Releases: plone/mockup
Release 5.0.0-beta.3
5.0.0-beta.3 (2022-11-23)
Release 5.0.0-beta.2
Release 5.0.0-beta.1
5.0.0-beta.1 (2022-11-18)
Bug Fixes
Build: Temporarily disable linting as long we're in prerelease mode. (8387ebf)
Build: Temporarily disable linting/testing as long we're in prerelease mode. (b740390)
Build: Use single-colon target for check to overwrite the original from @patternslib/dev. (316a9eb)
Release 5.0.0-beta.0
5.0.0-beta.0 (2022-11-18)
Release 5.0.0-alpha.27
5.0.0-alpha.27 (2022-11-17)
Bug Fixes
pat tinymce: remove picture-variants defaults (47a9d6a)
set correct max-height for select2-results area (4152adc)
- Upgrade dependencies (cad4b9a)
Release 5.0.0-alpha.26
5.0.0-alpha.26 (2022-11-14)
Bug Fixes
- Build: Fix webpack cacheGroup optimization configuration. (df853db)
Release 5.0.0-alpha.25
5.0.0-alpha.25 (2022-11-07)
pat tinymce: Only import plugins that are actually enabled (85846e6)
Use webpack's
optimization for generating chunks (6209520)
Bug Fixes
core i18n: fix tests (65f0379)
pat markspeciallinks: fix tests (67e031d)
pat recurrence: Fix editing weekly weekdays. (5d288c7)
pat recurrence: Fix pagination of recurrence dates to not close overlay. (a011ba2)
Build: Update path to the webpack module federation config. (bfdaf25)
Build: Upgrade to @patternslib/patternslib 9.7.0-alpha.2 and @patternslib/dev to 3.0.0. (1fa9d49)
Do not use
for environment variables (63a33ff) -
pat modal: Fix tests. (aacd9fa)
pat toggle: Fix tests. (fd8f5ea)
pat-livesearch: Fix tests. (20e5876)
Tests: Extend the jest config from Patternslib which has important mocks in place. (aca56b9)
Tests: Remove unneeded test setup which comes already from @patternslib/patternslib. (accf632)
Tests: Rename to setup-tests for consistency with Patternslib. (a7d65ad)
Upgrade dependencies. (796804a)
Upgrade Patternslib to 9.7.0-alpha.5. (4866f30)
Release 5.0.0-alpha.24
5.0.0-alpha.24 (2022-10-03)
- pat-tinymce: add table header by default (c6e27bb)
Bug Fixes
pat-tinymce: fix inserttable button tooltip (663b7f5)
pat-tinymce: Translate inserttable button tooltip. (9878245)
- Build: Update Bootstrap 5.2.2 (54c731f)
Release 5.0.0-alpha.23
5.0.0-alpha.23 (2022-10-03)
Bug Fixes
Docs: Fix eleventy documentation to include correct Prism theme. (8394c6f)
pat relateditems: call .stopPropagation on events for breadcrumbs links. Fixes: gh-1221 (3cdca38)
Build: Unlink all eventually linked @Patternslib dependencies before building bundles. (4501e3c)
Build: Upgrade dependencies. (b2e3184)
Release 5.0.0-alpha.22
5.0.0-alpha.22 (2022-09-21)
Bug Fixes
pat relateditems: Fix initialization of ordering for pre-populated items. Fixes: #1205. (ae42f40)Co-authored-by: Johannes Raggam [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Maurits van Rees [email protected] -
pat select2: Fix initialization of ordering for pre-populated items. Fixes: #1205. (0ddcb5b)Co-authored-by: Johannes Raggam [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Maurits van Rees [email protected] -
pat-select2: load language files (b172397)
pat-tinymce: set the language in tiny options (ba6e749)
- Build: upgrade Bootstrap to 5.2.1 (73afbcc)