+Until the tester is incorporated into the everest build system, it will require manual building. To build the tester, open the Tester.sln file, found in the root of the solution directory, with Visual Studio 2017. The solution requires three library files, libmitls.lib, libmipki.lib and libquiccrypo.lib which should all be present in the \Tester subdirectory. These libraries are built using the everest script:-
+ ./everest -j XX -windows -opt make drop qbuild
+By default Visual studio will create the final executable in an "\X64\Debug" subdirectory in the solution.
+To run the tester, there are a number of run-time dependencies:-
+ 1) The tester expects to find the dll files, "libmitls.dll", "libmipki.dll", "libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll" and "libquiccrypto.dll" either in the "\Tester" subdirectory or in the path.
+ 2) The certificate files should either be copied to the "\Tester" subdirectory or the tester can be invoked from the "everest\mitls-fstar\data" directory. Three certificate files are used by default, "CAFile.pem" is the certificate authority file. "server-ecdsa.crt" is the security certificate file and "server-ecdsa.key" is the certificate key file.
+Then type tester.exe to run the tester.
+When running Tester.exe with no arguments, it will generate the help text:-
+ TLS/DTLS Tester
+ Version 0.0.2
+(c) Microsoft Research 21st August 2018
+Usage: Tester.exe [Arguments...]
+ -v Be verbose in console output (otherwise no console output except errors)
+ -d Turn on console debugging output
+ -f:filename Use file to specify server names (otherwise tester uses google.com)
+ -c Do libmitls as client TLS and DTLS tests
+ -s Do libmitls as client & server TLS and DTLS tests
+ -i Do libmitls as client interoperability TLS and DTLS tests
+ -x Do libmitls as server interoperability TLS and DTLS tests
+ -t Do TLS part of any tests
+ -q Do QUIC part of any tests
+ -l:tlsversion Specify TLS version number to support (default is '1.3')
+ -p:port number Specify port number to use (default is 443)
+ -o:hostname Specify host name to use (default is 'google.com')
+ -r:certfilename Use specified Server Certificate filename (default is 'server-ecdsa.crt')
+ -k:keyfilename Use specified Server certificate key filename (default is 'server-ecdsa.key')
+ -a:authfilename Use specified Certificate Authority Chain filename (default is 'CAFile.pem')
+All the options except for "i", "-x" are currently supported. The Component DLL currently produces copious amounts of debug output, but this is gathered into a file. If you want to see this output then choose the "-v" flag which makes the tester more verbose.
+If no other arguments are given, the tester does not perform any tests. You have to enable the tests you want to run by using the "-c", "-s" and "-t" flags. There are no interoperability tests as yet, so the "i" and "-x" flags have no effect.
+The tester has a built in TLS Decoder which can be enabled with the "-d" flag. The QUIC tests do not currently run correcly.
+The tester generates several output files in the "\Tester" directory but the main one is the "ComponentStatistics.csv" file which is a summary of the test results. More details of the measurements are stored in the "RecordedMeasurements.csv" file. The file whose name starts with "RedirectedStandardOutput" is the DLL debug output for the test run.
diff --git a/tests/Tester/Tester.sln b/tests/Tester/Tester.sln
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48aaec7e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tester/Tester.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 15
+VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.27130.2036
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Tester", "Tester\Tester.vcxproj", "{CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}"
+Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{3C16E5F0-3E50-4E4C-BB62-EF6AC2055A66}"
+ ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
+ ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\apps\cmitls\cmitls.c = ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\apps\cmitls\cmitls.c
+ Tester\ComponentStatistics.csv = Tester\ComponentStatistics.csv
+ Tester\ConsoleCopyFile.txt = Tester\ConsoleCopyFile.txt
+ Tester\everest_install_instructions.txt = Tester\everest_install_instructions.txt
+ Tester\hostfilelist.txt = Tester\hostfilelist.txt
+ ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\tests\bench\openssl-client.c = ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\tests\bench\openssl-client.c
+ ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\tests\bench\openssl-server.c = ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\tests\bench\openssl-server.c
+ ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\apps\QuicWin\QuicWin\QuicWin.cpp = ..\..\..\..\cygwin\home\caroline\everest\mitls-fstar\apps\QuicWin\QuicWin\QuicWin.cpp
+ Tester\RecordedMeasurements.csv = Tester\RecordedMeasurements.csv
+ Tester\test.png = Tester\test.png
+ Tester\TesterDebug.log = Tester\TesterDebug.log
+ EndProjectSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
+ Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
+ Release|x64 = Release|x64
+ Release|x86 = Release|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {CA0F3E1D-5DCD-4A24-A7E6-687502B7BE17}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {D07A203A-3092-4BA9-873E-4C6DAAA6CB0E}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/tests/Tester/Tester/Component.cpp b/tests/Tester/Tester/Component.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a774401b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tester/Tester/Component.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2908 @@
+// Purpose: Component, Library and Measurement implementation source code file
+// Project: Everest
+// Filename: Component.cpp
+// Authors: Caroline.M.Mathieson (CMM)
+// Description
+// -----------
+//! \file Component.cpp
+//! \brief Contains the complete implementation of the COMPONENT Object.
+//! The COMPONENT object encapsulates two dlls, the "libmitls.dll" which provides the TLS/QUIC handshake, and the "libmipki.dll"
+//! which provides certificate handling. The two have to be used in conjunction and they communicate with each other. In fact these
+//! two dlls require the presence of the libquiccrypto.dll as well. The performance of each DLL will impact the others, so each must
+//! be instrumented and measured. In addition, each DLL uses callbacks and these callbacks must be instrumented and measured as well
+//! to measure and eliminate the time spent in the tester code.
+#include "Tester.h" // pulls in everything else
+extern class TLSTESTER *Tester; // to give access to the component instance(s) for callbacks!!
+static unsigned char LargeTransmitBuffer [ 65536 ]; // almost the maximum packet the network will transmit in one go
+static unsigned char LargeReceiveBuffer [ 65536 ]; // almost the maximum packet the network will receive in one go
+static unsigned int LargeTransmitBufferReadIndex = 0;
+static unsigned int LargeReceiveBufferReadIndex = 0;
+static int AmountTransmitted = 0;
+static int AmountReceived = 0;
+static bool IncompleteTransmission = FALSE;
+static bool IncompleteTransfer = FALSE;
+static unsigned int ExpectedRecordLength = 0;
+static TRANSFER_BUFFER SendBuffer;
+static TRANSFER_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer;
+const char *MeasurementTypeNames [] = // must be in the same order as the enumerated types
+ "TLS Client Measurements", // TLS_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS,
+ "QUIC Client Measurements", // QUIC_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS,
+ "TLS Server Measurements", // TLS_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS,
+ "QUIC Server Measurements", // QUIC_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS,
+ "FIZZ Server Measurements", // FIZZ_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS,
+ "FIZZ Client Measurements", // FIZZ_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS,
+const char *FFIMeasurementEntryNames [ MAX_FFI_FUNCTIONS ] = // must be in the same order as the enumerated types
+ // TLS API functions
+ "FFI_mitls_init", // FFI_MITLS_INIT,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE,
+ "FFI_mitls_set_ticket_key", // FFI_MITLS_SET_TICKET_KEY,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_ticket", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_TICKET
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_cipher_suites", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_CIPHER_SUITES,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_signature_algorithms", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_named_groups", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_NAMED_GROUPS,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_alpn", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_ALPN,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_early_data", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_EARLY_DATA,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_custom_extensions", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_ticket_callback", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_TICKET_CALLBACK,
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_nego_callback", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_NEGO_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_configure_cert_callbacks", // FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_CERT_CALLBACKS,
+ "FFI_mitls_close", // FFI_MITLS_CLOSE,
+ "FFI_mitls_connect", // FFI_MITLS_CONNECT,
+ "FFI_mitls_accept_connected", // FFI_MITLS_ACCEPT_CONNECTED,
+ "FFI_mitls_get_exporter", // FFI_MITLS_GET_EXPORTER,
+ "FFI_mitls_get_cert", // FFI_MITLS_GET_CERT,
+ "FFI_mitls_send", // FFI_MITLS_SEND,
+ "FFI_mitls_receive", // FFI_MITLS_RECEIVE,
+ "FFI_mitls_free", // FFI_MITLS_FREE,
+ "FFI_mitls_cleanup", // FFI_MITLS_CLEANUP,
+ "FFI_mitls_set_trace_callback", // FFI_MITLS_SET_TRACE_CALLBACK,
+ // QUIC API functions
+ "FFI_mitls_quic_create", // FFI_MITLS_QUIC_CREATE,
+ "FFI_mitls_quic_process", // FFI_MITLS_QUIC_PROCESS,
+ "FFI_mitls_quic_get_exporter", // FFI_MITLS_QUIC_GET_EXPORTER,
+ "FFI_mitls_quic_close", // FFI_MITLS_QUIC_CLOSE
+ "FFI_mitls_get_hello_summary", // FFI_MITLS_GET_HELLO_SUMMARY,
+ "FFI_mitls_find_custom_extension", // FFI_MITLS_FIND_CUSTOM_EXTENSION,
+ "FFI_mitls_global_free" // FFI_MITLS_GLOBAL_FREE,
+const char *FFICallbackMeasurementEntryNames [ MAX_FFI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS ] = // must be in the same order as the enumerated types
+ // TLS Callback functions
+ "FFI_mitls_send_callback", // FFI_MITLS_SEND_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_receive_callback", // FFI_MITLS_RECEIVE_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_certificate_select_callback", // FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_SELECT_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_certificate_format_callback", // FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_FORMAT_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_certificate_sign_callback", // FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_SIGN_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_certificate_verify_callback", // FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_ticket_callback", // FFI_MITLS_TICKET_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_negotiation_callback", // FFI_MITLS_NEGOTIATION_CALLBACK
+ "FFI_mitls_trace_callback" // FFI_MITLS_TRACE_CALLBACK
+const char *PKIMeasurementEntryNames [ MAX_PKI_FUNCTIONS ] = // must be in the same order as the enumerated types
+ "mipki_init", // MIPKI_INIT,
+ "mipki_free", // MIPKI_FREE,
+ "mipki_add_root_file_or_path", // MIPKI_ADD_ROOT_FILE_OR_PATH,
+ "mipki_select_certificate", // MIPKI_SELECT_CERTIFICATE,
+ "mipki_sign_verify", // MIPKI_SIGN_VERFIY,
+ "mipki_parse_chain", // MIPKI_PARSE_CHAIN,
+ "mipki_parse_list", // MIPKI_PARSE_LIST,
+ "mipki_format_chain", // MIPKI_FORMAT_CHAIN,
+ "mipki_format_alloc", // MIPKI_FORMAT_ALLOC,
+ "mipki_validate_chain", // MIPKI_VALIDATE_CHAIN,
+ "mipki_free_chain" // MIPKI_FREE_CHAIN,
+const char *PKICallbackMeasurementEntryNames [ MAX_PKI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS ] = // must be in the same order as the enumerated types
+ "mipki_password_callback", // MIPKI_PASSWORD_CALLBACK
+ "mipki_alloc_callback" // MIPKI_ALLOC_CALLBACK
+// Buffer Functions
+void BufferInitialise ( TRANSFER_BUFFER *TransferBuffer )
+#ifdef WIN32
+ InitializeCriticalSection ( &TransferBuffer->CriticalSection );
+ memset ( TransferBuffer->Buffer, 0, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE );
+ TransferBuffer->ReadPointer = TransferBuffer->Buffer;
+ TransferBuffer->WritePointer = TransferBuffer->Buffer;
+ TransferBuffer->ReadIndex = 0;
+ TransferBuffer->WriteIndex = 0;
+ TransferBuffer->TotalAmountWritten = 0;
+ TransferBuffer->TotalAmountRead = 0;
+unsigned long BufferWrite ( TRANSFER_BUFFER *TransferBuffer, unsigned char *Buffer, unsigned long BufferSize )
+#ifdef WIN32
+ EnterCriticalSection ( &TransferBuffer->CriticalSection );
+ // write the data into the buffer if there is room
+ if ( ( TransferBuffer->WriteIndex + BufferSize ) < TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE )
+ {
+ memcpy ( (void *) TransferBuffer->WritePointer, (const void *) Buffer, BufferSize );
+ DumpPacket ( Buffer, BufferSize, 0 , 0, "Buffer Write" );
+ TransferBuffer->WritePointer += BufferSize;
+ TransferBuffer->WriteIndex += BufferSize;
+ TransferBuffer->TotalAmountWritten += BufferSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "Transfer Buffer is full!\n" );
+ BufferSize = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ LeaveCriticalSection ( &TransferBuffer->CriticalSection );
+ return ( BufferSize );
+unsigned long BufferRead ( TRANSFER_BUFFER *TransferBuffer, unsigned char *Buffer, unsigned long BufferSize )
+ unsigned int AmountRead = 0;
+ // make this a blocking call!
