From 02d30e9efcf4d225ad3d4788fde2f6356de3febb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Casey Raethke Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:06:39 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Add DK Defense runeforges (Fixes #171) --- libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua | 2 ++ libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua | 2 ++ scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json | 4 +++- 12 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua index 6d99fe1..98bd2e2 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["sicherer stand"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["unbändigkeit"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["sonnenfeuer"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["seelenfrost"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["rune des steinhautgargoyles"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["rune der nerubischen panzerung"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["verstärkte rüstung %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua index 6f50432..de847d4 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["surefooted"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["savagery"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["sunfire"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["soulfrost"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["rune of the stoneskin gargoyle"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["rune of the nerubian carapace"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["reinforced armor %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua index 2ebbd15..bae3308 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["pies de plomo"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["salvajismo"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["fuego solar"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["escarcha de alma"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["runa de la gárgola piel de piedra"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["runa del caparazón nerubiano"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["armadura reforzada %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua index 44c53d3..6dc8528 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["pies de plomo"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["salvajismo"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["fuego solar"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["escarcha de alma"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["runa de la gárgola piel de piedra"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["runa del caparazón nerubiano"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["armadura reforzada %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua index 85f078e..7919568 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["pied sûr"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["sauvagerie"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["feu solaire"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["âme de givre"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["rune de la gargouille peau de pierre"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["rune de la carapace nérubienne"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["armure renforcée %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua index 463028a..0249e1f 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["surefooted"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["savagery"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["sunfire"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["soulfrost"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["rune des steinhautgargoyles"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["rune der nerubischen panzerung"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["reinforced armor %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua index 0db31a5..2430ee5 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["침착함"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["전투력"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["태양의 불꽃"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["냉기의 영혼"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["돌가죽 가고일의 룬"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["네루비안 등껍질의 룬"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["방어도 보강 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua index 99d64e9..eda13af 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["firmeza"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["selvageria"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["fogo solar"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["congelar alma"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["runa da gárgula litopele"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["runa da carapaça nerubiana"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["armadura reforçada %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua index fd655cd..01ce935 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["верный шаг"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["варварство"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["солнечный огонь"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["ледяная душа"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["руна каменной горгульи"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["руна нерубского панциря"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["доспех усилен (%s к броне)"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua index 42a46f2..8fd0db5 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["稳固"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["野蛮"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["阳炎"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["魂霜"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["石肤石像鬼符文"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["蛛魔硬甲符文"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["强化护甲 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua index 6f2929d..f0c1ce4 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ W["穩固"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.HitRating] = 10, } W["兇蠻"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower] = 70, } W["烈日火焰"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage] = 50, [StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage] = 50, } W["靈魂冰霜"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage] = 54, [StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage] = 54, } +W["石膚石像鬼符文"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 25, } +W["奈幽蟲甲符文"] = {[StatLogic.Stats.Defense] = 13, } local L = addon.StatIDLookup L["強化護甲 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BonusArmor, } diff --git a/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json b/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json index 1986ff9..f3508eb 100644 --- a/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json +++ b/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json @@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ "3232": [ "StatIDLookup", ["Stamina"] ], "3244": [ "StatIDLookup", [["HealthRegen", "ManaRegen"]] ], "3607": [ "StatIDLookup", ["RangedHasteRating"] ], - "3608": [ "StatIDLookup", ["RangedCritRating"] ] + "3608": [ "StatIDLookup", ["RangedCritRating"] ], + "3847": [ "WholeTextLookup", {"Defense": 25} ], + "3883": [ "WholeTextLookup", {"Defense": 13} ] }, "4": {} },