The mgmt
tool has built-in resource primitives which make up the building
blocks of any configuration. Each instance of a resource is mapped to a single
vertex in the resource graph.
This guide is meant to instruct developers on how to write a brand new resource.
Since mgmt
and the core resources are written in golang, some prior golang
knowledge is assumed.
Resources in mgmt
are similar to resources in other systems in that they are
idempotent. Our resources are
uniquely different in that they can detect when their state has changed, and as
a result can run to revert or repair this change instantly. For some background
on this design, please read the
original article
on the subject.
You'll need to import a few packages to make writing your resource easier. Here is the list:
The engine
package contains most of the interfaces and helper functions that
you'll need to use. The traits
package contains some base functionality which
you can use to easily add functionality to your resource without needing to
implement it from scratch.
Each resource will implement methods as pointer receivers on a resource struct.
The naming convention for resources is that they end with a Res
The resource struct should include an anonymous reference to the Base
Other traits
can be added to the resource to add additional functionality.
They are discussed below.
You'll most likely want to store a reference to the *Init
struct type as
defined by the engine. This is data that the engine will provide to your
resource on Init.
Lastly you should define the public fields that make up your resource API, as well as any private fields that you might want to use throughout your resource. Do not depend on global variables, since multiple copies of your resource could get instantiated.
You'll want to add struct tags based on the different frontends that you want your resources to be able to use. Some frontends can infer this information if it is not specified, but others cannot, and some might poorly infer if the struct name is ambiguous.
If you'd like your resource to be accessible by the YAML
graph API (GAPI),
then you'll need to include the appropriate YAML fields as shown below. This is
used by the puppet
compiler as well, so make sure you include these struct
tags if you want existing puppet
code to be able to run using the mgmt
type FooRes struct {
traits.Base // add the base methods without re-implementation
init *engine.Init
Whatever string `lang:"whatever" yaml:"whatever"` // you pick!
Baz bool `lang:"baz" yaml:"baz"` // something else
something string // some private field
To implement a resource in mgmt
it must satisfy the
interface. What follows are each of the method signatures and a description of
Default() engine.Res
This returns a populated resource struct as a Res
. It shouldn't populate any
values which already get a good default as the respective golang zero value. In
general it is preferable if the zero values make for the correct defaults.
(This is to say, resources are designed to behave safely and intuitively
when parameters take a zero value, whenever this is possible.)
// Default returns some sensible defaults for this resource.
func (obj *FooRes) Default() engine.Res {
return &FooRes{
Answer: 42, // sometimes, defaults shouldn't be the zero value
Validate() error
This method is used to validate if the populated resource struct is a valid
representation of the resource kind. If it does not conform to the resource
specifications, it should return an error. If you notice that this method is
quite large, it might be an indication that you should reconsider the parameter
list and interface to this resource. This method is called by the engine
before Init
. It can also be called occasionally after a Send/Recv operation
to verify that the newly populated parameters are valid. Remember not to expect
access to the outside world when using this.
// Validate reports any problems with the struct definition.
func (obj *FooRes) Validate() error {
if obj.Answer != 42 { // validate whatever you want
return fmt.Errorf("expected an answer of 42")
return nil
Init() error
This is called to initialize the resource. If something goes wrong, it should
return an error. It should do any resource specific work such as initializing
channels, sync primitives, or anything else that is relevant to your resource.
If it is not need throughout, it might be preferable to do some initialization
and tear down locally in either the Watch method or CheckApply method. The
choice depends on your particular resource and making the best decision requires
some experience with mgmt. If you are unsure, feel free to ask an existing
contributor. During Init
, the engine will pass your resource a struct
containing some useful data and pointers. You should save a copy of this pointer
since you will need to use it in other parts of your resource.
// Init initializes the Foo resource.
func (obj *FooRes) Init(init *engine.Init) error
obj.init = init // save for later
// run the resource specific initialization, and error if anything fails
if some_error {
return err // something went wrong!
return nil
This method is always called after Validate
has run successfully, with the
exception that we can't prevent a malicious or buggy libmgmt
user to not run
this. In other words, you should expect Validate
to have run first, but you
shouldn't allow Init
to dangerously rm -rf /$the_world
if your code only
checks $the_world
in Validate
. Remember to always program safely!
