title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
Release Notes |
Radsystems Studio release notes |
true |
2025-02-02 23:55:45 UTC |
releases, change logs |
markdown |
2021-12-03 16:13:58 UTC |
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with Date String not recognized when starting up Radsystems Studio.
- 🔥 Added to PHP Laravel + Bootstrap JQuery - The Footer menu items can now be easily changed from the config/settings.php file.
- 🔥 Added to PHP Laravel + Bootstrap JQuery - Texts in other action messages now support translations. A separate section - "messages" - was added to the "validation" language file.
- 🐛 Fixed PHP Laravel + Bootstrap JQuery - Page Custom Validation. The error was not showing up and the page always redirected to a blank form.
- 🐛 Fixed PHP Laravel + Bootstrap JQuery - Form values were not retained upon redirect after error.
- 🐛 Fixed PHP Laravel + Bootstrap JQuery - Issue of "Custom action button's link not working" resolved.
- ✅ Improved BeforeAdd, BeforeUpdate, BeforeDelete in PageEvent, it now supports "cancel process" with "custom error message".
- ✅ Improved Bootstrap JQuery - The design for error and success message alerts.
- ✅ Improved PHP Laravel + Bootstrap JQuery - URL Sanitization added for dynamic link building.
- ✅ Improved PHP Laravel + Bootstrap JQuery - The copyright line in the application footer can now be changed from the config/settings.php.
- ❌ Removed Qcalendar app extension from package.json temporarily for Quasar projects.
- 🔥 A new configuration file located at app/config/settings.php has been introduced to enable advanced customization of your Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery application without modifying core application files.
- 🔥 You can now configure customized brand information for reports (Print and PDF) directly in the settings.php file for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🔥 An option has been added to enable or disable the header section in the report blade templates (Print and PDF) via the config/settings.php file for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🔥 An option has been added to enable or disable the footer section in the report blade templates (Print and PDF) via the config/settings.php file for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🔥 The ability to change the font style and font size for reports (Print and PDF) is now available through the config/settings.php file for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🔥 You can now customize the footer copyright text for reports (Print and PDF) directly in the config/settings.php file for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🔥 A dynamic token, {YEAR} in config/settings.php, has been added for use in the footer copyright of reports (Print and PDF) for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects. This token will automatically update to the current year.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug in Python Flask projects were no data is loaded for a select field, when it is configured.
- 🐛 Fixed an issue where the requirement.txt file is replaced with another file and causes errors in Python Flask projects.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with file upload in Python Flask projects.
- 🐛 Fixed vulnerability in ASP.Net Core Projects, by updating its dependencies.
- 🐛 Fixed "Class not found" error during image upload for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🐛 Addressed an issue in the image library that caused errors when resizing images post-upload for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🐛 Corrected footer menu alignment by updating incorrect Bootstrap 5 classes for the footer element for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🐛 Replaced the hard-coded year value in the footer with a dynamic year value for Laravel + Bootstrap & jQuery projects.
- 🐛 Fixed an issue where the uploaded image failed to process correctly for projects with Laravel Backend.
- 🐛 Resolved a bug where the image path was not being saved to the database when resizing options were applied for projects with Laravel Backend.
- ✅ Changed the hard-coded date in the application's footer to a dynamic date that updates automatically for projects using primeVue Frontend.
- ✨ Upgraded Express TS and its dependencies to the latest version (4.21.1).
- ✨ Upgraded Express JS and its dependencies to the latest version (4.21.1).
- ✨ Upgraded Quasar app dependencies.
- ✨ Upgraded Python Flask and its project dependencies, Python >=3.9 is the new required version.
- ✨ Upgraded Bootstrap frontend and its themes to version 5.3.3.
- ✨ Upgraded Laravel to v11.30 and all dependencies used.
- ✨ Upgraded Captcha plugin for Laravel + Bootstrap.
