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中文总榜 > 软件类 > Dart

数据更新: 2024-10-12   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 localsend/localsend An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop 47890 2024-10-11
2 hiddify/hiddify-next Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free. 16387 2024-10-04
3 GopeedLab/gopeed A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter. 16258 2024-10-10
4 CarGuo/gsy_github_app_flutter Flutter 超完整的开源项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好更方便 ... 14847 2024-10-10
5 cfug/dio A powerful HTTP client for Dart and Flutter, which supports global settings, Interceptors, FormData, aborting and canceling a request, files uploading and downloading, requests timeout, custom adapter ... 12465 2024-10-07
6 chen08209/FlClash A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use, open-source and ad-free. 9395 2024-10-11
7 simplezhli/flutter_deer 🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project (including integration testing and accessibility testing). Contains complete UI design drawings for a more realistic practic ... 7946 2024-08-12
8 toly1994328/FlutterUnit All Platform Flutter Experience App 7839 2024-10-09
9 wgh136/PicaComic A comic app built with Flutter, supporting multiple comic sources. 7499 2024-10-03
10 Notsfsssf/pixez-flutter 一个支持免代理直连及查看动图的第三方Pixiv flutter客户端 7436 2024-10-11
11 alibaba/flutter_boost FlutterBoost is a Flutter plugin which enables hybrid integration of Flutter for your existing native apps with minimum efforts 6962 2024-08-30
12 wanghongenpin/network_proxy_flutter Open source free capture HTTP(S) traffic software ProxyPin, supporting full platform systems 6663 2024-10-11
13 xiaoyaocz/dart_simple_live 简简单单的看直播 6530 2024-08-13
14 mylxsw/aidea AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。 6447 2024-10-11
15 niuhuan/pikapika 美观易用且无广告的漫画和游戏客户端,同时支持MacOS,Windows,Android,iOS。 6403 2024-09-06
16 guozhigq/pilipala PiliPala 是使用Flutter开发的BiliBili第三方客户端,感谢使用。 6298 2024-10-10
17 mulaRahul/keyviz Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and 🖱️ mouse actions in real-time. 6069 2024-10-08
18 flutterchina/flukit A Flutter UI Kit(一个 Flutter UI组件库),包含 ScaleView, Swiper, PullRefresh, WaterMark, GradientCircularProgressIndicator... 5654 2024-05-20
19 rrousselGit/provider InheritedWidgets, but simple 5098 2024-10-02
20 lollipopkit/flutter_server_box ServerBox - server status & toolbox 4467 2024-10-07
21 Predidit/Kazumi 基于自定义规则的番剧采集APP,支持流媒体在线观看,支持弹幕。 4235 2024-10-11
22 miru-project/miru-app 🎉 A versatile application that is free, open-source, and supports extension sources for videos, comics, and novels, available on Android, Windows, and Web platforms. 3908 2024-05-28
23 xuelongqy/flutter_easy_refresh A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load. 3895 2024-08-18
24 OpenFlutter/flutter_screenutil Flutter screen adaptation, font adaptation, get screen information 3876 2024-08-14
25 niuhuan/jasmine A comic browser,support Android / iOS / MacOS / Windows / Linux. 3494 2024-10-10
26 LianjiaTech/bruno An enterprise-class package of Flutter components for mobile applications. ( Bruno 是基于一整套设计体系的 Flutter 组件库。) 3264 2024-05-27
