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Patrick de Beer edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the TransferableEduProjects wiki!

TransferableEduProjects are projects in an educational context, that are characterized by the fact that they are developped further by a new group of students in a new semester. These projects don't stop, but evolve over a longer period of time. These type of projects ask for a different guiding and end quality requirements to make them suitable for new groups of students.

Experience shows some problems in these projects, that resemble real world projects like:

  • Onboarding new teams, when those with knowledge are not there
  • Having the idea it is better to start from scratch again
  • Vision of development
  • Proper documentation
  • Capturing knowledge

From a educational perspective, some other aspects need to be adressed:

  • Which work is contributed by whom
  • How to make sure that there is sufficient room to learn the necessary skills, while several basic work is already done
  • Introducing students into a project, in which concepts are present that still need to be learned

we are looking for ways of working and best practices that makes these long term projects possible in an educational setting. Also we will address the challenges, explore the possibilities, and experiment with different solution directions.

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