First pass at a BenchmarkV2 that can hold multiple splits.
First pass at a BenchmarkV2 that can hold multiple splits.
Fix maximum recursion depth exceeded by making a shallow copy instead…
Fix maximum recursion depth exceeded by making a shallow copy instead…
update tutorial
update tutorial
fix typing
fix typing
add model_artifact_id computed property
add model_artifact_id computed property
fix error: BenchmarkV2Specification() got multiple values for keyword…
fix error: BenchmarkV2Specification() got multiple values for keyword…
no hyphen in metadata
no hyphen in metadata
Merge branch 'main' into feat/artifact-versioning
Merge branch 'main' into feat/artifact-versioning
update documentation with parent_artifact_id
update documentation with parent_artifact_id
add parent_artifact_id to upload_to_hub functions
add parent_artifact_id to upload_to_hub functions
fix url
fix url
Make use of artifactId
Make use of artifactId
Alias paper_url to report_url
Alias paper_url to report_url
parent_slug -> parent_artifact_id
parent_slug -> parent_artifact_id
parent_slug instead of upload_as_new_version
parent_slug instead of upload_as_new_version
fix slugifying None name
fix slugifying None name