27 rrousselGit/flutter_hooks React hooks for Flutter. Hooks are a new kind of object that manages a Widget life-cycles. They are used to increase code sharing between widgets and as a complete replacement for StatefulWidget. 3129 2024-08-04
28 CarGuo/gsy_flutter_demo Flutter 不同于 GSYGithubAppFlutter 完整项目,本项目将逐步完善各种 Flutter 独立例子,方便新手学习上手和小问题方案解决。 目前开始逐步补全完善,主要提供一些有用或者有趣的例子,如果你也有好例子,欢迎提交 PR 。 3096 2024-10-10
29 OpenFlutter/fluwx Flutter版微信SDK.WeChat SDK for flutter. 3091 2024-09-24
30 bdlukaa/fluent_ui Implements Microsoft's WinUI3 in Flutter. 2926 2024-10-09
31 jiangtian616/JHenTai A cross-platform manga app made for e-hentai & exhentai by Flutter 2831 2024-10-11
32 3003h/Eros-FE An e-hentai/exhentai app make on flutter 2785 2024-08-25
33 wuba/Fair A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically. Fair提供一整套Flutter动态化解决方案 2612 2024-10-11
34 singerdmx/flutter-quill Rich text editor for Flutter 2546 2024-10-06
35 fluttercandies/wechat_flutter wechat_flutter is Flutter version WeChat, an excellent Flutter instant messaging IM open source library! 2505 2024-09-05
36 mobxjs/mobx.dart MobX for the Dart language. Hassle-free, reactive state-management for your Dart and Flutter apps. 2394 2024-09-21
37 xiaoyaocz/flutter_dmzj 动漫之家第三方Flutter客户端 2186 2024-09-29
38 saber-notes/saber The cross-platform open-source app built for handwriting 2123 2024-10-06
39 mpflutter/mpflutter MPFlutter 是一个跨平台 Flutter 开发框架,可用于微信小程序以及 Web 应用开发。 1933 2024-10-08
40 rrousselGit/freezed Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features. 1920 2024-10-09
41 fluttercandies/extended_image A powerful official extension library of image, which support placeholder(loading)/ failed state, cache network, zoom pan image, photo view, slide out page, editor(crop,rotate,flip), paint custom etc. 1911 2024-10-10
42 bostrot/wsl2-distro-manager A GUI to quickly manage your WSL2 instances 1884 2024-06-24
43 Xmarmalade/alisthelper Alist Helper is an application developed using Flutter, designed to simplify the use of the desktop version of alist. It can manage alist, allowing you to easily start and stop the alist program. 1787 2024-08-13
44 befovy/fijkplayer ijkplayer for flutter. ijkplayer 的 flutter 封装。 Flutter video/audio player. Flutter media player plugin for android/iOS based on ijkplayer. fijkplayer 是基于 ijkplayer 封装的 flutter 媒体播放器,开箱即用,无需编译 ijkplay ... 1638 2024-08-18
45 boyan01/flutter-tetris a tetris game powered by flutter. 使用flutter开发俄罗斯方块。 1603 2024-08-25
46 pd4d10/git-touch An open-source app for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Gitea, and Gitee(码云), built with Flutter 1566 2024-07-28
47 mjl0602/flutter_tiktok Flutter tiktok short video app. 1507 2024-05-15
48 fluttercandies/flutter_wechat_assets_picker An image picker (also with video and audio) for Flutter projects based on the WeChat's UI. 1502 2024-10-10
49 canxin121/app_rhyme 使用Flutter和Rust构建的开源免费音乐软件 1487 2024-10-06
50 lijy91/biyi Biyi (比译) is a convenient translation and dictionary app written in Flutter. 1324 2024-09-25
51 nslogx/flutter_easyloading ✨A clean and lightweight loading/toast widget for Flutter, easy to use without context, support iOS、Android and Web 1252 2024-05-26
52 jing332/AListFlutter AList 安卓版本,APK安装即用,无需Root或Termux。 1206 2024-10-11
53 marchellodev/sharik Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot 1159 2024-07-30
54 niuhuan/daisy 美观易用且无广告的漫画和轻小说客户端, 同时支持MacOS,Windows,Android,iOS。类似动漫之家。 1138 2024-09-30
