All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Add relabelling rules to prometheus and updated metric names in grafana dashboard.
- Added nginx image.
- Removed basic auth via env from registry in favor of nginx.
- Bump commander and phoenix. Adds support for private docker registry.
- Entrypoint script for docker registry.
- Added Module/Component labels.
- Fixed phoenix image.
- Added Registry.
- Added Commander.
- Added Phoenix.
- Added labels for open.
- Changed Airflow worker-gc environment variable name.
- Added support for clearing worker logs after x days.
- Removed Snakebite python package due to compatibility issues with python 3.
- Fixed busted grafana build.
- Added support for passing default prometheus host for grafana datasource.
- Changed Prometheus config file name and paths.
- Added Prometheus Marathon config.
- Added Python and pip symlinks to python3 and pip3.
- Removed usage of .astro directory in start script.
- Added vendor images.
- Added Tini init system.
- Added support for Airflow onbuild tags.
- Added this Changelog
- Added StatsD package to Airflow
- Added StatsD exporter to stack.
- Added Prometheus to stack.
- Added Grafana to stack.
- Airflow scripts now run docker-compose with -d flag.