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Running Trustroots locally

These instructions are for installing locally. If you'd like to have containerised setup, see instead.


Make sure you have installed all these prerequisites:

  • Unix operating system, like Linux or MacOS. If you use Windows, please look into installing via Docker instead.
  • Git (git --version, preinstalled on MacOS)
  • Node.js version 8 or 10 and the NPM v5+ (node --version && npm --version). We recommend managing Node.js versions using NVM.
  • MongoDB v3.6 - 4.0. (mongod --version).
  • Some of the NPM modules require compiling native code, which might require installing X-Code's Command line tools on MacOS or build-essential and make on Linux. On MacOS you can install or confirm they're installed by running xcode-select --install
  • GraphicsMagick. In MacOS, you can simply use Homebrew to install it:
    brew install graphicsmagick


1. Clone the repository:

git clone
cd trustroots

2. Make sure MongoDB is running on the default port (27017):


Optional: If you need to modify connection settings, see config/env/local.js config file.

3. Start the app:

npm start

🎉 Open localhost:3000 in your browser.

Good to know

  • Run the app by typing npm start
  • Stop the app by hitting Ctrl+C
  • To skip checking Bower modules on start (useful if you're offline), type npm run start:skipBower
  • When you change any file, they get recompiled and the browser is refreshed.
  • Keep an eye on console in case of compiling errors.
  • Read more
  • You can start clean by running npm run distclean && npm run dropdb

Modifying configurations

Add any configurations you want to keep out of version control to config/env/local.js file. It's created for you on first start and overrides anything in config/env/local.js

Running services


MailDev is there for viewing and testing emails during development

MailDev will be running at localhost:1080


Agendash is a dashboard & inspector for Agenda, our job scheduling library.

Agendash (background job dashboard) at localhost:1081.


The standard node inspector runs on each start for the main app (port 5858) and the worker (port 5859).

To debug using Chrome:

  1. Run 'npm start'
  2. Open chrome://inspect/#devices. Note the "Remote Target" list should be empty to start
  3. Press "Open dedicated DevTools for Node"
  4. Press "Add connection" and add both localhost:5858 and localhost:5859
  5. They will now appear in "Remote Target" list
  6. Press 'inspect' on whichever process you want to debug
  7. You should now have console/profiler etc available.

More information can be found in the NodeJS debug documentation.

Running tests

  • npm test (both client & server)
  • npm run test:client
  • npm run test:client:watch (run + watch for changes)
  • npm run test:server
  • npm run test:server:watch (run + watch for changes)

To lint files, run npm run lint

Mock data

There's a script that can generate mock user data. It's highly recommended you run this script after installation, that way you'll have something to look at.

  1. Run node scripts/fillTestData.js 1000 adminusername — that will create 1000 users and hosting offers. adminusername is optional (a-z0-9) and will create an admin user.
  2. It can take up to 5 minutes. Mongoose might complain about duplicates — just ignore these errors.
  3. To see the result, log in with your chosen username and password password123.

Clean database

To drop your database, run:

npm run dropdb

Enable FCM push notifications (optional)

  1. Create FCM account

  2. Go to FCM console and create a new project

  3. Open the project and hit small gear next to "Overview" at the sidebar so that you get to "project settings" page

  4. Choose choose "Cloud messaging" tab, copy "Sender ID" number

  5. Choose choose "Service accounts" tab

  6. Either "create new service account" via "Manage all service accounts" link or choose existing one from the list (for development "Firebase Admin SDK" account is fine)

  7. "Generate new private key" button

  8. Choose "json" format and you'll get a file to download

  9. Add contents from that file to your ./config/env/local.js:

    fcm: {
      serviceAccount: PASTE_YOUR_JSON_CONFIG_HERE
  10. To stop eslint complaining, you might need to convert double quotes to single quotes. ("')

Enable collecting statistics to InfluxDB (optional)

  1. Install InfluxDB v1.0+ and run it (type influxd)

  2. Add InfluxDB configuration to your ./config/env/local.js:

    influxdb: {
      enabled: true,
      options: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 8086, // default 8086
        protocol: 'http', // default 'http'
        // username: '',
        // password: '',
        database: 'trustroots'
  3. You can observe data through InfluxDB admin panel: localhost:8083 or optionally install Grafana and connect it to InfluxDB.

  4. Read more about the collected data and metrics

Use ImageMagick instead of GraphicsMagick

If you prefer ImageMagick over GraphicsMagick:

  1. In MacOS, you can simply use Homebrew to install it:

    brew install imagemagick
  2. Change imageProcessor setting from ./configs/env/local.js to imagemagic.


Run these to get most recent version:

$ git pull            # Get the latest code for the current branch
$ npm update          # Update NPM
$ npm run migrate     # Migrate database up

...or simply ./scripts/ which does this all for you.
