diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 58d39a7..e9e3e95 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ test_output
+# evaluation resources
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/evaluation/README.md b/evaluation/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ddf152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# UltraSinger evaluation
+This tool exists to measure the accuracy of UltraSinger.
+It takes a directory of known-good UltraStar format files, runs them through UltraSinger, and compares the output to the
+original files.
+The idea is, that as you make changes to UltraSinger, you can run this tool to see how the changes affect the accuracy
+of UltraSinger. The tool will reuse any cached files from previous runs, as long as the configuration used to generate the cache is the same.
+## Measurements taken
+### Pitch
+#### Base measurements
+| measurement                          | description                                                                                                                       |
+| input_match_ratio                    | ratio of how many of the pitch datapoints in the **input** can be found as an exact match in the _output_                         |
+| output_match_ratio                   | ratio of how many of the pitch datapoints in the _output_ can be found as an exact match in the **input**                         |
+| no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch_ratio | ratio of how many of the datapoints in the **input** have a pitch, where the corresponding datapoint in the _output_ has no pitch |
+| pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch_ratio | ratio of how many of the datapoints in the _output_ have a pitch, where the corresponding datapoint in the **input** has no pitch |
+#### Measurements after transposing the output
+For these measurements the output is transposed by up to 12 half-steps, and the octave is being ignored when comparing
+to the input. Whichever half-step value scores highest is used. This accounts for octave mismatches and wrongly
+transposed inputs
+| measurement                                        | description                                                                                                                        |
+| best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio                 | same as input_match_ratio but after transposing the _output_ to achieve the highest possible input_match_ratio                     |
+| matching_input_best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio | the corresponding output_match_ratio when transposing the same amount of half-steps as used for best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio |
+| best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio                | same as output_match_ratio but after transposing the _output_ to achieve the highest possible output_match_ratio                   |
+| matching_output_best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio | the corresponding input_match_ratio when transposing the same amount of half-steps as used for best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio |
+## Running the evaluation
+- Copy the `example.local.py` file in the `evaluation/input/config` directory and name it `local.py`. This file is used to configure the evaluation tool.
+- Add songs to the `evaluation/input/songs` directory. You can use the songs from https://github.com/UltraStar-Deluxe/songs.
+- Simply run `py UltraSingerEvaluation.py` after following the "How to use this source code/Run" instructions in the root README.md.
+- The evaluation tool will create a directory in the `evaluation/output` directory with the current date and time as the name. The output of the evaluation will be stored in this directory.
+### Comparing runs
+- To compare the results of all runs in the `evaluation/output` folder, run `py UltraSingerMetaEvaluation.py`. This will output each run's measurements to the console.
+## Directory structure
+│   ├───config # programmatic configuration of UltraSingerEvaluation
+│   │   │   example.local.py # example configuration file, copy this and name it local.py
+│   │   │   local.py # your configuration file, UltraSingerEvaluation will look for this file
+│   │   │
+│   └───songs # this is the directory that contains the known-good songs to run through UltraSinger and then compare against
+│       ├───Jonathan Coulton - A Talk with George
+│       │   │   audio.mp3
+│       │   │   background.jpg
+│       │   │   cover.jpg
+│       │   │   license.txt
+│       │   │   song.txt # known good input UltraStar txt file. UltraSingerEvaluation compares this to the output of UltraSinger
+│       │   │
+│       │   └───cache # this cache will be reused for subsequent evaluation runs
+│       │       │   crepe_False_full_10_cuda.json # the cached file's name contains the configuration used to generate it
+│       │       │   Jonathan Coulton - A Talk with George.wav
+│       │       │   Jonathan Coulton - A Talk with George_denoised.wav
+│       │       │   Jonathan Coulton - A Talk with George_mono.wav
+│       │       │   Jonathan Coulton - A Talk with George_mute.wav
+│       │       │   whisper_large-v2_cuda_None_None_16_None_en.json # the cached file's name contains the configuration used to generate it
+│       │       │
+│       │       └───separated
+│       │           └───htdemucs
+│       │               └───audio
+│       │                       no_vocals.wav
+│       │                       vocals.wav
+│       │
+│       ├───...
+│       │   │   ...
+│       │
+│       └───Many - Songs
+│           │   ...
+    └───2024-07-27_16-58-27
+        │   run.json
+        │
+        └───songs
+            ├───Jonathan Coulton - A Talk with George
+            │       Jonathan Coulton - A Talk with George.txt # UltraStar txt file generated by UltraSinger
+            │
+            ├───...
