From 9c7f8b2854b339eed7f659cd6ef132d17db904e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Casey Raethke Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:10:52 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Add Cata gem patterns --- libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua | 65 +++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua | 77 +++++++++++++++++++++ libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua | 74 +++++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua | 68 ++++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua | 74 +++++++++++++++++++- libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua | 69 ++++++++++++++++++- 11 files changed, 854 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua index 98bd2e2..fd132f3 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ L["%s stärke"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, } L["%s distanztrefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedHitRating, } L["%s zaubermacht und %s trefferwertung"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } L["%s zaubermacht, %s ausdauer und alle %s sek. %s mana"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, false, } -L["%s trefferwertung und %s kritische trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s kritische trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } L["%s arkan- und feuerzaubermacht"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.ArcaneDamage, StatLogic.Stats.FireDamage, }, } L["%s schatten- und frostzaubermacht"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.ShadowDamage, StatLogic.Stats.FrostDamage, }, } L["%s beweglichkeit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } @@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ L["%s abhärtungswertung und %s willenskraft"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRati L["%s tempowertung und %s willenskraft"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } L["%s abhärtungswertung und alle %s sek. %s mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s tempowertung und alle %s sek. %s mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } -L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s trefferwertung und %s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s tempowertung und %s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s tempowertung und %s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["test: %s intelligenz und alle %s sek. %s mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s distanztempowertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedHasteRating, } L["%s kritische distanztrefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedCritRating, } @@ -185,6 +185,83 @@ L["%s angriffskraft und heilt manchmal bei erzielten kritischen treffern"] = {St L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s% mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s ausdauer und um %s% verkürzte dauer von betäubungseffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } L["%s angriffskraft und um %s% verkürzte dauer von betäubungseffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, false, } +L["%s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s tempowertung und %s intelligenz"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s tempowertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s intelligenz"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s kritische trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und geringe bewegungstempoerhöhung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelligenz und um %s% verringerte bedrohung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s ausweichwertung und chance, bei treffer gesundheit wiederherzustellen"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelligenz und geringe bewegungstempoerhöhung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s ausweichwertung und %s parierwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s willenskraft und %s intelligenz"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s abhärtungswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s ausweichwertung und %s beweglichkeit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s ausweichwertung und %s stärke"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s ausweichwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s tempowertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s beweglichkeit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s beweglichkeit und um %s% erhöhter kritischer effekt"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s% betäubungswiderstand"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s% betäubungswiderstand"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und um %s% erhöhter kritischer effekt"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s ausweichwertung und %s% schildblockwert"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s% maximales mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s ausweichwertung und %s waffenkundewertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s stärke und %s ausweichwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s willenskraft und %s abhärtungswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s willenskraft und um %s% erhöhter kritischer effekt"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intelligenz und um %s% verkürzte dauer von stilleeffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und um %s% verkürzte dauer von betäubungseffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelligenz und um %s% verkürzte dauer von betäubungseffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s tempowertung und heilt manchmal bei erzielten kritischen treffern"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s ausdauer und %s beweglichkeit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s willenskraft"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s stärke"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s parierwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s intelligenz"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s waffenkundewertung und %s ausweichwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s tempowertung und %s stärke"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s tempowertung und %s beweglichkeit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s stärke"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s beweglichkeit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s parierwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s intelligenz"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s waffenkundewertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und %s ausdauer"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s parierwertung und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s beweglichkeit und %s ausweichwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s meisterschaftswertung und geringe lauftempoerhöhung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s ausdauer und %s% schildblockwert"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s ausdauer und um %s% erhöhter rüstungswert durch gegenstände"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s ausdauer und um %s% verringerter zauberschaden"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s ausdauer und um %s% verringerte betäubungsdauer"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s intelligenz und um %s% verringerte dauer von stilleeffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s abhärtungswertung und %s zauberdurchschlag"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s stärke und um %s% erhöhter kritischer effekt"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s intelligenz und um %s% erhöhter kritischer effekt"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s willenskraft und %s kritische trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s tempowertung und %s trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s zauberdurchschlag und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s willenskraft und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s trefferwertung und %s abhärtungswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s zauberdurchschlag und %s abhärtungswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s waffenkundewertung und %s kritische trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s parierwertung und %s ausweichwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s waffenkundewertung und %s tempowertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s beweglichkeit und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s waffenkundewertung und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s intelligenz und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s stärke und %s meisterschaftswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s waffenkundewertung und %s abhärtungswertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s parierwertung und %s trefferwertung"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } L["stellt alle %s sek. %s punkt(e) gesundheit wieder her"] = {false, StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, } L["schwerter %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["zweihandschwerter %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua index de847d4..10514f8 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ L["%s hit rating and %s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.Hi L["%s critical strike rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["%s critical strike rating and %s spell power"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } -L["%s critical strike rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s critical strike rating and %s% spell reflect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s