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Readiness probe failed: calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: Error querying BIRD: unable to connect to BIRDv4 socket: dial unix /var/run/calico/bird.ctl: connect: connection refused #9638

huanghaiqing1 opened this issue Dec 22, 2024 · 20 comments


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huanghaiqing1 commented Dec 22, 2024

Setup a ha based k8s and deploy first control plane node with calico, met below warning.

tigera-operator.yaml + custom-resources.yaml are deployed with no error. But IPv4 BGP status reports nothing. calico-node-qcv5g runs but kubectl describe with warning like below shows. And I have no OS level acl/iptables/nft block about any rules. All my environment is based on vmware workstation. Any prerequisite requir3ed about calico?

kubelet Readiness probe failed: calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: Error querying BIRD: unable to connect to BIRDv4 socket: dial unix /var/run/calico/bird.ctl: connect: connection refused

[root@k8sma manifests]# calicoctl node status
Calico process is running.

IPv4 BGP status
No IPv4 peers found.

IPv6 BGP status
No IPv6 peers found.

[root@k8sma manifests]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces 
NAMESPACE          NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
calico-apiserver   calico-apiserver-76859b547-nj6gh           1/1     Running   1 (22m ago)    41h
calico-apiserver   calico-apiserver-76859b547-v9rll           1/1     Running   1 (22m ago)    41h
calico-system      calico-kube-controllers-6577875f76-cbhzj   1/1     Running   1 (22m ago)    41h
calico-system      calico-node-qcv5g                          1/1     Running   2 (22m ago)    41h
calico-system      calico-typha-7b7497cbd7-c86g8              1/1     Running   2 (22m ago)    41h
calico-system      csi-node-driver-n57gh                      2/2     Running   2 (22m ago)    41h
kube-system        coredns-cb4864fb5-nxp42                    1/1     Running   1 (22m ago)    41h
kube-system        coredns-cb4864fb5-pkb2v                    1/1     Running   1 (22m ago)    41h
kube-system        etcd-k8sma                                 1/1     Running   50 (22m ago)   41h
kube-system        kube-apiserver-k8sma                       1/1     Running   10 (22m ago)   41h
kube-system        kube-controller-manager-k8sma              1/1     Running   10 (22m ago)   41h
kube-system        kube-proxy-4nwv2                           1/1     Running   2 (22m ago)    41h
kube-system        kube-scheduler-k8sma                       1/1     Running   10 (22m ago)   41h
tigera-operator    tigera-operator-7f57f79bb6-xjkmx           1/1     Running   2 (22m ago)    41h