- ✨ Upgraded VueCharts.vue component: changed Chart import to 'chart.js/auto' for PrimeVue frontend.
- ✨ Upgraded PrimeVue dependencies to the latest, preparing it for a major upgrade in future releases.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with Laravel email verification, when verifying email is configured for Laravel and any of the Vue.JS frontend.
- 🐛 Fixed an issue with Python Flask, where "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute" is encountered when adding or editing records on some Python versions.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with Firebase\JWT\ library for Laravel backend.
- 🐛 Fixed page redirect issue when OTP is configured and then the app is hosted in a sub-folder in production for Vue projects.
- ✅ Improved Template system. Radsystems Studio subscribers will now receive fast updates for Template separately from application updates.
- ✨ Upgraded Pillow library to support Python 3.13.0 for Python Flask projects.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with AutoFill in Node.js + PrimeVue project type.
- 🐛 Fixed issue on Laravel + Bootstrap project List Pages, where the dropdown menu for View, Edit, and Delete is hidden behind the List Page.
- 🐛 Fixed a minor bug with PrimeVue frontend.
- 🐛 Fixed MSSQL bug where reading the database throws a schema error.
- 🐛 Fixed Laravel + Bootstrap bug where duplicating a list or view page containing a master details configuration, causes an error.
- 🐛 Fixed Laravel + Bootstrap bug where setting UseCustomSelect throws an error.
- 🐛 Fixed Node Express JS where PDFs are not generated when the app is hosted on a Linux server.
- 🐛 Fixed Node Express JS + PrimeVue bug where, when you set a View or List page field to use Html5Video an error is encountered.
- 🐛 Fixed Node Express JS + PrimeVue bug where AppendIcon when configured is not found.
- 🐛 Fixed Node Express JS + PrimeVue bug where page exclusion from auth does not work, and when a page is created from Page Designs and deleted, it remains in the frontend custom folder.
- 🐛 Fixed Vue Quasar bug where the error is encountered when tabs, accordion, or modal components are added to a page when the project is published.
- ✅ Minor improvements.
- ✅ Backward compatible with version 8.5.9.
- ✨ Upgraded the Laravel framework used for projects to version 10, which supports PHP 8.1 and above.
- ✨ Upgraded Node.js project type to use ES6 and run on the latest Node.js version 18 LTS.
- 🔥 Added Support for MySQL version 8.
- 🔥 Added Support for Postgres Private Schemas.
- 🔥 Added support for .NetCore version 6 LTS.
- 🐛 Fixed Noderad + primevue bug that occur, when timestamp is configured for a table.
- 🐛 Fixed Laravel + Bootstrap bug, where the captcha throws an error on the edit page.
- ✅ Minor improvements.
- ❌ No backward compatibility.
- 🐛 Fixed Node + primevue, quasar, primereact. Error loading image.
- 🐛 Fixed Setup file installation - After installating the software. Splash screen was in static display when clicked. The image disppeares and Error saving messagebox is displayed.
- 🐛 Fixed Laravel Quasar: GridOnMobile true error.
- 🐛 Fixed Python Flask Primevue, quasar, react error.
- 🐛 Fixed Quasar Projects: Error when you set GridOnMobile to True.
- 🐛 Fixed TypeScript + PrimeVue + Quasar + React: Error adding the authentication module, roles and permissions.
- 🐛 Fixed Setup file installation - Splash screen in static display when clicked. Image disppeares and Error saving messagebox is displayed.
- 🐛 Fixed Flask + primevue: Error downloading as PDF
- 🐛 Fixed Node, typescript, python: don't generate the records counts in the components.
