disabled.
- Added option to show inventory while socketing items.
- Small bug fix
- Chinese translations update
- Hacky hotfix of bug caused by unknown reasons
- Fixed bug when depositing money on Guild Bank
- Added binding to toggle Void Storage
- Fixed bug causing GuildBank money frame to be unresponsive to clicks
- VoidStorage and GuildBank hotfixes
- Tagging as release
- Guild Bank and Void Storage now displays items in the same order as in the default interface
- German and Portuguese localizations update
- Void Storage bugfixes
- Money frame tooltip redesigned
- Fixed a bug causing weird behavior when the void storage was configured while transferring items.
- Fixed bugs related with the order of items being deposited/withdrawn
- Many GuildBank hotfixes
- After asking the mafia for money, Bagnon was able to buy a Void Storage support for itself, packed up with offline viewing capabilities.
- Many tweaks and improvements were made to bring you this piece of joy and get the mafia approval.
- Hotfix
- Fixed bug causing "quest bangs" to show up at the Guild Bank items
- Fixed bug causing default Guild Bank to show up
- Prevention of code taint
- Locked Guild Bank tabs behavior improvements
- Chinese localization update
- Delicious tweaks and goodies
- Fixed bug causing tooltip searches to not work properly
- Enabled search tags that were disabled for unknown reasons.
- BagBrother no longer disables itself when BagSync or Armory are enabled (could confuse users)
- Added Guild Bank german and portuguese translations
- Small money tooltip bug prevention
- Fixed bug causing logs to appear and overlap items on odd situations
- German translations updated (thanks to Reinhard Griedelbach)
- Tooltip item count now also displays the sum of all characters on the server
- Tooltip item count syntax improved
- Added support for viewing and editing Guild Bank tab information
- The ability to hide individual bag slots can now be toggled at the General Options and is disabled by default
- Fixed a bug with Flash Find
- Flash Find now also works for cached items
- More bug fixing
- Tagging as release
- Updated LibItemCache - fixes a bug causing money to not be correctly tracked with BagSync.
- Critical bug fix
- Updated for WoW 4.3
- Finalized portuguese translations
- Fixed a bug causing Bagnon to request already bought bag slots to be purchased over and over
- Fixed bug causing bag slot icons to not show for the first time on cached players
- Fixed bug causing bag items to be incorrectly counted on item tooltips
- Jaliborc: Now when opening the Bank window by right clicking in the "bag toggle" button at the inventory one, the selected player will be the same on both
- Jaliborc: Windows no longer change position when viewing other characters items
- Jaliborc: Should have fixed a bug causing BagBrother to loose Bank data on some situations
- Jaliborc: Fixed a bug causing the items in the Guild Bank to show the cool-down of the items in your bags
- Jaliborc: No more "Jaliborc:" tag from now on. If no tag is here, it means it was me.
- Jaliborc: Several bug fixes
- Jaliborc: Guild Bank now should work like a charm
- Thank you to thelucid for borrowing me his Guild Bank
- Jaliborc: Several bug fixes
- Jaliborc: Started to implement portuguese translations
- Jaliborc: Tweaked Guild Bank log position in the window
- Jaliborc: Bagnon_Forever has been replaced by BagBrother, an item cache which will be shared with Combuctor
- Jaliborc: Now comes bundled with LibItemCache, a library that adds support for other item caches, such as BagSync and Armory
- Jaliborc: With the new cache approach, Bagnon_Tooltips is no more. Now you can toggle the feature at the Interface Options.
- Jaliborc: The character selector now changes depending on the selected character and has much better icons
- Jaliborc: BagnonFacade now should work properly with the Guild Bank
- Jaliborc: The tooltip item count is now colored by class
- Jaliborc: Updated LibIemCache, providing many improvements in the search syntax
- Jaliborc: Fixed a bug with the Traditional Chinese translations
- Jaliborc: Tackle boxes can now be colored separately
- Jaliborc: Updated Traditional Chinese translations (thank you Seraveegd@鬼霧峰)
- Jaliborc: Buttonfacade support has been removed and is now available as a separate plug-in - [[http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/bagnon-facade.aspx|Bagnon Facade]]
- Jaliborc: Each type of trade bag can now be colored separately
- Jaliborc: Reduced download size by about 70%
- Jaliborc: Zip file appears to have been corrupted by unknown reason. New attempt to upload.