[root@k8sma manifests]# kubectl describe pod calico-node-qcv5g -n calico-system 
Name:                 calico-node-qcv5g
Namespace:            calico-system
Priority:             2000001000
Priority Class Name:  system-node-critical
Service Account:      calico-node
Node:                 k8sma/
Start Time:           Fri, 20 Dec 2024 17:19:43 +0800
Annotations: 59f12efe409df4d285e1cf584d1738c376199c6b
Status:               Running
Controlled By:  DaemonSet/calico-node
Init Containers:
    Container ID:    containerd://850f4eb7a903a851175d7a6e9f1628ecd6f32d610475665b9ec2adc7e808b14c
    Image ID:
    Port:            <none>
    Host Port:       <none>
    SeccompProfile:  RuntimeDefault
    State:           Terminated
      Reason:        Completed
      Exit Code:     0
      Started:       Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:28:49 +0800
      Finished:      Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:28:49 +0800
    Ready:           True
    Restart Count:   2
    Environment:     <none>
      /host/driver from flexvol-driver-host (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-fllq8 (ro)
    Container ID:    containerd://e35b9985b615f92960ce71ca741f3b3befd967f592cf9214d5bea56c0813d698
    Image ID:
    Port:            <none>
    Host Port:       <none>
    SeccompProfile:  RuntimeDefault
    State:          Terminated
      Reason:       Completed
      Exit Code:    0
      Started:      Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:28:50 +0800
      Finished:     Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:28:50 +0800
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
      CNI_CONF_NAME:            10-calico.conflist
      SLEEP:                    false
      CNI_NET_DIR:              /etc/cni/net.d
      CNI_NETWORK_CONFIG:       <set to the key 'config' of config map 'cni-config'>  Optional: false
      /host/etc/cni/net.d from cni-net-dir (rw)
      /host/opt/cni/bin from cni-bin-dir (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-fllq8 (ro)
    Container ID:    containerd://90452e86421476f8bd896c5a0325a0eca66675014953f93a6bda2f9e4c38cb47
    Image ID:
    Port:            <none>
    Host Port:       <none>
    SeccompProfile:  RuntimeDefault
    State:           Running
      Started:       Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:28:51 +0800
    Last State:      Terminated
      Reason:        Unknown
      Exit Code:     255
      Started:       Sat, 21 Dec 2024 12:57:51 +0800
      Finished:      Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:28:10 +0800
    Ready:           True
    Restart Count:   2
    Liveness:        http-get http://localhost:9099/liveness delay=0s timeout=10s period=60s #success=1 #failure=3
    Readiness:       exec [/bin/calico-node -bird-ready -felix-ready] delay=0s timeout=10s period=30s #success=1 #failure=3
      DATASTORE_TYPE:                     kubernetes
      WAIT_FOR_DATASTORE:                 true
      CLUSTER_TYPE:                       k8s,operator,bgp
      FELIX_HEALTHENABLED:                true
      FELIX_HEALTHPORT:                   9099
      NODENAME:                            (v1:spec.nodeName)
      NAMESPACE:                          calico-system (v1:metadata.namespace)
      FELIX_TYPHAK8SNAMESPACE:            calico-system
      FELIX_TYPHAK8SSERVICENAME:          calico-typha
      FELIX_TYPHACAFILE:                  /etc/pki/tls/certs/tigera-ca-bundle.crt
      FELIX_TYPHACERTFILE:                /node-certs/tls.crt
      FELIX_TYPHAKEYFILE:                 /node-certs/tls.key
      FIPS_MODE_ENABLED:                  false
      NO_DEFAULT_POOLS:                   true
      FELIX_TYPHACN:                      typha-server
      CALICO_MANAGE_CNI:                  true
      CALICO_NETWORKING_BACKEND:          bird
      IP:                                 autodetect
      IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD:            first-found
      IP6:                                none
      FELIX_IPV6SUPPORT:                  false
      KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT:            443
      /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem from tigera-ca-bundle (ro,path="ca-bundle.crt")
      /etc/pki/tls/certs from tigera-ca-bundle (ro)
      /host/etc/cni/net.d from cni-net-dir (rw)
      /lib/modules from lib-modules (ro)
      /node-certs from node-certs (ro)
      /run/xtables.lock from xtables-lock (rw)
      /var/lib/calico from var-lib-calico (rw)
      /var/log/calico/cni from cni-log-dir (rw)
      /var/run/calico from var-run-calico (rw)
      /var/run/nodeagent from policysync (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-fllq8 (ro)
  Type                        Status
  PodReadyToStartContainers   True 
  Initialized                 True 
  Ready                       True 
  ContainersReady             True 
  PodScheduled                True 
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /lib/modules
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /run/xtables.lock
    HostPathType:  FileOrCreate
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /var/run/nodeagent
    HostPathType:  DirectoryOrCreate
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      tigera-ca-bundle
    Optional:  false
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  node-certs
    Optional:    false
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /var/run/calico
    HostPathType:  DirectoryOrCreate
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /var/lib/calico
    HostPathType:  DirectoryOrCreate
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /opt/cni/bin
    HostPathType:  DirectoryOrCreate
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /etc/cni/net.d
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /var/log/calico/cni
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/nodeagent~uds
    HostPathType:  DirectoryOrCreate
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Tolerations:                 :NoSchedule op=Exists
                             :NoExecute op=Exists
                             CriticalAddonsOnly op=Exists
  Type     Reason          Age                From     Message
  ----     ------          ----               ----     -------
  Normal   SandboxChanged  24m                kubelet  Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
  Normal   Pulled          24m                kubelet  Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal   Created         24m                kubelet  Created container flexvol-driver
  Normal   Started         24m                kubelet  Started container flexvol-driver
  Normal   Pulled          24m                kubelet  Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal   Created         24m                kubelet  Created container install-cni
  Normal   Started         24m                kubelet  Started container install-cni
  Normal   Pulled          24m                kubelet  Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal   Created         24m                kubelet  Created container calico-node
  Normal   Started         24m                kubelet  Started container calico-node
  Warning  Unhealthy       24m                kubelet  Readiness probe failed: calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: Error querying BIRD: unable to connect to BIRDv4 socket: dial unix /var/run/bird/bird.ctl: connect: no such file or directory
  Warning  Unhealthy       23m (x3 over 24m)  kubelet  Readiness probe failed: calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: Error querying BIRD: unable to connect to BIRDv4 socket: dial unix /var/run/calico/bird.ctl: connect: connection refused

