diff --git a/RatingBuster.lua b/RatingBuster.lua index abd6706..33adeca 100644 --- a/RatingBuster.lua +++ b/RatingBuster.lua @@ -3191,7 +3191,8 @@ local summaryCalcData = { option = "sumHaste", stat = StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, func = function(sum, statModContext) - return sum[StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHasteRating] * statModContext("ADD_MELEE_HASTE_MOD_MELEE_HASTE_RATING") + return sum[StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste] + + sum[StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHasteRating] * statModContext("ADD_MELEE_HASTE_MOD_MELEE_HASTE_RATING") end, }, -- Haste Rating - MELEE_HASTE_RATING @@ -3207,7 +3208,8 @@ local summaryCalcData = { option = "sumRangedHaste", stat = StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, func = function(sum, statModContext) - return sum[StatLogic.Stats.RangedHasteRating] * statModContext("ADD_RANGED_HASTE_MOD_RANGED_HASTE_RATING") + return sum[StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste] + + sum[StatLogic.Stats.RangedHasteRating] * statModContext("ADD_RANGED_HASTE_MOD_RANGED_HASTE_RATING") end, }, -- Ranged Haste Rating - RANGED_HASTE_RATING @@ -3251,7 +3253,9 @@ local summaryCalcData = { if addon.tocversion < 30000 then effect = floor(effect) end - return effect * statModContext("ADD_DODGE_REDUCTION_MOD_EXPERTISE") + sum[StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill] * 0.1 + return sum[StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction] + + effect * statModContext("ADD_DODGE_REDUCTION_MOD_EXPERTISE") + + sum[StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill] * 0.1 end, }, -- Parry Reduction - EXPERTISE_RATING @@ -3263,7 +3267,8 @@ local summaryCalcData = { if addon.tocversion < 30000 then effect = floor(effect) end - return effect * statModContext("ADD_PARRY_REDUCTION_MOD_EXPERTISE") + return sum[StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction] + + effect * statModContext("ADD_PARRY_REDUCTION_MOD_EXPERTISE") end, }, -- Weapon Average Damage - StatLogic.Stats.MinWeaponDamage, StatLogic.Stats.MaxWeaponDamage diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua index 707c96b..091809f 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/deDE.lua @@ -317,6 +317,8 @@ L["stellt alle %s sek. %s punkt(e) mana bei allen gruppenmitgliedern, die sich i L["erhöht euren zauberschaden um bis zu %s und eure heilung um bis zu %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["erhöht eure trefferchance mit allen angriffen und zaubern um %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["erhöht eure kritische trefferchance aller eurer angriffe und zauber um %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["verringert die chance, dass eure angriffe pariert werden oder ihnen ausgewichen wird, um %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["erhöht eurer angriffstempo um %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["verteidigung %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["erhöht eure chance, angriffe mit einem schild zu blocken, um %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["erhöht durch zauber und magische effekte zugefügten schaden und heilung um bis zu %s"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua index b969dc5..961c707 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/enUS.lua @@ -306,6 +306,8 @@ L["restores %s mana per %s seconds to all party members within %s yards"] = {Sta L["increases your spell damage by up to %s and your healing by up to %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["improves your chance to hit with all spells and attacks by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["improves your chance to get a critical strike with all spells and attacks by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["increases your attack speed by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["increased defense %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to %s"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua index e301c9e..74dd19d 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esES.lua @@ -328,6 +328,8 @@ L["restaura %s p. de maná cada %s segundos de todos los miembros del grupo que L["aumenta el daño de tus hechizos hasta %s p. y tu curación hasta %s p"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["mejora un %s% tu probabilidad de golpear con todos los hechizos y ataques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["mejora tu probabilidad de conseguir un golpe crítico con todos los hechizos y ataques un %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["reduce un %s% la probabilidad de que tus ataques se esquiven o paren"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["aumenta tu velocidad de ataque un %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["defensa aumentada %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["aumenta la probabilidad de bloquear ataques con un escudo en un %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["aumenta el daño y la