- FurySim follows strictly everything in Magey's Wiki.
- What is not tested/confirmed from Magey, was found in Vanilla Wiki.
- Other stuff that is not documented anywhere was asked on Fight Club's Discord.
- Non confirmed mechanics are assumptions due to lack of data.
Consider everything in this list implemented, unless stated otherwise.
- Sim is Patchwerk-style fight.
- Weapon damage is randomized like everything else.
- Rage gain, Damage dealt and Attack power are rounded.
- Attack speed is not rounded.
- Flurry buff duration is not tracked (would never run off).
- Only Fury tree and up to 2HSpec/Impale from Arms are tracked.
- Sim assumes you're never taking any damage (so no Enrage, Parry haste etc).
- Batching is not implemented.
- Deep Wounds is not implemented.
- Battle Shout triggers a GCD at the start of fight.
- Windfury have a 100 ms internal cooldown to simulate correct behavior.
- Non confirmed weapon procs are set to 1 PPM.
- It runs a lot faster in Chrome than Firefox (can't do anything about it).
- About fight timeline:
- Events at same time does not always shows in correct order.
is not shown at the exact time, it logs after next event happens.
- When Heroic Strike is queued, offhand swings can't miss [source].
- Heroic Strike consumes a Flurry charge.
- Swings are one-roll table, skills are two-roll table [source].
- Anger Management generates 1 rage every 3 seconds.
- Orc racial Blood Fury scales with Strength, not from flat Attack Power [source].
- Windfury [source]:
- Resets swing timer.
- Gives 2* charges that swings can consume for extra AP (* 1 charge if procced by swing).
- If charges are not consumed in 1.5 secs the buff is lost.
- Can proc other extra-attacks effects and can be procced by them on a chain.
- Can't proc itself.
- Can't be procced twice on a chain.
- You lose 4.8% of critical from auras when attacking bosses [source].
- You lose 1% hit from gear if the delta between weapon skill and target defense is > 10 [source].
- Whirlwind and Cleave do not refund rage [source].
- Execute damage calculation is instantly but rage removal happens on next batch [source].
- To roughly simulate batching, rage is removed after any procs occur.
- A single attack can proc both weapon enchant and an extra-attack.
- A single attack can't proc multiple extra-attacks if procced by swing.
- A single attack can proc multiple extra-attacks if procced by skill (NOT IMPLEMENTED).
- When increasing attack speed mid-swing the remainder of swing timer will be hastened.
- Dual Wield penalty is
80% * base_miss + 20%
. - Offhand initial swing start at 50%.
- Skill miss refunds 80% of rage. Execute miss refunds 84% of extra rage.
- Dodged swing rage gain is 75% of average damage.
- Glanced swing rage gain is based on the damage.
- Winfury don't consume charges on misses.
- Priority for extra-attacks is WF > MH / OH > Trinket.
- Armor can't go negative.