Prow should run anywhere that Kubernetes runs. Here are the steps required to set up a basic prow cluster on GKE. Prow will work on any Kubernetes cluster, so feel free to turn up a cluster some other way and skip the first step. You can set up a project on GCP using the cloud console.
I'm assuming that PROJECT
and ZONE
environment variables are set.
export PROJECT=your-project
export ZONE=us-west1-a
Run the following to create the cluster. This will also set up kubectl
point to the new cluster.
gcloud container --project "${PROJECT}" clusters create prow \
--zone "${ZONE}" --machine-type n1-standard-4 --num-nodes 2
As of 1.8 Kubernetes uses Role-Based Access Control (“RBAC”) to drive authorization decisions, allowing cluster-admin
to dynamically configure policies.
To create cluster resources you need to grant a user cluster-admin
role in all namespaces for the cluster.
For Prow on GCP, you can use the following command.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
For Prow on other platforms, the following command will likely work.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding-"${USER}" \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --user="${USER}"
On some platforms the USER
variable may not map correctly to the user
in-cluster. If you see an error of the following form, this is likely the case.
Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating
"prow/cluster/starter.yaml": "<account>" is
forbidden: attempt to grant extra privileges:
[PolicyRule{Resources:["pods/log"], APIGroups:[""], Verbs:["get"]}
PolicyRule{Resources:["prowjobs"], APIGroups:[""], Verbs:["get"]}
APIGroups:[""], Verbs:["list"]}] user=&{<CLUSTER_USER>
[system:authenticated] map[]}...
Run the previous command substituting USER
from the error
message above to solve this issue.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding-"<CLUSTER_USER>" \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin --user="<CLUSTER_USER>"
There are relevant docs on Kubernetes Authentication that may help if neither of the above work.
You will need two secrets to talk to GitHub. The hmac-token
is the token that
you give to GitHub for validating webhooks. Generate it using any reasonable
randomness-generator, eg openssl rand -hex 20
. The oauth-token
is an OAuth2 token
that has read and write access to the bot account. Generate it from the
account's settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token.
kubectl create secret generic hmac-token --from-file=hmac=/path/to/hook/secret
kubectl create secret generic oauth-token --from-file=oauth=/path/to/oauth/secret
The bot account used by prow must be granted owner level access to the Github orgs that prow will operate on. Note that events triggered by this account are ignored by some prow plugins. It is prudent to use a different bot account for other Github automation that prow should interact with to prevent events from being ignored unjustly.
Run the following command to start up a basic set of prow components.
kubectl apply -f cluster/starter.yaml
After a moment, the cluster components will be running.
$ kubectl get deployments
deck 2 2 2 2 1m
hook 2 2 2 2 1m
horologium 1 1 1 1 1m
plank 1 1 1 1 1m
sinker 1 1 1 1 1m
Find out your external address. It might take a couple minutes for the IP to show up.
$ kubectl get ingress ing
ing * an.ip.addr.ess 80 3m
Go to that address in a web browser and verify that the "echo-test" job has a green check-mark next to it. At this point you have a prow cluster that is ready to start receiving GitHub events!
On the GitHub repo you would like to use, go to Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook. You can also add org-level webhooks.
Set the payload URL to http://<IP-FROM-INGRESS>/hook
, the content type to
, the secret to your HMAC secret, and ask it to send everything.
After you've created your webhook, GitHub will indicate that it successfully
sent an event by putting a green checkmark under "Recent Deliveries."
Create a file called plugins.yaml
and add the following to it:
- size
with the appropriate values. If you want, you can
instead just say YOUR_ORG:
and the plugin will run for every repo in the org.
Run the following to test the file, replacing the path as necessary:
bazel run //prow/cmd/config -- --plugin-config=path/to/plugins.yaml
There should be no errors. You can run this as a part of your presubmit testing so that any errors are caught before you try to update.
Now run the following to update the configmap, replacing the path as necessary:
kubectl create configmap plugins \
--from-file=plugins.yaml=path/to/plugins.yaml --dry-run -o yaml \
| kubectl replace configmap plugins -f -
We added a make rule to do this for us:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$(CLUSTER)" --project="$(PROJECT)" --zone="$(ZONE)"
update-plugins: get-cluster-credentials
kubectl create configmap plugins --from-file=plugins.yaml=plugins.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap plugins -f -
Now when you open a PR, it will automatically be labelled with a size/*
label. When you make a change to the plugin config and push it with make update-plugins
, you do not need to redeploy any of your cluster components.
