Command Line Client for Cryptopus
gem install ccli
This will install the cry
command including its dependencies
- Fetch encryptable data from Cryptopus
- List accessable teams in Cryptopus
Receiving the login token from Cryptopus
Command: Summary:
encryptable Fetches an encryptable by the given id
folder Selects the Cryptopus folder by id
help Display global or [command] help documentation
login Logs in to the ccli
logout Logs out of the ccli
teams Lists all available teams
use Select the current folder
Show more specific documentation by calling cry help <command>
Use the ccli login copy button from the UI or do it manually:
cry login $(echo -n "$user:$token" | base64)@$url
To retreive encryptable data as yaml:
cry encryptable 42 > encryptable.yaml
Retreiving encryptable's password and assign it to a variable:
PASSWORD=$(cry encryptable 42 --password)
not supported yet by ccli
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer:
rvm install 2.6.0
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rspec