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Domain Specific Answer Extension for Conversational Chatbot

This repository contains the implementation of the various experiments and components of the Answer Extension module, which forms a part of a question and answering chatbot for an art exhibition by Louisa Clement, whose goal is to create an interactive experience for the audience that highlights the blurring of boundaries between real and artificial experiences.


As shown in Figures 1 and 2 below, there are three main components that contribute to the avatar’s chatbot functionality when an exhibition visitor interacts with the avatar. These three modules adapt and extend the functionalities of the pre-installed default chat- bot component of the avatar.

  1. The visitor’s question in speech form is processed by the Q-A Chatbot module into text; the visitor’s questions are matched to the question-answer pairs from a corpus provided by Louisa Clement

  2. In the Answer Extension module, a classifier determines the extendability of the matched answer; the generated answer extensions give more background information about the artist and her works.

  3. In the Voice Assimilation module, either the matched answer from (1) or an extended answer from (2) is passed to the text-to-speech component; a new voice model is trained on recordings of Louisa Clement’s voice and replaces the default voice of the chatbot.

Within the Answer Extension module, there are 2 steps: (1) a BERT-based classifier to determine whether an existing Q-A pair can be extended and (2) an Answer Extension module. The models we experimented with are tf-idf retrieval-based model, GPT-2, and T5 for paraphrasing the outputs from either the tf-idf or GPT-2 model for increased variability.

Project Pipeline

The integration of tasks within this art project predefines some of the main requirements to the Answer Extension module. In addition, the key challenges of NLG in close-domain conversational dialogue systems also apply to our module considerations. The key requirements of our Answer Extension module include:

  1. The extension should only contain factually correct information.
  2. The extension should be relevant to Louisa Clement and not contain details she cannot know or too personal details she is not likely to share.
  3. The extension should preserve Louisa Clement’s linguistic style.
  4. The extension should lend itself to natural and informal human communication.
  5. The extended answers to the same question should show sufficient variations and not be identically verbatim with repetitions.

Based on these requirements, we can formulate two general criteria extendable questions should fulfill: (1) the topics of the questions should be covered by the knowledge base to the task to en- sure the correctness and relevance of the content of the generated extension; (2) the question and answer should inherently allow for a longer answer. This is necessary to guarantee that the long answer sounds natural and fits into the conversation setting.


The corpora/datasets used in our project can be found in the /data directory. The source corpora for the Extension Corpus are in /emails and /interviews directories.

The outputs from the generator models are in the /results directory of each model in the/extension directory.


We trained a simple BERT-based classifier to determine if a Q-A pair is extenable. We use the annotated part of the question-answer dataset, which shuffled and randomly split into train and test set (90%/10%). The question-answer pairs are then encoded using Sentence-BERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) to be able to employ the embedded sentence meaning in the classification process.

As summarized in the figure below, the classifier itself consists of a two-layer neural network with sigmoid non-linearities. We use BCEloss; the classifier is trained for 100 epochs. The implementation of this module can be found in the /classifier directory.

The question-answer dataset is a small QA corpus consisting of 1000 questions and 1845 individual answers; 1120 of which are annotated for the purpose of training the classifier (see Table 1 below). The questions have been curated and answered by Louisa Clement as an addition to the chatbot’s default QA component. The corpus covers different questions a visitor might ask from a variety of topics: from interests and biographical data, to ‘stereo- typical chatbot questions’, to more detailed questions on the artist’s works and inspiration. In the pre-processing steps, the corpus is spell-checked and re-formatted as 1845 question-answer pairs. Some extendable and non-extendable QA pairs are provided in Table 2.


Answer Extension

To generate a possible answer extension, we experiment with two different approaches: a retrieval-based tf-idf model and a neural GPT-2 model. Both models take the question-answer pair as a prompt. The goal is to generate an answer extension to the extendable short answer that gives additional information to the question and preserves Louisa Clement’s style. To further explore the questions of variation and style-adaptation, we also experiment with a T5 model to paraphrase the extension.

As a baseline, we employ a retrieval-based tf-idf model (Salton and Buckley, 1988). This model retrieves a paragraph from the Extension Corpus that is consistent with a question and a short answer. We use the paragraphs from the Extension Corpus as a retrieval base; the model is limited to this corpus and does not generate new text.