+            │       ....txt # UltraStar txt file generated by UltraSinger
+            │
+            └───Many - Songs
+                    Many - Songs.txt # UltraStar txt file generated by UltraSinger
+## TODO
+- automate comparison in [UltraSingerMetaEvaluation.py](..%2Fsrc%2FUltraSingerMetaEvaluation.py) instead of just printing each run's measurements
+- currently only pitch accuracy is being measured, text accuracy should be measured as well
+- the cached file's configuration is part of their filename, this will quickly become unmanageable, a better way to store this information should be found
+- the tool could verify that there are no changes according to git and store the latest commit hash for a test run ([TestRun.py](..%2Fsrc%2Fmodules%2FEvaluation%2FTestRun.py))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/evaluation/input/.gitkeep b/evaluation/input/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/evaluation/input/config/example.local.py b/evaluation/input/config/example.local.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f555a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/input/config/example.local.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# programmatically customize settings for evaluation runs
+import os
+from Settings import Settings
+def init_settings() -> Settings:
+    settings = Settings()
+    settings.language = "en"
+    # settings.pitch_loudness_threshold = 10000
+    settings.create_midi = False
+    settings.create_plot = False
+    settings.calculate_score = True
+    settings.create_karaoke = False
+    settings.keep_cache = True
+    settings.ignore_audio = False
+    # settings.whisper_batch_size = 12
+    # settings.whisper_compute_type = "int8"
+    # settings.test_songs_input_folder = "C:/Users/Benedikt/git/songs/Creative Commons"
+    # settings.skip_cache_vocal_separation = True
+    # settings.skip_cache_denoise_vocal_audio = True
+    # settings.skip_cache_transcription = True
+    # settings.skip_cache_pitch_detection = True
+    dedicated_test_folder = ""
+    # dedicated_test_folder = "C:/My/Dedicated/Test/songs"
+    dedicated_test_songs_exist = False
+    if os.path.isdir(dedicated_test_folder):
+        for item in os.listdir(dedicated_test_folder):
+            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dedicated_test_folder, item)):
+                dedicated_test_songs_exist = True
+    if dedicated_test_songs_exist:
+        settings.test_songs_input_folder = dedicated_test_folder
+    return settings
+user_settings = init_settings()
diff --git a/evaluation/input/songs/.gitkeep b/evaluation/input/songs/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/evaluation/output/.gitkeep b/evaluation/output/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_converter.py b/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_converter.py
index cac66bd..ebdc21c 100644
--- a/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_converter.py
+++ b/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_converter.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 """Tests for ultrastar_converter.py"""
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_converter import real_bpm_to_ultrastar_bpm
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import real_bpm_to_ultrastar_bpm
 def test_real_bpm_to_ultrastar_bpm():
diff --git a/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_txt_converter.py b/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_txt_converter.py
index a76bc83..472eb06 100644
--- a/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_txt_converter.py
+++ b/pytest/modules/UltraStar/converter/test_ultrastar_txt_converter.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 """Tests for ultrastar_txt_converter.py"""
 import unittest
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_txt_converter import extract_year
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_txt_converter import extract_year
 class TestUltrastarTxtConverter(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/src/Settings.py b/src/Settings.py
index a8cae1c..c36fac5 100644
--- a/src/Settings.py
+++ b/src/Settings.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-from dataclasses import dataclass
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from typing import Optional
 from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
@@ -10,55 +11,56 @@
 class Settings:
-    APP_VERSION = "0.0.12-dev2"
+    APP_VERSION: str = "0.0.12-dev2"
-    create_midi = True
-    create_plot = False
-    create_audio_chunks = False
-    hyphenation = True
-    use_separated_vocal = True
-    create_karaoke = True
-    ignore_audio = False
-    input_file_is_ultrastar_txt = False # todo: to process_data
-    keep_cache = False
+    create_midi: bool = True
+    create_plot: bool = False
+    create_audio_chunks: bool = False
+    hyphenation: bool = True
+    use_separated_vocal: bool = True
+    create_karaoke: bool = True
+    ignore_audio: Optional[bool] = None