+ do
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ EnterCriticalSection ( &TransferBuffer->CriticalSection );
+ if ( ( TransferBuffer->WriteIndex - TransferBuffer->ReadIndex ) >= BufferSize ) // is there enough data to read?
+ {
+ memcpy ( Buffer, TransferBuffer->ReadPointer, BufferSize );
+ DumpPacket ( Buffer, BufferSize, 0 , 0, "Buffer Read" );
+ TransferBuffer->ReadPointer += BufferSize;
+ TransferBuffer->ReadIndex += BufferSize;
+ TransferBuffer->TotalAmountRead += BufferSize;
+ AmountRead = BufferSize;
+ //// if the indices are now the same then reset them
+ //
+ //if ( TransferBuffer->WriteIndex == TransferBuffer->ReadIndex )
+ //{
+ // BufferReset ( TransferBuffer );
+ //}
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ LeaveCriticalSection ( &TransferBuffer->CriticalSection );
+ } while ( AmountRead == 0 );
+ return ( AmountRead );
+void BufferReset ( TRANSFER_BUFFER *TransferBuffer )
+ TransferBuffer->WritePointer = TransferBuffer->Buffer;
+ TransferBuffer->ReadPointer = TransferBuffer->Buffer;
+ TransferBuffer->WriteIndex = 0;
+ TransferBuffer->ReadIndex = 0;
+// FFI Callback Function wrappers
+CALLBACKMEASUREMENTENTRY *GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( unsigned int CallBackNumber,
+ COMPONENT **Component )
+ DWORD CurrentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId (); // which thread is running?
+ if ( CurrentThreadId == Tester->ClientTLSTestsThreadIdentifier )
+ {
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = &Tester->
+ ClientComponent->
+ MeasurementResultsArray [ Tester->ClientComponent->TestRunNumber ]->
+ Measurements [ Tester->ClientComponent->MeasurementNumber ].
+ FFICallbackMeasurements [ CallBackNumber ];
+ *Component = Tester->ClientComponent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = &Tester->
+ ServerComponent->
+ MeasurementResultsArray [ Tester->ServerComponent->TestRunNumber ]->
+ Measurements [ Tester->ServerComponent->MeasurementNumber ].
+ FFICallbackMeasurements [ CallBackNumber ];
+ *Component = Tester->ServerComponent;
+ }
+ return ( FFICallbackMeasurement );
+CALLBACKMEASUREMENTENTRY *GetPKICallbackMeasurement ( unsigned int CallBackNumber,
+ COMPONENT **Component )
+ DWORD CurrentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId (); // which thread is running?
+ if ( CurrentThreadId == Tester->ClientTLSTestsThreadIdentifier )
+ {
+ PKICallbackMeasurement = &Tester->
+ ClientComponent->
+ MeasurementResultsArray [ Tester->ClientComponent->TestRunNumber ]->
+ Measurements [ Tester->ClientComponent->MeasurementNumber ].
+ PKICallbackMeasurements [ CallBackNumber ];
+ *Component = Tester->ClientComponent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PKICallbackMeasurement = &Tester->
+ ServerComponent->
+ MeasurementResultsArray [ Tester->ServerComponent->TestRunNumber ]->
+ Measurements [ Tester->ServerComponent->MeasurementNumber ].
+ PKICallbackMeasurements [ CallBackNumber ];
+ *Component = Tester->ServerComponent;
+ }
+ return ( PKICallbackMeasurement );
+int MITLS_CALLCONV ClientSendCallback ( void *Context,
+ const unsigned char *Buffer,
+ size_t BufferSize )
+ size_t AmountSent = 0;
+ COMPONENT *Component = ( COMPONENT * ) Context;
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_SEND_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging ) printf ( "Client Send callback function invoked for %zd octets!\n", BufferSize );
+ // The component sends the records in sections now (Aug 2018) so we have to send this right away
+ if ( Tester->ServerTLSTestsThreadIdentifier != 0 ) // if we are running server tests then use buffers
+ {
+ AmountSent = BufferWrite ( &ReceiveBuffer, (unsigned char *) Buffer, BufferSize );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AmountSent = send ( Component->Socket, (char * ) Buffer, (int) BufferSize, 0 );
+ }
+ // if console debugging is enabled then accumulate the network packets and then decode them
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging )
+ {
+ if ( AmountSent == 0 )
+ {
+ printf ( "Socket Closed!\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // append to temporary decoder buffer
+ memcpy ( (void *) &LargeTransmitBuffer [ LargeTransmitBufferReadIndex ], (const void *) Buffer, BufferSize );
+ LargeTransmitBufferReadIndex += BufferSize;
+ AmountTransmitted += BufferSize;
+ if ( IncompleteTransmission == FALSE )
+ {
+ if ( AmountSent == 5 ) // just the header was sent first (API change August 2018)
+ {
+ // peek into message to get record length if its a TLS handshake record
+ TLS_RECORD *TLSRecord = (TLS_RECORD *) Buffer;
+ if ( TLSRecord->RecordHeader.ContentType == TLS_CT_HANDSHAKE )
+ {
+ ExpectedRecordLength = ( TLSRecord->RecordHeader.ContentLengthHigh * 256 ) + TLSRecord->RecordHeader.ContentLengthLow;
+ IncompleteTransmission = TRUE; // we will need to get the rest before decoding
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( TLSRecord->RecordHeader.ContentType == TLS_CT_ALERT )
+ {
+ DecodePacket ( (void *) LargeTransmitBuffer, BufferSize, "Packet sent to server" );
+ // reset decoder buffer as we know what this is
+ LargeTransmitBufferReadIndex = 0;
+ AmountTransmitted = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // do we have enough to decode it yet?
+ if ( AmountTransmitted >= ExpectedRecordLength )
+ {
+ DecodePacket ( (void *) LargeTransmitBuffer, BufferSize, "Packet sent to server" );
+ // reset decoder buffer
+ LargeTransmitBufferReadIndex = 0;
+ AmountTransmitted = 0;
+ ExpectedRecordLength = 0;
+ IncompleteTransmission = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // if ConsoleDebugging
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( (int) AmountSent );
+int MITLS_CALLCONV ServerSendCallback ( void *Context,
+ const unsigned char *Buffer,
+ size_t BufferSize )
+ size_t AmountSent = 0;
+ COMPONENT *Component = ( COMPONENT * ) Context;
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_SEND_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging ) printf ( "Server Send callback function invoked for %zd octets!\n", BufferSize );
+ // copy the record into the send buffer if there is room
+ AmountSent = BufferWrite ( &SendBuffer, (unsigned char *) Buffer, BufferSize );
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( AmountSent );
+// PROBLEM: MITLS requests data from the server in sections. It reads the header first and then depending on the fragment length,
+// reads that fragment. However this makes debugging very difficult as the whole record is needed for this. The solution
+// is to read the complete response from the peer and then return it bit by bit as requested by MITLS. So the call back
+// function will read the data from a local buffer rather than from the network buffer.
+int MITLS_CALLCONV ClientReceiveCallback ( void *Context,
+ unsigned char *Buffer,
+ size_t BufferSize )
+ size_t AmountTransferred = 0;
+ size_t AmountRemaining = 0;
+ COMPONENT *Component = ( COMPONENT * ) Context;
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_RECEIVE_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ // if console debugging is enabled then we need to buffer the network packet to decode it and return only the requested amount.
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging )
+ {
+ printf ( "Client Receive callback function invoked (with room for %zu octets)!\n", BufferSize );
+ // yes, so did the previous call result in an incomplete transfer?
+ if ( IncompleteTransfer == FALSE )
+ {
+ // No, so get as much as the network will provide
+ LargeReceiveBufferReadIndex = 0;
+ AmountReceived = recv ( Component->Socket, (char * ) LargeReceiveBuffer, sizeof ( LargeReceiveBuffer ), 0 );
+ if ( AmountReceived > 0 )
+ {
+ IncompleteTransfer = TRUE;
+ // we only decode the packet the first time round and if console debuggin is enabled!
+ DecodePacket ( (void *) LargeReceiveBuffer, AmountReceived, "Packet received from server" );
+ }
+ }
+ // webservers such as bing.com will go mute when you specify a valid but old cipher suite in the clienthello which means that
+ // the call to recv() will timeout and an error returned such as "connection reset by peer". So we have to test for this but we
+ // also need to indicate back to the component that it has happened, so that it finishes the ffi_mitls_connect() call.
+ if ( AmountReceived == -1 )
+ {
+ PrintSocketError ();
+ return ( AmountReceived ); // let libmitls.dll know what has happened
+ }
+ if ( AmountReceived == 0 )
+ {
+ printf ( "Socket Closed!\n" );
+ IncompleteTransfer = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AmountRemaining = AmountReceived - LargeReceiveBufferReadIndex;
+ if ( AmountRemaining > BufferSize )
+ {
+ memcpy ( Buffer, &LargeReceiveBuffer [ LargeReceiveBufferReadIndex ], BufferSize );
+ AmountTransferred = BufferSize;
+ IncompleteTransfer = TRUE; // still more left so still incomplete
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy ( Buffer, &LargeReceiveBuffer [ LargeReceiveBufferReadIndex ], AmountRemaining );
+ AmountTransferred = AmountRemaining;
+ IncompleteTransfer = FALSE; // no more left now so transfer complete
+ }
+ LargeReceiveBufferReadIndex += AmountTransferred;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no, so just return the amount requested from the network
+ if ( Tester->ServerTLSTestsThreadIdentifier != 0 ) // if we are running server tests then use buffers
+ {
+ // read from the send buffer
+ AmountTransferred = BufferRead ( &SendBuffer, Buffer, BufferSize );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // read from the network socket
+ AmountTransferred = recv ( Component->Socket, (char * ) Buffer, BufferSize, 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( AmountTransferred );
+int MITLS_CALLCONV ServerReceiveCallback ( void *Context,
+ unsigned char *Buffer,
+ size_t BufferSize )
+ size_t AmountTransferred = 0;
+ size_t AmountRemaining = 0;
+ COMPONENT *Component = ( COMPONENT * ) Context;
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_RECEIVE_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging )
+ {
+ printf ( "Server Receive callback function invoked (with room for %zu octets)!\n", BufferSize );
+ }
+ // intended behaviour is that this should be blocking
+ do
+ {
+ AmountTransferred = BufferRead ( &ReceiveBuffer, (unsigned char *) Buffer, BufferSize );
+ } while ( AmountTransferred == 0 );
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( AmountTransferred );
+void MITLS_CALLCONV TicketCallback ( void *cb_state,
+ const char *sni,
+ const mitls_ticket *ticket )
+ COMPONENT *Component = NULL;
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_TICKET_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ printf ( "Ticket callback function invoked!\n" );
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+mitls_nego_action MITLS_CALLCONV NegotiationCallback ( void *cb_state,
+ mitls_version ver,
+ const unsigned char *exts,
+ size_t exts_len,
+ mitls_extension **custom_exts,
+ size_t *custom_exts_len,
+ unsigned char **cookie,
+ size_t *cookie_len )
+ COMPONENT *Component = NULL; // the component using this dll and callback
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ //unsigned char *TransportParameters = NULL;
+ //unsigned long TransportParametersLength = 0;
+ //unsigned int Result = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_NEGOTIATION_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ printf ( "Negotiation callback function invoked!\n" );
+ // check first if there was an extension for QUIC transport parameters even if this was not a QUIC test
+ // Result = Component->FindCustomExtension ( 1, exts, exts_len, TLS_ET_QUIC_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS, &TransportParameters, &TransportParametersLength );
+ *custom_exts_len = 0; *custom_exts = NULL;
+ *cookie = ( unsigned char * ) "Hello TLS World"; *cookie_len = 15;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( TLS_nego_accept );
+void MITLS_CALLCONV TraceCallback ( const char *msg )
+ DWORD CurrentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId (); // which thread is running?