curación de los hechizos mágicos y los efectos hasta en %s p"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua index 8cf20b7..997b567 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/esMX.lua @@ -327,6 +327,8 @@ L["restaura %s p. de maná cada %s s a todos los miembros del grupo en un radio L["aumenta hasta %s p. tu daño con hechizos y hasta %s p. tu sanación"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["mejora un %s% tu probabilidad de golpear con todos tus hechizos y ataques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["mejora un %s% tu probabilidad de obtener un golpe crítico con todos tus hechizos y ataques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["reduce un %s% la probabilidad de que esquiven o paren tus ataques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["aumenta un %s% tu velocidad de ataque"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["aumenta %s p. el índice de defensa"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["aumenta un %s% tu probabilidad de bloquear ataques con un escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["aumenta hasta %s p. el daño y la sanación de los hechizos y efectos mágicos"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua index 112e18d..4e2ec6d 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/frFR.lua @@ -383,6 +383,8 @@ L["rend %s points de mana toutes les %s secondes à tous les membres du groupe s L["augmente les dégâts infligés par vos sorts d'un maximum de %s et vos soins d'un maximum de %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["augmente de %s % les chances de toucher avec tous les sorts et attaques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["augmente de %s % vos chances d’infliger un coup critique avec tous les sorts et attaques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["réduit les chances que vos attaques soient esquivées ou parées de %s %"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["augmente votre vitesse d’attaque de %s %"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["défense augmentée de %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["augmente vos chances de bloquer les attaques avec un bouclier de %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["augmente les dégâts et les soins produits par les sorts et effets magiques de %s au maximum"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua index 7e83f04..229482d 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/itIT.lua @@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ L["restores %s mana per %s seconds to all party members within %s yards"] = {Sta L["increases your spell damage by up to %s and your healing by up to %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["improves your chance to hit with all spells and attacks by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["improves your chance to get a critical strike with all spells and attacks by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["increases your attack speed by %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["increased defense %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by %s%"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to %s"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua index 9e47773..0c9c41e 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/koKR.lua @@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ L["무기 막기 확률이 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Parry, L["공격을 회피할 확률이 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Dodge, } L["무기의 적중률이 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, }, } L["주문이 극대화 효과를 낼 확률이 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, } -L["신성 계열의 주문과 효과의 공격력이 최대 %s만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HolyDamage, } L["지팡이류 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } +L["신성 계열의 주문과 효과의 공격력이 최대 %s만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HolyDamage, } L["석궁류 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } L["주문의 적중률이 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, } L["장착 무기류 숙련도 %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.WeaponSkill, } @@ -306,6 +306,8 @@ L["주위 %s미터 반경 내에 있는 모든 파티원의 마나가 매 %s초 L["주문의 공격력이 최대 %s만큼 치유량이 최대 %s만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["모든 주문과 공격의 적중률이 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["모든 주문과 공격의 주문 극대화 확률과 치명타 적중도가 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["공격이 회피당하거나 무기 막기에 막힐 확률이 %s%만큼 감소합니다"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["공격 속도가 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["방패로 적의 공격을 방어할 확률이 %s%만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["모든 주문 및 효과에 의한 피해와 치유량이 최대 %s만큼 증가합니다"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } L["모든 주문 및 효과에 의한 치유량이 최대 %s만큼 증가합니다"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua index ac04b4f..e062d0e 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ptBR.lua @@ -308,6 +308,8 @@ L["restaura %s de mana a cada %s s de todos os integrantes