Each paragraph in the Extension Corpus has been annotated with its main topic words that generalize the content of the paragraph. Often they are not expressed explicitly in the paragraph and are introduced by us based on our understanding of the paragraph. As shown in Table 3 below, the Extension Corpus is composed of three types of data provided to us by Louisa Clement:

  1. Professional emails written by Louisa Clement in which she describes the organization of exhibitions, exchanges ideas with other artists, describe her works, talks about her inspiration etc.
  2. Interviews, in which the artist describes the background of her work, as well as her development as an artist in her own words.
  3. A series of articles written by critics and journalists about the various works of Louisa Clement, where they place Louisa Clement’s work in the general historical and artistic context and analyze her work.

In the original form, this corpus contains 1596 sentences; 1156 from the emails, 330 from the articles, and 110 from the interviews.


Prior to pre-processing, we identify four main content topics covered by this corpus:

  • artwork/exhibition production and description
  • sociopolitical background/inspiration
  • artistic ideas/concepts
  • artistic formation and background

The implementation of the various models we experimented with is in the extension directory. The pre-processing steps perform the tasks listed in Table 3 above.

For our task, the GPT2LMHeadModel is fine-tuned on the Extension Corpus described above. The extension dataset is loaded as a datasets.Dataset object. After that we run GPT2Tokenizer on the Dataset object. The dataset is split into train, dev and testsets. Out of the 364 paragraphs in the extension dataset, 80 % data (292 paragraphs) is assigned to the train set, and 20 % are equally divided between dev and test sets (36 paragraphs each). We let the training run for 30 epochs, the final eval loss is 4.478, the perplexity is 88.0843.

Since one of our goals is to generate a varied answer extension similar to what a human would produce, we additionally apply the T5 model (Raffelet, 2019) fine-tuned for the question paraphras-ing task (Goutham, 2020) on a large-scale Quora question dataset (Iyer et al., 2017) that consists of over 149,000 samples. This task is linguistically quite similar to ours, since we also need to express the same meaning of question-style phrases with other words. Paraphrasing is especially relevant for the extensions retrieved with the tf-idf model, as these lack variations for repeated questions. We did not try out different target lengths for the paraphrase, however, this could be a viable tool to further adapt the functionality of the Answer Extension module.


As shown in the diagram below, our evaluation consists of 2 steps: automatic evaluation with BLEURT and human evaluation experiments.

First, we compare the tf-idf and GPT-2 extensions against our gold extensions using the BLEURT automatic evaluation metric. This step allows for a time-efficient and objective evaluation; BLEURT is also able to compare semantic similarity between phrases beyond surface similarities or lexical overlaps. Subsequently, we select the best-performing model and its paraphrased extensions for human evaluation.



BLEURT is a pre-trained regression based model based on BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) that takes as input two sentences: (1) a reference and (2) a candidate, and returns a score that indicates the extent to which the candidate sentence conveys the meaning of the reference (Sellam et al., 2020).

Higher scores suggest closer meanings and lower scores suggest otherwise. BLEURT scores are interpreted as a relative to a reference. Although the rating model can be further fine-tuned, the relative nature of the scoring allows the model to be used for comparing outputs of different generation models. implements an API to calculate the BLEURT score for each reference-candidate pair, the total and the average scores as well as the execution time. In order to run this script, first please follow the BLEURT module installation instructions in BLEURT GitHub Repository. More information about this evaluation metric can also be found there.

Results are saved in the auto_eval_scores directory. Filenames following this convention: auto_eval_<candidate filename>.

Human Evaluation

We solicited human evaluators to judge the quality of the extensions. To this end, we randomly select 30 question-answer pairs from the gold-extension corpus. We then select the best-scoring model from the automatic evaluation --- the tf-idf model --- and its paraphrased counterpart --- tf-idf + T5 --- as first and second condition, and generate extensions for the 30 samples. We also include our gold extensions as a third condition for comparison.

The extensions are shuffled and randomly distributed across three survey forms (A, B and C), such that each question- answer pair appears once per survey form and every form contains extensions from each of the three conditions. Evaluators, who are blinded from the sample selection process, are asked to judge the quality of the samples with respect to 4 different criteria (as described in Table 5 above), on a scale from 1-5; 5 being the ideal score and 1 the least desirable.

The script to randonly sample and shuffle the question-answer pairs for the human evaluation is The sample ID's for the survey forms A, B, C are in the /evaluation directory. The questions and shuffle answer extensions for the 3 forms (A, B, C) are in the /human_eval_files directory.



According to the BLEURT scores in Table 7 all models (tf-idf, tf-idf+T5, and GPT-2) score close to -1. Running gold against gold gives a relative optimal score of 0.82 for this task. tf-idf extensions have the highest scores (-0.99).

