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Max Howell edited this page Jun 11, 2023 · 24 revisions

A package is a release of an open source package, built into binaries for the platforms tea supports.

Getting started

Firstly clone the pantry

git clone
cd pantry

Now you need to create a new package.yml in the ./projects directory, we have a helper:

$ pkg init
# ^^ creates a new “wip” package

# or…

$ pkg init
# ^^ creates ./projects/

We name packages after their homepages. If the project has no homepage we name it after their Add subdirectories if you need namespacing, eg.

Firstly we need to create a new package.yml entry in your local clone of the pantry.

Editing your pkg

pkg edit

Opens up the package.yml for what you are working on in your $EDITOR.

Here is a simple example package.yml:

  strip-components: 1

  - 1.0.0

  script: |
    touch "{{prefix}}"/example
  # ^^ this script must install something to `{{prefix}}` or the build will be failed!

  script: |
    ls -l

Building your pkg

pkg build

If your package grabs version information from GitHub you’ll need a PAT. Either ensure GITHUB_TOKEN is set in your environment or gh auth login first.

  • Downloads the distributable to ./srcs
  • Builds the srcs to ./builds
    • Builds run via a script called
    • Successive runs of pkg build do not clean first!†
  • You can use docker to run the build on Linux with pkg -L build

† We do this because it usually makes the successive builds faster and it makes debugging builds easier.

Troubleshooting the build

  • Usually it's easiest to just edit the package.yml and re-run pkg build
  • However you can step into the ./builds/ and:
    • edit and run it yourself
    • try out build commands yourself, eg. ./configure --help

TIP: If you need to create the env of the pkg then step into the build directory, edit the build script and remove everything but the export commands, then source it (source

Testing your pkg

Our CI/CD infra requires a test YAML node. This script should thoroughly verify all the functionality of the package is working. You can run the test with:

pkg test


Push and create a pull request.

Our CI/CD will build and test on all platforms we support.

We prefer you make the package work on all platforms but if it doesn’t we’ll merge whatever works. Someone else can make it work when they want that platform.

We require all packages be relocatable. Our CI will verify this for you. You can check locally by moving the installation from ~/.tea to another tea installation (eg. ~/scratch/tea§ and running the test again.

§ TEA_PREFIX=~/scratch/tea sh <(curl

After Your Contribution

We build “bottles” (tar’d binaries) and upload them to both our centralized bottle storage and decentralized [IPFS].

tea automatically builds new releases of packages as soon as they are released (usually starting the builds within seconds). There is no need to submit PRs for updates.



^^ Guides for specific build tools and scenarios


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