Releases: quiqr/quiqr-desktop
Releases · quiqr/quiqr-desktop
0.17.6 (2023-06-06)
- fix wrong npm's
0.17.5 (2023-06-06)
- feature: new form field type: fontIconSelect 🥳
- feature: new global field propery: disabled
- feature: clear cache a startup
- feature: improve home message font size
- 37 stars
- 6 community templates
- 45 modules 48.56M
0.17.4 (2023-06-02)
- fix: typo #443
0.17.3 (2023-06-01)
- feature: checkout any version in complete history 😎
- feature: show remote versions in github 🥳
- feature: hugo download tester for all platforms
- cleanup: refactored sync frontend
- cleanup: refactored sync api bridge
- cleanup: refactored sync backend
- fix: fix hugo downloads after v0.102.x (wrong url's) #444 #443
- fix: fix folder sync (synced to wrong path)
- fix: typo in sync
0.17.2 (2023-05-25)
- fix: disable snap builds
0.17.1 (2023-05-25)
- cleanup: improved toolbar buttons 😎
- fix missing npm caused by cleanup
- 37 stars
- 5 community templates
- 36 modules 39.86M 🤘
0.17.0 (2023-05-17)
- feature: sync screen new layout, ready for advanged sync 💐
- feature: improve git debugging
- feature: add troubleshooting menu item
- feature: move all config to site folder 🐞
- feature: new default data folder
- feature: app-ui-style is now a preference
- feature: queryselect with keys in file (e.g. .weekdays[] in calendar.json)
- feature: queryselect using Autosuggest
- feature: add images directly from imageselect dialog 💐
- feature: more fuzzy filter in collection listing 💐
- cleanup: refactored cli execute
- cleanup: remove death quiqr-cloud code
- cleanup: remove rimraf
- cleanup: remove death modules
- cleanup: remove field ArrayList
- cleanup: replaced all mui-02 components with mui-4 🥳
- cleanup: improve selectquery layout
- fix: select-image broke with non-image files
- fix: #314 & #181 breadcrumb in collections cannot go back to root document
- fix: #422 renaming collection items do not allow extensions in new name
- fix: no "make page bundle" for non-markdown-collections
- fix: make dynform more stable
- 37 stars
- 5 community templates
- 60 modules - 47.03M
0.16.0 (2023-04-24)
- feature: add back button in prefs toolbar
- feature: new field-type: select-from-query
- feature: first proof of concept of the new Quiqr Query Language
- feature: bundle-manager, show add-button on top of the widget
- cleanup: text menu
- cleanup: remove quiqr cloud stuff
- cleanup: remove form cookbook
- breaking changes: new vars format in custom open-in command (%site_name, %site_path)
- fix: #410, show active toolbar
- fix: missing active publish conf in sidebar
- 34 stars
- 5 community templates
- 37 NPM modules - 35.11M
0.15.2 (2023-01-24)
- fix: application did not start
0.15.1 (2023-01-24)
- chore: update electron-builder to fix macos builds
0.17.2 (2023-05-25)
- fix: disable snap builds
0.17.1 (2023-05-25)
- cleanup: improved toolbar buttons 😎
- fix missing npm caused by cleanup
- 37 stars
- 5 community templates
- 36 modules 39.86M 🤘
0.17.0 (2023-05-17)
- feature: sync screen new layout, ready for advanged sync 💐
- feature: improve git debugging
- feature: add troubleshooting menu item
- feature: move all config to site folder 🐞
- feature: new default data folder
- feature: app-ui-style is now a preference
- feature: queryselect with keys in file (e.g. .weekdays[] in calendar.json)
- feature: queryselect using Autosuggest
- feature: add images directly from imageselect dialog 💐
- feature: more fuzzy filter in collection listing 💐
- cleanup: refactored cli execute
- cleanup: remove death quiqr-cloud code
- cleanup: remove rimraf
- cleanup: remove death modules
- cleanup: remove field ArrayList
- cleanup: replaced all mui-02 components with mui-4 🥳
- cleanup: improve selectquery layout
- fix: select-image broke with non-image files
- fix: #314 & #181 breadcrumb in collections cannot go back to root document
- fix: #422 renaming collection items do not allow extensions in new name
- fix: no "make page bundle" for non-markdown-collections
- fix: make dynform more stable
- 37 stars
- 5 community templates
- 60 modules - 47.03M
0.16.0 (2023-04-24)
- feature: add back button in prefs toolbar
- feature: new field-type: select-from-query
- feature: first proof of concept of the new Quiqr Query Language
- feature: bundle-manager, show add-button on top of the widget
- cleanup: text menu
- cleanup: remove quiqr cloud stuff
- cleanup: remove form cookbook
- breaking changes: new vars format in custom open-in command (%site_name, %site_path)
- fix: #410, show active toolbar
- fix: missing active publish conf in sidebar
Changes Since v.014
- fix: application did not start
- chore: update electron-builder to fix macos builds
- fix: remove mobilePreviewCode
- fix: improve side menu layout
- fix: improve site name validations in library
- feature: hidePreviewIcon for singles and collections
- feature: hideExternalEditIcon for singles and collections
- feature: hideSaveButton for singles
- feature: previewUrlBase for collections
- feature: make site menus collapsable/expandable
- feature: copy site from Library
- feature: copy collection item
- fix: improve rename collection backend function
- fix: image welcomescreen
- feature: experimental setting: new improved sync method
This prevents stale copies of files which are removed on the other side - 96 material-02 components import left to port to MUI 4
- 27 stars
- 5 community templates
v 0.15.1
This release has major problems with the main window.