+ if ( CurrentThreadId == Tester->ClientTLSTestsThreadIdentifier )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void *MITLS_CALLCONV CertificateSelectCallback ( void *State,
+ mitls_version TLSVersion, // not used below
+ const unsigned char *ServerNameIndicator,
+ size_t ServerNameIndicatorLength,
+ const unsigned char *ApplicationLevelProtocolName, // not used below
+ size_t ApplicationLevelProtocolNameLength, // not used below
+ const mitls_signature_scheme *SignatureAlgorithms,
+ size_t SignatureAlgorithmsLength,
+ mitls_signature_scheme *SelectedSignature )
+ COMPONENT *Component = NULL; // the component using this dll and callback
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_SELECT_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ printf ( "Certificate Select Callback function invoked!\n" );
+ mipki_chain Chain = Component->SelectCertificate ( (mipki_state *) State,
+ ServerNameIndicator,
+ ServerNameIndicatorLength,
+ SignatureAlgorithms,
+ SignatureAlgorithmsLength,
+ SelectedSignature );
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( (void *) Chain );
+size_t MITLS_CALLCONV CertificateFormatCallback ( void *State,
+ const void *ChainOfTrust,
+ unsigned char ChainBuffer [ MAX_CHAIN_LEN ] )
+ COMPONENT *Component = NULL; // the component using this dll and callback
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_FORMAT_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ printf ( "Certificate Format Callback function invoked!\n" );
+ size_t Result = Component->FormatChain ( (mipki_state *) State,
+ (mipki_chain) ChainOfTrust,
+ ChainBuffer,
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( Result );
+size_t MITLS_CALLCONV CertificateSignCallback ( void *State,
+ const void *CertificatePointer,
+ const mitls_signature_scheme SignatureAlgorithm,
+ const unsigned char *Certificate,
+ size_t CertificateLength,
+ unsigned char *Signature )
+ COMPONENT *Component = NULL; // the component using this dll and callback
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ size_t VerifiedSignatureLength = MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN; // signal the maximum before signing (was 0)
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_SIGN_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ printf ( "Certificate Sign Callback function invoked!\n" );
+ int Result = Component->SignCertificate ( (mipki_state *) State,
+ CertificatePointer,
+ SignatureAlgorithm,
+ (const char *) Certificate,
+ CertificateLength,
+ (char *) Signature,
+ &VerifiedSignatureLength );
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( VerifiedSignatureLength );
+int MITLS_CALLCONV CertificateVerifyCallback ( void *State,
+ const unsigned char *ChainOfTrust, // the certificate chain of trust
+ size_t ChainLength, // how many entries are in the chain
+ const mitls_signature_scheme SignatureAlgorithm, // what signature algorithm was used to sign it
+ const unsigned char *Certificate, // the certificate to be verified (tbs)
+ size_t CertificateLength, // how long it is in octets
+ const unsigned char *Signature, // the signature
+ size_t SignatureLength ) // how long the signature is in octets
+ COMPONENT *Component = NULL; // the component using this dll and callback
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ int Result = 0;
+ size_t VerifiedSignatureLength = SignatureLength;
+ FFICallbackMeasurement = GetFFICallbackMeasurement ( FFI_MITLS_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_CALLBACK, &Component );
+ CallCount = FFICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging ) printf ( "Certificate Verify Callback function invoked!\n" );
+ //bool Supported = FALSE;
+ //
+ //const char *SignatureAlgorithmName = LookupSignatureAlgorithm ( SignatureAlgorithm, &Supported );
+ //
+ //printf ( " State = 0x%08X\n", State );
+ //printf ( " ChainOfTrust = 0x%08X\n", ChainOfTrust );
+ //printf ( " ChainLength = %zd octets\n", ChainLength );
+ //
+ //printf ( "SignatureAlgorithm = 0x%04X (%s), Supported = %d\n", SignatureAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithmName, Supported );
+ //
+ //printf ( " Certificate = 0x%08X\n", Certificate );
+ //printf ( " CertificateLength = %zd octets\n", CertificateLength );
+ //printf ( " Signature = 0x%08X\n", Signature );
+ //printf ( " SignatureLength = %zd octets\n", SignatureLength );
+ // verification requires us to first parse the chain of trust. If all is well, then we use the library to verify the certificate
+ // which is why there are so many parameters to this callback
+ int ChainNumber = Component->ParseChain ( (mipki_state *) State, (const char *) ChainOfTrust, ChainLength );
+ if ( Component->CertificateChains [ ChainNumber ] != NULL )
+ {
+ Result = Component->ValidateChain ( Component->CertificateChains [ ChainNumber ] );
+ if ( ! Result )
+ {
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging )
+ {
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging ) printf ( "Chain Validation failed!\n" ); // comment on result but otherwise ignore it
+ }
+ }
+ Result = Component->VerifyCertificate ( (mipki_state *) State,
+ Component->CertificateChains [ ChainNumber ],
+ SignatureAlgorithm,
+ (const char *) Certificate,
+ CertificateLength,
+ (char *) Signature,
+ &VerifiedSignatureLength );
+ if ( ! Result )
+ {
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging ) printf ( "Certificate Verification failed!\n" );
+ }
+ // free the chain as we no longer need it
+ Component->FreeChain ( Component->CertificateChains [ ChainNumber ] );
+ Component->CertificateChains [ ChainNumber ] = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( Tester->ConsoleDebugging ) printf ( "Certificate Chain Parsing failed!\n" );
+ }
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( Result );
+// PKI Callback Function wrappers
+int MITLS_CALLCONV CertificatePasswordCallback ( char *password,
+ int max_size,
+ const char *key_file )
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ PKICallbackMeasurement = &Tester->ClientComponent->MeasurementResultsArray [ Tester->ClientComponent->TestRunNumber ]->Measurements [ Tester->ClientComponent->MeasurementNumber ].PKICallbackMeasurements [ MIPKI_PASSWORD_CALLBACK ];
+ CallCount = PKICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ printf ( "Certificate Password Callback function invoked!\n" );
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( 0 );
+void *MITLS_CALLCONV CertificateAllocationCallback ( void *cur,
+ size_t len,
+ char **buf )
+ unsigned int CallCount = 0;
+ PKICallbackMeasurement = &Tester->ClientComponent->MeasurementResultsArray [ Tester->ClientComponent->TestRunNumber ]->Measurements [ Tester->ClientComponent->MeasurementNumber ].PKICallbackMeasurements [ MIPKI_ALLOC_CALLBACK ];
+ CallCount = PKICallbackMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKICallbackMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ printf ( "Certificate Allocation Callback function invoked!\n" );
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKICallbackMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ }
+ return ( NULL );
+// Measurement Methods
+void COMPONENT::InitialiseMeasurementResults ( void )
+ int TestRunNumber = 0;
+ // initialise all array entries to unallocated
+ for ( TestRunNumber = 0; TestRunNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENT_TYPES; TestRunNumber++ )
+ {
+ MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ] = NULL;
+ }
+ // Then allocate the measurement results arrays for the selected measurements
+ if ( Tester->DoClientTests )
+ {
+ if ( Tester->DoTLSTests ) AllocateMeasurementResult ( TLS_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ if ( Tester->DoQUICTests ) AllocateMeasurementResult ( QUIC_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->DoServerTests )
+ {
+ if ( Tester->DoTLSTests ) AllocateMeasurementResult ( TLS_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ if ( Tester->DoQUICTests ) AllocateMeasurementResult ( QUIC_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->DoServerInteroperabilityTests )
+ {
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( OPENSSL_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( BORINGSSL_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( MBEDTLS_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( WOLFSSL_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( FIZZ_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->DoClientInteroperabilityTests )
+ {
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( OPENSSL_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( BORINGSSL_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( MBEDTLS_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( WOLFSSL_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ AllocateMeasurementResult ( FIZZ_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ }
+ // finally, initialise the allocated measurement results arrays
+ for ( TestRunNumber = 0; TestRunNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENT_TYPES; TestRunNumber++ )
+ {
+ if ( MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ] != NULL ) // was memory allocated for this measurement?
+ {
+ MeasurementResult = MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ];
+ MeasurementResult->MeasurementTypeName = MeasurementTypeNames [ TestRunNumber ];
+ InitialiseMeasurementResult ( MeasurementResult );
+ }
+ }
+void COMPONENT::AllocateMeasurementResult ( int TestRunNumber )
+ MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ] = ( MEASUREMENTRESULTS * ) malloc ( sizeof ( MEASUREMENTRESULTS ) );
+ if ( MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ] == NULL )
+ {
+ printf ( "Could not allocate memory for measurement type %d. This is a FATAL error!\n", TestRunNumber );
+ exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );
+ }
+void COMPONENT::FreeMeasurementResults ( void )
+ int TestRunNumber = 0;
+ for ( TestRunNumber = 0; TestRunNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENT_TYPES; TestRunNumber++ )
+ {
+ if ( MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ] != NULL ) // was memory allocated for this measurement?
+ {
+ // if so then free it
+ free ( MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ] );
+ MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void COMPONENT::InitialiseMeasurementResult ( MEASUREMENTRESULTS *MeasurementResult )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENT *ComponentMeasurement = NULL;
+ MeasurementResult->TestRunStartTime.QuadPart = 0;
+ MeasurementResult->TestRunEndTime.QuadPart = 0;
+ for ( int MeasurementNumber = 0; MeasurementNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENTS; MeasurementNumber++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurement = &MeasurementResult->Measurements [ MeasurementNumber ];
+ ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementStartTime.QuadPart = 0;
+ ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementEndTime.QuadPart = 0;
+ //***********************
+ // Component measurements
+ //***********************
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_FFI_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->EntryName = FFIMeasurementEntryNames [ FunctionIndex ];
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls = 0;
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_PKI_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->EntryName = PKIMeasurementEntryNames [ FunctionIndex ];
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls = 0;
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //*********************
+ // Library measurements
+ //*********************
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_FFI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->FFICallbackMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->EntryName = FFICallbackMeasurementEntryNames [ FunctionIndex ];
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls = 0;
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < MAX_CALLBACK_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_PKI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->PKICallbackMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->EntryName = PKICallbackMeasurementEntryNames [ FunctionIndex ];
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls = 0;
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < MAX_CALLBACK_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void COMPONENT::PrintMeasurementResults ( FILE *MeasurementsResultFile )
+ // write the measurements to the recorded measurements file
+ for ( int TestRunNumber = 0; TestRunNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENT_TYPES; TestRunNumber++ )
+ {
+ MeasurementResult = MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ];
+ // only print out the test runs which were actually recorded
+ if ( MeasurementResult != NULL ) // was memory allocated?
+ {
+ if ( MeasurementResult->TestRunStartTime.QuadPart != 0 ) // did the measurement take place?