+    input_file_is_ultrastar_txt: bool = False # todo: to process_data
+    keep_cache: bool = False
     # Process data Paths
-    input_file_path = ""
-    output_folder_path = ""
-    language = None
-    format_version = FormatVersion.V1_0_0
+    input_file_path: str = ""
+    output_folder_path: str = ""
+    language: Optional[str] = None
+    format_version: str = FormatVersion.V1_0_0
     # Demucs
-    demucs_model = DemucsModel.HTDEMUCS  # htdemucs|htdemucs_ft|htdemucs_6s|hdemucs_mmi|mdx|mdx_extra|mdx_q|mdx_extra_q|SIG
+    demucs_model: str = DemucsModel.HTDEMUCS  # htdemucs|htdemucs_ft|htdemucs_6s|hdemucs_mmi|mdx|mdx_extra|mdx_q|mdx_extra_q|SIG
     # Whisper
-    transcriber = "whisper"  # whisper
-    whisper_model = WhisperModel.LARGE_V2  # Multilingual model tiny|base|small|medium|large-v1|large-v2|large-v3
+    transcriber: str = "whisper"  # whisper
+    whisper_model: str = WhisperModel.LARGE_V2  # Multilingual model tiny|base|small|medium|large-v1|large-v2|large-v3
     # English-only model tiny.en|base.en|small.en|medium.en
-    whisper_align_model = None   # Model for other languages from huggingface.co e.g -> "gigant/romanian-wav2vec2"
-    whisper_batch_size = 16   # reduce if low on GPU mem
-    whisper_compute_type = None   # change to "int8" if low on GPU mem (may reduce accuracy)
+    whisper_align_model: Optional[str] = None   # Model for other languages from huggingface.co e.g -> "gigant/romanian-wav2vec2"
+    whisper_batch_size: int = 16   # reduce if low on GPU mem
+    whisper_compute_type: Optional[str] = None   # change to "int8" if low on GPU mem (may reduce accuracy)
     # Pitch
-    crepe_model_capacity = "full"  # tiny|small|medium|large|full
-    crepe_step_size = 10 # in miliseconds
+    crepe_model_capacity: str = "full"  # tiny|small|medium|large|full
+    crepe_step_size: int = 10 # in miliseconds
+    pitch_loudness_threshold: int = -60
     # Device
-    pytorch_device = 'cpu'  # cpu|cuda
-    tensorflow_device = 'cpu'  # cpu|cuda
-    force_cpu = False
-    force_whisper_cpu = False
-    force_crepe_cpu = False
+    pytorch_device: str = "cpu"  # cpu|cuda
+    tensorflow_device: str = "cpu"  # cpu|cuda
+    force_cpu: bool = False
+    force_whisper_cpu: bool = False
+    force_crepe_cpu: bool = False
     # MuseScore
-    musescore_path = None
+    musescore_path: Optional[str] = None
     # UltraSinger Evaluation Configuration
-    test_songs_input_folder = None
-    cache_override_path = None
-    skip_cache_vocal_separation = False
-    skip_cache_denoise_vocal_audio = False
-    skip_cache_transcription = False
-    skip_cache_pitch_detection = False
-    calculate_score = True
\ No newline at end of file
+    test_songs_input_folder: Optional[str] = None
+    cache_override_path: Optional[str] = None
+    skip_cache_vocal_separation: bool = False
+    skip_cache_denoise_vocal_audio: bool = False
+    skip_cache_transcription: bool = False
+    skip_cache_pitch_detection: bool = False
+    calculate_score: bool = True
diff --git a/src/UltraSinger.py b/src/UltraSinger.py
index 5283b7b..e7ed059 100644
--- a/src/UltraSinger.py
+++ b/src/UltraSinger.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 from packaging import version
-from modules import os_helper
+from modules import os_helper, timer
 from modules.Audio.denoise import denoise_vocal_audio
 from modules.Audio.separation import separate_vocal_from_audio
 from modules.Audio.vocal_chunks import (
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 from modules.Speech_Recognition.TranscribedData import TranscribedData
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_score_calculator import Score, calculate_score_points
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import FILE_ENCODING, FormatVersion
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_txt_converter import from_ultrastar_txt, \
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_txt_converter import from_ultrastar_txt, \
     create_ultrastar_txt_from_midi_segments, create_ultrastar_txt_from_automation
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_parser import parse_ultrastar_txt
 from modules.common_print import print_support, print_help, print_version
@@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ def InitProcessData():
         process_data.basename = basename
         process_data.process_data_paths.audio_output_file_path = audio_file_path
         # todo: ignore transcribe
-        settings.ignore_audio = True
+        if settings.ignore_audio is None:
+            settings.ignore_audio = True
     elif settings.input_file_path.startswith("https:"):
         # Youtube
@@ -295,9 +296,9 @@ def CreateUltraStarTxt(process_data: ProcessData):
     if settings.calculate_score:
         simple_score, accurate_score = calculate_score_points(process_data, ultrastar_file_output)
-    # Add calculated score to Ultrastar txt
+        # Add calculated score to Ultrastar txt
     #Todo: Missing Karaoke