attack power and minor run speed increase"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s critical strike rating and reduces snare/root duration by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ L["%s hit rating and %s mana every %s seconds"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, St L["%s resilience rating and %s mana every %s seconds"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s haste rating and %s mana every %s seconds"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s hit rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s haste rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s haste rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["test %s intellect and %s mana every %s seconds"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s ranged haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedHasteRating, } L["%s ranged critical strike"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedCritRating, } @@ -190,6 +190,67 @@ L["%s attack power and stun duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackP L["%s spell power and stun duration reduced by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, false, } L["%s attack power and sometimes heal on your crits"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s critical strike rating and %s% mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s haste rating and %s intellect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s intellect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and minor run speed increase"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s% reduced threat"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s dodge rating and chance to restore health on hit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intellect and minor run speed increase"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s parry rating and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s spirit and %s intellect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intellect and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s intellect and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s agility and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s strength and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s stamina and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s hit rating and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s hit rating and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agility and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s% stun resistance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intellect and %s% stun resistance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s dodge rating and %s% shield block value"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s intellect and %s% maximum mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s dodge rating and %s parry rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s spirit and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s spirit and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intellect and silence duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and stun duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intellect and stun duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s haste rating and sometimes heal on your crits"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s stamina and %s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s mastery rating and %s spirit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s mastery rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s parry rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s strength and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s agility and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s parry rating and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s haste rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s mastery rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s mastery rating and minor run speed increase"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s stamina and %s% shield block value"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s resilience rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s strength and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s intellect and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s spirit and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s hit rating and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s spell penetration and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s spirit and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s hit rating and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s spell penetration and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["restores %s health every %s sec"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, false, } L["increased swords %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["increased two-handed swords %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua index bae3308..5b2ffe4 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua @@ -197,6 +197,83 @@ L["%s poder con hechizos y reducción de duración de aturdir un %s%"] = {{StatL L["%s poder de ataque y a veces sana con tus golpes críticos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% maná"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s índice de golpe crítico y reducción de duración de efectos de frenado y raíces un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y aumento mín. de velocidad de carrera"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% amenaza reducida"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de esquivar y prob. de restaurar la salud con golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelecto y aumento mín. de velocidad de carrera"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s índice de parada y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s espíritu y %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intelecto y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s agilidad y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s fuerza y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s aguante y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s agilidad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agilidad y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% resistencia al aturdimiento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% resistencia al aturdimiento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s índice de esquivar y %s% valor de bloqueo de escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% de maná máximo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de esquivar y %s índice de parada"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s espíritu y + %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s espíritu y %s% efecto crítico aumentada"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intelecto y reducción de duración de silencio un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y reducción de duración de aturdir un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto y reducción de duración de aturdir un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y a veces sana con tus golpes críticos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s aguante"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s aguante y %s agilidad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s índice de maestría y %s espíritu"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de maestría y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de parada y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s fuerza y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s agilidad y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de parada y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s índice de maestría y %s aguante"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s índice de maestría y aumento mín. de velocidad de carrera"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s aguante y %s% valor de bloqueo de escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s espíritu y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intelecto y reduce la duración de silencio en un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de temple y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s fuerza y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s espíritu y %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s penetración de hechizos y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s espíritu y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s penetración de hechizos y %s índice temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s espíritu y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s penetracion de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["restaura %s p. de salud cada %s s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, false, } L["espadas aumentadas %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["espadas de dos manos aumentadas %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua index 6dc8528..b214f0c 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ L["%s índice de golpes y %s agilidad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.St L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s aguante"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s poder con hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } -L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% refracción de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s poder de ataque y aumento mín. de velocidad de carrera"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s índice de golpe crítico y reduce la duración