55 fluttercandies/flutter_smart_dialog An elegant Flutter Dialog solution 一种更优雅的 Flutter Dialog 解决方案 1115 2024-10-06
56 2697a/bujuan Flutter移动端+桌面端三方网易云播放器 1114 2024-08-14
57 media-kit/media-kit A cross-platform video player & audio player for Flutter & Dart. 1106 2024-09-29
58 LeetaoGoooo/RSSAid RSSAid is a complementary app for RSSHub built with Flutter RSSAid 是一个由 Flutter 构建的 RSSHub 的辅助 App 1043 2024-10-11
59 Predidit/oneAnime 一款简洁清爽无广告的看番软件。 一款带弹幕的 anime1 第三方客户端,界面符合 Material You 规范。 1035 2024-10-03
60 fregie/pho A serverless application for viewing and synchronizing photos to cloud storage 998 2024-04-20
61 iotjin/jh_flutter_demo flutter项目- 实现一些常用效果、封装通用组件和工具类 932 2024-09-14
62 iota9star/mikan_flutter Flutter 驱动的三方 蜜柑计划( APP,🚧 开发中... 859 2024-10-07
63 leanflutter/flutter_distributor An all-in-one Flutter application packaging and distribution tool, providing you with a one-stop solution to meet various distribution needs. 840 2024-09-02
64 hamaluik/timecop A time tracking app that respects your privacy and the gets the job done without being fancy. 825 2024-08-08
65 MMMzq/bot_toast A very easy-to-use flutter popup library. Including toast, loading, etc. 824 2024-05-29
66 jhomlala/catcher Flutter error catching & handling plugin. Handles and reports exceptions in your app! 785 2024-08-10
67 kangpeiqin/bilivideo_down A cross-platform(Win / MacOS) BiliBili Video downloader 一款基于 Flutter 开发的桌面端 B 站视频下载器 761 2024-10-11
68 rafaelsetragni/awesome_notifications A complete solution to create Local Notifications and Push Notifications, throught Firebase or another services, using Flutter. 756 2024-08-02
69 foxsofter/flutter_thrio flutter_thrio makes it easy and fast to add flutter to existing mobile applications, and provide a simple and consistent navigator APIs. 756 2024-07-30
70 AgoraIO-Extensions/Agora-Flutter-SDK Flutter plugin of Agora RTC SDK for Android/iOS/macOS/Windows 738 2024-10-11
71 Kuingsmile/PicHoro 一款手机端云存储平台/图床管理和文件上传/下载工具,支持直接管理Webdav,Alist,SSH/SFTP,云服务器,兼容S3 API的平台,腾讯COS,阿里OSS,七牛云,又拍云,兰空图床,Imgur,SM.MS和github 734 2024-07-19
72 nightmare-space/vscode_for_android Implementation of the VS Code editor natively on Android. 716 2024-08-31
73 share121/inter-knot 绳网 708 2024-10-03
74 guozhigq/flutter_v2ex 使用flutter开发的v2ex客户端,支持Android和iOS设备。在Android 12+机型上支持Material You取色 692 2024-10-03
75 fluttercandies/flutter_photo_manager A Flutter plugin that provides images, videos, and audio abstraction management APIs without interface integration, available on Android, iOS, macOS and OpenHarmony. 680 2024-10-02
76 fluttercandies/extended_text A powerful extended official text for Flutter, which supports Speical Text(Image,@somebody), Custom Background, Custom overFlow, Text Selection. 653 2024-09-06
77 cairuoyu/flutter_admin Flutter Admin: 一个基于 Flutter 的后台管理系统、开发模板。A backend management system and development template based on Flutter 643 2024-05-16
78 Ferry-200/coriander_player Windows端本地音乐播放器,使用Material You配色。Dart (Flutter) + Rust (lofty, windows-rs) + C (bass lib) 多语言项目。绝赞开发中。 633 2024-10-07
79 Realank/flutter_datetime_picker a date time picker in flutter 616 2024-08-05
80 lwlizhe/flutter_novel 仿追书神器,具有仿真、滑动和滚动翻页、字体大小、行高、背景、目录等功能的Flutter 阅读APP 612 2024-08-30
81 xdd666t/flutter_use some trick used by flutter Flutter使用的一些骚操作 604 2024-10-06
