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Angelo Croatti edited this page May 21, 2020 · 15 revisions

JaCa-Android is a framework based on the JaCaMo platform that allows for designing and programming Android mobile apps using cognitive agents based on the BDI architecture and the Agents & Artifacts (A&A) environment conceptual model.

In the simplest case, a mobile app in JaCa-Android is programmed as a single standalone Jason BDI agent equipped with all the tools (artifacts) necessary for functioning as a user assistant, including artifacts for the UI, for modeling and accessing the user context, the device context, as well as to exploit the mobile environment facilities and services (based on Android in this case).

Hello World - The How/To guide

After having included the JaCa-Android library into your project (see, consider following steps in order to use JaCa-Android.

NOTE: In the following description we assume you have already created a standard android project with an application module called app

  1. Add a res folder called resources (ensure that such folder is created at the same level of the standard android res folder. Create into this folder a sub folder with the same name you want to give to your MAS (we assume helloworld). This folder will be the parent of your MAS configuration (*.mas2j) and agents' code (*.asl)

  2. Create into the folder the MAS2J, e.g. as follows (into resources/helloworld/project.mas2j)

MAS helloworld{
  infrastructure: Centralised
  environment: jaca.CartagoEnvironment("infrastructure")

    main mainAgent agentArchClass jaca.CAgentArch;

    aslSourcePath: "helloworld";

Note that

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