First a summary of the weekly plan proposed:
- Week 1-2: Learn Madanalysis5(ma5).
- Week 2-3: Make Ma5 Docker Image.
- Week 4-5: Implement and test Ma5 Docker Image.
- Week 6-7: Learn pyhf.
- Week 8-9: Implement pyhf subworkflow and docker and test.
- Week 10-11: REANA integration.
- Week 12: Write documentation.
Below are comprehensive summaries of progress for each week. New progress will appear at the bottom by Friday 11:59pm (PDT) every week.
- By this point, I was already ahead by a few weeks, since I hard started investigating ma5 early.
- I had finished running an end-to-end analysis of an interpretation of the tchannel model for one parameter point.
- The end goal was to run the analysis for the whole "grid" (parameter space) and interpolate the points in between to reproduce a given contur plot
- This analysis was run manually using madgraph with pythia to generate a showered .hepmc file which was then fed as input to madanalysis5 (ma5)
- The results from this initial analysis were not comparable to the given ouputs, since the previous researchers were using a more complex ma5 analysis
- During the investigation, I created an ma5 docker image to develop in, because I had issues setting up my local enviroment for ma5.
- The docker image would later be integrated into recast-workflow
- From last week, the goal was to do a full parameter scan using a specific ma5 analysis.
- To run the specific ma5 analysis, it was necessary to use ma5 expert/recast mode
- This was a special ma5 option that also required additional packages (delphes, delphesMa5Tune, PAD, PADMa5Tune)
- Some of these packages were specifically ma5 versions of other packages. e.g. delphes vs. delpesMa5Tune
- After fixing some compilation issues with the ma5 package manager, I was able to successfully run the analysis and reproduce one point.
- The next step was to scan the rest of the points (~170 points).
- I started working on a python script.
- I used recast-workflow to quickly create a madgraph+pythia workflow and then manually added madanalysis as another stage in this workflow.
- Since I was trying to automate the process through a workflow, I had to make modifications to the ma5 docker image I was using for development.
- Using ma5's run/recast card system, I was able to run the docker image automatically - e.g. docker run recast/ma5 -c ma5/bin -R run_card.dat.
- The run card contained a series of commands that I would normally have to execture manually, but ma5 had a feature that would process them for me.
- The recast card contained the analysis name I wanted to reuse.
- The run and recast cards can be found here and here
- Once that had been setup, I could copy the ma5 workflow I used for the
- Workflow found here
- I used the input madgraph param_card.dat file from the previous point and reproduced its result by running this new workflow.
- Then, I made a template file for the input param_card
- Template found here (Note in line 32, 33 there are two variables being formatted:
). - Then, I wrote a simple python script that for every point, generated an input param_card.dat from the template, ran the ma5 workflow for that input file, and saved the results.
- The script is here
- I also repurposed this scanner to scan for decay and cross-section instead of confidence limits to validate an assumption about madgraph computing the decay-width the same was as the original researchers did.
- Decay/xsection script here
- The whole scan took about 72 hours running on my computer without any parallelisation.
- From these results, I was able to produce a plot that matched closely to the given one.
- This is the week where I started applying knowledge form the prior weeks to building recast-workflow.
- The docker image was fully implemented, so I could just copy the files needed to build the image to recast-workflow.
- For the workflow, I had to cut out the ma5 stage and put it in a seperate file.
- The way subworkflows are defined in recast-workflow requires that there is also a description.yml file for the ma5 that describes the input/output file interfaces and a file for determining common inputs for the subworkflow (common inputs refers to inputs that are common among multiple subworkflows, not frequently inputted values).
- After defining these extra files so recast-workflow can understand the subworkflow, I was able to generate a new end-to-end ma5 workflow (from input cards for generation of data from madgraph to confidence limits in madnalysis5).
- The files defining the ma5 subworkflow can be found [here] (
- With this yadage workflow, I was able to start working with REANA.
- I had to use ssh tunneling with a vnc to open and get my access token.
- Then in lxplus, I submitted some hello world tutorial REANA jobs that introduced me to the reana.yml file that specified how to run the job and how to get my outputs.
- I then found a more specific tutorial for my use case that was about using REANA with the yadage engine.
- Using this tutorial, I was able to create a job for my ma5 workflow and scan through all the input cards. This was significantly faster than the python script due to the parallelisation of execution in REANA.
- I got the same results and was able to reuse my code to recreate the contour plot.
- After gaining familiarity with running these scans (through python scripts or REANA), I could start implementing features in recast-workflow.
