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ZHCET College Management

CircleCI Dependencies Codacy Grade Server License

A spring boot web MVC project for ZHCET college management



Project Requirements

Note : There are some requirements to be satisfied before the project can be run. These are mostly configurations in the Project itself and thus will require same steps in Windows as well, but for external dependencies, the tutorial will assume that the OS is Linux. Some link for Windows counterpart of instruction may be provided.


Long story short, you need to have JDK8 and MySQL installed for the project. If you are well versed in both technologies and know the steps to satisfy general requirements (MySQL user, database, privileges) for a web project, then you may skip this section entirely to Feature Requirements


Java 8
As evident by the nature of Project, Java SDK (JDK) needs to be installed to develop the project. There are various articles as to how to install it on various operating systems. but I recommend the use of sdkman as it allows to easily download and manage different java versions and does not require you to fiddle with paths and installations. Once you have got sdkman installed, you have to write this command to install latest version of Java (which may be greater than 8 at the time of installation):

sdk install java

If you are facing any difficulty because of the latest version, you can install the specific version(last version tested to work with the project) using this command:

sdk install java 8u144-zulu

Once you have verified the install by running javac -version and java -version that both of them correspond to JDK8, for instance 1.8.0_144, then you are ready to move on.

Note: If you already have existing JDK8 installation or want to install it through any other means, feel free to do so. Just confirm that java and javac commands are on path and correspond to version 8.

For windows users, you may find Windows specific download instructions here


MySQL 5.6
Last version of MySQL known to work on the project was 5.7 but any recent version or 5.6 should work as the project only relies on very basic and stable feature set of MySQL. It doesn't matter how you install MySQL and there are countless of tutorials out there for specific Operating Systems, and if you have any MAMP, LAMP or XAMP installation, there is great chance you have it configured already. Verify it by running mysql --version

If you don't have it installed, you can follow any of these great guides:

I have provided 2 guides so you can educate yourself by studying the common bits and patterns and some extra stuff that may be available in any one of them. Once you have thoroughly read the above guides, see the steps you have to perform below

The steps to complete the MySQL setup for the project(refer to above guides for specific instructions) are:

  • Install MySQL Server - sudo apt-get upgrade is NOT required but recommended if you have huge amount of data to spare
  • Secure Installation - This step is optional
  • Create Database - Create database for the project, for instance, named zhcet
  • Create User - Create a MySQL user for the project, for instance, named zhcetuser protected by a password. It is NOT recommended to use root user for the project
  • Grant Privileges - Grant privileges to this user on database you had created in one of the previous step. For this example, the command would look like -
grant all privileges on zhcet.* to 'zhcetuser'@'localhost';

IMPORTANT: DO NOT FORGET to customize at least the username and password of the user you create from this tutorial's example for security purposes. Even if you only deploy the project locally, it is recommended to use different parameters from what is used here.

Once you have performed these steps, verify your user permissions by logging in as the created user and creating and dropping a table. If any of the step was not clear, please revisited the two guides above, as they feature all specific instructions of these steps.

From here, you need to remember the name of database you created, the username and password of the user who has privilege on the database.

For Windows users, please refer to this for installation instructions. All MySQL instructions are same for both operating systems

Feature Requirements

There are some additional requirements of the project to enable some features which are optional and not required to run the project, but will throw Runtime Error if they are used:


Email account information is used to send mails though SMTP for various reasons:

  • Verification of email of the user
  • Sending of password reset token to the user (forgot password)
  • Notification to the user of an kind (attendance update, etc)

If you want to configure email feature for the app, then please produce working email address and password of any email service provider like GMail.

For GMail users, you may need to allow less secure access or create an app password if two factor authentication is enabled for the account. Please verify that you have met such requirements


Firebase is used for:

  • Account Profile Picture Upload
  • Static File CDN
  • Storage of login slideshow image information

For Firebase configuration, you need to have:

  • Firebase Database URL
  • Firebase Storage Bucket Name
  • Service Account JSON file

Their documentation is pretty extensive and there are various resources how to obtain these.


There are various configuration options for Spring Boot Applications, but here I'll demonstrate 2 most popular ones. You can make the same configuration using any of the methods listed here

Simplest way to configure all options for the app would be create a file named in src/main/resources directory with this content:




It goes without saying that this file must NEVER be shared or checked into version control. This applies for all the files and environment variables that will be discussed in this section.

To not configure any of the feature, just remove that particular line. but as mentioned above, some requirements are mandatory and some optional

Bonus - You can also configure these properties by setting the environment variables mentioned in each section below. But the general rule is to capitalize each letter and replace . and - by _ For example, to set zhcet.firebase.database-url by environment variables, you need to set its value in ZHCET_FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL. This feature is provided by Spring Boot and is mentioned here

All fields required in configuration should be available to you as discussed in previous sections, and if you know how, you can skip to next section but let's go through some examples of them:

Note - Values given below are only for demonstrative puposes and won't work when used

Database Config

Assuming the previous example mentioned in Requirements Section, and that you are working on localhost, the configuration will look like this:

  • spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/zhcet?useSSL=false
  • spring.datasource.username=zhcetuser
  • spring.datasource.password=YourPassword


BONUS - You can also use these short hand environment variables to set the properties as they are inline in

  • DB_URL

But the values in and above mentioned environment variables will override these. So either use them or these

For more information on configuring databases in Spring Boot, please refer to this

Email Config

Assuming a hypothetical email and password:

Note - If you DO NOT configure email, then application will continue to work, but may throw exceptions while using any of the feature mentioned here.


Firebase Config

  • zhcet.firebase.database-url=

Note - Only the first option mentioned here requires special permission and we can't share our firebase account key for allowing any person to upload images to it, uploading avatar throw an error if firebase is not configured. The application will continue to work without this feature as normal


IMPORTANT Along with these, you need to save the service-account.json file in src/main/resources directory. Do note that the name of file must be exactly same as mentioned

BONUS - You can set the contents of Service Account JSON in the environment variable FIREBASE_JSON and it will work!

Additional Config

  • zhcet.url=http://localhost:8080/
  • zhcet.salt=saltymemem8

Note - Both these properties have internal default values and don't need to be set but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to set the salt value as it is used to hash and verify email unsubscribing link for users and other future internal hashing system. If the default one is used instead of any random secret, anyone can unsubscribe any user's email or much worse depending on where it is used internally. While this is non-crucial while local development, but is extremely unsecure behaviour when used in production

Environment Variables : ZHCET_URL, ZHCET_SALT

Sentry Config

This is purely optional, and only for those who want to add Sentry support. Add in src/main/resources with general sentry configuration or use any other means of configuring it. Example config:


IMPORTANT - Do not forget to configure this factory as it extracts the actual user IP from X-FORWARDED-FOR header where it is masked by reverse proxies. Not using this may result in filtering of Sentry Event in case reverse proxy masks user IP as localhost and obviouslt the reports about the origin of error will be wrong


The project uses Gradle as dependency management system which provides a wrapper, executing which it automatically installs gradle and all required dependencies for the project. Simply running the following command will spawn the embedded Tomcat Server with the application on localhost:8080

./gradlew bootRun

Additional Support

I recommend using IntelliJ Idea for the development as it provides incredible Spring Boot support. You won't be needing to go outside the IDE as it provides these features:

  • Spring Boot Support
  • Java Beans Support
  • Thymeleaf Support
  • SQL Support
  • Database Viewer
  • And countless others

NOTE - Install Lombok plugin to see auto generated code by lombok

