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franky303 edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 65 revisions

Welcome to the airwave wiki!

What if my favorite plugin doesn't work? - Try install the following:

winetricks vcrun6sp6

winetricks vcrun2013

winetricks vcrun2015

winetricks wininet

winetricks gdiplus

Confirmed working:

Ample Sound AMGL2 (Ample Guitar)

AudioRealism ABL 2.x, ABL 3.x (activation on ABL 2.x seems not be working)

Bram@Smartelectronx S(m)exoscope

Celemony Melodyne 2.1.0

IK Multimedia SampleTank 2.5, 3, 4, 4 SE

iZotope Ozone 3.15b (trial/demo mode is working, activation fails due to empty "challenge" string)

KORG Legacy M1 VSTi (see below)

Magnus@Smartelectronx Ambience VST

Nexus 2.7.3 (plugin working but there are eLicenser / USB dongle issues. If you have a Nexus 2 version that does't require USB dongle/eLicenser it works. If your plugin works, but crashes when switching to another preset, then your 'Nexus Content' folder is newer than your Nexus.dll and you need to obtain an older version of 'Nexus Content')

LinPlug Albino 3.22 (run "winetricks gdiplus" to make plugin GUI work, activation GUI always works)

LuquidSonics ReverbateLE

ReFX quadraSID

Sugar-Bytes Effectrix

Sylenth1 (no d2d1.dll override required. md5sum d2d1.dll: e2c03c1220f4b5bbfa631a03fb125ffc)

Synapse Audio DUNE 1.4 (some GUI flickering, but works)

Tunefish 4

Voxengo SPAN, MSED, Latency Delay, ...

VSCO2 Orchestra (VSCO2 Rompler)

Not working:

RNDigital Inspector XL (IXL)

KORG Legacy M1 VST

The M1 registration tool is using a custom URI protocol handler. In order to make this work, you need to create the following files:


[Desktop Entry]


Name=KORG at-collection-m1 URL protocol handler

Exec=/home/**yourusername**/ %u

#Exec=/usr/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Common\ Files/KORG/Collection/M1\ Authorizer.exe %u






echo > ~/at-collection-m1.log

/usr/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Common\ Files/KORG/Collection/M1\ Authorizer.exe

To set up/register the at-collection-m1 URI protocol handler, finally run these commands:

chmod +x ~/

cd ~/.local/share/applications/

xdg-mime default at-collection-m1.desktop x-scheme-handler/at-collection-m1

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