From 62d95c10645df10735c2644005c493771cf7adeb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: florisvdh Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2024 18:24:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Cohort 1 ch 3 (sf): add slides --- 03_the-sf-package-for-spatial-vector-data.Rmd | 593 +++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 589 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/03_the-sf-package-for-spatial-vector-data.Rmd b/03_the-sf-package-for-spatial-vector-data.Rmd index 2bd55a2..c8240d2 100644 --- a/03_the-sf-package-for-spatial-vector-data.Rmd +++ b/03_the-sf-package-for-spatial-vector-data.Rmd @@ -2,12 +2,597 @@ **Learning objectives:** -- THESE ARE NICE TO HAVE BUT NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY +- learn what simple features are and get know them in R +- read, write, decompose and compose an `sf` object +- get the gist of making a static and an interactive map (see ch. 5) +- work with `sf` objects: subsetting, spatial operations, logical operations, joining -## SLIDE 1 {-} +## Simple features (1) {-} + +- [Simple features]( ([simple feature access]( formal standard (ISO 19125-1:2004) to describe how **objects in the real world** can be represented in computers, with emphasis on the **spatial geometry** +- All geometries are composed of points. Points are coordinates in a 2-, 3- or 4-dimensional space. + +(Source: [Vignette 1]( of **sf** package) + +## Simple features (2) {-} + +Seven most common types: + +| type | description +| ---- | -------------------------------------------------- +| `POINT` | single point +| `LINESTRING` | sequence of points connected by straight, non-self intersecting line pieces +| `POLYGON` | sequence of points form a closed, non-self intersecting ring; zero or more subsequent rings denote holes +| `MULTIPOINT` | set of points +| `MULTILINESTRING` | set of linestrings +| `MULTIPOLYGON` | set of polygons +| `GEOMETRYCOLLECTION` | set of geometries of any type except `GEOMETRYCOLLECTION` + +(Based on [vignette 1]( of **sf** package) + +## Simple features in R (1) {-} + +Package **sf**: to read, manipulate and write simple features in R + +```{r message=FALSE} +# install.packages("sf") +library(sf) +filepath <- system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf") +``` + +Reading a geospatial data file: + +```{r} +# nc <- st_read(filepath, quiet = TRUE, as_tibble = TRUE) +nc <- read_sf(filepath) +``` + +Read the documentation of this dataset with `?nc` and on . + +## Simple features in R (2) {-} + +```{r} +nc +``` + +## Simple features in R (3) {-} + +```{r} +library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) +glimpse(nc) +``` + +## Simple features in R (4) {-} + +Extracting the geometry column: + +```{r collapse = TRUE} +nc_geom <- st_geometry(nc) +nc_geom +``` + +```{r} +all.equal(nc_geom, nc$geometry) +``` + +## Simple features in R (5) {-} + +```{r} +class(nc) +class(nc_geom) +``` + +- Class `sf`: data frame: + - rows = simple features + - columns = attributes and a 'sticky' geometry column +- Class `sfc`: the geometry column, i.e. a list column. +It is a **list** of the geometries of the simple features. + +```{r} +nc_geom[[8]] # eighth geometry +class(nc_geom[[8]]) +``` + +- Class `sfg`: the geometry of a single feature + +## Simple features in R (6) {-} + +Dropping the geometry column: + +```{r} +st_drop_geometry(nc) +``` + +## Simple features in R (7) {-} + +Returning the CRS (coordinate reference system): + +```{r} +nc_crs <- st_crs(nc) +``` + +From `?st_crs`: + +> the `$` method for `crs` objects retrieves named elements using the GDAL interface; named elements include `"SemiMajor"`, `"SemiMinor"`, `"InvFlattening"`, `"IsGeographic"`, `"units_gdal"`, `"IsVertical"`, `"WktPretty"`, `"Wkt"`, `"Name"`, `"proj4string"`, `"epsg"`, `"yx"`, `"ud_unit"`, and `"axes"` (this may be subject to changes in future GDAL versions). + +## Simple features in R (8) {-} + +```{r} +nc_crs$Name +nc_crs$epsg +``` + +## Simple features in R (9) {-} + +Formal CRS definition is given by the WKT string (also given by `print(nc_crs)`): + +```{r} +nc_crs$wkt |> cat() +``` + + +## Simple features in R (10) {-} + +Return point coordinates contained in a `sf` object: + +```{r} +st_coordinates(nc) |> class() +st_coordinates(nc) |> head() +st_coordinates(nc) |> tail() +``` + +From `?st_coordinates`: + +> [...] for `MULTIPOLYGON` `L1` refers to the main ring or holes, `L2` to the ring id in the `MULTIPOLYGON`, and `L3` to the simple feature. + +## Static maps with ggplot2 (1) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +library(ggplot2) +ggplot(nc) + geom_sf(fill = "mistyrose") + theme_bw() +``` + +## Static maps with ggplot2 (2) {-} + +```{r warning=FALSE} +ggplot(nc) + + geom_sf() + + geom_sf_label(aes(label = NAME)) + + coord_sf(xlim = c(-81, -79), ylim = c(35, 36)) + + theme_bw() +``` + +## Interactive maps with mapview (1) {-} + +`st_sample()` samples points on spatial features, and returns an `sfc` class + +However **[mapview](** needs an `sf` object. +To upgrade `sfc` to `sf` we use `st_as_sf()`. + +```{r include=FALSE} +set.seed(20240203) +``` + +```{r} +nc_points <- st_sample(nc, size = 10) |> st_as_sf() +``` + +## Interactive maps with mapview (2) {-} + +```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, out.width='100%'} +library(mapview) +mapview(nc, col.regions = "navajowhite3", label = "NAME") + + mapview(nc_points, col.regions = "red", cex = 5) +``` + +## Another `st_coordinates()` example {-} + +```{r} +st_geometry_type(nc_points) +``` + +```{r} +st_coordinates(nc_points) |> head() +``` + +## Writing an sf object to file {-} + +Use `st_write()`: + +```{r} +tempfile_geojson <- tempfile(fileext = ".geojson") +st_write(nc_points, tempfile_geojson) +``` + +Read back in with: + +```{r eval=FALSE} +st_read(tempfile_geojson) +``` + +## Subsetting simple features (1) {-} + +Based on the **sf** documentation: + +``` +## S3 method for class 'sf' +x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE, op = st_intersects] +``` + +- `i`: row selection (as in data frames), or a `sf` object to work with the `op` argument +- `j`: column selection (as in data frames) +- `drop`: default `FALSE`; if `TRUE` drop the geometry column (= return data frame) +- `op`: geometrical binary predicate function to apply when `i` is a simple feature object + +So we can subset using non-spatial criteria (row and column selection) **or** spatial criteria (another `sf` object). + +## Subsetting simple features (2) {-} + +Non-spatial criteria: + +```{r} +nc[1, ] # first row +``` + +## Subsetting simple features (3) {-} + +Non-spatial criteria -- continued: + +```{r} +nc[nc$NAME == "Ashe", ] # row with NAME "Ashe" +``` + +## Subsetting simple features (4) {-} + +Non-spatial criteria -- continued: + +```{r} +nc[1, "NWBIR74"] # first row, column with name NWBIR74 +nc[1, "NWBIR74", drop = TRUE] # drop geometry +``` + +## Subsetting simple features (5) {-} + +Non-spatial criteria -- continued: + +```{r out.width='100%'} +nc[!(nc$FIPS %in% c("37125", "37051")), ] |> + ggplot() + + geom_sf(aes(fill = SID79)) + + theme_bw() +``` + +## Subsetting simple features (6) {-} + +Spatial criteria: + +```{r} +nc_subset <- nc[nc_points, ] +nc_subset +``` + +## Subsetting simple features (7) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot() + + geom_sf(data = nc_subset) + + geom_sf(data = nc_points) + + theme_bw() +``` + +## Generate sf objects (1) {-} + +First let's start at a higher level: we already have a data object. + +Conversion can then be done with `st_as_sf()`. + +Suppose we have a data frame with point