Released Unknown
Released June 23, 2013
- Small message formatting
- Added missing
tag for HTML document - Fixed hard-coded download folder location
- Added Python hashbang
- Write window title using program name and version number
- Changed app closing method
- Converted most script usage of string literals to use the format method
- Added
- Converted all whitespace from tabs to 4 spaces (per Python standard)
- Updated HTML document writing to use recommended
handle - Updated error message to include user input
- Added global variables containing program name and version
- Added GPL block to
- Added a few script comments
- Improved layout of written HTML document
- If download folder does not exist, make it. Otherwise, start the download
- Converted non-HTML file writing to use recommended
handle - Fixed exit code number when closing the program
- Cleaned up saving path for both HTML and non-HTML files
- Added "Successful Download" message
- Added number of files downloaded into "Successful Download" message
- Added exit routine after finishing the download
- Added message to inform user their files are downloading
- Display list of downloaded file (LUCA's non-GUI version of a progress bar)
- Updated "progress bar" to display filename as soon as it is downloaded, not after everything was downloaded
- Added error handling when LUCA does not find any links when searching on the Creation Lab for an entered username
- Updated: usernames are now case-insensitive.
- Added filtering of Windows invalid characters in filename (code from le717 Issue #4)
Released May 29, 2013
- Added invalid website check
- Updated user input to ask for Creation Lab
only, rather thanmemberid
- Added code to get
from website, and check it againstusername
- Variable names update
- Added error handling for a username that does not match with the one found online.
- Removed invalid website check (no longer needed)
Released Never