These instructions assume you installed and configured RHOAI 2.13 following the MLBatch install instructions for RHOAI-v2.13.
Your subscription will have automatically created an unapproved install plan to upgrade to RHOAI 2.16.
Before beginning, verify that the expected install plan exists:
oc get ip -n redhat-ods-operator
Typical output would be:
install-kpzzl rhods-operator.2.16.0 Manual false
install-nqrbp rhods-operator.2.13.0 Manual true
Assuming the install plan exists you can begin the upgrade process.
First, update the MLBatch modifications to the default RHOAI configuration maps.
oc apply -f setup.RHOAI-v2.16/mlbatch-upgrade-configmaps.yaml
Second, approve the install plan replacing the example plan name below with the actual value on your cluster:
oc patch ip -n redhat-ods-operator --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' install-kpzzl