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huangzeqi commented Dec 22, 2024
This is my local tigera-operator.yaml + custom-resources.yaml. I only adjusted download images with my private registry hub address and my pod network segment.

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@huanghaiqing1 @huangzeqi probably a good next step is to look at the calico-node logs themselves to see if there are any errors.

This message - dial unix /var/run/bird/bird.ctl: connect: no such file or directory typically means that confd is encountering issues generating the BIRD configuration files, and as such BIRD is failing to start. Those errors would show up in the calico/node logs.

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mazdakn commented Jan 28, 2025

@huanghaiqing1 @huangzeqi any update on this issue? Have you managed to find the root cause?

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I have this issue to. do you have any resolution?? @caseydavenport @huangzeqi @huanghaiqing1
After install calico 3.29.1 in my k8s 1.32.1 I have this log : "dial unix /var/run/bird/bird.ctl: connect: no such file or directory"
after 60 second calico pod restart and this log generate in k describe pods calico-node-4fncc -n kube-system
"kubelet Readiness probe failed: calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: Error querying BIRD: unable to connect to BIRDv4 socket: dial unix /var/run/calico/bird.ctl: connect: connection refused"

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probably a good next step is to look at the calico-node logs themselves to see if there are any errors.

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mohammadt-github commented Jan 28, 2025

Thanks. I saw that, noting is weird.
Is this log is related to my problem?

tunnel-ip-allocator/allocateip.go 340: Current address is still valid, do nothing currentAddr="" type="ipipTunnelAddress"
Calico node started successfully
bird: Unable to open configuration file /etc/calico/confd/config/bird6.cfg: No such file or directory
bird: Unable to open configuration file /etc/calico/confd/config/bird.cfg: No such file or directory
2025-01-28 21:03:32.611 [WARNING][109] cni-config-monitor/winutils.go 150: Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
2025-01-28 21:03:32.615 [INFO][108] monitor-addresses/startup.go 439: Early log level set to info
2025-01-28 21:03:32.617 [INFO][104] status-reporter/startup.go 439: Early log level set to info
2025-01-28 21:03:32.617 [INFO][105] confd/config.go 83: Skipping confd config file.
2025-01-28 21:03:32.617 [INFO][105] confd/run.go 18: Starting calico-confd

2025-01-28 21:03:32.850 [INFO][110] felix/connecttime.go 85: Failed to list BPF programs.  Assuming not supported/nothing to clean up. error=exit status 255 output="{\n    \"error\": \"can't query bpf programs attached to /run/calico/cgroup: No such device\"\n}\n"
2025-01-28 21:03:32.850 [INFO][110] felix/int_dataplane.go 759: Failed to remove BPF connect-time load balancer, ignoring. error=exit status 255


this is output of checksystem


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@huanghaiqing1 how resolve this problem.? could you please explain solution if resolved that ?

