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Developement rules technical

Wojciech Sciesinski edited this page Nov 15, 2017 · 13 revisions

General rules

  • any new feature requires tests for itself
  • any new publicly exposed (exported) function need to have comment based help fulfilled
  • any file needs to end with an empty line
  • no trailing space in any lines
  • for indentation please use spaces, not tabs
  • use Pester v4 notation for assertions e.g. 1 | Should -Be 1 not 1 | Should Be 1
  • avoid using aliases - specially ?,% and other "one letters"
  • before push code to the Pester GitHub repository run tests for Pester code

PowerShell Core compatibility rules

Due that Pester is now supported (since v. 4.1.0) also on PowerShell Core 6.x is now available for operating system different than Windows, please

  • use [System.Environment]::NewLine instead of `n, \n, `r, \r or combination of them
  • remember that the EOL (end of a line) chars in files added to the Pester repository will be converted to Windows style automatically by git - it's configured by attributes set in .gitattributes so you can see something like
PS <FOLDER_PATH>/Pester> git add .
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in Examples/Calculator/Add-Numbers.Tests.ps1.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
  • remember that if you would like to add any binary file e.g. graphic file to the Pester repository you need to align settings in the .gitatributes file
  • use Join-Path or String constructors containing [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar instead of direct use of \
  • remember that in some cases references in the code are case sensitive e.g. in paths PowerShell on Linux and macOS (?)

Working on non-Windows systems - remarks

If you share your local repository folder between Windows and Linux (e.g. by mounting/sharing it to a virtual machine) please set in the repository settings filemode = false - it needs to be done in the file .git\config. If you don't do it permissions on files will be changed what cause that files will be recognized by Git as modified.

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