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Diego Hayashi Alonso.
Visiting Jan 2024 to Feb 2025, funded by FAPESP. Pablo Brubeck.
Funded on EPSRC grant SysGenX: Composable software generation for system-level simulation at Exascale. Boris Andrews.
Topic: structure-preserving discretisations in time.
Co-supervised with Wayne Arter.
Aaron Baier-Reinio.
Topic: discretisations for multicomponent flow.
Mingdong He.
Topic: preconditioners in fluid mechanics.
Kars Knook.
Topic: preconditioners in multicomponent flows.
India Marsden.
Topic: compiler techniques for exotic finite element discretisations.
Umberto Zerbinati.
Topic: modelling and discretisation of smectic liquid crystals.
Lenka Košárková (Charles University Prague).
Topic: modelling and discretisation of multicomponent physiological flows.
Arselane Hadj-Slimane.
Home university: ENS Saclay.
Topic: shape optimisation in the presence of multiple solutions. Matěj Vais.
Home university: Charles University Prague.
Topic: simulation of power-law fluids with low power-law index. Florian Wechsung.
Topic: shape optimisation and robust solvers for incompressible flow. DPhil viva: 2019-09-23.
Next step: a postdoc with Georg Stadler at NYU, now a quantitative researcher at Citadel GQS.
Matteo Croci.
Topic: multilevel Monte Carlo methods for uncertainty quantification in brain simulations. DPhil viva: 2020-01-20.
Co-supervised with Mike Giles and Marie Rognes.
Next step: a postdoc with Mike Giles in Oxford, then a postdoc with Karen Willcox at UT Austin, and then a permanent position at BCAM.
Hamza Alawiye.
Topic: Wrinkling instabilities: modelling, analysis and computation. DPhil viva: 2020-09-25.
Co-supervised with Alain Goriely.
Next step: a Heilbronn fellowship at the University of Bristol, now a Senior Machine Learning Research Scientist at Deep Render.
Pablo Alexei Gazca Orozco.
Topic: Numerical analysis of implicitly constituted incompressible fluids: mixed formulations. DPhil viva: 2020-10-19.
Co-supervised with Endre Süli.
Next step: a postdoc with Enrique Zuazua in Erlangen-Nuremberg, then a postdoc with Michael Růžička in Freiburg.
Jingmin Xia.
Topic: Computational and analytical aspects of energy minimisation problems in cholesteric, ferronematic and smectic liquid crystals. DPhil viva: 2021-06-01.
Next step: a permanent lectureship at the National University of Defense Technology in Changsha, China.
Ioannis Papadopoulos.
Topic: Computing multiple solutions of topology optimization problems. DPhil viva: 2021-09-24.
Co-supervised with Endre Süli. Next step: a postdoc with Sheehan Olver at Imperial College London, then a Dirichlet fellowship at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics in Berlin.
Nicolas Boullé.
Topic: Data-driven discovery of Green's functions. DPhil viva: 2022-08-30.
Co-supervised with Marie Rognes and Alex Townsend. Next step: an INI-Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Cambridge, then a permanent lectureship at Imperial College London.
Fabian Laakmann.
Topic: Discretisations and preconditioners for magnetohydrodynamics models. DPhil viva: 2022-09-20.
Next step: Machine Learning Mathematics Engineer with ASML.
Francis Aznaran.
Topic: Discretisation of Hodge Laplacians in the elasticity complex. DPhil viva: 2022-09-28.
Co-supervised with Endre Süli. Next step: a research fellowship at Notre Dame.
Alexander Van-Brunt.
Topic: Finite element methods for the Onsager-Stefan-Maxwell equations. DPhil viva: 2022-10-07.
Co-supervised with Charles Monroe. Next step: Research engineer at Bosch, Sunnyvale, California.
Pablo Brubeck.
Topic: Optimal complexity and robust multigrid methods for high-order FEM. DPhil viva: 2023-02-15. Next step: a postdoctoral research associate position with me.
Gonzalo Gonzalez de Diego.
Topic: Viscous contact problems in glaciology. DPhil viva: 2023-09-05.
Co-supervised with Ian Hewitt. Next step: a postdoctoral position with Georg Stadler at NYU. Jack Betteridge.
Funded on EPSRC grant SysGenX: Composable software generation for system-level simulation at Exascale. Next step: Research Scientist at Devito Codes.
Duygu Sap.
Funded on EPSRC grant PRISM: Platform for Research in Simulation Methods. Next step: Innovation Research Fellow at the University of Warwick.
Thomas Roy.
Postdoctoral topic: nonlinear solvers in reservoir models.
Next step: a postdoc with Victor Beck, then a permanent appointment as Staff Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Alberto Paganini.
Postdoctoral topic: shape optimisation.
Next steps: a departmental lectureship in Oxford, then a permanent lectureship at the University of Leicester.
Teresa Kyrke-Smith.
Postdoctoral topic: inverse problems in glaciology, co-advised with Hilmar Gudmundsson at the British Antarctic Survey.
Next step: HM Civil Service.
Panos Kevrekidis.
Topic: bifurcation analysis of Bose-Einstein condensates.
2019 Leverhulme Visiting Professorship.
Àlex Ferrer.
Visited Jul 2022 to Jul 2023, funded by a grant from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Catalan government.
Maryam Parvizi.
Visited Apr 2023 to Apr 2024, funded by a Humboldt Fellowship and Leibniz University Hannover.
Benjamin Castellaz.
Topic: high-order structure-preserving discretisations and solvers for the Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations.
2024 MSc thesis on the Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing course. Next step: a PhD with Nicole Radde and Andrea Barth at the Institute for Stochastics and Applications at the University of Stuttgart.
Geoffrey Gachemi.
Topic: goal-oriented error estimation in bifurcation analysis.
2021 Summer project funded by a Mfano Africa virtual mentorship. Next step: continuing as a lecturer at the Technical University of Kenya.
Isaac Newell.
Topic: bifurcation analysis of two coupled 3D Bose-Einstein condensates.
2021 Summer project funded by an LMS Undergraduate Research Bursary. Next step: a DPhil scholarship at the Mathematical Institute with Luc Nguyen and Gui-Qiang Chen.
Andrew Wilson.
Topic: multigrid preconditioners for the Onsager-Stefan-Maxwell equations.
2022 MMSC project. Next step: a research assistantship with Samar Khatiwala and Coralia Cartis.