Here we showed how to test the classes that execute sampler, estimator, etc. separately on your local machine:
In order to test these classes on your local MATLAB, first initiate the required information such as hub information, program, etc.
runtime_apiToken = LoginAPI("put your IBM Quantum API token here");
%%% Add the required information
hubinfo = {};
hubinfo.hub = "ibm-q"; = "open";
hubinfo.project = "main";
hubinfo.program_id = "sampler";
hubinfo.Access_API =;
hubinfo.backend = "ibmq_qasm_simulator";
hubinfo.Start_session = [];
hubinfo.session_id = [];
%%% Build some circuits
circuit = quantumCircuit([hGate(1) cxGate(1,2)]);
%%% Set the options for the submitted job
params_Sampler = Options.SetOptions(circuit,hubinfo, []);
%%% An example of Observables to test the Estimator
observables.Pauli_Term = ["II","IZ","ZI","ZZ","XX"];
observables.Coeffs = string([-1.0523732, 0.39793742, -0.3979374 , -0.0112801, 0.18093119]);
%%% Convert the variables to the corresponding structure to be used by the class
params_Sampler = struct('params_Sampler', params_Sampler);
hubinfo_sampler = struct('hubinfo', hubinfo);
hubinfo.program_id = "estimator";
params_Estimator = Options.SetOptions(circuit,hubinfo,observables);
params_Estimator = struct('params_Estimator', params_Estimator);
hubinfo_estimator = struct('hubinfo', hubinfo);
circuits = struct('circuits', circuit);
observables = struct('observables', observables);
%%%% Set the variables to TestSuite function to test "Sampler_Estimator_testclass" class:
P1 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('params_Sampler', params_Sampler);
P2 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('params_Estimator', params_Estimator);
P3 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('hubinfo_sampler', hubinfo_sampler);
P4 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('hubinfo_estimator', hubinfo_estimator);
P5 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('circuits', circuits);
P6 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('observables', observables);
%%%% Execute this to test "Sampler_Estimator_testclass" class!
suite_Sampler_Estimator = matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromClass(?Sampler_Estimator_testclass, ...
'ExternalParameters', [P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6]);
r1 = run(suite_Sampler_Estimator)
By running run(suite_Sampler_Estimator)
all the following classes run and the job executed on IBM QUantum Qasm Simulator and the results are retreived using the submitted JobId
output would be as follows:
Running Sampler_Estimator_testclass
1×4 TestResult array with properties:
4 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete.
9.2046 seconds testing time.
To test the Twolocal
function you can run the following steps:
%% information to create a Twolocal circuit
circuitinfo = {};
circuitinfo.reps=4; %%% Number of required repetitions
circuitinfo.entanglement = "linear"; %%% define the entanglement
circuitinfo.number_qubits = 5; %%% Number of qubits
circuitinfo.num_parameters = (circuitinfo.reps+1)*circuitinfo.number_qubits;
parameters = -5*ones(circuitinfo.num_parameters,1); %%% Initiate the circuit parameters
%%% Set the parameters for ```TestSuite``` to initiate the test!
circuitinfo = struct('circuitinfo', circuitinfo);
parameters = struct('parameters', parameters);
P1 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('circuitinfo', circuitinfo);
P2 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('parameters', parameters);
suite_Twolocal = matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromClass(?TestTowlocal, ...
'ExternalParameters', [P1,P2]);
r2 = run(suite_Twolocal);
You can do the same for the MaxCutToIsing
function as follows:
%% TestMaxcutToIsing
%%% Create an example graph to be tested for maxcut problem
s = [1 1 2 3 3 4];
t = [2 5 3 4 5 5];
weights = [1 1 1 1 1 1];
G = graph(s,t,weights);
%%% Set the parameters to initiate TestSuite function to start the test!
Graph = struct('Graph', G);
P1 = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData('Graph', Graph);
suite_TestMaxCutToIsing = matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromClass(?TestMaxCutToIsing, ...
'ExternalParameters', P1);
r3 = run(suite_TestMaxCutToIsing);