- First, I made a command (
recast-cli scan build workflow.yml
). - This would convert a single input workflow (such as the original ma5 workflow) to a workflow that could take several input files.
- Then, I added a command to get a directory with your workflow and reana.yml, such that you could copy your inputs into the directory and submit it without any extra modifications.
- The idea was to also use REANA as a backend for running these workflows that way you could submit using recast-cli, but this is tricky to implement and not very useful for a few reasons.
- This week was dedicated to learning about pyhf and cleaning up the project, which had gotten bloated with random files.
- The previous setup had recast-workflow nested in recast-cli, the command line interface for workflow.
- Due to this setup, a setup script was required to set the $PYTHONPATH enviromental variable (points to where python can search for modules).
- There were also very many complexities with the packageging of recast-cli, since there are many files that had to be included.
- This is why I decided to reorganize the project by copying in folders one at a time from recast-workflow. Currently, recast-cli has not been fully integrated yet, but recast-workflow only fails one test.
- I also changed recast-workflow to be an installable package - this allows for a non-command line python interface with the package (e.g.
import recast_workflow
). - It also makes the installation quite simply by only requiring the command
pip install -e .[test]
to start developing. - The goal by the end of this project is to build and upload everything, so anyone can install the package just by running
pip install recast-workflow
. - With pyhf, I was able to convert a HistFitter analysis workspace to pyhf and do a basic fit.
- This was done for the MonoJet analysis to reproduce its results as well as for a simple single-bin example. The githubs repos are here and here.
- I am ready to start pyhf integration into recast-workflow and focus on reworking recast-workflow through better organization and more unit tests
- I added back the command line interface component to recast-workflow
- Found at
- This includes the
recast-wf make new
command that creates a new workflow using an interactive input process from the user - The make new command also takes command line arguements that can be substituted in for user input, such that the whole process of making a new workflow can be run without interaction
- This is useful for a potential backend of a website that provides a UI for making these workflows, so the backend can just run the command with comprehensive arguments for any requests
- Furthermore, I reimplemented the inventory system (renamed from catalogue).
- Before, the 'catalogue' in recast-workflow was ambigious. Now, the catalogue is just a list of all the possible workflows for the given filters which the user can pick from. While the inventory is a cache of these generated workflows that can be accessed from any directory on the user's machine.
- This puts the rework of recast-workflow to about 90% of what it was before the research fellowship began
- All that is left is adding get_dir (which returns a directory with a run script for executing the workflow) and miscellaneous functions for the inventory
- Then, the newer features can be copy-pasted and tested more thoroughly with the new system.
- The subworkflow specifications for pyhf are complete (description.yml,, workflow.yml), but the docker image is incomplete. The python script that is the entrypoint for the pyhf docker image currently does nothing with the given arguements.
- Currently, I have been implementing my own CL calculator using this paper. Pyhf uses the same approximate formulas, so I should get a better understanding of the pyhf source code and how to find the cls using pyhf.
- Then, I can finish the pyhf scipt next week and the CL calculator will also be done by Wednesday next week.
- I finished the rest of the 'base' command line features this week.
recast-wf inv add/getyml/getdir
now work.- The inventory works as a glocal storage for workflows generated/used by recast-workflow.
will add a workflow to the inventory at a local path. This will be useful later when the scan build feature is copied back in. This would allow users to take a workflow too complex for recast-wf to make, and convert it to a multistage workflow (allowing for parameter scans and parallelisation using REANA).getyml
will print the workflow text or give a yaml file with the workflow. Since recast-wf automatically replaces all references to other files in the main workflow file, the whole workflow can be stored in one yaml file.getdir
will produce a directory which includes some extra files/folders to organize the process of running the workflow. For example, it includes a run script which is used as an alias so users don't have to type in the full command to run a yadage workflow with the right arguments (yadage-run workdir $WORKFLOW inputs/input.yml -d initdir=$PWD/inputs
). All the extra files are stored in a templates folder which can be easily modified to include new files.- There are still some complexities with pyhf which require more investigation. Specifically, how .yoda files translate to pyhf JSON histograms.
- I have also begun working on documentation by writing the introduction of the first tutorial (this will later be moved to a page):
- There will also be a summer workshop soon where we want to present recast-workflow, so we have been brainstorming more ideas of applications of recast.
- I have also been reading through a paper on statistics in physics and constructing a presentation concurently that can be used to explain the analysis/statistic subworkflows well to new students/users.