Cleanup() error
This is called to cleanup after the resource. It is usually not necessary, but
can be useful if you'd like to properly close a persistent connection that you
opened in the Init
method and were using throughout the resource. It is not
the shutdown signal that tells the resource to exit. That happens in the Watch
// Cleanup is run by the engine to clean up after the resource is done.
func (obj *FooRes) Cleanup() error {
err := obj.conn.Close() // close some internal connection
obj.someMap = nil // free up some large data structure from memory
return err
You should probably check the return errors of your internal methods, and pass on an error if something went wrong.
CheckApply(ctx context.Context, apply bool) (checkOK bool, err error)
is where the real work is done. Under normal circumstances, this
function should check if the state of this resource is correct, and if so, it
should return: (true, nil)
. If the apply
variable is set to true
, then
this means that we should then proceed to run the changes required to bring the
resource into the correct state. If the apply
variable is set to false
, then
the resource is operating in noop mode and no operational changes should be
made! The ctx should be monitored in case a shutdown has been requested. This
may be used if a timeout occurred, or if the user shutdown the engine.
After having executed the necessary operations to bring the resource back into
the desired state, or after having detected that the state was incorrect, but
that changes can't be made because apply
is false
, you should then return
(false, nil)
You must cause the resource to converge during a single execution of this
function. If you cannot, then you must return an error! The exception to this
rule is that if an external force changes the state of the resource while it is
being remedied, it is possible to return from this function even though the
resource isn't now converged. This is not a bug, as the resources Watch
facility will detect the new change, ultimately resulting in a subsequent call
to CheckApply
// CheckApply does the idempotent work of checking and applying resource state.
func (obj *FooRes) CheckApply(ctx context.Context, apply bool) (bool, error) {
// check the state
if state_is_okay { return true, nil } // done early! :)
// state was bad
if !apply { return false, nil } // don't apply, we're in noop mode
if any_error { return false, err } // anytime there's an err!
// do the apply!
return false, nil // after success applying
The CheckApply
function is called by the mgmt
engine when it believes a call
is necessary. Under certain conditions when a Watch
call does not invalidate
the state of the resource, and no refresh call was sent, its execution might be
skipped. This is an engine optimization, and not a bug. It is mentioned here in
the documentation in case you are confused as to why a debug message you've
added to the code isn't always printed.
For many resources it is not uncommon to see CheckApply
run twice in rapid
succession. This is usually not a pathological occurrence, but rather a healthy
pattern which is a consequence of the event system. When the state of the
resource is incorrect, CheckApply
will run to remedy the state. In response to
having just changed the state, it is usually the case that this repair will
trigger the Watch
code! In response, a second CheckApply
is triggered, which
will likely find the state to now be correct.
- Anytime an error occurs during
, you should return(false, err)
. - If the state is correct and no changes are needed, return
(true, nil)
. - You should only make changes to the system if
is set totrue
. - After checking the state and possibly applying the fix, return
(false, nil)
. - Returning
(true, err)
is a programming error and can have a negative effect.
Watch(ctx context.Context) error
is a main loop that runs and sends messages when it detects that the
state of the resource might have changed. To send a message you should write to
the input event channel using the Event
helper method. The Watch function
should run continuously until a shutdown message is received. If at any time
something goes wrong, you should return an error, and the mgmt
engine will
handle possibly restarting the main loop based on the retry
meta parameter.
It is better to send an event notification which turns out to be spurious, than
to miss a possible event. Resources which can miss events are incorrect and need
to be re-engineered so that this isn't the case. If you have an idea for a
resource which would fit this criteria, but you can't find a solution, please
contact the mgmt
maintainers so that this problem can be investigated and a
possible system level engineering fix can be found.
You may have trouble deciding how much resource state checking should happen in
the Watch
loop versus deferring it all to the CheckApply
method. You may
want to put some simple fast path checking in Watch
to avoid generating
obviously spurious events, but in general it's best to keep the Watch
as simple as possible. Contact the mgmt
maintainers if you're not sure.
If the resource is activated in polling
mode, the Watch
method will not get
executed. As a result, the resource must still work even if the main loop is not
You must make sure to cleanup any running code or goroutines before Watch exits.
