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157 lines (109 loc) · 3.09 KB

File metadata and controls

157 lines (109 loc) · 3.09 KB

Contributing to ndv

Contributions are welcome. Please don't hesitate to open an issue if you have any questions about the structure/design of the codebase.


We recommend using uv when developing ndv. uv is an awesome tool that manages virtual environments, python interpreters, and package dependencies. Because ndv aims to support so many combinations of GUI and graphics frameworks, it's not unusual to have multiple virtual environments for different combinations of dependencies. uv makes this easy.

Install uv, then clone the repository:

git clone
cd ndv
uv sync

This will create a virtual environment in .venv and install the "standard" set of dev dependencies (pretty much everything except for PySide6). You can then activate the environment with:

For macOS/Linux:

source .venv/bin/activate  

For Windows:



As usual, you can run the tests with pytest:

uv run pytest

(Or just pytest if you've already activate your environment).

The makefile also has a few targets for running tests (these all depend on having uv installed):

# just test with something standard (currently pyqt6/pygfx)
make test

Testing with different dependencies

To test different variants of pygfx, vispy, pyqt, pyside, wx:
use extras or groups to add specific members of project.optional-dependencies or project.dependency-groups declared in pyproject.toml.

# run all 
make test extras=pyqt,vispy groups=array-libs


that above command actually has an alias:

make test-arrays

Note: These commands will recreate your current .venv folder, since they include the --exact flag. If you don't want your current env modified, add isolated=1 to the command.

make test extras=jupyter,vispy isolated=1

(Alternatively, just run uv sync again afterwards and it will bring back the full env)

Testing different Python versions

Use py= to specify a different python version.

make test py=3.10

Testing with minimum dependency versions

To test against the minimum stated versions of dependencies, use min=1

make test min=1

Linting and Formatting

To lint and format the code, use pre-commit (make sure you've run uv sync first):

uv run pre-commit run --all-files


make lint

Building Documentation

To serve the documentation locally, use:

make docs-serve

or to build into a site directory:

make docs

If the screenshot generation is annoying, you can disable it with the GEN_SCREENSHOTS environment variable:



To release a new version, generate the changelog:

github_changelog_generator --future-release vX.Y.Z

then review it and commit it:

git commit -am "chore: changelog for vX.Y.Z"

then tag the commit and push:

git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "vX.Y.Z"
git push upstream --follow-tags