-    ultrastar_writer.add_score_to_ultrastar_txt(ultrastar_file_output, simple_score)
+        ultrastar_writer.add_score_to_ultrastar_txt(ultrastar_file_output, simple_score)
     return accurate_score, simple_score, ultrastar_file_output
diff --git a/src/UltraSingerEvaluation.py b/src/UltraSingerEvaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba1eaf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/UltraSingerEvaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import copy
+import os
+import traceback
+from datetime import datetime
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List
+import importlib.util
+import pandas
+import UltraSinger
+from modules import timer
+from modules.DeviceDetection.device_detection import check_gpu_support
+from Settings import Settings
+from modules.Evaluation.TestRun import TestRun, TestedSong
+from modules.Evaluation.TestSong import TestSong
+from modules.Ultrastar import ultrastar_parser
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import compare_pitches
+from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtValue, FILE_ENCODING
+from modules.console_colors import ULTRASINGER_HEAD, red_highlighted
+default_test_input_folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__ + "/../../evaluation/input"))
+test_output_folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__ + "/../../evaluation/output"))
+test_start_time = datetime.now()
+test_run_name = test_start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
+test_run_folder = os.path.join(test_output_folder, test_run_name)
+test_run_songs_folder = os.path.join(test_run_folder, "songs")
+def main() -> None:
+    """Main function"""
+    Path(test_output_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    Path(test_run_folder).mkdir(parents=True)
+    Path(test_run_songs_folder).mkdir(parents=True)
+    base_settings = initialize_settings()
+    base_settings.output_folder_path = test_run_songs_folder
+    if base_settings.test_songs_input_folder is None:
+        base_settings.test_songs_input_folder = os.path.join(default_test_input_folder, "songs")
+    base_settings.test_songs_input_folder = os.path.normpath(
+        base_settings.test_songs_input_folder
+    )
+    if not os.path.isdir(base_settings.test_songs_input_folder):
+        print(
+            f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} {red_highlighted('Error!')} No test songs input folder configured (refer to "
+            f"evaluation section in readme)."
+        )
+        exit(1)
+    test_songs: List[TestSong] = []
+    for dir_entry in os.listdir(base_settings.test_songs_input_folder):
+        song_folder = os.path.join(base_settings.test_songs_input_folder, dir_entry)
+        found_song = find_ultrastar_song(song_folder)
+        if found_song is None:
+            continue
+        test_songs.append(TestSong(found_song[0], song_folder, found_song[1]))
+    if len(test_songs) == 0:
+        print(
+            f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} {red_highlighted('Error!')} No test songs found in {base_settings.test_songs_input_folder}."
+        )
+        exit(1)
+    print(f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} Running evaluation for {len(test_songs)} songs")
+    test_run = TestRun(test_run_name, base_settings, test_start_time)
+    for index, test_song in enumerate(test_songs):
+        print(f"\n{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} ========================")
+        print(
+            f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} {index + 1}/{len(test_songs)}: {os.path.basename(test_song.input_txt)}"
+        )
+        timer.log(f"{index + 1}/{len(test_songs)}: {os.path.basename(test_song.input_txt)}")
+        # prepare cache directory
+        song_cache_path = os.path.join(test_song.input_folder, "cache")
+        Path(song_cache_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        test_song_settings = copy.deepcopy(base_settings)
+        test_song_settings.input_file_path = test_song.input_txt
+        test_song_settings.cache_override_path = song_cache_path
+        UltraSinger.settings = test_song_settings
+        tested_song = TestedSong(test_song.input_txt)
+        test_run.tested_songs.append(tested_song)
+        try:
+            output_txt, _, _ = UltraSinger.run()
+        except Exception as error:
+            print(
+                f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} {red_highlighted('Error!')} Failed to process {test_song.input_txt}\n{error}."
+            )
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            continue
+        output_folder_name = f"{test_song.input_ultrastar_class.artist} - {test_song.input_ultrastar_class.title}"
+        output_folder = os.path.join(test_run_songs_folder, output_folder_name)
+        if not os.path.isfile(output_txt):
+            print(
+                f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} {red_highlighted('Error!')} Could not find song txt in '{output_folder}'."
