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File metadata and controls

109 lines (87 loc) · 4.74 KB

Pentest Service RCS

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Currently service supports the following tools:


To build the tooling, just run mvn clean install. This builds the backend and frontend. To run the application during development mode, please start the backend with the following command from the root folder.

mvn compile quarkus:dev

The frontend needs to be started from the frontend folder with the following command.

npm run dev

The backend listens on port 8080 and for frontend we use nginx proxy. During testing, please make sure to disable CORS in your browser.

location / {
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "";
                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
                proxy_redirect off;
                proxy_read_timeout 2h;

To add own tools create an payload class for your tool. Via Java annotations to your parameter fields, all settings for an tool are done.


import io.github.johannesschaefer.webnettools.annotation.*;
import lombok.Data;

@Tool(name="demo", displayName = "Demo", cmd="echo", description="Demo for the tooling.")
public class DemoPayload implements Payload {
    @MainParameter(displayName ="Main", description="Main parameter for this tool.")
    private String main;

    @NumberParam(displayName ="NumInt", param="num-int", description="number integer demo ", min=0., max=100., step=1.)
    private Integer numInt = 50;

    @NumberParam(displayName ="NumDouble", param="num-double", description="number double demo ", min=0.1, max=99.9, step=.1)
    private Double numDouble = 66.6;

    @StringParam(displayName ="String", param="string", description="String demo", paramType = ParameterType.EQUALS)
    private String string;

    @BooleanParam(displayName ="Bool", param="bool1", description="boolean demo")
    private Boolean bool;

    @EnumParam(displayName = "color", param = "--color", description="color selection")
    private Color color;

    @FileParam(displayName = "file", param = "--file-ca", accept = "*.abc", description = "File upload" )
    private String file;
    @ServerParam(param = "--optionXXX", handler = XXXHandler.class)
    private String xxx;
    @FixedParam(param = "--warnings")
    private String warnings = "off";

The following parameter type are supported.

  • Main parameter - string value used for the main input panel
  • String - simple input for strings
  • Number - simple input for number
  • Boolean - dropdown selection for true/false
  • Enum - dropdown selection for values from the given enum, the enum should have the final parameter value as toString result. See examples in testssl payload.
  • File - file upload, web net tools create a temporary file with the content and passes the path to the file
  • Fixed - Fixes parameter with no choice on client side
  • Server side - Special parameter with additional control logic on the server side

Please check the existing payload under /src/main/java/io/github/psaux-it/pspenit/payload for more examples.