hw,sw: Remove Snitch name from Cluster SoC regs and regenerate
hw,sw: Remove Snitch name from Cluster SoC regs and regenerate
[WIP] sw: Test addressability and sw offload to PULP Cluster
[WIP] sw: Test addressability and sw offload to PULP Cluster
Force push
makefile: Remove uninformative output
makefile: Remove uninformative output
Force push
makefile: Remove uninformative output
makefile: Remove uninformative output
Force push
sw: Test addressability and user-defined offload to PULP Cluster
sw: Test addressability and user-defined offload to PULP Cluster
Force push
sw: Test addressability and user-defined offload to PULP Cluster
sw: Test addressability and user-defined offload to PULP Cluster
Bump TUED to update LEF file
Bump TUED to update LEF file
[RTL]: Increase Memory Island bank depth
[RTL]: Increase Memory Island bank depth
Bump TUD ato fix Byte Enable generation
Bump TUD ato fix Byte Enable generation
Bump TUD ato fix Byte Enable generation
Bump TUD ato fix Byte Enable generation
[TB]: Add post synthesis define to avoid SDF annotation
[TB]: Add post synthesis define to avoid SDF annotation
Bump ETH Cluster to map I cache
Bump ETH Cluster to map I cache
Bump TUD and TUE to include empty CIM sv for post synth simulation
Bump TUD and TUE to include empty CIM sv for post synth simulation
Bump TUEDCIM to add colouring info in LEF
Bump TUEDCIM to add colouring info in LEF
[sw/hw]: Extend SoC registers.
[sw/hw]: Extend SoC registers.
Force push
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
Force push
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
Force push
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
Force push
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
[hw/sw]: Add Soft reset register to correctly reset Snitch Boot Addr
Force push