- Jaliborc: Fixed a bug causing ButtonFacade settings to not be properly loaded
- Jaliborc: Fixed bug when clicking the money frame
- Jaliborc: Hearthstones should not have tooltip counts... again
- Jaliborc: Fixed undead portrait.. again
- Jaliborc: Fixed a bug causing Bagnon_Forever data to reset when updating
- Jaliborc: Fixed a bug causing some options to not show up in the config menu
- Jaliborc: The bags toggle button now shows the Bank window on right-click
- Jaliborc: ButtonFacade support improvements and bugfixing
- Jaliborc: Added ButtonFacade support
- Tuller: Fixed a bug causing the lock checkbox to not show up in the config menu
- Jaliborc: Removed keyring code, since the keyring is gone with WoW 4.2
- Jaliborc: Implemented options for hiding frames when entering combat/entering a vehicle.
- Tuller: Fixed missing undead portraits.
- Tuller: Hearthstones should now no longer have tooltip counts.
- Tuller: Updated TOC reference to LibItemSearch to make it load on demand properly
- Tuller: Updated LibItemSearch to fix searching for bind on account items
- Jaliborc: Added unsuable item highlighting as an option.
- Tuller: Updated TOC for 4.1
- Jaliborc: Added log views to the GuildBank
- Tuller: Fixed tackle box highlighting
- Tuller: Added some basic compatibility code for 4.1
- Added Bagnon_GuildBank back, in a disabled state
- Fixed the quest item issue in the Guild Bank module
- Adjusted the money frame default for the Guild Bank from disabled to enabled
- Adjusted the text for the auto vendor display option to better reflect what it actually does
- Fixed tackle box coloring
- Removed some lingering ammo/soul shard detection code
- 4.0.6 fixes
- Altered portrait display so that it should now work for Worgen/Goblins
- Added flash find options
- Removed ammo + shard color options, since they have no use anymore.
- Added FlashBind - Alt-Click a link or item to highlight it in your inventory (thanks Rueben)
- Added back missing Bagnon_Forever + Tooltips
- First Cataclysm beta
- Updated localization
- Bagnon for WoW 3.3.3, without the Guild Bank
- Fixed a typo that resulted in a redbox error when hovering over the Guild Bank money frame.
- Maybe if I enable right clicks on the Guild Bank money frame, you'll be able to withdraw via right click :P
- Implemented support for Blizzard's quest item highlighting in WoW 3.3.3
- Updated LibItemSearch, adding wardrobe support.
- Added a potential bugfix for the nil frame settings issue.
- Added missing externals.
- Put a fix in for the withdraw bug.
- Initial Guild Bank support implemented. Things not supported at the moment: Guild master management & offline viewing.
- Removed Bagnon_GuildBank. I did not intend on including it quite yet, but my build process did :P
- Updated TOC for 3.3
- Added comparison operators to item level and quality searches (you can now do things like q>=rare, q!=0, etc)
- Added itemlevel searching: ilvl (ex, ilvl>200 or ilvl:200)
- Added new options for item slot colors and item border brightness
- Added a new option to automatically display your inventory when opening the player frame
- Added a new frame specific option: Enable bag break layout
- Fixed a bug causing quest item highlighting to not work properly for non English locales
- Added support for equipment set searching via s:
- Made it easier for me to define new typed searches via Bagnon.ItemSearch.RegisterTypedSearch(typedSearchObj)
- Updated for 3.2
- Disabled search text syncing to prevent issues with Chinese clients
- Fixed a bug causing the options menu to show up when displaying the world map
- Added a new modifier to search by name: n:search. For example, typing "n:pants" will find all items named "pants"
- A search without modifiers, ex "gem" will now perform a smart search, like in 1.x versions of Bagnon. For example, typing "gem" will now find items of type "gem" as well as items named "gem"
- Added a keyring bag back to the inventory's bag frame. Its hidden by default.