de efectos de frenado y raíces en un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ L["%s índice de golpe y %s maná cada %s segundos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRatin L["%s índice de temple y %s maná cada %s segundos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s índice de celeridad y %s maná cada %s segundos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s índice de golpe y %s penetración del hechizo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s índice de celeridad y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s maná cada %s segundos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s índice penetración de armadura"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ArmorPenetrationRating, } L["%s índice esquivar y %s aguante"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } @@ -197,6 +197,81 @@ L["%s poder con hechizos y reducción de duración de aturdir un %s%"] = {{StatL L["%s poder de ataque y a veces sana con tus golpes críticos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% maná"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s índice de golpe crítico y reducción de duración de efectos de frenado y raíces un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y aumento mín. de velocidad de carrera"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% amenaza reducida"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de esquivar y prob. de restaurar la salud con golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelecto y aumento mín. de velocidad de carrera"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s índice de parada y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s espíritu y %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intelecto y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s agilidad y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s fuerza y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s aguante y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s agilidad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agilidad y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% resistencia al aturdimiento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% resistencia al aturdimiento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s índice de esquivar y %s% valor de bloqueo de escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% de maná máximo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de esquivar y %s índice de parada"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de esquivar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s espíritu y + %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s intelecto %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s espíritu y %s% efecto crítico aumentada"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intelecto y reducción de duración de silencio un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y reducción de duración de aturdir un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto y reducción de duración de aturdir un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y a veces sana con tus golpes críticos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s aguante"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s intelecto y + %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s aguante y %s agilidad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s índice de maestría y %s espíritu"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de maestría y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de parada y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s fuerza y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s agilidad y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de parada y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s intelecto y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s índice de celeridad y %s índice de golpe"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s índice de maestría y %s aguante"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s índice de maestría y aumento mín. de velocidad de carrera"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s aguante y %s% valor de bloqueo de escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s espíritu y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intelecto y reduce la duración de silencio en un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s índice de temple y %s penetración de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s fuerza y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s intelecto y %s% de efecto crítico aumentado"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s espíritu y %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s penetración de hechizos y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s espíritu y %s índice de maestría"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s índice de golpe y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s penetración de hechizos y %s índice temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s espíritu y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s índice de golpe crítico y %s penetracion de hechizos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de golpe crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de celeridad"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s índice de pericia y %s índice de temple"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["restaura %s p. de salud cada %s s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, false, } L["espadas aumentadas %s p"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["espadas de dos manos aumentadas %s p"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua index 7919568..f092378 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ L["%s au score de toucher et %s agilité"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic L["%s au score de coup critique et %s endurance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s au score de résilience"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["%s au score de coup critique et %s à la puissance des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } -L["%s au score de coup critique et %s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et %s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s au score de critique et %s% de renvoi de sort"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s à la puissance d'attaque et légère augmentation de la vitesse de course"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s au score de coup critique et durées des ralentissements/immobilisations réduites de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ L["%s au score de toucher et %s points de mana toutes les %s secondes"] = {StatL L["%s au score de résilience et %s points de mana toutes les %s secondes"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s au score de hâte et %s points de mana toutes les %s secondes"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s au score de toucher et %s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s au score de hâte et %s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s au score de hâte et %s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s au score de parade et %s à l'endurance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s force et %s à l'endurance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s force et %s au score de coup critique"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } @@ -244,6 +244,90 @@ L["%s au score de résilience et %s esprit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating L["%s à la puissance d'attaque et durée d'etourdissement réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, false, } L["%s endurance et durée d'etourdissement réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } L["%s à la puissance des sorts et durée d'etourdissement réduite de %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, false, } +L["%s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s au score de hâte et %s intelligence"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intelligence et %s au score de hâte"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et %s intelligence"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelligence et %s au score de coup critique"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et légère augmentation de la vitesse de course"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelligence et %s% de réduction de la menace"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s au score d'esquive et une chance de rendre des points de vie au toucher"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelligence et légère augmentation de la vitesse de course"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s au score de parade et %s au score d'esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelligence et %s au score de toucher"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s esprit et %s intelligence"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intelligence et %s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s intelligence et %s au score de résilience"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s agilité et %s au score d'esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s force et %s au score d'esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s endurance et %s au score d'esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s au score de toucher et %s au score d'esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s au score de toucher et %s au score de hâte"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et %s agilité"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agilité et effet critique augmenté de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et %s% à la résistance aux étourdissements"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelligence et %s% à la résistance aux étourdissements"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et effet critique augmenté de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s au score d'esquive et %s% à la valeur de blocage du bouclier"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s intelligence & %s% au montant de mana maximum"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s au score d'esquive et %s au score de parade"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s au score d'expertise et %s au score d'esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s forcee et %s endurance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s esprit et %s au score de résilience"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s intelligence et %s% au montant de mana maximum"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s intelligence et menace réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s intelligence et une chance de rendre du mana lors des incantations"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intelligence et augmentation de la vitesse de course mineure"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s esprit et effet critique augmenté de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intelligence et durée de silence réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et durée de etourdir réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelligence et durée de etourdir réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s au score de hâte et vous soigne parfois quand critique"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et durée d'etourdissement réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelligence et durée d'etourdissement réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s endurance et %s agilité"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s au score de maîtrise et %s esprit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s au score de maîtrise et %s au score de toucher"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s au score de parade et %s au score de toucher"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s force et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s agilité et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s au score de parade et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s intelligence et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s au score d'expertise et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et %s au score de toucher"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s au score de hâte et %s au score de toucher"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s au score de maîtrise et %s endurance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s au score de maîtrise et augmentation mineure de la vitesse de course"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s endurance et %s% à la valeur de blocage du bouclier"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s endurance et réduit de %s% les dégâts des sorts subis"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s intelligence et %s% au maximum de mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et %s% de renvoi de sort"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s endurance et durée des étourdissements réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et réduit la durée des ralentissements/immobilisations de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s au score de coup critique et durée de la peur réduite de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelligence et réduction de la durée du silence de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["+ %s force"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, } +L["%s au score de résilience et %s à la pénétration des sorts"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s force et effet critique augmenté de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s intelligence et effet critique augmenté de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s esprit et %s au score de coup critique"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s au score de toucher et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s à la pénétration des sorts et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s esprit et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s au score de toucher et %s au score de résilience"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s à la pénétration des sorts et %s au score de résilience"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s au score de toucher et %s au score d’esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s au score d’expertise et %s au score de coup critique"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agilité et %s au score d’esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s au score d’expertise et %s au score d’esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s au score de parade et %s au score d’esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s force et %s au score d’esquive"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s au score d’expertise et %s au score de hâte"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s au score d’expertise et %s au score de maîtrise"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s au score d’expertise et %s au score de résilience"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s au score d’expertise et %s au score de toucher"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s au score d’expertise et %s endurance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["rend %s points de vie toutes les %s sec"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, false, } L["epées augmentées de %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["epées à deux mains augmentées de %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua index 0249e1f..25c4784 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua @@ -189,6 +189,122 @@ L["%s angriffskraft und heilt manchmal bei erzielten kritischen treffern"] = {St L["%s kritische trefferwertung und %s% mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s ausdauer und um %s% verkürzte dauer von betäubungseffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } L["%s angriffskraft und um %s% verkürzte dauer von betäubungseffekten"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, false, } +L["%s strength"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, } +L["%s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s intellect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s spirit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s strength if %s blue gems equipped"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s haste rating and %s intellect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s dodge rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s intellect and %s spirit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s intellect and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s agility and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s strength and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s intellect and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s strength"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s parry rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s hit rating and %s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s agility and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s intellect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s% spell reflect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and minor run speed increase"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and reduces snare/root duration by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s stamina and stun duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s intellect and %s% reduced threat"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s dodge rating and chance to restore health on hit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intellect and chance to restore mana on spellcast"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s stamina and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s strength, %s crit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s stamina, %s crit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agility and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intellect and minor run speed increase"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s spirit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s parry rating and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s strength and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s parry rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s spirit and %s intellect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intellect and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s dodge rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s strength and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agility and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s strength and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s stamina and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s agility and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s stamina and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s resilience rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s strength and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s hit rating and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s hit rating and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s parry rating and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agility