- Most scripts require Python >= 3.9 and pandas
makes vOTU table from clustered vOTUs based on read mapping abundances. Can output read counts, counts per million, or reads per kilobase
usage: make_votu_table.py [-h] [-v {count,cpm,rpk}] [-s SUFFIX] mmseqstsv filelist
positional arguments:
mmseqstsv mmseqs flattened tsv file (output of flatten_mmseqs_tsv.py)
filelist file containing list of sample abundance/count files (one per line) to include
in vOTU table. count files are output of verse. sample names should be
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v {count,cpm,rpk}, --value {count,cpm,rpk}
what value from abundance file to fill in the table (default: count)
-s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
suffix of abundance files to remove when making table (default:
makes table of taxonomic (and marker) gene annotations for representative sequences of vOTUs
usage: repseq_genomad_annotations.py [-h] votutable filelist
positional arguments:
votutable vOTU table
filelist file containing list of sample genomad virus_summary.tsv files (one per line) from which
to get the repseq annotations. sample name should be prefix
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Make gff-type table (gtf) from genomad summary output
usage: genomad_virus2gff.py [-h] [-m HEADERMAP] virussummary
positional arguments:
virussummary genomad *_virus_summary.tsv file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
genomad *_assembly_headermap.txt file. optional used in case original contig
names were changed.
Make gff-type table (gtf) from genomad *virus_genes.tsv and optionally, *plasmid_genes.tsv files.
genesfile genomad *_virus_genes.tsv file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
genomad *_assembly_headermap.txt file. optional used in case original contig
names were changed.
genomad *_plasmid_genes.tsv file
Uses the plotnine python library to make heatmap from csv table.
usage: plotnine_heatmap.py [-h] [-a ABUND] [-t TITLE] [-d DROPCOLS] inputfile outputfile
This script uses the python library plotnine to make a heatmap from a csv table. The y-axis column should be the first one in the table after any columns are dropped.
positional arguments:
inputfile file with table from which to make heatmap
outputfile filename of output pdf
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ABUND, --abund ABUND
abundance value in table. used for labeling heatmap. the default is generic. (default: abund)
-t TITLE, --title TITLE
Title of heatmap; double quoted
-d DROPCOLS, --dropcols DROPCOLS
Columns to drop/remove before plotting - separated by commas; double quoted