The lifetime of most resources Watch
method should be spent in an infinite
loop that is bounded by a select
call. The select
call is the point where
our method hands back control to the engine (and the kernel) so that we can
sleep until something of interest wakes us up. In this loop we must wait until
we get a shutdown event from the engine via the <-ctx.Done()
channel, which
closes when we'd like to shut everything down. At this point you should cleanup,
and let Watch
If the <-ctx.Done()
channel closes, we should shutdown our resource. When we
want to send an event, we use the Event
helper function. This automatically
marks the resource state as dirty
. If you're unsure, it's not harmful to send
the event. This will ultimately cause CheckApply
to run. This method can block
if the resource is being paused.
Once the Watch
function has finished starting up successfully, it is important
to generate one event to notify the mgmt
engine that we're now listening
successfully, so that it can run an initial CheckApply
to ensure we're safely
tracking a healthy state and that we didn't miss anything when Watch
was down
or from before mgmt
was running. You must do this by calling the
The engine might be asked to shutdown when the entire state of the system has not seen any changes for some duration of time. The engine can determine this automatically, but each resource can block this if it is absolutely necessary. If you need this functionality, please contact one of the maintainers and ask about adding this feature and improving these docs right here.
This particular facility is most likely not required for most resources. It may
prove to be useful if a resource wants to start off a long operation, but avoid
sending out erroneous Event
messages to keep things alive until it finishes.
// Watch is the listener and main loop for this resource.
func (obj *FooRes) Watch(ctx context.Context) error {
// setup the Foo resource
var err error
if err, = OpenFoo(); err != nil {
return err // we couldn't startup
defer obj.whatever.CloseFoo() // shutdown our Foo
// notify engine that we're running
obj.init.Running() // when started, notify engine that we're running
var send = false // send event?
for {
select {
// the actual events!
case event := <
if is_an_event {
send = true
// event errors
case err := <
return err // will cause a retry or permanent failure
case <-ctx.Done(): // signal for shutdown request
return nil
// do all our event sending all together to avoid duplicate msgs
if send {
send = false
- Remember to call
when theWatch
is running successfully. - Remember to process internal events and shutdown promptly if asked to.
- Ensure the design of your resource is well thought out.
- Have a look at the existing resources for a rough idea of how this all works.
Cmp(engine.Res) error
Each resource must have a Cmp
method. It is an abbreviation for Compare
. It
takes as input another resource and must return whether they are identical or
not. This is used for identifying if an existing resource can be used in place
of a new one with a similar set of parameters. In particular, when switching
from one graph to a new (possibly identical) graph, this avoids recomputing the
state for resources which don't change or that are sufficiently similar that
they don't need to be swapped out.
In general if all the resource properties are identical, then they usually don't need to be changed. On occasion, not all of them need to be compared, in particular if they store some generated state, or if they aren't significant in some way.
If the resource is identical, then you should return nil
. If it is not, then
you should return a short error message which gives the reason it differs.
// Cmp compares two resources and returns if they are equivalent.
func (obj *FooRes) Cmp(r engine.Res) error {
// we can only compare FooRes to others of the same resource kind
res, ok := r.(*FooRes)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("not a %s", obj.Kind())
if obj.Whatever != res.Whatever {
return fmt.Errorf("the Whatever param differs")
if obj.Flag != res.Flag {
return fmt.Errorf("the Flag param differs")
return nil // they must match!
Resources can have different traits
, which means they can be extended to have
additional functionality or special properties. Those special properties are
usually added by extending your resource so that it is compatible with
additional interface that contain the Res
interface. Each of these interfaces
represents the additional functionality. Since in most cases this requires some
common boilerplate, you can usually get some or most of the functionality by
embedding the correct trait struct anonymously in your struct. This is shown in
the struct example above. You'll always want to include the Base
trait in all
resources. This provides some basics which you'll always need.
What follows are a list of available traits.
Some resources may choose to support receiving refresh notifications. In general
these should be avoided if possible, but nevertheless, they do make sense in
certain situations. Resources that support these need to verify if one was sent
during the CheckApply phase of execution. This is accomplished by calling the
obj.init.Refresh() bool
method, and inspecting the return value. This is only
necessary if you plan to perform a refresh action. Refresh actions should still
respect the apply
variable, and no system changes should be made if it is
. Refresh notifications are generated by any resource when an action is
applied by that resource and are transmitted through graph edges which have
enabled their propagation. Resources that currently perform some refresh action
include svc
, timer
, and password
It is very important that you include the traits.Refreshable
struct in your
resource. If you do not include this, then calling obj.init.Refresh
trigger a panic. This is programmer error.
