Using Python to scrape prices and generate CSV files. There are two parts to this project.
Stanley Cups are the hottest craze right now. The 40 oz sippy cup racked up $750 million in just one year. I wanted to track the prices of Stanley Cups on Amazon. Using Python, I built a price scraper for Stanley Cups. I utilized the BeautifulSoup library and created a function to automate this process.
I wanted to be able to track the prices of the top 15 cryptocurrencies. Lately, the crypto market has been booming. In this project, I learned how to use an API to pull in data and turn that data into a CSV file. The API I used was from This entire process is automated. I then took the data and made some visuals using Seaborn, Matplotlib, and Tableau.
- Set up Jupyter Notebooks in VSCode
- Call an API
- Utilize functions in Python for automation
- BeautifulSoup library
The inspiration for these projects came from Alex The Analyst on Youtube. Please check out his channel.