82 fluttercandies/extended_nested_scroll_view extended nested scroll view to fix following issues. 1.pinned sliver header issue 2.inner scrollables in tabview sync issue 3.pull to refresh is not work. without ScrollController in NestedScr ... 598 2024-06-24
83 fluttercandies/extended_text_field extended official text field to quickly build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc. 568 2024-08-27
84 larryaasen/upgrader A Flutter package for prompting users to upgrade when there is a newer version of the app in the store. 563 2024-09-24
85 Tencent/tdesign-flutter A Flutter UI components lib for TDesign. 558 2024-10-10
86 niuhuan/kobi 拷贝漫画客户端 551 2024-10-10
87 lyming99/wenznote 一款由 flutter 开发的笔记软件,支持电脑端和手机端。 526 2024-10-01
88 OpenFlutter/flutter_oktoast Toast library for Flutter. 507 2024-08-08
89 nightmare-space/adb_kit 使用 Flutter 开发的 ADB GUI 客户端 503 2024-10-09
90 fluttercandies/flutter_custom_calendar Flutter的一个日历控件 501 2024-06-24
91 reqable/re-editor Re-Editor is a powerful lightweight text and code editor widget. 496 2024-09-06
92 xlist-io/xlist An all-in-one Alist client. / 一款多功能 Alist 客户端。 492 2024-06-01
93 hackware1993/Flutter_ConstraintLayout A super powerful Stack, build flexible layouts with constraints. Similar to ConstraintLayout for Android and AutoLayout for iOS. But the code implementation is much more efficient, it has O(n) layout ... 484 2024-08-26
94 BFWXKJGS/AlistClient AList Client for iOS and Android. / 基于 AList api 开发的 Android 和 iOS 客户端 477 2024-07-26
95 AmosHuKe/Mood-Example 🐦 Flutter 3 心情记录 样例工程 - 国际化 i18n、uni 小程序、深色模式、多主题、本地数据管理、路由管理、状态管理、无障碍(Semantics)、异步 FFI、集成测试、图表统计、Excel 导入导出、游戏… 474 2024-09-24
96 fluttercandies/like_button Like Button is a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation effects similar to Twitter's heart when you like something and animation effects to increase like count. 467 2024-06-24
97 slang-i18n/slang Type-safe i18n for Dart and Flutter 459 2024-10-06
98 xieyezi/flutter-shopping-AiRi A shopping App developed based on Flutter, covering common features of shopping apps. 433 2024-08-01
99 fluttercandies/flutter_scrollview_observer A widget for observing data related to the child widgets being displayed in a ScrollView. Maintainer: @LinXunFeng 430 2024-09-26
100 gvenusleo/MeRead A RSS reader built with Flutter and designed with Material You. 简洁、易用的 RSS 阅读器,使用 Flutter 构建和 Material You 设计 425 2024-09-27
101 doraemonkeys/WindSend Quickly and securely sync clipboard, transfer files and directories between devices. 快速安全的同步剪切板,传输文件或文件夹 423 2024-10-04
102 ChatBot-All/chatbot-app "ChatBot" mobile private ChatGPT application, supporting GPT, Gemini Pro & Ollama models. 拥有自己的移动端 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。 409 2024-05-28
103 leetomlee123/book 笔趣阁源基于flutter的小说阅读app 405 2024-09-26
104 flutterchina/cookie_jar A cookie manager for http requests in Dart, by which you can deal with the complex cookie policy and persist cookies easily. 399 2024-07-08
105 project-violet/violet Monorepo for Project Violet 395 2024-10-11
106 TinoGuo/pin_input_text_field A textField widget to help display different style pin 385 2024-09-01
107 fluttercandies/flutter_wechat_camera_picker A camera picker (take photos and videos) for Flutter projects based on WeChat's UI. It's a standalone module of wechat_assets_picker yet it can be run separately. 367 2024-10-04
