hiding private data(like- password and taken) using toJSON
hiding private data(like- password and taken) using toJSON
added test case for mail-sending and file-upload
added test case for mail-sending and file-upload
wrote test cases for user's all route
wrote test cases for user's all route
wrote test-cases for register and login user
wrote test-cases for register and login user
Test Query on User-Registeration
Test Query on User-Registeration
making backend production-ready
making backend production-ready
generating jwt-token during registration and login
generating jwt-token during registration and login
login-route and matching hashed password to authenticate the user
login-route and matching hashed password to authenticate the user
auto-cropping and image-formatting using sharp-library
auto-cropping and image-formatting using sharp-library
Access the uploaded document at client side
Access the uploaded document at client side
delete feature for uploaded file/image
delete feature for uploaded file/image
middleware for password hashing
middleware for password hashing