+ {
+ PrintMeasurementResult ( MeasurementsResultFile, MeasurementResult );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PrintMeasurementSummary ( IsServer );
+void COMPONENT::PrintMeasurementResult ( FILE *MeasurementsResultFile,
+ MEASUREMENTRESULTS *MeasurementResult )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENT *ComponentMeasurement = NULL;
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, "\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, "Test Run Type Type = %s\n", MeasurementResult->MeasurementTypeName );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, "Test Run StartTime = %I64u\n", MeasurementResult->TestRunStartTime.QuadPart );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, "Test Run EndTime = %I64u\n", MeasurementResult->TestRunEndTime.QuadPart );
+ for ( int MeasurementNumber = 0; MeasurementNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENTS; MeasurementNumber++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurement = &MeasurementResult->Measurements [ MeasurementNumber ];
+ // only print out the measurements which were actually recorded
+ if ( ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementStartTime.QuadPart == 0 ) break;
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, "\nMeasurement Results Entry [ %d ]\n\n", MeasurementNumber );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, "Measurement Start Time = %I64u\n", ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementStartTime.QuadPart );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, "Measurement End Time = %I64u\n", ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementEndTime.QuadPart );
+ //***********************
+ // Component measurements
+ //***********************
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_FFI_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print out the component measurements recorded
+ if ( ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " FFI Function Name = %s\n", ComponentMeasurementEntry->EntryName );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Number Of Calls = %u\n", ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls );
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement Start Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, ComponentMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement End Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, ComponentMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_FFI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->FFICallbackMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print out the component callback measurements recorded
+ if ( CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " FFI Callback Name = %s\n", CallbackMeasurementEntry->EntryName );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Number Of Calls = %u\n", CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls );
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement Start Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, CallbackMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement End Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, CallbackMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //*********************
+ // Library measurements
+ //*********************
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_PKI_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print the library measurements recorded
+ if ( ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " PKI Function Name = %s\n", ComponentMeasurementEntry->EntryName );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Number Of Calls = %u\n", ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls );
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement Start Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, ComponentMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement End Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, ComponentMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( int FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_PKI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->PKICallbackMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print the library callback measurements recorded
+ if ( CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " PKI Callback Name = %s\n", CallbackMeasurementEntry->EntryName );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Number Of Calls = %u\n", CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls );
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement Start Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, CallbackMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementsResultFile, " Measurement End Time [%03d] = %I64u\n", CallIndex, CallbackMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ].QuadPart );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+unsigned long MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex = 0;
+unsigned long MaxMeasurementSummaryArrayIndex = ( ( MAX_FFI_FUNCTIONS + MAX_PKI_FUNCTIONS ) * MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT * 2 ) +
+MEASUREMENT_SUMMARY_ENTRY *MeasurementSummaryArray = NULL; // allocate dynamically
+void COMPONENT::PrintMeasurementSummary ( bool IsServer )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENT *ComponentMeasurement = NULL;
+ FILE *MeasurementSummaryFile = NULL;
+ unsigned int TestRunNumber = 0;
+ unsigned int MeasurementNumber = 0;
+ unsigned int FunctionIndex = 0;
+ unsigned int CallIndex = 0;
+ long StartTime = 0;
+ long ExecutionTime = 0; // in microseconds
+ char *ClientMeasurementSummaryFilename = "ClientMeasurementSummary.csv";
+ char *ServerMeasurementSummaryFilename = "ServerMeasurementSummary.csv";
+ LARGE_INTEGER MeasurementStartTime;
+ if ( IsServer )
+ {
+ MeasurementSummaryFile = fopen ( ServerMeasurementSummaryFilename, "wt" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MeasurementSummaryFile = fopen ( ClientMeasurementSummaryFilename, "wt" );
+ }
+ if ( MeasurementSummaryFile != NULL ) // was the file opened successfully?
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "#\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "# Measurement Summary (Unsorted)\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "# ------------------------------\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "#\n" );
+ // run through each test run
+ for ( TestRunNumber = 0; TestRunNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENT_TYPES; TestRunNumber++ )
+ {
+ // get the measurement array for this test run
+ MeasurementResult = MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ];
+ // only print out the test runs which were actually recorded
+ if ( MeasurementResult != NULL ) // was memory allocated for this test run?
+ {
+ // run through each measurement for this test run
+ for ( MeasurementNumber = 0; MeasurementNumber < MAX_MEASUREMENTS; MeasurementNumber++ )
+ {
+ // allocate empty measurement summary array for maximum number of component measurements and function calls
+ MeasurementSummaryArray = (MEASUREMENT_SUMMARY_ENTRY *) calloc ( MaxMeasurementSummaryArrayIndex, sizeof ( MEASUREMENT_SUMMARY_ENTRY ) );
+ if ( MeasurementSummaryArray != NULL ) // was memory allocated for the measurement summary array ?
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurement = &MeasurementResult->Measurements [ MeasurementNumber ];
+ MeasurementStartTime = ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementStartTime;
+ // only print out the measurements which were actually recorded
+ if ( MeasurementStartTime.QuadPart == 0 ) break;
+ // work out how long the component measurement took
+ ExecutionTime = Tester->CalculateExecutionTime ( MeasurementStartTime, ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementEndTime );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ "# Test Run [%d] Component Measurement [ %d ] Total Execution Time %u microseconds\n", TestRunNumber, MeasurementNumber, ExecutionTime );
+ //***********************
+ // Component measurements
+ //***********************
+ for ( FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_FFI_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print out the component measurements recorded
+ if ( ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ for ( int CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ AddMeasurementSummaryEntry ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ MeasurementResult,
+ ComponentMeasurement,
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry,
+ TestRunNumber,
+ MeasurementNumber,
+ FunctionIndex,
+ CallIndex );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_FFI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->FFICallbackMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print out the component callback measurements recorded
+ if ( CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ for ( CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ AddMeasurementSummaryEntry ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ ComponentMeasurement,
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry,
+ TestRunNumber,
+ MeasurementNumber,
+ CallIndex );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //*********************
+ // Library measurements
+ //*********************
+ for ( FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_PKI_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print the library measurements recorded
+ if ( ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ for ( CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < ComponentMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ AddMeasurementSummaryEntry ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ MeasurementResult,
+ ComponentMeasurement,
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry,
+ TestRunNumber,
+ MeasurementNumber,
+ FunctionIndex,
+ CallIndex );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( FunctionIndex = 0; FunctionIndex < MAX_PKI_CALLBACK_FUNCTIONS; FunctionIndex++ )
+ {
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry = &ComponentMeasurement->PKICallbackMeasurements [ FunctionIndex ];
+ // only print the library callback measurements recorded
+ if ( CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls > 0 )
+ {
+ for ( CallIndex = 0; CallIndex < CallbackMeasurementEntry->NumberOfCalls; CallIndex++ )
+ {
+ AddMeasurementSummaryEntry ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ ComponentMeasurement,
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry,
+ TestRunNumber,
+ MeasurementNumber,
+ CallIndex );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // now sort the summary array into chronological order
+ qsort ( (void *) MeasurementSummaryArray,
+ (size_t) MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex,
+ (size_t) sizeof ( MEASUREMENT_SUMMARY_ENTRY ),
+ MeasurementSummaryCompare );
+ // and put the resulting array into the summary file
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "# Measurement Summary (Sorted)\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "# ----------------------------\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile, "\n" );
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ "Test Run Number, Measurement Number, Call Index, Function Name, StartTime, Duration\n\n" );
+ for ( int Index = 0; Index < MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex; Index++ )
+ {
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ "%d, %d, %d, %s, %u, %u\n",
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].TestRunNumber,
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].MeasurementNumber,
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].CallNumber,
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].FunctionName,
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].StartTime,
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].Duration );
+ }
+ if ( Tester->GenerateImageFiles ) CreateMeasurementSummaryImage ( TestRunNumber, MeasurementNumber );
+ // we are finished with the array
+ free ( MeasurementSummaryArray );
+ MeasurementSummaryArray = NULL;
+ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ( "Cannot allocate memory for measurement array!\n" );
+ }
+ } // Measurement Number
+ } // if ( MeasurementResult != NULL )
+ } // TestRunNumber
+ fclose ( MeasurementSummaryFile );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ( "Cannot open measurement summary file!\n",
+ IsServer ? ClientMeasurementSummaryFilename : ServerMeasurementSummaryFilename );
+ }
+int MeasurementSummaryCompare ( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 )
+ // Compare only the start times of both entries
+ return ( Entry1->StartTime - Entry2->StartTime );
+void COMPONENT::AddMeasurementSummaryEntry ( FILE *MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ MEASUREMENTRESULTS *MeasurementResult,
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENT *ComponentMeasurement,
+ int TestRunNumber,
+ int MeasurementNumber,
+ int FunctionIndex,
+ int CallIndex )
+ long StartTime = 0;
+ long ExecutionTime = 0;
+ // work out the start and execution times
+ if ( ( FunctionIndex == FFI_MITLS_INIT ) || // these are all called very early, well before any measurements
+ ( FunctionIndex == MIPKI_INIT ) ||
+ ( FunctionIndex == MIPKI_FREE ) ||
+ ( FunctionIndex == FFI_MITLS_SET_TRACE_CALLBACK ) ||
+ ( FunctionIndex == MIPKI_ADD_ROOT_FILE_OR_PATH ) ||
+ ( FunctionIndex == FFI_MITLS_CLEANUP ) ) // this is called at the very end
+ {
+ // dont record these ones
+ return;
+ //StartTime = Tester->CalculateExecutionTime ( MeasurementResult->TestRunStartTime,
+ // ComponentMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StartTime = Tester->CalculateExecutionTime ( ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementStartTime,
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ]);
+ ExecutionTime = Tester->CalculateExecutionTime ( ComponentMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ],
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ]);
+ // record the measurement summary in the measurement summary file
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ "# %s [%d] Function Start Time %u, Execution Time %u\n",
+ ComponentMeasurementEntry->EntryName,
+ CallIndex,
+ StartTime,
+ ExecutionTime );
+ // add an entry to the measurement summary array
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].IsCallback = FALSE;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].FunctionName = ComponentMeasurementEntry->EntryName;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].TestRunNumber = TestRunNumber;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].MeasurementNumber = MeasurementNumber;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].CallNumber = CallIndex;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].StartTime = StartTime;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].Duration = ExecutionTime;
+ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex++;
+ }
+void COMPONENT::AddMeasurementSummaryEntry ( FILE *MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENT *ComponentMeasurement,
+ int TestRunNumber,
+ int MeasurementNumber,
+ int CallIndex )
+ // work out the start and execution times
+ long StartTime = Tester->CalculateExecutionTime ( ComponentMeasurement->MeasurementStartTime,
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ]);
+ long ExecutionTime = Tester->CalculateExecutionTime ( CallbackMeasurementEntry->StartTimes [ CallIndex ],
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->EndTimes [ CallIndex ]);
+ // record the measurement summary in the measurement summary file
+ fprintf ( MeasurementSummaryFile,
+ "# %s [%d] Callback Execution Time, %u\n",
+ CallbackMeasurementEntry->EntryName,
+ CallIndex,
+ ExecutionTime );
+ // add an entry to the measurement summary array
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].IsCallback = TRUE;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].FunctionName = CallbackMeasurementEntry->EntryName;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].TestRunNumber = TestRunNumber;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].MeasurementNumber = MeasurementNumber;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].CallNumber = CallIndex;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].StartTime = StartTime;
+ MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex ].Duration = ExecutionTime;
+ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex++;
+// < --------------------------------------- Image Width -------------------------------------->
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^
+// | Top Border | |
+// | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
+// | | | | | |
+// | Left | | | Right | | Image
+// | Border | Text Area | Line Area | Border | | Height
+// | | | | | |
+// | | | | | |
+// | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
+// | Bottom Border | |
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
+void COMPONENT::CreateMeasurementSummaryImage ( int TestRunNumber,
+ int MeasurementNMumber )
+ int FontSize = 20;
+ int LeftBorder = 100;
+ int RightBorder = 100;
+ int TopBorder = 100;
+ int BottomBorder = 100;
+ int TextAreaHeight = MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex * ( FontSize + 4); // based in number of lines needed and fontsize
+ int ImageHeight = TextAreaHeight + TopBorder + BottomBorder;
+ int ImageWidth = 3000;
+ int TextStart = 10; // left border within the Text Area
+ int LineStart = 500; // left border within the Line Area
+ long FirstStartTime = MeasurementSummaryArray [ 0 ].StartTime;
+ long LastStartTime = MeasurementSummaryArray [ MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex - 1 ].StartTime;
+ long MaxDuration = LastStartTime - FirstStartTime;
+ long Duration = 1;
+ int PowerOfTen = 1;
+ int Value = MaxDuration;
+ int DurationIncrement = 0;
+ char TestImageFilename [ MAX_PATH ];
+ char TestImageTitle [ 1000 ];
+ char *FontPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Graphviz2.38\\share\\fonts\\FreeSans.ttf";
+ if ( IsServer )
+ {
+ sprintf ( TestImageFilename, "ServerMeasurementSummaryImage_Run%d_Measurement%d.png", TestRunNumber, MeasurementNMumber );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf ( TestImageFilename, "ClientMeasurementSummaryImage_Run%d_Measurement%d.png", TestRunNumber, MeasurementNMumber );
+ }
+ pngwriter TestImage ( ImageWidth, ImageHeight, 65535, TestImageFilename ); // a white image
+ sprintf ( TestImageTitle, "Measurement Summary Image for Run %d and Measurement %d", TestRunNumber, MeasurementNMumber );
+ TestImage.settext ( TestImageTitle,
+ (const char *) "Caroline Mathieson",
+ (const char *) "gantt chart like image of start time and duration for each function call",
+ (const char *) "MITLS Tester" );
+ // draw a border round the text and line areas
+ TestImage.square ( LeftBorder, BottomBorder, ImageWidth - RightBorder, ImageHeight - TopBorder, 0, 0, 0 );
+ // for each entry in the measurement summary array, draw the function name in black
+ for ( int Index = 0; Index < MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex; Index++ )
+ {
+ char *FunctionName = (char *) MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].FunctionName;
+ TestImage.plot_text_utf8 ( FontPath,
+ FontSize,
+ LeftBorder + TextStart,
+ ImageHeight - TopBorder - FontSize - ( FontSize + 4 ) * Index, // compensate for text height
+ (double) 0.0,
+ FunctionName,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0 );
+ }
+ // find the nearest power of ten
+ while ( Value > 0 )
+ {
+ Value = Value / 10; PowerOfTen++; Duration *= 10;
+ }
+ DurationIncrement = Duration / 10; // nearest power of ten above the actual total duration so reduce by 10 to get real increment
+ // and calculate a scaling factor given the line area size
+ double ScalingFactor = (double) ( ImageWidth - LeftBorder - RightBorder - LineStart - 100 ) / (double) ( MaxDuration );
+ // draw some power of ten grid lines for scale
+ for ( long Index = 0; Index < MaxDuration; Index += DurationIncrement ) // x axis
+ {
+ for ( int y = BottomBorder; y < ( ImageHeight - TopBorder ); y += 5 ) // y axis
+ {
+ int x = LeftBorder + LineStart + ( Index * ScalingFactor );
+ TestImage.filledsquare ( x, y, x + 1, y + 1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ }
+ }
+ // for each entry in the measurement array, draw the duration line at the right starting point
+ for ( int Index = 0; Index < MeasurementSummaryArrayIndex; Index++)
+ {
+ // plot the duration line
+ int y = ImageHeight - TopBorder - FontSize - ( FontSize + 4 ) * Index;
+ int x = LeftBorder + LineStart + ( MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].StartTime - FirstStartTime ) * ScalingFactor;
+ int width = 2 + (int) ( MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].Duration ) * ScalingFactor; // minimum width of 2 pixels
+ int height = FontSize - 2;
+ if ( MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].IsCallback )
+ {
+ TestImage.filledsquare ( x + 1, y + 1, x + width, y + height, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // draw it in blue
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TestImage.filledsquare ( x + 1, y + 1, x + width, y + height, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // draw it in magenta
+ }
+ // plot the duration text (in us)
+ char DurationText [ 10 ];
+ itoa ( MeasurementSummaryArray [ Index ].Duration, DurationText, 10 );
+ strcat ( DurationText, "us" );
+ TestImage.plot_text_utf8 ( FontPath,
+ FontSize - 4,
+ x + width + 15, // offset the text to the right from the line
+ y + 2,
+ (double) 0.0,
+ (char *) DurationText,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0 );
+ }
+ TestImage.close ();
+void COMPONENT::RecordTestRunStartTime ( void )
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ]->TestRunStartTime );
+void COMPONENT::RecordTestRunEndTime ( void )
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ]->TestRunEndTime );
+void COMPONENT::RecordMeasurementStartTime ( void )
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ]->Measurements [ MeasurementNumber ].MeasurementStartTime );
+void COMPONENT::RecordMeasurementEndTime ( void )
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ]->Measurements [ MeasurementNumber ].MeasurementEndTime );
+// COMPONENT Methods
+COMPONENT::COMPONENT ( TLSTESTER *Parent, FILE *NewDebugFile, bool IsThisAServer )
+ Tester = Parent;
+ DebugFile = NewDebugFile;
+ IsServer = IsThisAServer;
+ // initialise component and library internal state variable addresses
+ TLSState = NULL;
+ QUICState = NULL;
+ PKIState = NULL;
+ // set the default values here in case they are not over-ridden by command line arguments
+ strcpy ( TLSVersion, "1.3" );
+ strcpy ( HostName, "google.com" );
+ PortNumber = 443;
+ strcpy ( ClientCertificateFilename, "server-ecdsa.crt" );
+ strcpy ( ClientCertificateKeyFilename, "server-ecdsa.key" );
+ strcpy ( ServerCertificateFilename, "server-ecdsa.crt" );
+ strcpy ( ServerCertificateKeyFilename, "server-ecdsa.key" );
+ // initialise certificate chain variables
+ NumberOfChainsAllocated = 0; // index into CertificateChains
+ for ( int ChainNumber = 0; ChainNumber < MAX_CERTIFICATE_CHAINS; ChainNumber++ )
+ {
+ CertificateChains [ ChainNumber ] = NULL;
+ }
+ // initialise measurement results global variables
+ TestRunNumber = 0;
+ MeasurementNumber = 0;
+ NumberOfMeasurementsMade = 0;
+ InitialiseMeasurementResults ();
+ if ( IsServer ) // initialise the transfer buffers used in server tests
+ {
+ BufferInitialise ( &SendBuffer );
+ BufferInitialise ( &ReceiveBuffer );
+ }
+ CurrentComponentMeasurement = &MeasurementResultsArray [ 0 ]->Measurements [ 0 ]; // set to the first test and measurement
+ FreeMeasurementResults ();
+ if ( IsServer )
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "Buffer Management, SendBuffer->TotalAmountWritten = %u octets\n", SendBuffer.TotalAmountWritten );
+ fprintf ( stderr, "Buffer Management, SendBuffer->TotalAmountRead = %u octets\n", SendBuffer.TotalAmountRead );
+ fprintf ( stderr, "Buffer Management, ReceiveBuffer->TotalAmountWritten = %u octets\n", ReceiveBuffer.TotalAmountWritten );
+ fprintf ( stderr, "Buffer Management, ReceiveBuffer->TotalAmountRead = %u octets\n", ReceiveBuffer.TotalAmountRead );
+ }
+void COMPONENT::SetClientCertificateFilename ( char *NewClientCertificateFilename )
+ strcpy ( ClientCertificateFilename, NewClientCertificateFilename );
+void COMPONENT::SetClientCertificateKeyFilename ( char *NewClientCertificateKeyFilename )
+ strcpy ( ClientCertificateKeyFilename, NewClientCertificateKeyFilename );
+void COMPONENT::SetServerCertificateFilename ( char *NewServerCertificateFilename )
+ strcpy ( ServerCertificateFilename, NewServerCertificateFilename );
+void COMPONENT::SetServerCertificateKeyFilename ( char *NewServerCertificateKeyFilename )
+ strcpy ( ServerCertificateKeyFilename, NewServerCertificateKeyFilename );
+void COMPONENT::SetVersion ( char *NewVersion )
+ strcpy ( TLSVersion, NewVersion );
+void COMPONENT::SetHostName ( char *NewHostName )
+ strcpy ( HostName, NewHostName );
+void COMPONENT::SetPortNumber ( int NewPortNumber )
+ PortNumber = NewPortNumber;
+void COMPONENT::SetTestRunNumber ( int NewTestRunNumber )
+ TestRunNumber = NewTestRunNumber;
+ // when we change the test run number, the measurements should start at 0 again
+ SetMeasurementNumber ( 0 );
+void COMPONENT::SetMeasurementNumber ( int NewMeasurementNumber )
+ MeasurementNumber = NewMeasurementNumber;
+ CurrentComponentMeasurement = &MeasurementResultsArray [ TestRunNumber ]->Measurements [ MeasurementNumber ];
+void COMPONENT::SetSocket ( SOCKET ServerSocket )
+ Socket = ServerSocket;
+void COMPONENT::SetNumberOfMeasurementsMade ( int FinalNumberOfMeasurementsMade )
+ NumberOfMeasurementsMade = FinalNumberOfMeasurementsMade;
+char *COMPONENT::GetHostName ( void )
+ return ( (char *) HostName );
+int COMPONENT::GetPortNumber ( void )
+ return ( PortNumber );
+// TLS API Function wrappers
+int COMPONENT::InitialiseTLS ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_INIT ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_init () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_init ();
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::Configure ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE ];
+ int Result = 0;
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ if ( IsServer )
+ {
+ // don't specify the host name when in server mode
+ Result = FFI_mitls_configure ( &TLSState, TLSVersion, "" ); // note that this one requires a state double pointer!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Result = FFI_mitls_configure ( &TLSState, TLSVersion, HostName ); // note that this one requires a state double pointer!
+ }
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ if ( IsServer ) // reset those transfer buffers for each test that does a configure
+ {
+ BufferReset ( &SendBuffer );
+ BufferReset ( &ReceiveBuffer );
+ }
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::Configure ( char *UseThisHostName ) // configure using the specified host name
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure (%s) called\n", UseThisHostName );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure ( &TLSState, TLSVersion, UseThisHostName ); // note that this one requires a state double pointer!