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huanghaiqing1 commented Feb 2, 2025 via email

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I can pull all images from any registry, and that's ok. but after a seconds calico pods that deploy in worker (in same network range of Master) restarted and Crashloopbackof...

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I too am experiencing the same problem. Has anything been resolved? 🥲


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@mohammadt-github these lines in your logs seem related

bird: Unable to open configuration file /etc/calico/confd/config/bird6.cfg: No such file or directory
bird: Unable to open configuration file /etc/calico/confd/config/bird.cfg: No such file or directory

as @caseydavenport said above, it probably means that confd is encountering issues generating the BIRD configuration files, and as such BIRD is failing to start. Do you have anything else happening earlier in your logs?

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Experiencing same issue.
having one master node on amd old pc, trying join worker node on arm raspberry pi 5.
in calico describe pod having failed readiness probe:

  Warning  Unhealthy       14m (x2 over 14m)    kubelet            Readiness probe failed: calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: Error querying BIRD: unable to connect to BIRDv4 socket: dial unix /var/run/calico/bird.ctl: connect: connection refused

in logs same as above.

Маybe can help all logs from pod?


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The problem was caused by using duplicate ports. FELIX_HEALTHPORT: 9099 was used, but another Docker container was using that port.
so I was able to resolve the issue by removing the Docker container that was using the duplicate port and opening the firewall for that port using firewall-cmd.

If you don't know, please refer to the port.

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no, in my case there is no one, who can listen to this port.

root@raspberrypi5-ubuntu1:/home/schizo# ss -nutlp
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                                                                   *                 users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=731,fd=12))
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                                                                  *                 users:(("systemd-resolve",pid=549,fd=16))
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                                                               *                 users:(("systemd-resolve",pid=549,fd=14))
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                                                         *                 users:(("systemd-network",pid=716,fd=24))
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                                                                  *                 users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=731,fd=14))
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                                                           [::]:5353                                  [::]:*                 users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=731,fd=13))
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                                                           [::]:56083                                 [::]:*                 users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=731,fd=15))
udp               UNCONN             0                  0                              [fe80::2ecf:67ff:fe31:895e]%wlan0:546                                   [::]:*                 users:(("systemd-network",pid=716,fd=26))
tcp               LISTEN             0                  4096                                                             *                 users:(("kubelet",pid=778,fd=15))
tcp               LISTEN             0                  4096                                                            *                 users:(("systemd-resolve",pid=549,fd=15))
tcp               LISTEN             0                  4096                                                                  *                 users:(("sshd",pid=2927,fd=3),("systemd",pid=1,fd=100))
tcp               LISTEN             0                  4096                                                             *                 users:(("containerd",pid=801,fd=10))
tcp               LISTEN             0                  4096                                                               *                 users:(("systemd-resolve",pid=549,fd=17))
tcp               LISTEN             0                  4096                                                           *:10250                                    *:*                 users:(("kubelet",pid=778,fd=14))
tcp               LISTEN             0                  4096                                                        [::]:22                                    [::]:*                 users:(("sshd",pid=2927,fd=4),("systemd",pid=1,fd=101))

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Could this issue be related? #9752

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i'm not sure, but in my case i have similar symptoms.
Try out to set healthHost to, but also doesn't help.

