azure-secure-networking-for-devs TODOs | LICENSE | CONTRIBUTING | HISTORY Tutorial Head to the tutorial. Additional Resources Vulnerabilities Known Vulnerabilities Networking CIDR to IP v4 Conversion Microsoft Defender What is Microsoft Defender for Cloud? Azure Useful CLI commands az Naming Conventions Abbreviation recommendations for Azure resources Naming rules and restrictions for Azure resources Application Gateway What is Azure Application Gateway? Bastion What is Azure Bastion? Quickstart: Deploy Azure Bastion automatically - Basic SKU DDoS Protection What is Azure DDoS Protection? Firewall What is Azure Firewall? Choose the right Azure Firewall version to meet your needs Front Door What is Azure Front Door? Hub-spoke Hub-spoke network topology in Azure Load Balancer What is Azure Load Balancer? Private Private Link What is Azure Private Link? Azure Private Link pricing Private DNS zone What is an Azure Private DNS zone? Private Endpoint What is a private endpoint? Azure Private Endpoint private DNS zone values Security Groups [A]pplication [S]ecurity [G]roups Application security groups) [N]etwork [S]ecurity [G]roups Network security groups Traffic Manager What is Azure Traffic Manager? Virtual [VNet]work What is Azure Virtual Network? Quickstart: Use the Azure portal to create a virtual network Azure Virtual Network concepts and best practices [VNet] Peering Virtual network peering [VNet] Link What is a virtual network link? [VNet] Routing Virtual network traffic routing Create, change, or delete a route table [VNet] Subnet Add, change, or delete a virtual network subnet [W]eb [A]pplication [F]irewall What is Azure Web Application Firewall? Principles [Y]ou [A]ren't [G]onna [N]eed [I]t Zero Trust