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::SetTicketKey ( const char *Algorithm,
+ const unsigned char *TicketKey,
+ size_t TicketKeyLength )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_SET_TICKET_KEY ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_set_ticket_key () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_set_ticket_key ( Algorithm, TicketKey, TicketKeyLength );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureCipherSuites ( const char *CipherSuites )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_CIPHER_SUITES ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_cipher_suites () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_cipher_suites ( TLSState, CipherSuites );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureSignatureAlgorithms ( const char *SignatureAlgorithms )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_signature_algorithms () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_signature_algorithms ( TLSState, SignatureAlgorithms );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureNamedGroups ( const char *NamedGroups )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_NAMED_GROUPS ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_named_groups () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_named_groups ( TLSState, NamedGroups );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation ( const char *ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_ALPN ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_alpn () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_alpn ( TLSState, ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureEarlyData ( uint32_t MaximumEarlyData )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_EARLY_DATA ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_early_data () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_early_data ( TLSState, MaximumEarlyData );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+void COMPONENT::ConfigureTraceCallback ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_SET_TRACE_CALLBACK ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_set_trace_callback () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ FFI_mitls_set_trace_callback ( TraceCallback );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureTicketCallback ( void *CallbackState,
+ pfn_FFI_ticket_cb TicketCallback )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_TICKET_CALLBACK ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_ticket_callback () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_ticket_callback ( TLSState, CallbackState, TicketCallback );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureNegotiationCallback ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_NEGO_CALLBACK ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_nego_callback () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_nego_callback ( TLSState, NULL, NegotiationCallback );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ConfigureCertificateCallbacks ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONFIGURE_CERT_CALLBACKS ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ mitls_cert_cb CertificateCallbacks;
+ // setup the callback functions structure with the wrapper functions (so we can do measurements)
+ CertificateCallbacks.format = CertificateFormatCallback;
+ CertificateCallbacks.select = CertificateSelectCallback;
+ CertificateCallbacks.sign = CertificateSignCallback;
+ CertificateCallbacks.verify = CertificateVerifyCallback;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_configure_cert_callbacks () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_configure_cert_callbacks ( TLSState, PKIState, &CertificateCallbacks );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+void COMPONENT::Close ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CLOSE ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_close () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ FFI_mitls_close ( TLSState );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+int COMPONENT::Connect ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CONNECT ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_connect () called\n" );
+ Tester->ClientComponent->MeasurementNumber = MeasurementNumber; // record the measurement number used for the connect call for use in callbacks
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_connect ( ( void * ) this, ClientSendCallback, ClientReceiveCallback, TLSState );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::AcceptConnected ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_ACCEPT_CONNECTED ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_accept_connected () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_accept_connected ( ( void * ) this, ServerSendCallback, ServerReceiveCallback, TLSState );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::GetExporter ( int early,
+ mitls_secret *secret )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_GET_EXPORTER ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_get_exporter () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_get_exporter ( TLSState, early, secret );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+void *COMPONENT::GetCertificate ( size_t *cert_size )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_GET_CERT ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_get_cert () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ void *Certificate = FFI_mitls_get_cert ( TLSState, cert_size );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Certificate );
+int COMPONENT::Send ( const unsigned char *buffer,
+ size_t buffer_size )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_SEND ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_send () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_send ( TLSState, buffer, buffer_size );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+void *COMPONENT::Receive ( size_t *packet_size )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_RECEIVE ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_receive () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ void *Packet = FFI_mitls_receive ( TLSState, packet_size );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Packet );
+void COMPONENT::Cleanup ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_CLEANUP ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_cleanup () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ FFI_mitls_cleanup ();
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+// QUIC API Function wrappers
+mitls_cert_cb CertificateCallbacks =
+ CertificateCallbacks.select = CertificateSelectCallback,
+ CertificateCallbacks.format = CertificateFormatCallback,
+ CertificateCallbacks.sign = CertificateSignCallback,
+ CertificateCallbacks.verify = CertificateVerifyCallback,
+mitls_extension QuicClientTransportParameters =
+ QuicClientTransportParameters.ext_type = (uint16_t) 0x1A, // TLS_ET_QUIC_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS
+ QuicClientTransportParameters.ext_data = (const unsigned char*) "\xff\xff\x00\x05\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x00",
+ QuicClientTransportParameters.ext_data_len = 9,
+int COMPONENT::QuicCreate ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_QUIC_CREATE ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_quic_create () called\n" );
+ // set the right configuration for this test
+ Configuration.callback_state = &QUICState;
+ Configuration.cert_callbacks = &CertificateCallbacks;
+ Configuration.nego_callback = &NegotiationCallback;
+ Configuration.exts = &QuicClientTransportParameters;
+ Configuration.exts_count = 1;
+ // and call the API with this config
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_quic_create ( &QUICState, &Configuration );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+quic_result COMPONENT::QuicProcess ( const unsigned char *inBuf,
+ size_t *pInBufLen,
+ unsigned char *outBuf,
+ size_t *pOutBufLen )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_QUIC_PROCESS ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_quic_process () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ quic_result Result = FFI_mitls_quic_process ( QUICState, inBuf, pInBufLen, outBuf, pOutBufLen );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::QuicGetExporter ( int early,
+ quic_secret *secret )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_QUIC_GET_EXPORTER ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_quic_get_exporter () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ //int Result = FFI_mitls_quic_get_exporter ( QUICState, early, secret );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( 0 /*Result*/ );
+void COMPONENT::QuicClose ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_QUIC_CLOSE ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_quic_close () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ //FFI_mitls_quic_close ( QUICState );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+int COMPONENT::GetHelloSummary ( const unsigned char *buffer,
+ size_t buffer_len,
+ mitls_hello_summary *summary,
+ unsigned char **cookie,
+ size_t *cookie_len )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_GET_HELLO_SUMMARY ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_quic_get_hello_summary () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_get_hello_summary ( buffer, buffer_len, summary, cookie, cookie_len );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::FindCustomExtension ( int is_server,
+ const unsigned char *exts,
+ size_t exts_len,
+ uint16_t ext_type,
+ unsigned char **ext_data,
+ size_t *ext_data_len )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_FIND_CUSTOM_EXTENSION ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_find_custom_extension () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = FFI_mitls_find_custom_extension ( is_server, exts, exts_len, ext_type, ext_data, ext_data_len );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+void COMPONENT::GlobalFree ( void *pv )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *FFIComponentMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->FFIMeasurements [ FFI_MITLS_GLOBAL_FREE ];
+ int CallCount = FFIComponentMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "FFI_mitls_global_free () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ FFI_mitls_global_free ( pv );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &FFIComponentMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+// PKI API Function wrappers
+int COMPONENT::InitialisePKI ( void )
+ signed int ErrorIndex;
+ mipki_config_entry Configuration [ 1 ];
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_INIT ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ Configuration [ 0 ].cert_file = ServerCertificateFilename; // only 1 certificate and key
+ Configuration [ 0 ].key_file = ServerCertificateKeyFilename;
+ Configuration [ 0 ].is_universal = TRUE;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_init () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ PKIState = mipki_init ( Configuration, 1, NULL, &ErrorIndex );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( ErrorIndex );
+void COMPONENT::TerminatePKI ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_FREE ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_free () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ mipki_free ( PKIState );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+int COMPONENT::AddRootFileOrPath ( const char *CertificateAuthorityFile )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_ADD_ROOT_FILE_OR_PATH ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_add_root_file_or_path () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = mipki_add_root_file_or_path ( PKIState, CertificateAuthorityFile );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+mipki_chain COMPONENT::SelectCertificate ( mipki_state *State,
+ const unsigned char *ServerNameIndicator,
+ size_t ServerNameIndicatorLength,
+ const mitls_signature_scheme *SignatureAlgorithms,
+ size_t SignatureAlgorithmsLength,
+ mitls_signature_scheme *SelectedSignatureScheme )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_SELECT_CERTIFICATE ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_select_certificate () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ mipki_chain Chain = mipki_select_certificate ( State,
+ (const char *) ServerNameIndicator,
+ ServerNameIndicatorLength,
+ SignatureAlgorithms,
+ SignatureAlgorithmsLength,
+ SelectedSignatureScheme );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Chain );
+int COMPONENT::SignCertificate ( mipki_state *State,
+ mipki_chain CertificatePointer,
+ const mipki_signature SignatureAlgorithm,
+ const char *Certificate,
+ size_t CertificateLength,
+ char *Signature,
+ size_t *SignatureLength )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_SIGN_VERFIY ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_sign_verify () called in Sign Mode\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = mipki_sign_verify ( State, // use the state provided by the callback!
+ CertificatePointer,
+ SignatureAlgorithm,
+ Certificate,
+ CertificateLength,
+ Signature,
+ SignatureLength,
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::VerifyCertificate ( mipki_state *State,
+ mipki_chain CertificatePointer,
+ const mipki_signature SignatureAlgorithm,
+ const char *Certificate,
+ size_t CertificateLength,
+ char *Signature,
+ size_t *SignatureLength )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_SIGN_VERFIY ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_sign_verify () called in Verify Mode\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = mipki_sign_verify ( State, // use the state provided by the callback!
+ CertificatePointer,
+ SignatureAlgorithm,
+ Certificate,
+ CertificateLength,
+ Signature,
+ SignatureLength,
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+int COMPONENT::ParseChain ( mipki_state *State, // use the state provided by the callback!
+ const char *ChainOfTrust, // the certificate chain of trust in TLS network format
+ size_t ChainLength ) // returns index into CertificateChains []
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_PARSE_CHAIN ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_parse_chain () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ if ( NumberOfChainsAllocated < MAX_CERTIFICATE_CHAINS )
+ {
+ // keep a record of the chains parsed and the parsed chain
+ CertificateChains [ NumberOfChainsAllocated ] = mipki_parse_chain ( State, ChainOfTrust, ChainLength );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ( "Number of certificate chains in component exceeded!\n" );
+ }
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( NumberOfChainsAllocated++ );
+mipki_chain COMPONENT::ParseList ( void )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_PARSE_LIST ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_parse_list () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ // mipki_chain Chain = mipki_parse_list ( PKIState, const char **certs, const size_t* certs_len, size_t chain_len );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( NULL );
+size_t COMPONENT::FormatChain ( mipki_state *State,
+ mipki_chain ChainOfTrust,
+ unsigned char *ChainBuffer,
+ size_t ChainBufferLength )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_FORMAT_CHAIN ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_format_chain () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ size_t Result = mipki_format_chain ( State, ChainOfTrust, (char *) ChainBuffer, ChainBufferLength );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+void COMPONENT::FormatAllocation ( mipki_chain Chain )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_FORMAT_ALLOC ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_format_alloc () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ // mipki_format_alloc ( PKIState, Chain, void* init, alloc_callback cb );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+int COMPONENT::ValidateChain ( mipki_chain Chain )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_VALIDATE_CHAIN ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_validate_chain () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ int Result = mipki_validate_chain ( PKIState, Chain, "" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ return ( Result );
+void COMPONENT::FreeChain ( mipki_chain Chain )
+ COMPONENTMEASUREMENTENTRY *PKILibraryMeasurement = &CurrentComponentMeasurement->PKIMeasurements [ MIPKI_FREE_CHAIN ];
+ int CallCount = PKILibraryMeasurement->NumberOfCalls++;
+ fprintf ( DebugFile, "mipki_free_chain () called\n" );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->StartTimes [ CallCount ] );
+ mipki_free_chain ( PKIState, Chain );
+ if ( CallCount < MAX_COMPONENT_CALLS_PER_MEASUREMENT ) QueryPerformanceCounter ( &PKILibraryMeasurement->EndTimes [ CallCount ] );
diff --git a/tests/Tester/Tester/InteropTester.cpp b/tests/Tester/Tester/InteropTester.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1442ab00f
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/Tester/Tester/InteropTester.cpp differ
diff --git a/tests/Tester/Tester/InteropTester.h b/tests/Tester/Tester/InteropTester.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..452106ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tester/Tester/InteropTester.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Purpose: Interoperability Tester header file
+// Project: Everest
+// Filename: InteropTester.h
+// Authors: Caroline.M.Mathieson (CMM)
+// Description
+// -----------
+//! \file InteropTester.h
+//! \brief Contains the complete implementation of the Interoperability Tester.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+FILE *OpenStatisticsFile ( const char *StatisticsFileName );
+FILE *OpenDebugFile ( const char *DebugFileName );
+void OperatorConfidence ( void );
+void ProcessCommandLine ( int ArgumentCount,
+ char *ArgumentList [],
+ char *EnvironmentVariables [],
+ bool Silent );
+#pragma once
diff --git a/tests/Tester/Tester/SimpleServer.cpp b/tests/Tester/Tester/SimpleServer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c24250939
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/Tester/Tester/SimpleServer.cpp differ
diff --git a/tests/Tester/Tester/TLSTester.cpp b/tests/Tester/Tester/TLSTester.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ed0b828d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tester/Tester/TLSTester.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1655 @@
+// Purpose: TLSTESTER OBJECT source code file
+// Project: Everest
+// Filename: TLSTester.cpp
+// Authors: Caroline.M.Mathieson (CMM)
+// Description
+// -----------
+//! \file TLSTester.cpp
+//! \brief Contains the complete implementation of the TLSTESTER Object. This covers TLS tester attributes and functions.