and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s% stun resistance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intellect and %s% stun resistance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s haste rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s dodge rating and %s% shield block value"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s intellect and %s% maximum mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s attack power"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } +L["%s spell power"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } +L["%s expertise rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s strength and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s agility and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s dodge rating and %s parry rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s dodge rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s resilience rating and %s spirit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s haste rating and %s spirit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s haste rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s spirit and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s spirit and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s stamina and reduce spell damage taken by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s intellect and silence duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and fear duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s stamina and %s% increased armor value from items"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s critical strike rating and stun duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intellect and stun duration reduced by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s haste rating and sometimes heal on your crits"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s% mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s stamina and %s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s mastery rating and %s spirit"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s mastery rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s parry rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s strength and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s agility and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s parry rating and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s intellect and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s critical strike rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s haste rating and %s hit rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s mastery rating and %s stamina"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s mastery rating and minor run speed increase"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s stamina and %s% shield block value"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s resilience rating and %s spell penetration"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s strength and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s intellect and %s% increased critical effect"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s spirit and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s hit rating and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s spell penetration and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s spirit and %s mastery rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s hit rating and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s spell penetration and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s critical strike rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s haste rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s expertise rating and %s resilience rating"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["restores %s health every %s sec"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, false, } L["increased swords %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["increased two-handed swords %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua index 2430ee5..fa4edf7 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ L["가속도 %s / 정신력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats L["탄력도 %s / %s초당 마나 회복량 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["가속도 %s / %s초당 마나 회복량 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["적중도 %s / 주문 관통력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["가속도 %s / 주문 관통력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["가속도 %s / 주문 관통력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, } L["방어구 관통력 + %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ArmorPenetrationRating, } L["지능 %s / %s초당 마나 회복량 %s test용"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } @@ -173,6 +173,84 @@ L["치명타 및 주문 극대화 적중도 %s / 마나 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats L["체력 %s / 기절 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } L["주문력 + %s / 침묵 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, false, } L["주문력 %s /기절 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, false, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["주문 관통력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["가속도 %s / 지능 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["지능 %s / 가속도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 힘 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 체력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 지능 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 주문 관통력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / %s% 확률로 주문 반사"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 최하급 달리기 속도 증가"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 감속, 이동 불가 지속시간 %s% 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["지능 %s / 위협 수준 %s%만큼 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["회피 숙련도 %s / 공격 받을 시 일정 확률로 생명력 회복"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["체력 %s / 치명타 및 극대화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["힘 %s / 치명타 및 극대화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["민첩성 %s / 치명타 및 극대화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["지능 %s / 최하급 달리기 속도 증가"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 정신력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["무기 막기 숙련도 %s / 회피 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["지능 %s / 적중도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["정신력 %s / 지능 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["지능 %s / 주문 관통력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["지능 %s / 탄력도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["민첩성 %s / 회피 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["힘 %s / 회피 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["지능 %s / 치명타 및 극대화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["체력 %s / 회피 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["적중도 %s / 회피 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["적중도 %s / 가속도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["적중도 %s / 지능 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 민첩성 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["민첩성 %s / 치명타 및 극대화 효과 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 기절에 대한 저항력 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["지능 %s / 기절에 대한 저항력 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 치명타 및 극대화 효과 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["회피 숙련도 %s / 방패 피해 방어량 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["지능 %s / 최대 마나 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["숙련도 %s / 체력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["회피 숙련도 %s / 무기 막기 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["숙련도 %s / 적중도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["숙련도 %s / 회피 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["정신력 %s / 탄력도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["정신력 %s / 치명타 및 극대화 효과 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["지능 %s / 침묵 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 공포 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 기절 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["지능 %s / 기절 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["가속도 %s / 치명타 적중 시 일정 확률로 생명력 회복"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 마나 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["지능 %s /기절 지속시간 %s%만큼 감소"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["체력 %s / 민첩성 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["특화도 %s/ 정신력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["특화도 %s / 적중도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["특화도 %s / 정신력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["무기 막기 숙련도 %s / 적중도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["힘 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["민첩성 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["무기 막기 숙련도 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["지능 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["숙련도 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["치명타 및 극대화도 %s / 적중도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["가속도 %s / 적중도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["특화도 %s / 체력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["특화도 %s / 최하급 달리기 속도 증가"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["체력 %s / 방패 피해 방어량 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["탄력도 %s / 주문 관통력 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["힘 %s / 치명타 및 극대화 효과 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["지능 %s / 치명타 및 극대화 효과 %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["정신력 %s / 치명타 및 극대화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["적중도 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["주문 관통력 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["정신력 %s / 특화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["적중도 %s / 탄력도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["주문 관통력 %s / 탄력도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["숙련도 %s / 치명타 및 극대화도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["숙련도 %s / 가속도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["숙련도 %s / 탄력도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["매 %s초마다 %s의 생명력이 회복됩니다"] = {false, StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, } L["한손 도검류 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["양손 도검류 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua index eda13af..e6f421b 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ L["%s taxa de acerto e %s agilidade"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stat L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s vigor"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s taxa de resiliência"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s poder mágico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } -L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s% reflexo mágico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s poder de ataque e pequeno aumento na velocidade de movimento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e reduz em %s% a duração de lerdeza/enraizamento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ L["%s taxa de acerto e %s mana a cada %s s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatL L["%s taxa de resiliência e %s mana a cada %s s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s taxa de aceleração e %s mana a cada %s s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s taxa de acerto e %s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s taxa de aceleração e %s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s taxa de aceleração e %s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["teste de %s intelecto e %s pontos de mana a cada %s segundos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s taxa de aceleração de longo alcance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedHasteRating, } L["%s acerto crítico de longo alcance"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedCritRating, } @@ -183,6 +183,76 @@ L["%s poder de ataque e duração de atordoamento reduzida em %s%"] = {StatLogic L["%s poder mágico e duração de atordoamento reduzida em %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, false, } L["%s poder de ataque e críticos às vezes curam"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s% mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s taxa de aceleração e %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s intelecto e %s taxa de aceleração"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto e %s taxa de acerto crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e pequeno aumento na velocidade de corrida"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s intelecto e %s% ameaça reduzida"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s taxa de esquiva e chance de restaurar pontos vida ao acertar"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s agility"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s intelecto e pequeno aumento na velocidade de corrida"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s taxa de aparo e %s taxa de esquiva"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s intelecto e %s taxa de acerto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s espírito e %s intelecto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s intelecto and %s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s intelecto e %s taxa de resiliência"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s agilidade e %s taxa de esquiva"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s força e %s taxa de esquiva"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s vigor e %s taxa de esquiva"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto e %s taxa de esquiva"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto e %s taxa de aceleração"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s agilidade"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s agilidade e aumento de %s% no efeito crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s% de resistência contra atordoamento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto e %s% de resistência ao atordoamento"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e aumento de %s% no efeito crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s taxa de esquiva e %s% do valor de bloqueio com escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto e %s% do total de mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s intelecto e %s penetração de feitiço"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s taxa de esquiva e %s taxa de aparo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s taxa de aptidão e %s taxa de esquiva"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s espírito e %s taxa de resiliência"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s intelecto e %s% do total de pontos de mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s intelecto e %s% de ameaça reduzida"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s taxa de esquiva e %s% no valor de bloqueio com escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s espírito e aumento de %s% no efeito crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s intelecto e duração de silêncio reduzida em %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e duração de atordoamento reduzida em %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s intelecto e duração de atordoamento reduzida em %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s taxa de aceleração e chance de se curar ao obter acertos críticos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s vigor e %s agilidade"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s taxa de maestria e %s espírito"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s taxa de maestria e %s taxa de acerto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s taxa de aparo e %s taxa de acerto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s força e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s agilidade e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s taxa de aparo e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s intelecto e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s taxa de aptidão e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s taxa de acerto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s taxa de aceleração e %s taxa de acerto"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s taxa de maestria e %s vigor"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s taxa de maestria e pequeno aumento na velocidade de corrida"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s% de aumento de efeito crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s vigor e %s% valor de bloqueio com escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s vigor e redução de %s% do dano mágico recebido"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s intelecto e %s% total de mana"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s taxa de acerto crítico e %s% de reflexo mágico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s taxa de resiliência e %s penetração de feitiços"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s força e aumento de %s% no efeito crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s intelecto e aumento de %s% no efeito crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s espírito e %s taxa de acerto crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s taxa de acerto e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s penetração de feitiço e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s espírito e %s taxa de maestria"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s taxa de acerto e %s taxa de resiliência"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s penetração de feitiço e %s taxa de resiliência"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s taxa de aptidão e %s taxa de acerto crítico"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s taxa de aptidão e %s taxa de aceleração"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s taxa de aptidão e %s taxa de resiliência"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["restaura %s pontos de vida a cada %s s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, false, } L["aumenta em %s a perícia em espadas"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["aumenta em %s a perícia em espadas de duas mãos"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua index 01ce935..7685131 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ L["%s к рейтингу меткости и %s к ловкости"] = {StatLo L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s к выносливости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s к рейтингу устойчивости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s к силе заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } -L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s% вероятность отразить заклинание"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s к силе атаки и небольшое увеличение скорости бега"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и уменьшение длительности эффектов оплетения/сковывания на %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ L["%s к рейтингу скорости и %s к духу"] = {StatLogic.Stat L["%s к рейтингу устойчивости и %s ед. маны каждые %s секунд"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s к рейтингу скорости и %s ед. маны каждые %s секунд"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s к рейтингу меткости и %s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s