108 openimsdk/open-im-sdk-flutter IM SDK Flutter 364 2024-10-09
109 flutter-thrio/flutter_thrio flutter_thrio makes it easy and fast to add flutter to existing mobile applications, and provide a simple and consistent navigator APIs. 363 2024-09-05
110 fluttercandies/JsonToDart The tool to convert json to dart code, support Windows,Mac,Web. 356 2024-09-10
111 chaldea-center/chaldea Chaldea - Yet Another Material Planner and Battle Simulator for Fate/Grand Order aka FGO 349 2024-10-01
112 tec8297729/flutter_flexible flutter脚手架,让你更专注UI层 348 2024-09-25
113 luckysmg/flutter_swipe_action_cell A flutter UI package provides a cell widget that has leading and trailing swipe action menu. 345 2024-10-03
114 KevinZhang19870314/flutter_getx_boilerplate A flutter boilerplate project with GetX state management. 317 2024-09-27
115 asjqkkkk/markdown_widget 📖Rendering markdown by flutter!Welcome for pr and issue. 317 2024-09-19
116 JonasWanke/timetable 📅 Customizable flutter calendar widget including day and week views 311 2024-10-08
117 gstory0404/flutter_unionad 字节跳动 穿山甲广告SDK Bytedance-UnionAD flutter版本插件 309 2024-09-20
118 niuhuan/pansy A illustration client. 294 2024-08-21
119 zetaloop/keyviz Keyviz 是一个免费开源的按键可视化工具,汉化版。Keyviz Chinese l10n fork. 279 2024-10-08
120 hui-z/image_gallery_saver flutter中用于保存图片到相册的Plugin 273 2024-08-16
121 softfatgay/flutter-netease 深度还原网易严选webApp,Flutter项目,接口为真实数据。项目已完善 261 2024-09-19
122 yaoxieyoulei/my_tv 使用Flutter开发的电视直播软件 255 2024-04-21
123 easemob/im_flutter_sdk 环信im flutter sdk, example中包含ui代码. 237 2024-10-11
124 flutter-ui-challenges/flutter_challenge_googlemaps Use Flutter💪 to implement the UI challenge of Google Maps on uplabs. (You can join us by implementing one of them) 使用Flutter实现uplabs上Google Maps的UI挑战 233 2024-08-01
125 DanXi-Dev/DanXi [Windows / Mac / Linux / Android / iOS] Maybe the best all-rounded service app for Fudan University students. 可能是复旦学生最好的第三方校园服务APP。 229 2024-09-29
126 zsakvo/wenku8x 基于 Flutter 构建的第三方轻小说文库客户端 217 2024-09-14
127 TinoGuo/loading_indicator 🚅Flutter out-of-the-box collection animations written in pure dart. 208 2024-09-01
128 Wolfteam/Shiori The app you need for Genshin Impact 188 2024-09-28
129 fluttercandies/pull_to_refresh_notification Flutter plugin for building pull to refresh effects with PullToRefreshNotification and PullToRefreshContainer quickly. 187 2024-06-24
130 xxNull-lsk/Copybook 生成拼音、汉字、汉字字帖,支持笔顺 182 2024-08-14
131 gabrielpacheco23/google-translator Free Google Translator for Dart 170 2024-06-20
132 jiusanzhou/flutter_floatwing A Flutter plugin that makes it easier to make floating/overlay window for Android with pure Flutter. 一个可以用纯粹的Flutter来开发Android浮动窗口的插件。 169 2024-04-26
133 aiyakuaile/easy_tv_live Easy TV Live App, a lightweight IPTV player, supports all platforms and Android TV big screens. Welcome to download and experience! 极简电视直播App,一款轻量级IPTV播放器,支持全平台以及安卓电视大屏欢迎下载体验! 164 2024-10-08
134 6tail/lunar-flutter 日历、公历(阳历)、农历(阴历、老黄历)、道历、佛历,支持节假日、星座、儒略日、干支、生肖、节气、节日、彭祖百忌、每日宜忌、吉神宜趋凶煞宜忌、吉神(喜神/福神/财神/阳贵神/阴贵神)方位、胎神方位、冲煞、纳音、星宿、八字、五行、十神、建除十二值星、青龙名堂等十二神、黄道黑道日及吉凶等。lunar is a calendar library for Solar and Chinese Lunar. 152 2024-04-29
135 HQAnime/AnimeOne anime1的非官方APP 149 2024-05-21