+#include "Tester.h" // pulls in everything else
+// see https://github.com/project-everest/mitls-fstar/blob/e2490b839c46beac96c0900beee4d19111355b21/src/tls/FFI.fst#L244
+static const int NumberOfCipherSuites = 14;
+static const char *SupportedCipherSuites [ NumberOfCipherSuites ] =
+ // these are the cipher suites offered by default in the ClientHello
+ "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
+ "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
+ "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256",
+ "TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256",
+ "TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256",
+ "DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384",
+ "DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256",
+// See https://github.com/project-everest/mitls-fstar/blob/master/src/tls/TLSConstants.fst and
+// https://github.com/project-everest/mitls-fstar/blob/e2490b839c46beac96c0900beee4d19111355b21/src/tls/FFI.fst#L244
+static const int NumberOfSignatureAlgorithms = 11;
+static const char *SupportedSignatureAlgorithms [ NumberOfSignatureAlgorithms ] =
+ "RSAPSS+SHA512",
+ "RSAPSS+SHA384",
+ "RSAPSS+SHA256",
+ "RSA+SHA512",
+ "RSA+SHA384",
+ "RSA+SHA256",
+ "RSA+SHA1",
+ "ECDSA+SHA512",
+ "ECDSA+SHA384",
+ "ECDSA+SHA256",
+ // these are the signature algorithms offered by default in the ClientHello Signature Algorithms Extension
+ // legacy algorithms
+// "RSA_PKCS1_SHA1", // no longer supported in kremlin code
+// "RSA_PKCS1_MD5SHA1", // only used internally for now
+// "ECDSA_SHA1", // no longer supported in kremlin code
+ // Not sure what these are (nothing in header file
+// "RSA_PKCS1_SHA256",
+// "RSA_PKCS1_SHA384",
+// "RSA_PKCS1_SHA512",
+ // RSASSA-PSS Algorithms
+// "RSA_PSS_SHA256",
+// "RSA_PSS_SHA384",
+// "RSA_PSS_SHA512",
+ // ECDSA Algorithms
+// "ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256:",
+// "ECDSA_SECP384R1_SHA384",
+// "ECDSA_SECP521R1_SHA512",
+ // EDDSA Algorithms
+// "ED25519_SHA512",
+// "ED448_SHAKE256",
+ // Reserved code points
+// "DSA_SHA1",
+// "DSA_SHA256",
+// "DSA_SHA384",
+// "DSA_SHA512",
+ // old list
+// "ECDSA+SHA256",
+// "ECDSA+SHA384",
+// "ECDSA+SHA512",
+// see https://github.com/project-everest/mitls-fstar/blob/master/src/tls/CommonDH.fst and
+// https://github.com/project-everest/mitls-fstar/blob/e2490b839c46beac96c0900beee4d19111355b21/src/tls/FFI.fst#L244
+static const int NumberOfNamedGroups = 8;
+static const char *SupportedNamedGroups [ NumberOfNamedGroups ] =
+ "P-521",
+ "P-384",
+ "P-256",
+ "X25519",
+ "X448",
+ "FFDHE4096",
+ "FFDHE3072",
+ "FFDHE2048",
+ FILE *TestResultsFile,
+ FILE *RecordedClientMeasurementsFile,
+ FILE *RecordedServerMeasurementsFile ) : TESTER ( DebugFile,
+ TestResultsFile,
+ RecordedClientMeasurementsFile,
+ RecordedServerMeasurementsFile )
+ ClientComponent = NULL; // we instantiate it in the client config method
+ ServerComponent = NULL; // we instantiate it in the server config method
+ // set the default values here in case they are not over-ridden by command line arguments
+ strcpy ( HostFileName, "\0" );
+ NumberOfHostsRead = 0;
+ memset ( HostNames, 0, sizeof ( HostNames ) );
+ strcpy ( TLSVersion, "1.3" );
+ strcpy ( HostName, "google.com" );
+ PortNumber = 443;
+ // certificate attributes
+ strcpy ( ClientCertificateFilename, "server-ecdsa.crt" );
+ strcpy ( ClientCertificateKeyFilename, "server-ecdsa.key" );
+ strcpy ( ServerCertificateFilename, "server-ecdsa.crt" );
+ strcpy ( ServerCertificateKeyFilename, "server-ecdsa.key" );
+ strcpy ( CertificateAuthorityChainFilename, "CAFile.pem" );
+ // command line over-ride flags
+ GenerateImageFiles = FALSE;
+ UseHostList = FALSE;
+ UseHostName = FALSE;
+ UsePortNumber = FALSE;
+ DoTLSTests = FALSE;
+ DoQUICTests = FALSE;
+ DoClientTests = FALSE;
+ DoServerTests = FALSE;
+ DoDefaultTests = FALSE;
+ DoCombinationTests = FALSE;
+ DoClientInteroperabilityTests = FALSE;
+ DoServerInteroperabilityTests = FALSE;
+ // thread attributes
+ ClientTLSTestsThreadIdentifier = 0;
+ ServerTLSTestsThreadIdentifier = 0;
+ ClientTLSTestsThreadHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ ServerTLSTestsThreadHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+void TLSTESTER::ConfigureClient ( void )
+ bool Result;
+ ClientComponent = new COMPONENT ( this, DebugFile, FALSE );
+ // configure the ClientComponent attributes using the command line arguments if any given or the defaults otherwise
+ if ( ClientComponent != NULL )
+ {
+ ClientComponent->IsServer = FALSE;
+ ClientComponent->SetVersion ( TLSVersion );
+ ClientComponent->SetHostName ( HostName );
+ ClientComponent->SetPortNumber ( PortNumber );
+ ClientComponent->SetClientCertificateFilename ( ClientCertificateFilename );
+ ClientComponent->SetClientCertificateKeyFilename ( ClientCertificateKeyFilename );
+ ClientComponent->SetServerCertificateFilename ( ServerCertificateFilename );
+ ClientComponent->SetServerCertificateKeyFilename ( ServerCertificateKeyFilename );
+ }
+void TLSTESTER::ConfigureServer ( void )
+ bool Result;
+ ServerComponent = new COMPONENT ( this, DebugFile, TRUE );
+ // configure the ServerComponent attributes using the command line arguments if any given or the defaults otherwise
+ if ( ServerComponent != NULL )
+ {
+ ServerComponent->IsServer = TRUE;
+ ServerComponent->SetVersion ( TLSVersion );
+ ServerComponent->SetHostName ( HostName );
+ ServerComponent->SetPortNumber ( PortNumber );
+ ServerComponent->SetClientCertificateFilename ( ClientCertificateFilename );
+ ServerComponent->SetClientCertificateKeyFilename ( ClientCertificateKeyFilename );
+ ServerComponent->SetServerCertificateFilename ( ServerCertificateFilename );
+ ServerComponent->SetServerCertificateKeyFilename ( ServerCertificateKeyFilename );
+ }
+ if ( ClientComponent != NULL )
+ {
+ ClientComponent->PrintMeasurementResults ( RecordedClientMeasurementsFile );
+ delete ClientComponent;
+ }
+ if ( ServerComponent != NULL )
+ {
+ ServerComponent->PrintMeasurementResults ( RecordedServerMeasurementsFile );
+ delete ServerComponent;
+ }
+void TLSTESTER::RunClientTLSTests ( char *TestDateAndTimeString )
+ DateAndTimeString = TestDateAndTimeString; // record the date and time of the test
+ ClientTestsFinished = FALSE;
+ ClientTLSTestsThreadHandle = CreateThread ( NULL, // default security attributes
+ 0, // use default stack size
+ ClientTLSTestsThread, // thread function name
+ this, // argument to thread function is class instance
+ 0, // use default creation flags
+ &ClientTLSTestsThreadIdentifier ); // returns the thread identifier
+ while ( ! ClientTestsFinished ) Sleep ( 1000 ); // wait for thread to finish
+void TLSTESTER::RunServerTLSTests ( char *TestDateAndTimeString )
+ DateAndTimeString = TestDateAndTimeString; // record the date and time of the test
+ ClientTestsFinished = FALSE;
+ ServerTestsFinished = FALSE;
+ ServerTLSTestsThreadHandle = CreateThread ( NULL, // default security attributes
+ 0, // use default stack size
+ ServerTLSTestsThread, // thread function name
+ this, // argument to thread function is class instance
+ 0, // use default creation flags
+ &ServerTLSTestsThreadIdentifier ); // returns the thread identifier
+ // now that the server thread is running, start the client thread after a while
+ Sleep ( 1000 );
+ ClientTLSTestsThreadHandle = CreateThread ( NULL, // default security attributes
+ 0, // use default stack size
+ ClientServerTLSTestsThread, // thread function name
+ this, // argument to thread function is class instance
+ 0, // use default creation flags
+ &ClientTLSTestsThreadIdentifier ); // returns the thread identifier
+ while ( ( ! ServerTestsFinished ) && ( ! ClientTestsFinished ) )
+ {
+ Sleep ( 1000 ); // wait for both threads to finish
+ }
+DWORD WINAPI ClientTLSTestsThread ( LPVOID lpParam )
+ TLSTESTER *Tester = (TLSTESTER *) lpParam;
+ Tester->ClientTLSTests ();
+ Tester->ClientTestsFinished = TRUE;
+ ExitThread ( 0 );
+DWORD WINAPI ClientServerTLSTestsThread ( LPVOID lpParam )
+ TLSTESTER *Tester = (TLSTESTER *) lpParam;
+ Tester->ClientServerTLSTests ();
+ Tester->ClientTestsFinished = TRUE;
+ ExitThread ( 0 );
+DWORD WINAPI ServerTLSTestsThread ( LPVOID lpParam )
+ TLSTESTER *Tester = (TLSTESTER *) lpParam;
+ Tester->ServerTLSTests ();
+ Tester->ServerTestsFinished = TRUE;
+ ExitThread ( 0 );
+void TLSTESTER::ClientTLSTests ( void )
+ int MeasurementNumber = 0;
+ long ExecutionTime = 0;
+ int Result = 0;
+ int ErrorIndex = 0;
+ bool Success = FALSE;
+ ClientComponent->SetTestRunNumber ( TLS_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ ClientComponent->RecordTestRunStartTime ();
+ Result = ClientComponent->InitialiseTLS ();
+ if ( ! Result ) { printf ( "Failed to Initialise TLS for client!\n" ); return; }
+ ClientComponent->ConfigureTraceCallback ();
+ ErrorIndex = ClientComponent->InitialisePKI ();
+ if ( ErrorIndex != 0 ) { printf ( "Failed to Initialise PKI for client!\n" ); return; }
+ if ( DoDefaultTests )
+ {
+ //
+ // Run a measurement for just the default host, cipher suite, signature algorithm and named group
+ //
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementStartTime ); // just for this measurement to give a quick result below
+ Success = RunSingleClientDefaultsTLSTest ( MeasurementNumber );
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementEndTime );
+ ExecutionTime = CalculateExecutionTime ( MeasurementStartTime, MeasurementEndTime );
+ if ( Success )
+ {
+ fprintf ( ComponentStatisticsFile,
+ "%s, %d, %d, %s, Default, Default, Default, PASS, %u\n",
+ DateAndTimeString,
+ ClientComponent->TestRunNumber,
+ MeasurementNumber,
+ ClientComponent->GetHostName (),
+ ExecutionTime );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( ComponentStatisticsFile,
+ "%s, %d, %d, %s, Default, Default, Default, FAIL, %u\n",
+ DateAndTimeString,
+ ClientComponent->TestRunNumber,
+ MeasurementNumber,
+ ClientComponent->GetHostName (),
+ ExecutionTime );
+ }
+ MeasurementNumber++;
+ }
+ if ( DoCombinationTests )
+ {
+ //
+ // Then run a measurement for each combination of supported cipher suite, signature algorithm and named groups
+ // for all specified hosts.