+            )
+            test_run.tested_songs.append(tested_song)
+            continue
+        ultrastar_class = ultrastar_parser.parse(output_txt)
+        (
+            input_match_ratio,
+            output_match_ratio,
+            input_pitch_shift_match_ratios,
+            output_pitch_shift_match_ratios,
+            pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch_ratio,
+            no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch_ratio,
+        ) = compare_pitches(test_song.input_ultrastar_class, ultrastar_class)
+        tested_song.output_path = output_txt
+        tested_song.success = True
+        tested_song.input_match_ratio = input_match_ratio
+        tested_song.output_match_ratio = output_match_ratio
+        tested_song.input_pitch_shift_match_ratios = input_pitch_shift_match_ratios
+        tested_song.output_pitch_shift_match_ratios = output_pitch_shift_match_ratios
+        tested_song.pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch_ratio = pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch_ratio
+        tested_song.no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch_ratio = no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch_ratio
+    test_run.end_time = datetime.now()
+    test_run_result_file = os.path.join(test_run_folder, "run.json")
+    test_run_json = test_run.to_json()
+    with open(test_run_result_file, "w", encoding=FILE_ENCODING) as file:
+        file.write(test_run_json)
+def find_ultrastar_song(
+        song_folder, require_audio: bool = True
+) -> tuple[str, UltrastarTxtValue]:
+    if os.path.isdir(song_folder):
+        for song_folder_item in os.listdir(song_folder):
+            if (
+                    song_folder_item.endswith(".txt")
+                    and song_folder_item != "license.txt"
+                    and not song_folder_item.endswith("[Karaoke].txt")
+                    and not song_folder_item.endswith("[MULTI].txt")
+                    and not song_folder_item.endswith("[DUET].txt")
+                    and not song_folder_item.endswith("instrumental.txt")
+            ):
+                txt_file = os.path.join(song_folder, song_folder_item)
+                ultrastar_class = ultrastar_parser.parse(txt_file)
+                if ultrastar_class.mp3 != "" or not require_audio:
+                    return txt_file, ultrastar_class
+                else:
+                    print(
+                        f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} {red_highlighted('Warning.')} {song_folder} contains an UltraStar text file but has no audio referenced in it. Skipping."
+                    )
+def initialize_settings():
+    s = Settings()
+    user_config_file = os.path.normpath(
+        os.path.join(default_test_input_folder, "config/local.py")
+    )
+    if os.path.isfile(user_config_file):
+        print(
+            f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} Using custom settings found under {user_config_file}"
+        )
+        spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
+            "custom_settings", user_config_file
+        )
+        module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+        spec.loader.exec_module(module)
+        s = module.user_settings
+    else:
+        print(f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} No custom settings found under {user_config_file}")
+    if not s.force_cpu:
+        s.tensorflow_device, s.pytorch_device = check_gpu_support()
+    return s
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/src/UltraSingerMetaEvaluation.py b/src/UltraSingerMetaEvaluation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2429125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/UltraSingerMetaEvaluation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List
+import pandas
+from modules.Evaluation.TestRun import TestRun
+from modules.console_colors import ULTRASINGER_HEAD, red_highlighted
+test_output_folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__ + "/../../evaluation/output"))
+def main() -> None:
+    """Main function"""
+    Path(test_output_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    test_runs: List[TestRun] = []
+    for dir_entry in os.listdir(test_output_folder):
+        test_run_folder = os.path.join(test_output_folder, dir_entry)
+        test_run = find_test_run_result(test_run_folder)
+        if test_run is None:
+            continue
+        test_runs.append(test_run)
+    if len(test_runs) == 0:
+        print(
+            f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} {red_highlighted('Error!')} No test runs found in {test_output_folder}."
