diff --git a/examples/json-api.py b/examples/json-api.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48f00e6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/json-api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+"""Simple json api client implemented in pyatv"""
+import os
+import datetime
+import traceback
+from enum import Enum
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+import logging
+import asyncio
+from aiohttp import WSMsgType, web
+import pyatv
+from pyatv.interface import (
+ App,
+ Apps,
+ Audio,
+ DeviceListener,
+ Playing,
+ Power,
+ PowerListener,
+ PushListener,
+ RemoteControl,
+ Stream,
+ retrieve_commands,
+DEVICES = """
+STATE = """
+class PushPrinter(DeviceListener, PushListener, PowerListener):
+ """Listener for device and push updates events."""
+ def __init__(self, app, identifier):
+ """Initialize a new PushPrinter."""
+ self.app = app
+ self.identifier = identifier
+ def connection_lost(self, exception: Exception) -> None:
+ """Call when connection was lost."""
+ self._remove()
+ payload = output(False, exception=exception, values={"connection": "lost"})
+ self._send_json(payload)
+ def connection_closed(self) -> None:
+ """Call when connection was closed."""
+ self._remove()
+ payload = output(True, values={"connection": "closed"})
+ self._send_json(payload)
+ def _remove(self):
+ self.app["atv"].pop(self.identifier)
+ self.app["listeners"].remove(self)
+ def _send_json(self, payload):
+ clients = self.app["clients"].get(self.identifier, [])
+ for client in clients:
+ asyncio.ensure_future(client.send_json(payload))
+ def playstatus_update(self, updater, playstatus: Playing) -> None:
+ """Call when play status was updated."""
+ atv = self.app["atv"][self.identifier]
+ payload = output_playing(playstatus, atv.metadata.app)
+ self._send_json(payload)
+ def playstatus_error(self, updater, exception: Exception) -> None:
+ """Call when an error occurred."""
+ payload = output(False, exception=exception)
+ self._send_json(payload)
+ def powerstate_update(self, old_state, new_state):
+ """Call when power state was updated."""
+ payload = output(True, values={"power_state": new_state.name.lower()})
+ self._send_json(payload)
+def output(success: bool, error=None, exception=None, values=None):
+ """Produce output in intermediate format before conversion"""
+ now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone().isoformat()
+ result = {"result": "success" if success else "failure", "datetime": str(now)}
+ if error:
+ result["error"] = error
+ if exception:
+ result["exception"] = str(exception)
+ result["stacktrace"] = "".join(
+ traceback.format_exception(
+ type(exception), exception, exception.__traceback__
+ )
+ )
+ if values:
+ result.update(**values)
+ return result
+def output_playing(playing: Playing, app: App):
+ """Produce output for what is currently playing."""
+ def _convert(field):
+ if isinstance(field, Enum):
+ return field.name.lower()
+ return field if field else None
+ commands = retrieve_commands(Playing)
+ values = {k: _convert(getattr(playing, k)) for k in commands}
+ if app:
+ values["app"] = app.name
+ values["app_id"] = app.identifier
+ else:
+ values["app"] = None
+ values["app_id"] = None
+ return output(True, values=values)
+def web_command(method):
+ """Decorate a web request handler."""
+ async def _handler(request):
+ device_id = request.match_info["id"]
+ atv = request.app["atv"].get(device_id)
+ if not atv:
+ return web.json_response(
+ output(
+ False,
+ error=f"Not connected to {device_id}",
+ values={"connection": "empty"}
+ )
+ )
+ return await method(request, atv)
+ return _handler
+def add_credentials(config, query):
+ """Add credentials to pyatv device configuration."""
+ for service in config.services:
+ proto_name = service.protocol.name.lower()
+ if proto_name in query:
+ config.set_credentials(service.protocol, query.get(proto_name))
+ for service in config.services:
+ if service.credentials:
+ return True
+ return False
+routes = web.RouteTableDef()
+async def version(request):
+ """Handle request to receive version pyatv."""
+ return web.json_response(
+ output(True, values={"version": pyatv.const.__version__})
+ )
+async def devices(request):
+ """List devices connect."""
+ devices = []
+ for device in request.app["atv"]:
+ devices.append(
+ f"{device}"
+ )
+ if devices:
+ devices = str("".join(devices))
+ else:
+ devices = str("Empty devices list")
+ return web.Response(
+ text=DEVICES.replace("DEVICES", devices),
+ content_type="text/html",
+ )
+async def state(request):
+ """Handle request to receive push updates."""
+ return web.Response(
+ text=STATE.replace("DEVICE_ID", request.match_info["id"]),
+ content_type="text/html",
+ )
+async def scan(request):
+ """Handle request to scan for devices."""