They will pick up the change within a few minutes.
Create a file called config.yaml
, and add the following to it:
- interval: 10m
agent: kubernetes
name: echo-test
- image: alpine
command: ["/bin/date"]
- name: test-postsubmit
agent: kubernetes
- image: alpine
command: ["/bin/printenv"]
- name: test-presubmit
trigger: "(?m)^/test this"
rerun_command: "/test this"
context: test-presubmit
always_run: true
skip_report: true
agent: kubernetes
- image: alpine
command: ["/bin/printenv"]
Run the following to test the file, replacing the path as necessary:
bazel run //prow/cmd/config -- --config-path=path/to/config.yaml
Now run the following to update the configmap.
kubectl create configmap config \
--from-file=config.yaml=path/to/config.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap config -f -
We use a make rule:
update-config: get-cluster-credentials
kubectl create configmap config --from-file=config.yaml=config.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap config -f -
Presubmits and postsubmits are triggered by the trigger
plugin. Be sure to
enable that plugin by adding it to the list you created in the last section.
Now when you open a PR it will automatically run the presubmit that you added
to this file. You can see it on your prow dashboard. Once you are happy that it
is stable, switch skip_report
to false
. Then, it will post a status on the
PR. When you make a change to the config and push it with make update-config
you do not need to redeploy any of your cluster components. They will pick up
the change within a few minutes.
When you push a new change, the postsubmit job will run.
For more information on the job environment, see How to add new jobs.
You may choose to keep prowjobs or run tests in a different namespace. First
create the namespace by kubectl create -f
ing this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: prow
Now, in config.yaml
, set prowjob_namespace
or pod_namespace
to the
name from the YAML file. You can then use RBAC roles to limit what test pods
can do.
You may choose to run test pods in a separate cluster entirely. Create a secret
containing a {"cluster-name": {cluster-details}}
map like this:
endpoint: https://<master-ip>
clientCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>
clientKey: <base64-encoded key>
clusterCaCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>
endpoint: https://<master-ip>
clientCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>
clientKey: <base64-encoded key>
clusterCaCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>
Use mkbuild-cluster to determine these values:
bazel run //prow/cmd/mkbuild-cluster -- \
--project=P --zone=Z --cluster=C \
--alias=A \
--print-entry | tee cluster.yaml
kubectl create secret generic build-cluster --from-file=cluster.yaml
Mount this secret into the prow components that need it and set
the --build-cluster
flag to the location you mount it at. For instance, you
will need to merge the following into the plank deployment:
- name: plank
- --build-cluster=/etc/foo/cluster.yaml # basename matches --from-file key
- mountPath: /etc/foo
name: cluster
readOnly: true
- name: cluster
defaultMode: 420
secretName: build-cluster # example above contains a cluster.yaml key
Configure jobs to use the non-default cluster with the cluster:
The above example cluster.yaml
defines two clusters: default
and other
to schedule jobs, which we can use as follows:
- name: cluster-unspecified
# cluster:
interval: 10m
agent: kubernetes
- image: alpine
command: ["/bin/date"]
- name: cluster-default
cluster: default
interval: 10m
agent: kubernetes
- image: alpine
command: ["/bin/date"]
- name: cluster-other
cluster: other
interval: 10m
agent: kubernetes
- image: alpine
command: ["/bin/date"]
This results in:
- The
jobs run in thedefault
cluster. - The
job runs in theother
See mkbuild-cluster for more details about how to create/update cluster.yaml
Use kube-lego for automatic LetsEncrypt integration. If you already have a cert then follow the official docs to set up HTTPS termination. Promote your ingress IP to static IP. On GKE, run:
gcloud compute addresses create [ADDRESS_NAME] --addresses [IP_ADDRESS] --region [REGION]
Point the DNS record for your domain to point at that ingress IP. The convention
for naming is
, but of course that's not a requirement.
Then, install kube-lego as described in its readme. You don't need to run it in a separate namespace.