+        )
+        exit(1)
+    print(f"{ULTRASINGER_HEAD} Running meta evaluation for {len(test_runs)} test runs")
+    for test_run in test_runs:
+        tested_songs_dicts = []
+        for tested_song in [s for s in test_run.tested_songs if s.success]:
+            tested_song_dict = tested_song.to_dict()
+            best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio = max(
+                tested_song.input_pitch_shift_match_ratios.values()
+            )
+            # based on the pitch shift of the highest input_pitch_shift_match_ratio picked previously
+            # we pick the corresponding value of output_pitch_shift_match_ratios
+            matching_input_best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio = (
+                tested_song.output_pitch_shift_match_ratios[
+                    list(tested_song.input_pitch_shift_match_ratios.values()).index(
+                        best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio
+                    )
+                ]
+            )
+            best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio = max(
+                tested_song.output_pitch_shift_match_ratios.values()
+            )
+            # based on the pitch shift of the highest output_pitch_shift_match_ratio picked previously
+            # we pick the corresponding value of input_pitch_shift_match_ratios
+            matching_output_best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio = (
+                tested_song.input_pitch_shift_match_ratios[
+                    list(tested_song.output_pitch_shift_match_ratios.values()).index(
+                        best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio
+                    )
+                ]
+            )
+            tested_song_dict[
+                "best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio"
+            ] = best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio
+            tested_song_dict[
+                "matching_input_best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio"
+            ] = matching_input_best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio
+            tested_song_dict[
+                "best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio"
+            ] = best_output_pitch_shift_match_ratio
+            tested_song_dict[
+                "matching_output_best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio"
+            ] = matching_output_best_input_pitch_shift_match_ratio
+            tested_songs_dicts.append(tested_song_dict)
+        records = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(tested_songs_dicts)
+        pandas.options.display.max_columns = records.shape[1]
+        pandas.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
+        describe_result = records.describe(percentiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99])
+        print("Test run:", test_run.name)
+        print(describe_result)
+    print("Done")
+def find_test_run_result(test_run_folder) -> TestRun:
+    if os.path.isdir(test_run_folder):
+        for test_run_folder_item in os.listdir(test_run_folder):
+            test_run_folder_item_path = os.path.join(
+                test_run_folder, test_run_folder_item
+            )
+            if (
+                os.path.isfile(test_run_folder_item_path)
+                and test_run_folder_item == "run.json"
+            ):
+                test_run = None
+                with open(test_run_folder_item_path) as file:
+                    json = file.read()
+                    test_run = TestRun.from_json(json)
+                return test_run
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/src/modules/Audio/vocal_chunks.py b/src/modules/Audio/vocal_chunks.py
index f17ec05..af6ed61 100644
--- a/src/modules/Audio/vocal_chunks.py
+++ b/src/modules/Audio/vocal_chunks.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 from modules.console_colors import ULTRASINGER_HEAD
 from modules.csv_handler import export_transcribed_data_to_csv
 from modules.os_helper import create_folder
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_converter import (
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import (
diff --git a/src/modules/Evaluation/TestRun.py b/src/modules/Evaluation/TestRun.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802e2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/Evaluation/TestRun.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import datetime
+from Settings import Settings
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
+class TestedSong:
+    """Tested song"""
+    input_path: str
+    output_path: str = ""
+    success: bool = False
+    input_match_ratio: float = 0.0
+    output_match_ratio: float = 0.0
+    input_pitch_shift_match_ratios: dict[int, float] = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
+    output_pitch_shift_match_ratios: dict[int, float] = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
+    no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch_ratio: float = 0.0
+    pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch_ratio: float = 0.0
+class TestRun:
+    """Test run"""
+    name: str
+    settings: Settings = None
+    start_time: datetime.datetime = None
+    end_time: datetime.datetime = None
+    tested_songs: list[TestedSong] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