Edgeable is a trait that allows your resource to automatically connect itself to other resources that use this trait to add edge dependencies between the two. An older blog post on this topic is available.
After you've included this trait, you'll need to implement two methods on your resource.
UIDs() []engine.ResUID
The UIDs
method returns a list of ResUID
interfaces that represent the
particular resource uniquely. This is used with the AutoEdges API to determine
if another resource can match a dependency to this one.
AutoEdges() (engine.AutoEdge, error)
This returns a struct that implements the AutoEdge
interface. This struct
is used to match other resources that might be relevant dependencies for this
Groupable is a trait that can allow your resource automatically group itself to other resources. Doing so can reduce the resource or runtime burden on the engine, and improve performance in some scenarios. An older blog post on this topic is available.
Sendable is a trait that allows your resource to send values through the graph
edges to another resource. These values are produced during CheckApply
. They
can be sent to any resource that has an appropriate parameter and that has the
trait. You can read more about this in the Send/Recv section below.
Recvable is a trait that allows your resource to receive values through the
graph edges from another resource. These values are consumed during the
phase, and can be detected there as well. They can be received from
any resource that has an appropriate value and that has the Sendable
You can read more about this in the Send/Recv section below.
This is currently a stub and will be updated once the DSL is further along.
During the resource initialization in Init
, the engine will pass in a struct
containing a bunch of data and methods. What follows is a description of each
one and how it is used.
Program is a string containing the name of the program. Very few resources need this.
Hostname is the uuid for the host. It will be occasionally useful in some resources. It is preferable if you can avoid depending on this. It is possible that in the future this will be a channel which changes if the local hostname changes.
Running must be called after your watches are all started and ready. It is only
called from within Watch
. It is used to notify the engine that you're now
ready to detect changes.
Event sends an event notifying the engine of a possible state change. It is
only called from within Watch
Refresh returns whether the resource received a notification. This flag can be
used to tell a svc
to reload, or to perform some state change that wouldn't
otherwise be noticed by inspection alone. You must implement the Refreshable
trait for this to work. It is only called from within CheckApply
Send exposes some variables you wish to send via the Send/Recv
mechanism. You
must implement the Sendable
trait for this to work. It is only called from
within CheckApply
Recv provides a map of variables which were sent to this resource via the
mechanism. You must implement the Recvable
trait for this to work.
It is only called from within CheckApply
World provides a connection to the outside world. This is most often used for
communicating with the distributed database. It can be used in Init
and Watch
. Use with discretion and understanding of the internals
if needed in Cleanup
VarDir is a facility for local storage. It is used to return a path to a
directory which may be used for temporary storage. It should be cleaned up on
resource Cleanup
if the resource would like to delete the contents. The
resource should not assume that the initial directory is empty, and it should be
cleaned on Init
if that is a requirement.
Debug signals whether we are running in debugging mode. In this case, we might want to log additional messages.
Logf is a logging facility which will correctly namespace any messages which you wish to pass on. You should use this instead of the log package directly for production quality resources.
There is some additional information that any resource writer will need to know. Each issue is listed separately below!
All resources must be registered with the engine so that they can be found. This also ensures they can be encoded and decoded. Make sure to include the following code snippet for this to work.
func init() { // special golang method that runs once
// set your resource kind and struct here (the kind must be lower case)
engine.RegisterResource("foo", func() engine.Res { return &FooRes{} })
To support YAML unmarshalling for your resource, you must implement an
additional method. It is recommended if you want to use your resource with the
UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error // optional
This is optional, but recommended for any resource that will have a YAML
accessible struct. It is not required because to do so would mean that
third-party or custom resources (such as those someone writes to use with
) would have to implement this needlessly.
The signature intentionally matches what is required to satisfy the go-yaml
Unmarshaler interface.
// UnmarshalYAML is the custom unmarshal handler for this struct. It is
// primarily useful for setting the defaults.
func (obj *FooRes) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
type rawRes FooRes // indirection to avoid infinite recursion
def := obj.Default() // get the default
res, ok := def.(*FooRes) // put in the right format
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("could not convert to FooRes")
raw := rawRes(*res) // convert; the defaults go here
if err := unmarshal(&raw); err != nil {
return err
*obj = FooRes(raw) // restore from indirection with type conversion!
return nil
In mgmt
there is a novel concept called Send/Recv. For some background,
please read the introductory article.