136 Celechron/Celechron 服务于浙大学生的时间管理器 148 2024-09-25
137 wuyuanwuhui99/flutter-movie-app-ui 基于flutter开发的混合电影和音乐music app,主页有更多其他语言的版本,后端采用springboot+mybatis+mysql开发,包括底部tab导航,,首页,电影,电视剧,我的,搜索页,分类页,电影详情页,播放页,登录,注册,浏览记录,播放记录,收藏,缓存,电影排行榜等页面和模块,功能齐全完善,所有数据来自python爬虫程序,抓取k酷狗、爱奇艺和第三方电影网站实时电影数据,每周更 ... 146 2024-09-10
138 ExpTechTW/DPIP Disaster Prevention Information Platform (防災資訊平台) 145 2024-10-09
139 fluttercandies/flutter_tilt 👀 Easily apply tilt parallax hover effects for Flutter, which supports tilt, light, shadow effects, and gyroscope sensors 为 Flutter 轻松创建倾斜视差悬停效果,支持倾斜、光照、阴影效果和陀螺仪传感器 145 2024-09-06
140 ekibun/flutter_qjs A quickjs engine for flutter. 145 2024-06-26
141 gfaraday/g_faraday A plugin for building hybrid stack apps with flutter 142 2024-08-27
142 GetuiLaboratory/getui-flutter-plugin 个推官方提供的推送SDK Flutter 插件(支持 Android & iOS) 142 2024-10-10
143 coder-dongjiayi/MXLogger MXLogger 是基于mmap内存映射机制的跨平台日志库,支持AES CFB 128位加密,支持iOS Android Flutter。核心代码使用C/C++实现, Flutter端通过ffi调用,性能几乎与原生一致。 底层序列化使用Google开源的flat_buffers实现,高效稳定。 140 2024-07-15
144 waifu-project/movie - 139 2024-07-14
145 mdddj/flutter_simple_shop 开源淘宝客 129 2024-10-10
146 doaspx/flutter_stock 股票软件 一个flutter 实现 股票软件 炒股软件 包含的功能有 分时线,K线,筹码分布等, 5档行情,成交量,KDJ,MACD ,普通坐标,对数坐标, 叠加功能;添加二级指标功能 126 2024-05-17
147 Montaro2017/bili_novel_packer 轻小说打包器,采集哔哩轻小说网站内容,打包成EPUB格式,支持封面、插图、目录,支持分卷合并。 124 2024-10-10
148 LuckyLi706/flutter_mobile_command_tools flutter写的桌面可视化操作android和ios的简单命令 117 2024-09-08
149 JakePrim/Radar-Flutter Flutter cross-platform basic framework 117 2024-08-21
150 liyufengrex/flutter_printer_plus flutter 端 【小票、标签】打印插件(无厂家SDK嵌入),支持传输方式:usb连接(Android、Windows)、网络连接(各平台兼容),直接将 flutter widget 转图像数据进行打印。 114 2024-08-13
151 sunyongsheng/Allpass Allpass是一款简洁的私密信息管理工具,包括密码管理与卡片信息管理,支持指纹解锁软件、csv导入导出、从Chrome中导入、从剪贴板中导入、文件夹与标签功能、收藏与备注功能、密码生成器、WebDAV同步等功能,采用Flutter构建 106 2024-09-23
152 Enough-Software/enough_mail IMAP, POP3 and SMTP clients for Dart developers. Contains both low level as well as a high level API. 104 2024-07-13
153 cdnbye/flutter-p2p-engine Let your viewers become your unlimitedly scalable CDN. 104 2024-09-14
154 yhsj0919/music_api 音乐api,myfreemp3,bd,kg,kw,mg,qq,wy,一网打尽 103 2024-08-31
155 fluttercandies/nav_router flutter The lightest, easiest and most convenient route management! 103 2024-06-24
156 GuoguoDad/jd_mall_flutter 🔥🔥高仿某东商城flutter版本,持续更新... 同款Android Kotlin版本( 97 2024-09-10
157 finogeeks/finclip-flutter-demo FinClip Flutter 运行环境,让小程序在 Flutter 应用中无缝运行 / Flutter DEMO for FinClip 96 2024-08-20
158 seasonZhu/GetXStudy 使用GetX,重构了Flutter wanandroid客户端 93 2024-06-13
159 finogeeks/mop-flutter-sdk FinClip 小程序 Flutter SDK 插件,用于在 Flutter 应用中运行小程序 / Flutter SDK for FinClip 92 2024-09-20
160 nano71/GlutAssistantN 桂林理工大学-空港校区(分校)-桂工助手N 90 2024-10-10
161 fluttercandies/flutter_asset_generator Generate an R file for mapping all assets. Supports preview of image. 87 2024-06-24
162 chill-chinese/stroke-order-animator Stroke order animations and quizzes for Chinese characters in Flutter. 86 2024-09-02
163 fluttercandies/stack_board 层叠控件摆放 85 2024-07-16
164 iHTCboy/iPomodoro-Flutter iPomodoro(爱番茄)。🍅 番茄工作法是一种时间管理法方法,在上世纪八十年代由Francesco Cirillo创立。 该方法使用一个定时器来分割出一个一般为25分钟的工作时间和5分钟的休息时间,而那些时间段被称为pomodori,为意大利语单词pomodoro之复数。 85 2024-08-25
165 ozyl/flutter_lyric 用于展示歌词的flutter小部件 82 2024-07-02