- Keyring slots are now colored
- Made text searching global
- Made the text search box close when the enter key is pressed
- The searching with uppercase text bug should now be fixed.
- Localization bugfix
- Added a new option to disable the options toggle button
- Adjusted a few default settings for the automatic display of the inventory frame
- Adjusted priority of quest highlighting so that Uncommon+ items are not marked as quest items
- Updated localization
- Added new frame strata options: MEDIUMLOW, MEDIUMHIGH. These are equivalent to Low + Toplevel and Medium + Toplevel
- Added new option: Display Blizzard bag frames for disabled bags.
- Added the ability to right click the title frame to display the options menu.
- Fixed a bug causing it to not be possible to disable auto display settings
- Fixed a bug causing it to not be possible to search on other characters/your Bank when not at the Bank
- Fixed a bug with hiding the default Bank frame
- Made the general options panel a sub panel of the main Bagnon panel. This should hopefully make it easier to spot when configuring frames.
- Added a bugfix to the default settings clearing code
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Updated localization
- Added a new options panel to configure automatic display settings for the inventory frame
- More performance optimizations to the item frame
- More bug fixes to the item frame
- Added an assertion to catch the nil slot issue, if it exists.
- Fixed a bug with item frame event registering causing items to appear to not move, etc
- Updated localization
- Added some bugfixes to item event handling
- Added some bugfixes to broker tooltip handling
- Updated localization
- Moved item slot event handling to the item frame.
- Fixed a display issue with the player selector for undead characters
- Added in settings to disable the inventory, Bank and keyring frames
- Fixed some bugs related to saving and loading default settings
- Updated localization
- Fixed a redbox error from hiding a frame when viewing another character
- Fixed a bug with frame/border coloring
- The player filter will now reset to the current player when a frame is closed
- Made reverse bag slot ordering a per frame setting, instead of a global one
- Added per frame option: Enable bag frame (disabled for the keyring for semi obvious reasons)
- Added per frame option: Enable money frame
- Added per frame option: Enable databroker frame
- Added per frame option: Enable search frame toggle button
- Implemented a fix that should resolve the wacky frame position thing
- Implemented a fix that should resolve the "for limit must be a number" bug
- Updated localization
- Added per frame option: Frame Layer - Controls frames appearing above or below other frames.
- Rewrote saved settings back end to make it easier for me to adjust defaults. Your settings have been reset.
- Frame settings are now saved on per character basis
- Global settings (stuff on the main options panel) are saved globally.
- Adjusted a few default settings (frame border color, frame position)
- Updated localization
- Added option: highlight item slots by bag type
- Fixed a frame display bug when closing frames via pressing escape
- You can now double click to search once again.
- Added option: show empty item slot textures
- Added option: highlight items by quality
- Added option: highlight quest items
- Added option: reverse item slot ordering
- Added option: lock frame positions
- Added a databroker launcher for Bagnon
- Fixed a few bugs related to the databroker plugin
- Started implementaton of the new options menu. Added options for color, border color, columns, spacing, opacity, and scale.
- Added new slash command, /bgn options
- Added a button to all frames as a shortcut to the options menu
- I'm calling this version a beta, since I want more feedback.
- Reimplemented slash commands: /bgn|/bagnon Bank, /bgn bags, /bgn keys, and /bgn version
- Fixed Bank frame tool tips
- Fixed quality display for certain items
- Removed a file that was not being called anymore.
- Fixed Bank frame closing
- Fixed an error when hovering over a Bank item when at the Bank
- Fixed an error when clicking on a databroker object with no click event
- Added sounds when opening/closing frames.