к рейтингу скорости и %s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу скорости и %s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s к силе атаки и %s маны каждые %s секунд"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s к интеллекту и %s к мане каждые %s секунд"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s к мане каждые %s секунд"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, false, } @@ -192,6 +192,70 @@ L["%s к силе заклинаний, время действия оглуше L["%s к силе атаки и периодическое восстановление здоровья при критических ударах"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s% к мане"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s к силе атаки/%s к рейтингу критического удара"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s к рейтингу скорости и %s к интеллекту"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s к рейтингу скорости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s к ловкости и %s рейтингу меткости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s рейтингу критического удара и %s к интеллекту"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s к рейтингу критического удара"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и небольшое увеличение скорости бега"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к интеллекту и снижение угрозы на %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу уклонения и вероятность восполнить здоровье при получении урона"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s к ловкости, %s рейтингу критического удара"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к интеллекту и небольшое увеличение скорости бега"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s к рейтингу парирования и %s к рейтингу уклонения"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s к рейтингу меткости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s к духу и %s к интеллекту"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s к рейтингу устойчивости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s к ловкости и %s к рейтингу уклонения"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s к силе и %s к рейтингу уклонения"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s к выносливости и %s к рейтингу уклонения"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу меткости и %s к рейтингу уклонения"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу меткости и %s к рейтингу скорости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s к ловкости и %s рейтингу критического удара"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s рейтингу критического удара и %s к ловкости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к ловкости и %s% к силе критического эффекта"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s% к сопротивлению оглушению"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s% к сопротивлению оглушению"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s% к силе критического эффекта"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу уклонения и %s% к показателю блокирования щита"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s% к максимальному запасу маны"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу уклонения и %s к рейтингу парирования"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу мастерства и %s к рейтингу уклонения"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s к духу и %s к рейтингу устойчивости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s к духу и %s% к силе критического эффекта"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s к интеллекту и уменьшение длительности эффекта немоты на %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу критического удара, время действия оглушения снижено на %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s к интеллекту, время действия оглушения снижено на %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу скорости и периодическое восстановление здоровья при критических ударах"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s к выносливости и %s к ловкости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s к рейтингу искусности и %s к духу"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу искусности и %s к рейтингу меткости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу парирования и %s к рейтингу меткости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s к силе и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к ловкости и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу парирования и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу мастерства и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу критического удара и %s к рейтингу меткости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу скорости и %s к рейтингу меткости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу искусности и %s к выносливости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s к рейтингу искусности и небольшое увеличение скорости бега"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s к выносливости и %s% к показателю блокирования щита"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s к рейтингу устойчивости и %s к проникающей способности заклинаний"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s к силе и %s% к силе критического эффекта"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s к интеллекту и %s% к силе критического эффекта"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s к духу и %s к рейтингу критического удара"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу меткости и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s к проникающей способности заклинаний и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s к духу и %s к рейтингу искусности"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s к рейтингу меткости и %s к рейтингу устойчивости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s к проникающей способности заклинаний и %s к рейтингу устойчивости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу мастерства и %s к рейтингу критического удара"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу мастерства и %s к рейтингу скорости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s к рейтингу мастерства и %s к рейтингу устойчивости"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["восполнение %s ед. здоровья раз в %s сек"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, false, } L["повышение навыка владения мечом на %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["двуручные мечи %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua index 8fd0db5..3fceebd 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ L["%s 精神"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } L["%s 力量(%s颗蓝色宝石)"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } L["%s 法术强度,%s 智力"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } L["%s 防御等级,%s 耐力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DefenseRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } -L["%s 智力,每%s秒法力回复%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } +L["%s 智力,每%s秒法力回复%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } L["%s 法术强度,%s 耐力"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s 法术强度,每%s秒法力回复%s"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s 敏捷,%s 耐力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ L["%s 命中等级,%s 敏捷"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.Hit L["%s 爆击等级,%s 耐力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s 韧性等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["%s 爆击等级,%s 法术强度"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } -L["%s 爆击等级,%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s 爆击等级,%s%法术反射"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s 攻击强度,奔跑速度略微提升"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s 爆击等级,%s% 诱捕/缠绕时间"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ L["%s 爆击等级,每%s秒回复法力%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, fal L["%s 韧性等级,每%s秒回复法力%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s 急速等级,每%s秒回复法力%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s 命中等级,%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s 急速等级,%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s 急速等级,%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s 敏捷,每%s秒回复法力%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s 命中等级,每%s秒回复法力%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s 韧性等级,每%s秒法力回复%s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } @@ -192,6 +192,74 @@ L["%s法术强度"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPowe L["%s精神"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } L["%s招架等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } L["%s命中等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s 急速等级,%s 智力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s 智力,%s 急速等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s 智力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s 智力,%s 爆击等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s 爆击等级,奔跑速度略微提升"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s 智力,%s% 威胁"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 躲闪等级,命中时有一定几率回复生命值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s智力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s 智力,奔跑速度略微提升"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s 招架等级,%s 躲闪等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s 智力,%s 命中等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s 精神,%s 智力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s 智力,%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s 智力,%s 韧性等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s 敏捷,%s 躲闪等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s 力量,%s 躲闪等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s 耐力,%s 躲闪等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s 