+ //
+ if ( UseHostList )
+ {
+ for ( int HostNumber = 0; HostNumber < NumberOfHostsRead; HostNumber++ )
+ {
+ ClientComponent->SetHostName ( HostNames [ HostNumber ] );
+ MeasurementNumber = RunCombinationTest ( MeasurementNumber, HostNames [ HostNumber ] );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MeasurementNumber = RunCombinationTest ( MeasurementNumber, HostName );
+ }
+ }
+ ClientComponent->TerminatePKI ();
+ ClientComponent->Cleanup ();
+ ClientComponent->RecordTestRunEndTime ();
+ // add this set of tests to the total run
+ ClientComponent->NumberOfMeasurementsMade += MeasurementNumber;
+void TLSTESTER::ClientServerTLSTests ( void )
+ int MeasurementNumber = 0;
+ long ExecutionTime = 0;
+ int Result = 0;
+ int ErrorIndex = 0;
+ bool Success = FALSE;
+ ClientComponent->SetTestRunNumber ( TLS_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ ClientComponent->RecordTestRunStartTime ();
+ ServerComponent->RecordTestRunStartTime ();
+ // server tests mean that the servers are all local
+ ClientComponent->SetHostName ( "localhost" );
+ ServerComponent->SetHostName ( "localhost" );
+ Result = ClientComponent->InitialiseTLS ();
+ if ( ! Result ) { printf ( "Failed to Initialise TLS for clientserver tests!\n" ); return; }
+ ClientComponent->ConfigureTraceCallback ();
+ ErrorIndex = ClientComponent->InitialisePKI ();
+ if ( ErrorIndex != 0 ) { printf ( "Failed to Initialise PKI for clientserver tests!\n" ); return; }
+ if ( DoDefaultTests )
+ {
+ //
+ // Run a measurement for just the default host, cipher suite, signature algorithm and named group
+ //
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementStartTime ); // just for this measurement to give a quick result below
+ Success = RunSingleServerDefaultsTLSTest ( MeasurementNumber );
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementEndTime );
+ ExecutionTime = CalculateExecutionTime ( MeasurementStartTime, MeasurementEndTime );
+ if ( Success )
+ {
+ fprintf ( ComponentStatisticsFile,
+ "%s, %d, %s, Default, Default, Default, PASS, %u\n",
+ DateAndTimeString,
+ /*ClientComponent->NumberOfMeasurementsMade +*/ MeasurementNumber,
+ ClientComponent->GetHostName (),
+ ExecutionTime );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( ComponentStatisticsFile,
+ "%s, %d, %s, Default, Default, Default, FAIL, %u\n",
+ DateAndTimeString,
+ /*ClientComponent->NumberOfMeasurementsMade +*/ MeasurementNumber,
+ ClientComponent->GetHostName (),
+ ExecutionTime );
+ }
+ MeasurementNumber++;
+ }
+ if ( DoCombinationTests )
+ {
+ MeasurementNumber = RunCombinationTest ( MeasurementNumber, HostName );
+ }
+ ClientComponent->TerminatePKI ();
+ ClientComponent->Cleanup ();
+ ClientComponent->RecordTestRunEndTime ();
+ ServerComponent->RecordTestRunEndTime ();
+ // add this set of tests to the total run
+ ClientComponent->NumberOfMeasurementsMade += MeasurementNumber;
+ ServerComponent->NumberOfMeasurementsMade += MeasurementNumber;
+void TLSTESTER::ServerTLSTests ( void )
+ int MeasurementNumber = 0;
+ long ExecutionTime = 0;
+ int Result = 0;
+ int ErrorIndex = 0;
+ bool Success = FALSE;
+ ConfigureServer (); // create and initialise a component for server dll access
+ ServerComponent->SetTestRunNumber ( TLS_SERVER_MEASUREMENTS );
+ //ServerComponent->RecordTestRunStartTime ();
+ Result = ServerComponent->InitialiseTLS ();
+ if ( ! Result ) { printf ( "Failed to Initialise TLS!\n" ); return; }
+ ServerComponent->ConfigureTraceCallback ();
+ ErrorIndex = ServerComponent->InitialisePKI ();
+ if ( ErrorIndex != 0 ) { printf ( "Failed to Initialise PKI for server!\n" ); return; }
+ // run client tests with the server running
+ Result = ServerComponent->AddRootFileOrPath ( CertificateAuthorityChainFilename ); // must be done before the configure
+ if ( Result )
+ {
+ // server is local in these tests so set host names accordingly
+ ClientComponent->SetHostName ( "localhost" );
+ ServerComponent->SetHostName ( "localhost" );
+ Result = ServerComponent->Configure (); // set default TLS version
+ if ( Result )
+ {
+ Result = ServerComponent->ConfigureCertificateCallbacks ();
+ if ( Result )
+ {
+ Result = ServerComponent->ConfigureNegotiationCallback ();
+ if ( Result )
+ {
+ while ( ! ClientTestsFinished ) // keep repeating while the client tests are stil running
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "Server waiting for incoming connect () from client\n" );
+ Result = ServerComponent->AcceptConnected ();
+ //
+ // The component will call the send() and receive() callback functions to perform the handshake and the
+ // AcceptConnected () function call returns only when the handshake is complete.
+ //
+ if ( Result )
+ {
+ if ( VerboseConsoleOutput ) printf ( "ServerComponent->ConnectAccepted() was successful!\n" );
+ // don't do any data transfer in this particular test
+ // ServerComponent->Receive (); // get any data sent
+ // ServerComponent->Free; // free the received item
+ // ServerComponent->Send (); // send any data
+ // ServerComponent->CloseConnection (); //its hard to know how long to wait for this before we call it.
+ Success = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "ServerComponent->AcceptConnected() failed!\n" );
+ }
+ } // end while
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "ServerComponent->ConfigureNegotiationCallback () failed!\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "ServerComponent->ConfigureCertificateCallbacks () failed!\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "ServerComponent->Configure() failed!\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf ( stderr, "ServerComponent->AddRootFileOrPath () failed!\n" );
+ }
+ ServerComponent->TerminatePKI ();
+ //ServerComponent->Cleanup ();
+ //ServerComponent->RecordTestRunEndTime ();
+int TLSTESTER::RunCombinationTest ( int MeasurementNumber,
+ char *HostName )
+ int CipherSuiteNumber = 0;
+ int SignatureAlgorithmNumber = 0;
+ int NamedGroupNumber = 0;
+ int Success = 0;
+ long ExecutionTime = 0;
+ char *TestResult = "FAIL"; // or "PASS"
+ for ( CipherSuiteNumber = 0; CipherSuiteNumber < NumberOfCipherSuites; CipherSuiteNumber++ )
+ {
+ for ( SignatureAlgorithmNumber = 0; SignatureAlgorithmNumber < NumberOfSignatureAlgorithms; SignatureAlgorithmNumber++ )
+ {
+ for ( NamedGroupNumber = 0; NamedGroupNumber < NumberOfNamedGroups; NamedGroupNumber++ )
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementStartTime ); // just for this measurement to give a quick result below
+ Success = RunSingleClientTLSTest ( MeasurementNumber,
+ SupportedCipherSuites [ CipherSuiteNumber ],
+ SupportedSignatureAlgorithms [ SignatureAlgorithmNumber ],
+ SupportedNamedGroups [ NamedGroupNumber ] );
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &MeasurementEndTime );
+ ExecutionTime = CalculateExecutionTime ( MeasurementStartTime, MeasurementEndTime );
+ if ( Success ) TestResult = "PASS";
+ fprintf ( ComponentStatisticsFile,
+ "%s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %u\n",
+ DateAndTimeString,
+ ClientComponent->NumberOfMeasurementsMade + MeasurementNumber,
+ HostName,
+ SupportedCipherSuites [ CipherSuiteNumber ],
+ SupportedSignatureAlgorithms [ SignatureAlgorithmNumber ],
+ SupportedNamedGroups [ NamedGroupNumber ],
+ TestResult,
+ ExecutionTime );
+ OperatorConfidence ();
+ MeasurementNumber++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ( MeasurementNumber );
+void TLSTESTER::RunClientQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+ int CipherSuiteNumber = 0;
+ int SignatureAlgorithmNumber = 0;
+ int NamedGroupNumber = 0;
+ int MeasurementNumber = 0;
+ long ExecutionTime = 0;
+ int Result = 0;
+ int ErrorIndex = 0;
+ ClientComponent->SetTestRunNumber ( QUIC_CLIENT_MEASUREMENTS );
+ ClientComponent->RecordTestRunStartTime ();
+ Result = ClientComponent->InitialiseTLS ();
+ if ( Result )
+ {
+ ClientComponent->ConfigureTraceCallback ();
+ ErrorIndex = ClientComponent->InitialisePKI ();
+ if ( ErrorIndex == 0 )
+ {
+ Result = ClientComponent->QuicCreate ();
+ if ( Result )
+ {
+ //
+ // run a measurement for each combination of cipher suite, algorithm and named group
+ //
+ for ( CipherSuiteNumber = 0; CipherSuiteNumber < NumberOfCipherSuites; CipherSuiteNumber++ )
+ {
+ for ( SignatureAlgorithmNumber = 0; SignatureAlgorithmNumber < NumberOfSignatureAlgorithms; SignatureAlgorithmNumber++ )
+ {
+ for ( NamedGroupNumber = 0; NamedGroupNumber < NumberOfNamedGroups; NamedGroupNumber++ )
+ {
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &TestStartTime );
+ RunSingleClientQUICTest ( MeasurementNumber,
+ SupportedCipherSuites [ CipherSuiteNumber ],
+ SupportedSignatureAlgorithms [ SignatureAlgorithmNumber ],
+ SupportedNamedGroups [ NamedGroupNumber ] );
+ QueryPerformanceCounter ( &TestEndTime );
+ ExecutionTime = CalculateExecutionTime ( TestStartTime, TestEndTime );
+ fprintf ( ComponentStatisticsFile,
+ "%s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %u\n",
+ DateAndTimeString,
+ MeasurementNumber,
+ SupportedCipherSuites [ CipherSuiteNumber ],
+ SupportedSignatureAlgorithms [ SignatureAlgorithmNumber ],
+ SupportedNamedGroups [ NamedGroupNumber ],
+ "FAIL",
+ ExecutionTime );
+ OperatorConfidence ();
+ MeasurementNumber++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ( "ClientComponent->QuicCreate() call failed!\n" );
+ }
+ ClientComponent->TerminatePKI ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ( "ClientComponent->InitialisePKI() call failed with error %d!\n", ErrorIndex );
+ }
+ ClientComponent->Cleanup ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ( "ClientComponent->InitialiseTLS() call failed!\n" );
+ }
+ ClientComponent->RecordTestRunEndTime ();
+ // add this set of tests to the total run
+ ClientComponent->NumberOfMeasurementsMade += MeasurementNumber;
+void TLSTESTER::RunServerQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+// Client Interoperability TLS Tests
+void TLSTESTER::RunOpenSSLClientTLSTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunBoringClientTLSTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunMbedTLSClientTLSTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunWolfSSLClientTLSTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunFizzClientTLSTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+// Client Interoperability QUIC Tests
+void TLSTESTER::RunOpenSSLClientQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunBoringClientQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunMbedTLSClientQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunWolfSSLClientQUICTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunFizzClientQUICTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+// Server Interoperability TLS Tests
+void TLSTESTER::RunOpenSSLServerTLSTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunBoringServerTLSTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunMbedTLSServerTLSTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunWolfSSLServerTLSTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunFizzServerTLSTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+// Server Interoperability QUIC Tests
+void TLSTESTER::RunOpenSSLServerQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunBoringServerQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunMbedTLSServerQUICTests ( char * DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunWolfSSLServerQUICTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+void TLSTESTER::RunFizzServerQUICTests ( char *DateAndTimeString )
+// In a client test, only one socket is required, a socket for the connection to the peer (server) as the component uses send and
+// receive callbacks to communicate with the environment. This makes the component platform and transport agnostic.