To get started developing for this repo, you'll want to get familiarized with this gulp-based Static Site Generation so you can push compiled code:
Install VS Code, the Live Server extension, git, and node Current
Clone this repository
Run "npm install" in the root directory
Run "npm install --global gulp" for VS Code's sake
Run "gulp"
Now you should have a production ready "docs" directory
Follow the example index.pug:
Extend the layout template with a new file in "src/html/pages" or a further subdirectory
.html files are generated under "docs" matching the above directory structure
SCSS files directly under src/css will generate CSS files in docs/css
src/css/modules holds styles that are only meant to be included in other files
JS files directly under src/js will generate minified files in docs/js
Set liveServer.settings.root to "/docs" in VS Code's settings.json and restart VS Code
Run "gulp watch" and open "docs/index.html" with live server
Edits to the Pug, SASS, and JS files in "src" are seen by "gulp watch" which triggers any relevant gulp tasks. Live Server sees the resulting changes to the "docs" directory and reloads the browser
See something in the output you don't like? The gulp tasks generate sourcemaps for CSS and JS, so you can follow the chain back and see where a rule or script came from
docs folder is left out of gitignore to enable hosting the site quickly in GitHub Pages, so make sure to gulp before committing
When referencing internal links, use true relative paths without "/" at the beginning for the paths to work in Github Pages