命中等级,%s 躲闪等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s 命中等级,%s 急速等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s 敏捷"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s 敏捷,%s% 爆击效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s%昏迷抵抗"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s 智力,%s%昏迷抵抗"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s% 爆击效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s 躲闪等级,%s% 盾牌格挡值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s 智力,%s% 法力最大值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 躲闪等级,%s 招架等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s 精准等级,%s 躲闪等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s 精神,%s 韧性等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s 精神,%s% 爆击效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s 智力,%s% 沉默时间"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s% 昏迷时间"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s 智力,%s% 昏迷时间"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 急速等级,爆击后可能恢复生命值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s 耐力,%s 敏捷"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s 精通等级,%s 精神"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 精通等级,%s 命中等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 招架等级,%s 命中等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s 力量,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 敏捷,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 招架等级,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 智力,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 精准等级,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 爆击等级,%s 命中等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s 急速等级,%s 命中等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s 精通等级,%s 耐力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s 精通等级,奔跑速度略微提高"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s 智力,威胁降低%s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 耐力,%s% 盾牌格挡值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s 智力,最大法力值提高%s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 耐力,昏迷时间缩短%s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s 爆击等级,诱捕/缠绕时间缩短%s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s 爆击等级,恐惧时间缩短%s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s 智力,沉默时间缩短%s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 韧性等级,%s 法术穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s 力量,%s% 爆击效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s 智力,%s% 爆击效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s 精神,%s 爆击等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s 命中等级,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s 法术穿透,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s 精神,%s 精通等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s 命中等级,%s 韧性等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s 法术穿透,%s 韧性等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s 精准等级,%s 爆击等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s 精准等级,%s 急速等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s 精准等级,%s 韧性等级"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["每%s秒恢复%s点生命值。"] = {false, StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, } L["剑类武器技能提高%s点。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["双手剑技能提高%s点。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua index f0c1ce4..47357f1 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ L["%s命中等級和%s敏捷"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.HitRa L["%s致命一擊等級和%s耐力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } L["%s韌性等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["%s致命一擊等級和%s法術能量"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } -L["%s致命一擊等級和%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["%s致命一擊等級和%s%法術反射"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } L["%s攻擊強度和略微提高奔跑速度"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s致命一擊等級和縮短%s%緩速及定身持續時間"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ L["%s加速等級和%s精神"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.S L["%s韌性等級和每%s秒恢復%s法力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s加速等級和每%s秒恢復%s法力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s命中等級和%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, false, } -L["%s加速等級和%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, false, } +L["%s加速等級和%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } L["測試%s智力和每%s秒恢復%s法力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, StatLogic.Stats.ManaRegen, } L["%s遠程加速等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedHasteRating, } L["%s遠程致命一擊等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.RangedCritRating, } @@ -177,6 +177,71 @@ L["%s攻擊強度和縮短%s%昏迷持續時間"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower L["%s法術能量和縮短%s%昏迷持續時間"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, false, } L["%s攻擊強度和致命一擊時偶爾恢復生命力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.AttackPower, } L["%s致命一擊等級和%s%法力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s加速等級和%s智力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s智力和%s加速等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和%s智力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s智力和%s致命一擊等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和略微提高奔跑速度"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s智力和降低%s%威脅值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s閃躲等級和擊中時有機率恢愎生命力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s智力和略微提高奔跑速度"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s招架和%s閃躲等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s招架等級和%s閃躲等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s智力和%s命中等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s精神和%s智力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, } +L["%s智力和%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s智力和%s韌性等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s敏捷和%s閃躲等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s力量和%s閃躲等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s耐力和%s閃躲等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s命中等級和%s閃躲等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s命中等級和%s加速等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和%s敏捷"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s敏捷和%s%致命一擊效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, false, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和%s%昏迷抗性"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s智力和%s%昏迷抗性"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和%s%致命一擊效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s閃躲等級和%s%盾牌格擋值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, false, } +L["%s智力和%s%最大法力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s敏捷和%s精神"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s閃躲等級和%s招架等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, } +L["%s熟練等級和%s閃躲等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.DodgeRating, } +L["%s精神和%s韌性等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s致命一級等級和%s法術穿透力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s精神和%s%極效效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, false, } +L["%s智力和縮短%s%沉默持續時間"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和縮短%s%昏迷持續時間"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, false, } +L["%s智力和縮短%s%昏迷持續時間"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s加速等級和致命一擊時偶爾恢復生命力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s耐力和%s敏捷"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, StatLogic.Stats.Agility, } +L["%s精通等級和%s精神"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s精通等級和%s命中等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s招架等級和%s命中等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s力量和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s敏捷和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Agility, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s招架等級和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ParryRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s智力和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s熟練等級和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s致命一擊等級和%s命中等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s加速等級和%s命中等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s精通等級和%s耐力"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, } +L["%s精通等級和略微提高奔跑速度"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, } +L["%s耐力和%s%盾牌格擋值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s耐力和%s%裝備提供的護甲值"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Stamina, false, } +L["%s韌性等級和%s法術穿透"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s力量和%s%致命一擊效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Strength, false, } +L["%s智力和%s%致命一擊效果"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Intellect, false, } +L["%s精神和%s致命一擊等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s命中等級和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, } +L["%s法術穿透力和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, } +L["%s精神和%s精通等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.MasteryRating, StatLogic.Stats.Spirit, } +L["%s命中等級和%s韌性等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HitRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s法術穿透力和%s韌性等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellPenetration, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } +L["%s熟練等級和%s致命一擊等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.CritRating, } +L["%s熟練等級和%s加速等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.HasteRating, } +L["%s熟練等級和%s韌性等級"] = {StatLogic.Stats.ExpertiseRating, StatLogic.Stats.ResilienceRating, } L["每%s秒恢復%s點生命力。"] = {false, StatLogic.Stats.HealthRegen, } L["劍類武器技能提高%s點。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["雙手劍技能提高%s點。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, }