diff --git a/src/modules/Evaluation/TestSong.py b/src/modules/Evaluation/TestSong.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3a1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/Evaluation/TestSong.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtValue
+class TestSong:
+    """Test song"""
+    input_txt: str
+    input_folder: str
+    input_ultrastar_class: UltrastarTxtValue
diff --git a/src/modules/Speech_Recognition/Whisper.py b/src/modules/Speech_Recognition/Whisper.py
index d23fd29..77513da 100644
--- a/src/modules/Speech_Recognition/Whisper.py
+++ b/src/modules/Speech_Recognition/Whisper.py
@@ -48,8 +48,14 @@ def transcribe_with_whisper(
+        asr_options = {
+            "max_new_tokens": None,
+            "clip_timestamps": None,
+            "hallucination_silence_threshold": None
+        }
         loaded_whisper_model = whisperx.load_model(
-            model.value, language=language, device=device, compute_type=compute_type
+            model.value, asr_options=asr_options, language=language, device=device, compute_type=compute_type
         audio = whisperx.load_audio(audio_path)
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_converter.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_converter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a676e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_converter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+"""Ultrastar Converter"""
+from typing import Tuple
+import librosa
+from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtValue
+from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtNoteTypeTag
+from modules.Midi.MidiSegment import MidiSegment
+import numpy
+NO_PITCH = -1000
+FREESTYLE = -1001
+def real_bpm_to_ultrastar_bpm(real_bpm: float) -> float:
+    """Converts real BPM to UltraStar BPM"""
+    # The UltraStar BPM info is a fourth beat of the real BPM
+    ultrastar_bpm = real_bpm / 4
+    return ultrastar_bpm
+def ultrastar_bpm_to_real_bpm(ultrastar_bpm: float) -> float:
+    """Converts UltraStar BPM to real BPM"""
+    # The UltraStar BPM info is a fourth beat of the real BPM
+    bpm = ultrastar_bpm * 4
+    return bpm
+def second_to_beat(seconds: float, real_bpm: float) -> float:
+    """Converts seconds to beat"""
+    # BPM = 60 * beat / T
+    # T * BPM = 60 * beat
+    # beat = T * BPM / 60
+    beat = seconds * real_bpm / 60
+    return beat
+def beat_to_second(beat: float, real_bpm: float) -> float:
+    """Converts beat to seconds"""
+    seconds = beat * 60 / real_bpm
+    return seconds
+def midi_note_to_ultrastar_note(midi_note: int) -> int:
+    """Converts Midi note to UltraStar note"""
+    # C4 == 48 in Midi
+    ultrastar_note = midi_note - 48
+    return ultrastar_note
+def ultrastar_note_to_midi_note(ultrastar_note: int) -> int:
+    """Converts UltraStar note to Midi note"""
+    # C4 == 48 in Midi
+    midi_note = ultrastar_note + 48
+    return midi_note
+def get_start_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_class: UltrastarTxtValue, pos: int) -> float:
+    """Calculates the start time from the Ultrastar txt"""
+    start_time = get_start_time(ultrastar_class.gap, ultrastar_class.bpm,
+                                ultrastar_class.UltrastarNoteLines[pos].startBeat)
+    return start_time
+def get_start_time(gap: str, ultrastar_bpm: str, startBeat: float) -> float:
+    """Calculates the start time from the Ultrastar txt"""
+    gap = __convert_gap(gap)
+    real_bpm = __convert_bpm(ultrastar_bpm)
+    start_time = beat_to_second(int(startBeat), real_bpm) + gap
+    return start_time
+def get_end_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_class: UltrastarTxtValue, pos: int) -> float:
+    """Calculates the end time from the Ultrastar txt"""
+    end_time = get_end_time(ultrastar_class.gap, ultrastar_class.bpm, ultrastar_class.UltrastarNoteLines[pos].startBeat,
+                            ultrastar_class.UltrastarNoteLines[pos].duration)
+    return end_time
+def get_end_time(gap: str, ultrastar_bpm: str, startBeat: float, duration: float) -> float:
+    """Calculates the end time from the Ultrastar txt"""
+    gap = __convert_gap(gap)
+    real_bpm = __convert_bpm(ultrastar_bpm)
+    end_time = (
+            beat_to_second(
+                int(startBeat) + int(duration),
+                real_bpm,
+            )
+            + gap
+    )
+    return end_time
+def __convert_gap(gap: str) -> float:
+    gap = float(gap.replace(",", ".")) / 1000
+    return gap
+def __convert_bpm(ultrastar_bpm: str) -> float:
+    real_bpm = ultrastar_bpm_to_real_bpm(float(ultrastar_bpm.replace(",", ".")))
+    return real_bpm
+def ultrastar_to_midi_segments(ultrastar_txt: UltrastarTxtValue) -> list[MidiSegment]:
+    """Converts an Ultrastar txt to Midi segments"""
+    midi_segments = []
+    for i, data in enumerate(ultrastar_txt.UltrastarNoteLines):
+        start_time = get_start_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_txt, i)
+        end_time = get_end_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_txt, i)
+        midi_segments.append(
+            MidiSegment(librosa.midi_to_note(ultrastar_note_to_midi_note(data.pitch)),
+                        start_time,
+                        end_time,
+                        data.word,
+                        )
+        )
+    return midi_segments
+def map_to_datapoints(
+    ultrastar_class: UltrastarTxtValue, step_size: int = 10
+) -> list[int]:
+    gap = float(ultrastar_class.gap.replace(",", "."))
+    data = []
+    previous_step = -step_size
+    for pos, note_line in enumerate(ultrastar_class.UltrastarNoteLines):
+        # TODO: does this make sense?
