Unmanned Aerial Vechicle Artic Search and Rescue Emulator. Small ROS publisher to output dummy data in the form of images, pose messages, and sensor readings.
Please download and install using the instructions for the QUT Flight Stack
roslaunch uavasr_emulator emulator.launch
Additionally, a unique UAV name can be used when launching the emulator (replace UAVNAME
with the desired name, defaults to "uavasr"):
roslaunch uavasr_emulator emulator.launch uav_name:=UAVNAME
- If you have the
packages installed, you can find details to launching the combined system on the Spar Readme. - If you have the
packages installed, you can find details to launching a full "assessment system" on the QUTAS Lab 450 Readme.
- Local Position Setpoint (mavros_msgs/PositionTarget):
- Autopilot State (mavros_msgs/State):
- Battery Reading (sensor_msgs/BatteryState):
- Current Position (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped):
- Current Odometery (nav_msgs/Odometry):
- Local Position Setpoint Feedback (mavros_msgs/PositionTarget):