166 fluttercandies/left-scroll-actions Flutter的左滑删除组件 82 2024-09-19
167 linyi102/anime_trace 漫迹:动漫清单软件,记录动漫计划和观看历史 80 2024-10-07
168 Soneso/stellar_flutter_sdk Stellar SDK for flutter - dart, Stellar, Horizon, Soneso 78 2024-10-05
169 easybangumiorg/EasyMyGo 吃素食吃的!MyGo!!!!! 团队使用 Flutter 开发的多源动画、小说、漫画软件!这个工程师太卖力了! 77 2024-08-29
170 Predidit/BiliNeo 又一个第三方 Bilibili 客户端,支持 Android/Windows/Linux 77 2024-05-23
171 Tencent-RTC/TRTC_Flutter High-quality Interactive Audio/Video Flutter SDK 75 2024-07-16
172 swiftdo/web-demo Responsive web app powered by Flutter + Appwrite, also support macOS 73 2024-09-23
173 chicring/Themby flutter构建的第三方emby播放器 71 2024-09-13
174 GalenBlabla/Hiddify-with-V2board 修改hiddify 使其成为v2board(xboard)面板的客户端(Modify Hiddify to make it a client for the V2Board(xboard) panel.) 68 2024-10-11
175 xusun0623/river_lite 河畔Lite是电子科技大学官方校园论坛【清水河畔】的第三方客户端,本Repo为此项目的开源代码仓库。此App轻量、简洁、设计优雅,拥有诸多特性和功能。 作者:[email protected] 66 2024-09-29
176 CaiJingLong/dart_image_size_getter Use dart file api to get image size, needn't use decode. just read the metadata. 66 2024-10-08
177 febryardiansyah/manga_mint An Online Manga Reader Application Bahasa Indonesia 64 2024-08-10
178 LunaGao/flag_flutter flag icons 63 2024-04-15
179 huhx/flutter_oss_aliyun 阿里云oss sdk的flutter版本 61 2024-04-24
180 TencentCloud/TPNS-Flutter-Plugin - 61 2024-09-09
181 kfiross/flutter_holo_date_picker A Flutter package of datepicker like Holo Theme in Android 61 2024-09-22
182 evan361425/flutter-pos-system An open-source Flutter POS system designed for small restaurants and businesses. 60 2024-10-08
183 jarontai/html2md A library for converting HTML to Markdown in Dart. It supports CommonMark, simple table and custom converting rules. 将html转换为markdown的Dart库,支持CommonMark、简单表格以及自定义转换规则。 57 2024-05-29
184 kerrinz/pixiv-artvier A third-party app for pixiv. 一个第三方pixiv App。还在开发中... 56 2024-10-10
185 imboy-pub/imboy-flutter 使用erlang做后端、flutter做前端开发的一款开源的即时聊天解决方案(基于erlang/otp的高性能web框架 cowboy 做后端服务,用 "8核16G 主机(100万PPS)"压测,保持100万+TCP稳定在线90分钟以上) 支持基于webrtc 一对一视频通话功能 56 2024-09-21
186 sskEvan/joke_fun_flutter flutter仿段子乐app 55 2024-08-02
187 hrxiang/flutter_openim_widget - 55 2024-05-16
188 itning/yunshu_music 使用flutter构建的音乐播放器 55 2024-08-04
189 Muska-Ami/NyaLCF NyaLCF - Nya LoCyanFrp! Launcher 乐青映射启动器 54 2024-10-03
190 NKUST-ITC/NKUST-AP-Flutter 高科校務通 made by Flutter 53 2024-09-24
191 happyme531/a5btool Rock5B/RK3588工具箱 52 2024-05-16
192 zegoim/zego-express-flutter-sdk 🚀 ZEGO RTC SDK for Flutter 52 2024-07-31
193 Robert-Stackflow/CloudOTP This is an awesome two-factor authenticator based on Flutter for Android and Windows which supports cloud backup.基于 Flutter 的双因素验证器,支持Android和Windows平台,支持云备份。 51 2024-10-11
194 roomanl/famd flutter aria2 m3u8 downloader,使用flutter+aria2+m3u8开发的一个M3U8下载器。 51 2024-09-27
195 realth000/tsdm_client 天使动漫论坛第三方跨平台客户端 51 2024-10-11
196 fluttercandies/fconsole 一个用于调试的面板 50 2024-06-24
197 gstory0404/flutter_tencentad 腾讯优量汇(广点通)广告 Flutter版本 49 2024-09-06
198 VariantConst/Marchkov-Helper 新燕园人的私人班车助手(非官方)。 48 2024-10-03
199 ifredom/flutter-template-perfect 这是一个商用级MVVM模板。This is a commercial grade MVVM template. 48 2024-06-14
200 gstory0404/GTAds Flutter聚合广告插件GTAds,支持自定义广告插入,支持按需动态集成多个广告,目前支持字节穿山甲、百度百青藤、腾讯优量汇、sigmob、快手 45 2024-09-20

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