Changes since v0.13
- fix bug in pull sync when repo does not exist
- always use --disableFastRender
- removed hugo versions from git workflow to make it succeed more often
- private github repos can be imported using private key
- selective sync
- enable all matrix platform builds with fail-fast=false
- macos build
- fix undefined callback function
- implement rough sync from functionality for folder targets
- implement rough sync from functionality for git targets
Changes since v0.12
- fix build
- update to node 16 in github action
- update to node 16 in github action
- Implement Custom Open Command (e.g. tmux send-keys 'cd "%s"' Enter)
- Fix help links
- Fix toolbar in Preference Window
- Add concept of option to show/hide menu bar
- Support subdir as baseURL for preview
- try fix Windows embgit
- try fix npm packages package-lock.json
- try fix npm packages
- fix unused var
- small bugfixes
- add quickstart video endpoint
- try enable linux build target
- set cname for github pages
- sort tags
- Quiqr Community Templates listing
- show active toolbar item in workspace
- move role to edit below preferences
- role has effect on toolbar and content dashboard
- show content items on dashboard
- fix #412 read and save md without frontmatter
- add new collection propery includeSubDirs default true
- lint fixes
- wip: open in quiqr (quiqr://)
- reorganized site dev tools
- new welcome screen
- new/import site from folder
- remove old create site
- new site from scratch
- simplified text-menu
- log to console main-api request timeouts
- minimal windows sizes
Changes since v0.11
- add Hugo Version select in new site
- show last used publish conf
- add timeout on embgit show repo
- add sync-to-folder target
Changes since 0.10
- fix problem in react-scripts
- show mousefeedback when clicking card in Library
- fix react errors and depreciations
- fix problem preventing starting on a mac
- fix empty page in library after startup
- fix production
- fix missing resources/all dir for buildinfo.js
- add disable model cache option
- dynamics can now be defined in model/includes/
- implement mergePartials in dynamics, refactor initial config provider
- save accordion state with dynamic fields
- autoSave for all relevant field types
- hideIndex for collection
- accordion dynamic reload fixes
- use key for title when not set
- update license
- fix relative paths for bundle-image-mananager and image-select
- add bugfixes to single
- fix cookbook
- big ux refactor
- refactor site config, add open in editor
- add top toolbar right
- renamed publish to sync
- seperate component for publish
- fix routings
- implemented site tags
- remember site library state
- cleanup remote content menu in publish
- edit tags is working
- add site rename dialog
- UI improvements
- new role selectionmenu
- implement roles in sidebar menu
- first version cards listing
- autogenerate etalage screenshot
- implemented favicon detection and display
- first work on the new sync sidebarmenu
- add publish github
- show GH card
- edit configuration
- start with quiqr cloud form
- github sync, WIP almost finisged
- import from git
- fix embgit name
- refactor, almost finsished import git url
- add lint to servemain
- upgrade react-script to align eslint versions
- fix 4 dependabot security issues
- implemented new site from hugo theme
Changes since 0.9
- only mac build
- BREAKING: change mergeFromPartial to mergePartial
- concept: add file:// URI protocol possibility to partial
- show read only quiqr-model parse information
- move post-requests to src-main
- improve quiqrcloud plan:
- delete form cloud
- unsubscribe plan
- move all actions to dialog
- chain check delete actions
- new type: font-picker
- new type: image-select
- show read only site configuration
- improve image layout
- upgraded electron from 5 to 9
- remove redundant openFileDialog code
- unsubscribe from listeners in App.js
- auto compile (inotify) site-root/quiqr/model/base.yml
- code cleanup
- implement preferences with choosable Data Folder
- many fixes in bundle-manager
- new bundle-manager attribute: forceFileName
- new bundle-manager attribute: maxItems
- new bundle-manager feature to write to path relative to site dir