+ def _convert(hosts):
+ if hosts:
+ ip_split = hosts.split(",")
+ return [ip_address(ip) for ip in ip_split]
+ return None
+ hosts = _convert(request.query.get("hosts"))
+ atvs = []
+ for atv in await pyatv.scan(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop(), hosts=hosts):
+ services = []
+ for service in atv.services:
+ services.append(
+ {"protocol": service.protocol.name.lower(), "port": service.port}
+ )
+ atvs.append(
+ {
+ "name": atv.name,
+ "address": str(atv.address),
+ "identifier": atv.identifier,
+ "services": services,
+ }
+ )
+ return web.json_response(output(True, values={"devices": atvs}))
+async def connect(request):
+ """Handle request to connect to a device."""
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ device_id = request.match_info["id"]
+ if device_id in request.app["atv"]:
+ return web.json_response(
+ output(True, values={"connection": "connected"})
+ )
+ options = {}
+ if ip_address(device_id):
+ options["hosts"] = [device_id]
+ else:
+ options["identifier"] = device_id
+ results = await pyatv.scan(loop=loop, **options)
+ if not results:
+ return web.json_response(output(False, error="Device not found"))
+ if not add_credentials(results[0], request.query):
+ return web.json_response(
+ output(False, error="Failed to connect device, empty Credentials")
+ )
+ try:
+ atv = await pyatv.connect(results[0], loop=loop)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ return web.json_response(
+ output(False, error="Failed to connect device", exception=ex)
+ )
+ push_listener = PushPrinter(request.app, device_id)
+ atv.power.listener = push_listener
+ atv.listener = push_listener
+ atv.push_updater.listener = push_listener
+ atv.push_updater.start()
+ request.app["listeners"].append(push_listener)
+ request.app["atv"][device_id] = atv
+ return web.json_response(output(True, values={"connection": "connected"}))
+async def command(request, atv):
+ """Handle remote command request."""
+ def _command(command):
+ ctrl = retrieve_commands(RemoteControl)
+ power = retrieve_commands(Power)
+ stream = retrieve_commands(Stream)
+ apps = retrieve_commands(Apps)
+ audio = retrieve_commands(Audio)
+ if command in audio:
+ return atv.audio
+ if command in ctrl:
+ return atv.remote_control
+ if command in power:
+ return atv.power
+ if command in stream:
+ return atv.stream
+ if command in apps:
+ return atv.apps
+ return None
+ command = request.match_info["command"]
+ try:
+ object = _command(command=command)
+ if object:
+ await getattr(object, command)()
+ return web.json_response(output(True, values={"command": command}))
+ except Exception as ex:
+ return web.json_response(
+ output(False, error="failed_command", exception=ex)
+ )
+ return web.json_response(output(False, error="unsupported_command"))
+async def playing(request, atv):
+ """Handle request for current play status."""
+ try:
+ playstatus = await atv.metadata.playing()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ return web.json_response(
+ output(False, error="Remote control command failed", exception=ex)
+ )
+ return web.json_response(output_playing(playstatus, atv.metadata.app))
+async def close_connection(request, atv):
+ """Handle request to close a connection."""
+ atv.close()
+ return web.json_response(output(True, values={"connection": "closed"}))
+async def websocket_handler(request, atv):
+ """Handle incoming websocket requests."""
+ device_id = request.match_info["id"]
+ ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
+ await ws.prepare(request)
+ request.app["clients"].setdefault(device_id, []).append(ws)
+ playstatus = await atv.metadata.playing()
+ await ws.send_json(output_playing(playstatus, atv.metadata.app))
+ async for msg in ws:
+ if msg.type == WSMsgType.TEXT:
+ # Handle custom commands from client here
+ if msg.data == "close":
+ await ws.close()
+ elif msg.type == WSMsgType.ERROR:
+ print(f"Connection closed with exception: {ws.exception()}")
+ request.app["clients"][device_id].remove(ws)
+ return ws
+async def on_shutdown(app: web.Application) -> None:
+ """Call when application is shutting down."""
+ for atv in app["atv"].values():
+ atv.close()
+def main():
+ host = os.environ.get("HOST", "")
+ port = os.environ.get("PORT", 8080)
+ access_log = logging.getLogger('aiohttp.access')
+ access_log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ access_log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
+ access_log_format = '%a %t "%r" %s %b "%{User-Agent}i" %Tfsec'
+ app = web.Application()
+ app["atv"] = {}
+ app["listeners"] = []
+ app["clients"] = {}
+ app.add_routes(routes)
+ app.on_shutdown.append(on_shutdown)
+ web.run_app(
+ app, host=host, port=port,
+ access_log=access_log,
+ access_log_format=access_log_format
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
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