Releases: pulibrary/imagecat-rails
Releases · pulibrary/imagecat-rails
What's Changed
- Update readme by @leefaisonr in #3
- Add an issue template by @sandbergja in #4
- Add .tool-versions file and document asdf by @leefaisonr in #26
- Generate rails application by @leefaisonr in #27
- Update README to reflect how to set up rails app by @leefaisonr in #28
- Do not put log files in version control by @leefaisonr in #30
- Add rspec to imagecat by @leefaisonr in #31
- Add lando to imagecat by @leefaisonr in #32
- Install Circleci for imagecat by @leefaisonr in #33
- Add rubocop by @leefaisonr in #34
- Add coveralls-reborn by @leefaisonr in #36
- Install capistrano for imagecat by @leefaisonr in #35
- Adds passenger for capistrano by @leefaisonr in #37
- Add capistrano_rails_console by @leefaisonr in #39
- Add x86_64-linux to Gemfile.lock by @leefaisonr in #42
- update capistrano-version by @leefaisonr in #43
- Update README with deploying instructions by @leefaisonr in #45
- Include version-number in imagecat by @leefaisonr in #46
- Add CSV data to application by @leefaisonr in #47
- Generate GuideCard resource by @leefaisonr in #48
- Generated GuideCards controllers by @leefaisonr in #49
- Import data from CSV file by @leefaisonr in #50
- Update README with loading data instructions by @leefaisonr in #51
- Create fixture for guide_card_loading_service by @leefaisonr in #52
- Update show pages for GuideCards by @leefaisonr in #53
- Add Index page for GuideCard by @leefaisonr in #56
- Load SubGuideCard i17-SubGuide-Data by @leefaisonr in #57
- Bump nokogiri from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3 by @dependabot in #58
- improve rspec test runtime by @leefaisonr in #62
- Lux integration by @leefaisonr in #61
- refactor guide_card_loading_service_spec by @leefaisonr in #63
- Add use cases for application on README by @leefaisonr in #65
- Pagination and system specs by @leefaisonr in #70
- Add Princeton styling by @leefaisonr in #71
- Make home page GuideCard index by @leefaisonr in #72
- Create rake tasks for comparing GuideCard headers by @leefaisonr in #75
- Sub_guide name field change by @leefaisonr in #78
- Update README with accessing legacy data using MS-RDP by @leefaisonr in #79
- Deduplicate GuideCard data by @leefaisonr in #76
- Add SubGuide association to GuideCard by @leefaisonr in #77
- Set up and document steps for awscli and iiif by @leefaisonr in #82
- Add gems for deployment by @leefaisonr in #83
- Upload images to s3 by @leefaisonr in #86
- Documentation for extracting .tiff images from server by @leefaisonr in #85
- Remove existing SubGuide belong_to association with GuideCard by @leefaisonr in #84
- Bump vite from 4.2.1 to 4.2.3 by @dependabot in #87
- Add #parent method to SubGuideCard by @leefaisonr in #88
- Create children method for GuideCard and SubGuideCard by @leefaisonr in #89
- Documentation for extracting .tiff images from server by @leefaisonr in #93
- Document steps on transferring images to s3 bucket by @leefaisonr in #94
- Modify deploy config to imagecat_rails to match with princeton_ansible by @leefaisonr in #95
- Updated instructions for copying image files to aws by @leefaisonr in #96
- Bump semver and webpack by @dependabot in #100
- Fix the quoting for subguide importing by @leefaisonr in #98
- Add styling for pagination of GuideCard index by @leefaisonr in #101
- Bump glob-parent and webpack by @dependabot in #103
New Contributors
- @leefaisonr made their first contribution in #3
- @sandbergja made their first contribution in #4
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog: