diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a171654..e4b104b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Under those headers, you can use a list of actions to specify custom behaviours.
| **`toast`** | Flashes a message for a few seconds giving some information to the user. |
| **`update`** | Sets new values to the item's fields in Todoist.
This is a list which allows all Todoist field types: `content`, `description`, `priority`, `collapsed`, `assigned_by_uid`, `responsible_uid`, `day_order`
You can use variables here. One of the variables can be `%input%` which will cause the user to be prompted for the value. use `prompt_texts` to control the dialog box displayed. |
| **`prompt_texts`** | Not really an action, but you can use this to set a couple of strings to be used in other actions.
Use two strings separated by the `\|` character. The first will be the dialog box title, the second will be the default value presented in the input box. The variable `%content%` will be useful here to show the current value.
So, for example, `"Insert new name:\|%content%"` will set the prompt for an update action that references `%input%` , asking the user to give a new name, showing the current name in the input box, so it can be easily edited. |
-| **`automation`** | Runs the specified automation in Home Assistant. This is very powerful! It is the action that contains a thousand possibilities! 🚀
And this is what makes the PowerTodoist card really a Home Assistant thing - not just an interface to your Todoist. |
+| **`service`** | Calls the specified service in Home Assistant. This is very powerful, you can use it to trigger automations and scripts! It is the action that contains a thousand possibilities! 🚀
And this is what makes the PowerTodoist card really a Home Assistant thing - not just an interface to your Todoist.
Examples: `service: automation.notify_me` or `service: script.do_it_all` |
| **`label`** | Here `label` is a verb! You use this action to label the current item as you prefer.
Use a list of label names. If you prefix a label name with a `!` that label will be removed, instead of added. Use `!*` to clear all labels, `!_` to clear all labels starting with underscore, `!!` to clear all labels except those starting with underscore. |
| **`add`** | A list of texts that will be sent as **Quick Add** to Todoist. More details about the syntax [below](#adding_tasks_from_automation). Remember to specify Project, section and labels, as necessary to match your filters and ensure the new item is visible where you want it. |
| **`allow`** | A list of user names that will be allowed to execute all the actions in the handling of the current event. To allow everyone, simply don't use this option. |