coordinates, and we know that the CRS is `EPSG:4326`. + +```{r} +d <- tibble( + place = c("London", "Paris", "Madrid", "Rome"), + long = c(-0.118092, 2.349014, -3.703339, 12.496366), + lat = c(51.509865, 48.864716, 40.416729, 41.902782), + value = c(200, 300, 400, 500)) +d +``` + +## Generate sf objects (2) {-} + +```{r} +dsf <- st_as_sf(d, coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326) +dsf +``` + +## Generate sf objects (3) {-} + +We can also start from scratch: + +- create the geometries from coordinate vectors or matrices with `st_point()`, `st_linestring()`, `st_polygon()`, `st_multipolygon()` etc. +- combine the geometries into an `sfc` object with `st_sfc()`, which also handles the CRS +- create an attribute dataframe +- combine data frame and the geometry column with `st_sf()` + +## Generate sf objects (4) {-} + +```{r} +# Single point (point as a vector) +p1_sfg <- st_point(c(2, 2)) +p2_sfg <- st_point(c(2.5, 3)) +``` + +```{r} +p1_sfg +p2_sfg +``` + +## Generate sf objects (5) {-} + +```{r} +# Set of points (points as a matrix) +p <- rbind(c(6, 2), c(6.1, 2.6), c(6.8, 2.5), + c(6.2, 1.5), c(6.8, 1.8)) +p +mp_sfg <- st_multipoint(p) +mp_sfg +``` + +## Generate sf objects (6) {-} + +A polygon according to the **sf** vignette: + +- a geometry with a positive area (two-dimensional) +- sequence of points form a closed, non-self intersecting ring + - the first ring denotes the exterior ring + - zero or more subsequent rings denote holes in this exterior ring + +## Generate sf objects (7) {-} + +```{r} +# exterior ring +p1 <- rbind(c(10, 0), c(11, 0), c(13, 2), + c(12, 4), c(11, 4), c(10, 0)) +p1 +# hole +p2 <- rbind(c(11, 1), c(11, 2), c(12, 2), c(11, 1)) +p2 +# polygon including hole +pol_sfg <- st_polygon(list(p1, p2)) +pol_sfg +``` + +## Generate sf objects (8) {-} + +```{r collapse=TRUE} +p_sfc <- st_sfc(p1_sfg, p2_sfg, mp_sfg, pol_sfg) +p_sfc +``` + +## Generate sf objects (9) {-} + +```{r} +df <- tibble(v1 = c("A", "B", "C", "D")) +df +p_sf <- st_sf(df, geometry = p_sfc) +p_sf +``` + +## Generate sf objects (10) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot(p_sf) + + geom_sf(aes(fill = v1), size = 3, shape = 21) + + theme_bw() +``` + + +## Manipulating sf objects (1) {-} + +CRS related: + +- `st_crs()<-` sets a CRS +- `st_transform()` transforms data to another CRS (see previous chapter) + +Spatial operations, e.g.: + +- `st_union()` combines several sf objects into one +- `st_simplify()` simplifies a sf object + +## Manipulating sf objects (2) {-} + +```{r collapse=TRUE} +nc_union <- st_union(nc) +nc_union +``` + + +```{r} +class(nc_union) +``` + +## Manipulating sf objects (3) {-} + +`ggplot()` also supports `sfc`: + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot(nc_union) + geom_sf() + theme_bw() +``` + +## Manipulating sf objects (5) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot(st_simplify(nc, dTolerance = 5e3)) + geom_sf() + theme_bw() +``` + +## Manipulating sf objects (4) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot(st_simplify(nc, dTolerance = 10e3)) + geom_sf() + theme_bw() +``` + +## Manipulating sf objects (6) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot(st_simplify(nc, dTolerance = 15e3)) + geom_sf() + theme_bw() +``` + +## Manipulating sf objects (7) {-} + +Some more spatial operations are shown in . + +## Binary logical operations (1) {-} + +Partly [based on vignette 3]( from **sf**. + +First create some objects to play with. + +- `x`: 3 touching polygons +- `y`: 4 overlapping polygons + +```{r} +b0 <- st_polygon(list(rbind(c(-1, -1), c(1, -1), c(1, 1), c(-1, 1), c(-1, -1)))) +b1 <- b0 + 2 +b2 <- b0 + c(-0.2, 2) +x <- st_sfc(b0, b1, b2) +a0 <- b0 * 0.8 +a1 <- a0 * 0.5 + c(2, 0.7) +a2 <- a0 + 1 +a3 <- b0 * 0.5 + c(2, -0.5) +y <- st_sfc(a0, a1, a2, a3) +plot(x, border = 'red') +plot(y, border = 'green', add = TRUE) +``` + +## Binary logical operations (2) {-} + +Binary logical operations (binary predicate functions) describe the topological relationship between **a pair of simple features**. + +Applied to two `sf` objects, they return: + +- either a _sparse_ matrix (`sgbp` class: sparse geometry binary predicate), +- or a _dense_ matrix. + +```{r} +sparse <- st_intersects(x, y) +sparse +class(sparse) +str(sparse, give.attr = FALSE) +``` + +## Binary logical operations (3) {-} + +```{r} +dense <- st_intersects(x, y, sparse = FALSE) +dense +class(dense) +str(dense) +``` + +## Binary logical operations (4) {-} + +An overview of binary logical operations is illustrated in . + +## Binary logical operations (5) {-} + +With binary predicate functions like `st_intersects()`, one can collect information about the topological relationship _without making a spatially joined `sf` object_ (with `sf::st_join()`). + +**Example 1**: counting points in polygons and adding the result to a copy of `nc`. + +```{r include=FALSE} +set.seed(20230203) +``` + +```{r} +nc_points_2 <- st_sample(nc, size = 100) +``` + +## Binary logical operations (6) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot() + geom_sf(data = nc) + geom_sf(data = nc_points_2) + theme_bw() +``` + +## Binary logical operations (7) {-} + +The order of the two arguments of `st_intersects()` is important! + +```{r} +inter <- st_intersects(nc, nc_points_2) +inter +lengths(inter) +``` + +## Binary logical operations (8) {-} + +Add point count to each polygon: + +```{r} +nc2 <- nc +nc2$count <- lengths(inter) +glimpse(nc2) +``` + +## Binary logical operations (9) {-} + +```{r out.width='100%'} +ggplot(nc2) + geom_sf(aes(fill = count)) + theme_bw() +``` + +## Binary logical operations (10) {-} + +**Example 2**: identifying the `nc` polygons that contain points from `nc_points`. + +Notice the order of the arguments in `st_intersects()`! + +```{r} +inter <- st_intersects(nc_points, nc) +inter +unlist(inter) +``` + +## Binary logical operations (11) {-} + +```{r} +counties_with_point <- nc[unlist(inter), ] +counties_with_point$NAME +``` + +```{r} +cbind(nc_points, areaname = counties_with_point$NAME) +``` + + +## Joining `sf` object with data (1) {-} + +This can be done with the `*_join()` functions from **dplyr**. + +Example [based on vignette 4]( from **sf**. + +```{r} +x <- st_sf(a = 1:2, geom = st_sfc(st_point(c(0, 0)), st_point(c(1, 1)))) +y <- data.frame(a = 2:3, letter = letters[11:12]) +x +y +``` + +## Joining `sf` object with data (2) {-} + +```{r} +inner_join(x, y, by = "a") +``` + +## Joining `sf` object with data (3) {-} + +```{r} +left_join(x, y, by = "a") +``` + +## Joining `sf` object with data (4) {-} + +```{r} +semi_join(x, y, by = "a") +``` -- ADD SLIDES AS SECTIONS (`##`). -- TRY TO KEEP THEM RELATIVELY SLIDE-LIKE; THESE ARE NOTES, NOT THE BOOK ITSELF. ## Meeting Videos {-} From 2d2f742e3f54d907ca386639ef5602cc23f06414 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jon Harmon Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 06:24:54 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add used packages to DESCRIPTION. --- DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++++-- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index f85b647..0574d72 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ Package: bookclub-spacestats -Title: Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R Book Club +Title: Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R + Book Club Version: 0.0.1 Authors@R: person("R4DS Online Learning Community", , , "", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph")) @@ -9,5 +10,9 @@ Depends: R (>= 3.1.0) Imports: bookdown, - rmarkdown + dplyr, + ggplot2, + mapview, + rmarkdown, + sf Encoding: UTF-8