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Here's what I recommend:

  1. Are all servers and ports properly opened?
    netstat -tulnp | grep :{port_number}
  • Kubernetes API Server: 6443,
  • etcd (cluster data store): 2379-2380,
  • Kubelet: 10250-10255,
  • NodePort service: 30000-32767,
  • Calico BGP: 179
  1. Are kubelet, bird, felix, etc. running smoothly?
    ps aux | grep -E 'kubelet|bird|felix'

  2. Check iptables
    iptables -L -v -n

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mohammadt-github commented Feb 17, 2025

Hi this is my earlier log in pod @coutinhop @caseydavenport
no mine is not resolve yet. @simgyuryeol

root@srv-master1:~# k logs calico-node-srlvt -n kube-system | less

2025-02-17 12:13:43.321 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 439: Early log level set to info
2025-02-17 12:13:43.321 [INFO][9] startup/utils.go 126: Using NODENAME environment for node name d-worker5-76
2025-02-17 12:13:43.321 [INFO][9] startup/utils.go 138: Determined node name: d-worker5-76
2025-02-17 12:13:43.321 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 95: Starting node d-worker5-76 with version v3.29.1
2025-02-17 12:13:43.322 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 444: Checking datastore connection
2025-02-17 12:13:43.332 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 468: Datastore connection verified
2025-02-17 12:13:43.332 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 105: Datastore is ready
2025-02-17 12:13:43.340 [WARNING][9] startup/winutils.go 150: Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.351 [INFO][9] startup/autodetection_methods.go 117: Using autodetected IPv4 address on matching interface eno1
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.351 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 720: No AS number configured on node resource, using global value
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.351 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 787: found v6= in the kubeadm config map
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.355 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 688: FELIX_IPV6SUPPORT is false through environment variable
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.384 [INFO][9] startup/client.go 414: Tier default already exists. error=resource already exists: Tier(default)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.402 [INFO][9] startup/client.go 414: Tier adminnetworkpolicy already exists. error=resource already exists: Tier(adminnetworkpolicy)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.407 [INFO][9] startup/startup.go 215: Using node name: d-worker5-76
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.407 [INFO][9] startup/utils.go 190: Setting NetworkUnavailable to false
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.475 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/param_types.go 714: StringSliceParam StringSliceParam raw="docker+"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "wireguardmtu"="0"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "vxlanmtu"="0"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "healthenabled"="true"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "defaultendpointtohostaction"="ACCEPT"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "ipinipmtu"="0"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "ipv6support"="false"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 564: Merging in config from environment variable: map[defaultendpointtohostaction:ACCEPT healthenabled:true ipinipmtu:0 ipv6support:false vxlanmtu:0 wireguardmtu:0]
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for WireguardMTU: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for WireguardMTU: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for VXLANMTU: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for VXLANMTU: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for HealthEnabled: true (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for HealthEnabled: true (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for DefaultEndpointToHostAction: ACCEPT (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for DefaultEndpointToHostAction: ACCEPT (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for IpInIpMtu: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for IpInIpMtu: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for Ipv6Support: false (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.476 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for Ipv6Support: false (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:43.604 [INFO][32] tunnel-ip-allocator/allocateip.go 340: Current address is still valid, do nothing currentAddr="" type="ipipTunnelAddress"
> Calico node started successfully
> bird: Unable to open configuration file /etc/calico/confd/config/bird6.cfg: No such file or directory
> bird: Unable to open configuration file /etc/calico/confd/config/bird.cfg: No such file or directory
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.816 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/param_types.go 714: StringSliceParam StringSliceParam raw="docker+"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "wireguardmtu"="0"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "vxlanmtu"="0"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "healthenabled"="true"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "defaultendpointtohostaction"="ACCEPT"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "ipinipmtu"="0"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/env_var_loader.go 40: Found felix environment variable: "ipv6support"="false"
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 564: Merging in config from environment variable: map[defaultendpointtohostaction:ACCEPT healthenabled:tru
> e ipinipmtu:0 ipv6support:false vxlanmtu:0 wireguardmtu:0]
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for IpInIpMtu: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for IpInIpMtu: 0 (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 695: Parsing value for Ipv6Support: false (from environment variable)
> 2025-02-17 12:13:44.817 [INFO][134] tunnel-ip-allocator/config_params.go 731: Parsed value for Ipv6Support: false (from environment variable)

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well, make new cluster, install not just manifests, but operator for deploy calico, and it worked.
Looks like some configuration issue was on my side.

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?? any solution??

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