When using this feature, the engine will automatically send the user specified
value to the intended destination without requiring much resource specific code.
Any time that one of the destination values is changed, the engine automatically
marks the resource state as dirty
. To detect if a particular value was
received, and if it changed (during this invocation of CheckApply
) from the
previous value, you can query the obj.init.Recv()
method. It will contain a
of all the keys which can be received on, and the value has a Changed
property which will indicate whether the value was updated on this particular
invocation. The type of the sending key must match that of the
receiving one. This can only be done inside of the CheckApply
// inside CheckApply, probably near the top
if val, exists := obj.init.Recv()["some_key"]; exists {
obj.init.Logf("the some_key param was sent to us from: %s.%s", val.Res, val.Key)
if val.Changed {
obj.init.Logf("the some_key param was just updated!")
// you may want to invalidate some local cache
The specifics of resource sending are not currently documented. Please send a patch here!
Composite resources are resources which embed one or more existing resources.
This is useful to prevent code duplication in higher level resource scenarios.
The best example of this technique can be seen in the nspawn
resource which
can be seen to partially embed a svc
resource, but without its Watch
Unfortunately no further documentation about this subject has been written. To
expand this section, please send a patch! Please contact us if you'd like to
work on a resource that uses this feature, or to add it to an existing one!
(Send your questions as a patch to this FAQ! I'll review it, merge it, and respond by commit with the answer.)
Currently golang
is the only supported language for built-in resources. We
might consider allowing external resources to be imported in the future. This
will likely require a language that can expose a C-like API, such as python
. Custom golang
resources are already possible when using mgmt as a lib.
Higher level resource collections will be possible once the mgmt
DSL is ready.
In an early version we actually had both "parts" as separate methods, namely:
(Check) and Apply
, but the decision
was made to merge the two into a single method. There are two reasons for this:
- Many situations would involve the engine running both
. If the resource needed to share some state (for efficiency purposes) between the two calls, this is much more difficult. A common example is that a resource might want to open a connection todbus
to do resource state testing and applying. If the methods are combined, there's no need to open and close them twice. A counter argument might be that you could open the connection inInit
, and close it inCleanup
, however you might not want that open for the full lifetime of the resource if you only change state occasionally. - Suppose you came up with a really good reason why you wanted the two methods
to be separate. It turns out that the current
can wrap this easily. It would look approximately like this:
func (obj *FooRes) CheckApply(ctx context.Context, apply bool) (bool, error) {
// my private split implementation of check and apply
if c, err := obj.check(ctx); err != nil {
return false, err // we errored
} else if c {
return true, nil // state was good!
if !apply {
return false, nil // state needs fixing, but apply is false
err := obj.apply(ctx) // errors if failure or unable to apply
return false, err // always return false, with an optional error
Feel free to use this pattern if you're convinced it's necessary. Alternatively,
if you think I got the Res
API wrong and you have an improvement, please let
us know!
The Cmp()
methods are for determining if two resources are effectively the
same, which is used to make graph change delta's efficient. This is when we want
to change from the current running graph to a new graph, but preserve the common
vertices. Since we want to make this process efficient, we only update the parts
that are different, and leave everything else alone. This Cmp()
method can
tell us if two resources are the same. In case it is not obvious, cmp
is an
abbrev. for compare.
The IFF()
method is part of the whole UID system, which is for discerning if a
resource meets the requirements another expects for an automatic edge. This is
because the automatic edge system assumes a unified UID pattern to test for
equality. In the future it might be helpful or sane to merge the two similar
comparison functions although for now they are separate because they are
actually answer different questions.
There are still many ideas for new resources that haven't been written yet. If you'd like to contribute one, please contact us and tell us about your idea!
Since we are pre 1.0, the resource API is not guaranteed to be stable, however it is not expected to change significantly. The last major change kept the core functionality nearly identical, simplified the implementation of all the resources, and took about five to ten minutes to port each resource to the new API. The fundamental logic and behaviour behind the resource API has not changed since it was initially introduced.
Additional blog posts, videos and other material is available!.
If you have any ideas for API changes or other improvements to resource writing, please let us know! We're still pre 1.0 and pre 0.1 and happy to break API in order to get it right!