do grupo em um raio d L["aumenta em até %s o seu dano mágico e em até %s a sua cura"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["melhora em %s% sua chance de acerto com todos os feitiços e ataques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["aumenta em %s% sua chance de obter acerto crítico com todos os feitiços e ataques"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["reduz em %s% a chance de os seus ataques serem esquivados ou aparados"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["aumenta em %s% a sua velocidade de ataque"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["defesa aumentada em %s"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["aumenta em %s% a chance de bloquear ataques com o escudo"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["aumenta em até %s o dano causado e a cura realizada por feitiços e efeitos mágicos"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua index 3efdf76..e34fbee 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/ruRU.lua @@ -311,8 +311,10 @@ L["восполнение %s ед. маны раз в %s сек. у всех у L["повышение наносимого урона от заклинаний не более чем на %s ед. и исцеляющих эффектов на величину вплоть до %s ед"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["повышает вероятность попадания атак и заклинаний на %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["повышает вероятность критического эффекта атак и заклинаний на %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } -L["увеличение рейтинга защиты на %s ед"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } +L["снижает вероятность того, что цель парирует ваши атаки или уклонится от них, на %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["повышает скорость атаки на %s%"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["повышает вероятность блокирования атаки щитом на %s%,"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } +L["увеличение рейтинга защиты на %s ед"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["увеличение урона и целительного действия магических заклинаний и эффектов не более чем на %s ед"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } L["усиливает исцеление от заклинаний и эффектов максимум на %s ед"] = {StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["увеличивает силу атаки на %s ед. в облике кошки, медведя и лютого медведя"] = {StatLogic.Stats.FeralAttackPower, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua index ca63c23..b31594b 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhCN.lua @@ -315,6 +315,8 @@ L["使周围半径%s码范围内的所有小队成员每%s秒恢复%s点法力 L["使你的法术伤害提高最多%s点,治疗效果提高最多%s点。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["使你的所有法术和攻击的命中几率提高%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["使你的所有法术和攻击的爆击几率提高%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["使你的攻击被躲闪或招架的几率降低%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["使你的攻击速度提高%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["防御技能提高%s点。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["使你用盾牌格挡攻击的几率提高%s%。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["提高所有法术和魔法效果所造成的伤害和治疗效果,最多%s点。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua index d7f8952..e28926a 100644 --- a/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua +++ b/libs/StatLogic/locales/zhTW.lua @@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ L["使周圍半徑%s碼範圍內的隊友每%s秒恢復%s點法力。"] = {false L["提高你的法術傷害最多%s點,以及你的治療效果最多%s點。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, } L["使你的所有攻擊和法術命中的機率提高%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellHit, }, } L["使你的所有法術和攻擊造成致命一擊的機率提高%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeCrit, StatLogic.Stats.RangedCrit, StatLogic.Stats.SpellCrit, }, } +L["使你的攻擊被閃躲或招架的機率降低%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.DodgeReduction, StatLogic.Stats.ParryReduction, }, } +L["你的攻擊速度提高%s%。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.MeleeHaste, StatLogic.Stats.RangedHaste, }, } L["防禦技能提高%s點。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.Defense, } L["使你用盾牌格擋攻擊的機率提高%s%。"] = {StatLogic.Stats.BlockChance, } L["提高魔法法術和效果所造成的傷害和治療效果,最多%s點。"] = {{StatLogic.Stats.SpellDamage, StatLogic.Stats.HealingPower, }, } diff --git a/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json b/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json index fd7c1cf..991feee 100644 --- a/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json +++ b/scripts/GenerateStatLocales/StatLocaleData.json @@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ "28155": [ "StatIDLookup", ["SpellDamage", "HealingPower"] ], "432639": [ "StatIDLookup", [["MeleeHit", "RangedHit", "SpellHit"]] ], "435531": [ "StatIDLookup", ["FeralAttackPower"] ], - "436239": [ "StatIDLookup", [["MeleeCrit", "RangedCrit", "SpellCrit"]] ] + "436239": [ "StatIDLookup", [["MeleeCrit", "RangedCrit", "SpellCrit"]] ], + "1213288": [ "StatIDLookup", [["DodgeReduction", "ParryReduction"]] ], + "1213971": [ "StatIDLookup", [["MeleeHaste", "RangedHaste"]] ] }, "2": { "7597": [ "StatIDLookup", ["CritRating"] ],