Human evaluators rate the gold extensions higher than our models. Grammaticality and fluency ratings are higher than coherence ratings, appropriateness is rated lowest. Figure 3 shows the correlation between criterion and score. Although human evaluators rate extensions from tf-idf and T5 model consistently lower across all criteria, the differences in mean rating scores for grammaticality, fluency, and coherence are not statistically significant. The only statistically significant difference is in the mean rating scores of the appropriateness criterion.

As demonstrated by some examples shown here in Table 8, we notice that the models show the following types of errors:

  • grammatical mistakes
  • misinterpretation of semantic meanings: semantic ambiguity leads to the wrong use of certain words
  • topic-inappropriateness: the extension does not cover the same topic as the original question and answer.

This is the case for all three models and is in accordance with the results from human evaluation.

Future Work

With more time for data annotation and model implementation, we are interested in exploring the following:

  • Incorporate knowledge graph into text generation (e.g. train GPT2 based on the KG)

  • Extend the classifier to perform topic classification

  • Further fine-tuning of the T5 model on Louisa’s corpus for more effective paraphrasing

Running the code

Below are steps we explored that may or may not have ended up in the final work of the project.


You can find information on how to run the classifier in the classifier README in the corresponding folder. Data needed to run the classifier can be found in the data directory.


Information on how to run the respective extension models can be found in the folders in extension.


You can find information on how to run our evaluation in the README in the corresponding folder.

Preliminary Experiments: Knowledge Graph About Luisa's Works

Naive approach to extract concepts for building the knowledge base from articles about Luisa's work.


After pre-processing, resultant corpus consists of 350 sentences.

Pre-processing Scripts

  • is used for preprocessing text for LDA Topic Modeling
  • is used for preprocessing text into sentences for KG generation


The following steps are implemented in and

  1. Manually pre-process into paragraphs that discuss the same topic
  2. Pre-process into 1 sentence per line, stripping symbols, but keep phrasing punctuation marks and casing
  3. Using SpaCy dependency parser, parse each sent for subj-obj entities using a series of rules
  4. Parse for relation, again using SpaCy Matcher; using ROOT and conj dep_ as predicates
  5. Allow multiple entities per sentence; cartesian product: subj, obj, relation to get maximum number of entity pairs
  6. Networkx generates a directed graph from these subj, obj, rel pairs

Entity and Relation Extraction

  1. Follows steps in this Building KG Tutorial
  2. Rules for entities and relation predicates are adapted to reflect characteristics of the sentences in our data after analysis


  1. saved visualization for top 10 edges
  2. all nodes and relations also saved to JSON format
  3. Graphs are stored in the /kb directory


  1. Each Node: subject(source) - object(target) - relation(edge)

Preliminary Experiments: Topic Modeling

Another approach to quickly grasp the prevalent concepts in the articles about Luisa's work is by using LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) for topic modeling.

Steps implements the LDA experiemnt. Data generated from the steps below are in /data directory.

  1. Follow slightly different pre-processing steps:
  2. Experimented with 5 and 10 topics; displaying 5 - 10 frequent words per topic
  3. Experimented with 10, 50, 100-500 iterations with alpha = [0.02, 0.05, 0,1] and beta = 0.1


  1. Coherent topics emerge after approx 100-200 iterations
  2. 5 topics and 10 frequent words seem to be a good balance between getting enough content words and homogeneity
  3. Data is too small to rely only on this for knowledge base generation, but ok for initial analysis

Preprocessing for Style Adaptation removes punctuations and re-format foreign punctuation marks.

Data files in our experiments are in the /data directory.


Resources that we consulted and/or incorporated in our work.

Chang, E. Basic bot. Meet Louisa: The Artist.

Devlin, J., Chang, M.-W., Lee, K., & Toutanova, K. (2019). BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding.

Goutham, R. T5 Paraphrasing inference.ipynb.

Howcroft, D. M., Belz, A., Clinciu, M.-A., Gkatzia, D., Hasan, S. A., Mahamood, S., Mille, S., van Miltenburg, E., Santhanam, S., & Rieser, V. (2020). Twenty Years of Confusion in Human Evaluation: NLG Needs Evaluation Sheets and Standardised Definitions. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation, 169–182.

Iyer, S., Dandekar, N., Csernai, K. (2017). First quora dataset release: Question pairs.

Radford, A., Wu, J., Child, R., Luan, D., Amodei, D., & Sutskever, I. (n.d.). Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners. 24.

Raffel, C., Shazeer, N., Roberts, A., Lee, K., Narang, S., Matena, M., Zhou, Y., Li, W., & Liu, P. J. (2020). Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer.

Sellam, T., Das, D., & Parikh, A. P. (2020). BLEURT: Learning Robust Metrics for Text Generation.

GPT2 Language Model Fine-tuning with Texts from Shakespeare.