- 🐛 Fixed a minor bug in postgre db connection when schema is selected.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where role dashboard is not diplayed for a role when configured in Laravel + Bootstrap.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug in Laravel + Bootstrap, where the endpoint link displayed to the user is not correct.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with the calendar component for Laravel + Bootstrap projects.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with Laravel projects, when a search is done on the user table.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug in Action Before Update of Page Events, where the parameter parsed to the before edit function is incomplete.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where an error icon code is generated when Audit trail is configured.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with Quasar projects where the action buttons are not display properly when the table has enough space to contain them.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with export not displaying in Node.js + Quasar.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with value property being generated twice for a "Text" input, where TextboxType is set to Time.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with calendar on Python + Quasar.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with Remember Me checkbox not clickable on Node + React project type.
- ✂️ Removed the "Having" configuration from the List Page Properties.
- ✨ Upgraded Bootstrap from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5.
- 🔥 Added the option of publishing/pushing your project to GitHub.
- 🔥 Added a new frontend framework called Prime React.
- 🔥 Added a new Backend framework called Node TS - Express, for users who prefer to use typescript in place of Javascript.
- 🔥 Added AutoFillInput, for auto populating fields based on a selected record.
- 🐛 Fixed the bug where Tag Attributes for Action buttons are not working.
- 🐛 Fixed Drop-down Menu arrow over lapping with the hamburger menu in Laravel + Bootstrap.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where Field Type "Select" - Default Selected Value is not applied on Laravel Classic projects.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where Buttons in header of List page ignore PageDisplaySettings under Component Properties, and always open the page as Link if set to Modal or Inline.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where Title icon in Header component displays an error.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where Meta Information from Project Settings is not being added to the generated application.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where Disabled and ReadOnly properties for Date picker in Laravel Classic projects does not work.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where Inline edit in Laravel Classic projects does not work on View page.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug where setting DisplayTemplate to TabularList in Laravel Classic projects does not work on View page.
- #️⃣ Redesign of generated view page for Laravel + Bootstraps projects.
- #️⃣ Redesign of Roles are Permission for Laravel + Bootstraps projects.
- 🐛 Fixed a few minor bugs.
- ✨ Upgraded vue quasar project from vue2 to vue3.
- 🔥 Added a new frontend framework called PrimeVue.
- 🔥 Added Undo and Redo for Radsystems Studio editor.
- 🔥 Added code snippets to Radsystems Studio editor, to show sample codes.
- 🐛 Fixed the bug where routes are not generated for Endpoint on laravel project type.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug that causes Radsystems Studio to throw an error during publish for laravel project types when Request Type is set to ANY in Endpoints.
- 🐛 Fixed the bug where Radsystems Studio classic app throws an error if an image is not compulsory and also not uploaded during user registration/add.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with view and edit in a modal not working on classic projects.
- #️⃣ Redesigned the Join Tables configuration window.
- #️⃣ Redesigned the Radsystems Studio project creation page for easy and smooth project creation.
- 🔥 Added 2FA(2Factor Authentication) configuration.
- 🔥 Added Tag Attribute for components.
- 🔥 Added Image Component .
- 🔥 Added Vuex store configuration for projects using the vue Quasar Framework.
- 🐛 Fixed the issue of the Pages, Page Design, Publish, and Project Explorer hiding on low resolution PC.
- 🐛 Fixed the issue with modal and Tab component by adding ComponentName configuration to uniquely identify them.
- 🐛 Fixed a bug with Audit Trail not working properly in Nodejs.
- 🐛 Fixed the bug with Roles and Permission Configuration.
- #️⃣ Replaced Dragging and Dropping of SubPages in Form Wizard with Form Wizard FormPage Component Properties.
- #️⃣ Redesigned the Page Custom JS in Page Design for projects using the vue Quasar Framework.
- 🔥 Addition of 4 new components.
- 🔥 Implementation of auth2.
- 🔥 Implementation of admin approve account.
- 🐛 Fixed logo update bug in PHPrad Classic project.
- 🐛 Other minor bug fixes.
- #️⃣ Redesign of master detail relationship.
- #️⃣ Redesign of calendar.
- #️⃣ Redesign of s3 upload.
- #️⃣ Redesign of file upload and file management.
- ✅ General improvements