+        if note_line.noteType == UltrastarTxtNoteTypeTag.FREESTYLE:
+            continue
+        start_time = int(get_start_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_class, pos) * 1000 + gap)
+        end_time = int(get_end_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_class, pos) * 1000 + gap)
+        start_nearest_step = (start_time + step_size - 1) // step_size * step_size
+        end_nearest_step = (end_time + step_size - 1) // step_size * step_size
+        if previous_step == start_nearest_step:
+            start_nearest_step += step_size
+        duration = end_nearest_step - start_nearest_step
+        if duration < 10:
+            continue
+        # pad gaps between pitches with empty datapoints
+        gap_steps_count = (start_nearest_step - previous_step - step_size) // step_size
+        data += [NO_PITCH] * gap_steps_count
+        pitch_steps_count = duration // step_size
+        if note_line.noteType == UltrastarTxtNoteTypeTag.FREESTYLE:
+            data += [FREESTYLE] * pitch_steps_count
+        else:
+            data += [int(note_line.pitch)] * pitch_steps_count
+        previous_step = end_nearest_step
+    return data
+def compare_pitches(input_ultrastar_class, output_ultrastar_class) -> tuple[float, float, dict[int, float], dict[int, float], float, float]:
+    step_size = 10
+    input_datapoints = map_to_datapoints(input_ultrastar_class, step_size)
+    output_datapoints = map_to_datapoints(output_ultrastar_class, step_size)
+    longest = max(len(input_datapoints), len(output_datapoints))
+    for datapoints in [input_datapoints, output_datapoints]:
+        length = len(datapoints)
+        if length < longest:
+            gap_steps_count = longest - length
+            # pad gaps between pitches with empty datapoints
+            datapoints += [NO_PITCH] * gap_steps_count
+    input_pitched_datapoints = len([x for x in input_datapoints if x != NO_PITCH])
+    output_pitched_datapoints = len([x for x in output_datapoints if x != NO_PITCH])
+    matches = 0
+    pitch_shift_matches = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+    pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch = 0
+    no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch = 0
+    for index, _ in enumerate(input_datapoints):
+        input_pitch = input_datapoints[index]
+        output_pitch = output_datapoints[index]
+        if input_pitch == NO_PITCH and output_pitch == NO_PITCH:
+            continue
+        if input_pitch == output_pitch or (input_pitch == FREESTYLE and output_pitch != NO_PITCH):
+            matches += 1
+        elif input_pitch == NO_PITCH:
+            pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch += 1
+        elif output_pitch == NO_PITCH:
+            no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch += 1
+        else:
+            _, input_pitch_remainder = divmod(input_pitch, 12)
+            _, output_pitch_remainder = divmod(output_pitch, 12)
+            pitch_difference = abs(input_pitch_remainder - output_pitch_remainder)
+            pitch_shift_matches[pitch_difference] += 1
+    input_match_ratio = matches / input_pitched_datapoints
+    output_match_ratio = matches / output_pitched_datapoints
+    input_pitch_shift_match_ratios = {}
+    output_pitch_shift_match_ratios = {}
+    for index, pitch_shift_matches_item in enumerate(pitch_shift_matches):
+        pitch_shift_matches_count = pitch_shift_matches_item
+        if index == 0:
+            pitch_shift_matches_count += matches
+        input_pitch_shift_match_ratios[index] = pitch_shift_matches_item / input_pitched_datapoints
+        output_pitch_shift_match_ratios[index] = pitch_shift_matches_item / output_pitched_datapoints
+    output_pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch_ratio = pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch / output_pitched_datapoints
+    output_no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch_ratio = no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch / input_pitched_datapoints
+    return (input_match_ratio,
+            output_match_ratio,
+            input_pitch_shift_match_ratios,
+            output_pitch_shift_match_ratios,
+            output_pitch_where_should_be_no_pitch_ratio,
+            output_no_pitch_where_should_be_pitch_ratio
+            )
+def determine_nearest_end_step(input_ultrastar_class, step_size) -> int:
+    pitches_count = len(input_ultrastar_class.pitches) - 1
+    end_time = int(
+        get_end_time_from_ultrastar(input_ultrastar_class, pitches_count) * 1000
+    ) + int(input_ultrastar_class.gap)
+    return (end_time + step_size - 1) // step_size * step_size
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_midi_converter.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_midi_converter.py
similarity index 95%
rename from src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_midi_converter.py
rename to src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_midi_converter.py
index 676e8d5..6ffb38d 100644
--- a/src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_midi_converter.py
+++ b/src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_midi_converter.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import pretty_midi
 from modules.Midi.MidiSegment import MidiSegment
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_converter import midi_note_to_ultrastar_note, ultrastar_note_to_midi_note, \
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import midi_note_to_ultrastar_note, ultrastar_note_to_midi_note, \
     get_start_time_from_ultrastar, get_end_time_from_ultrastar
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtValue
 from modules.console_colors import ULTRASINGER_HEAD
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_txt_converter.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_txt_converter.py
similarity index 95%
rename from src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_txt_converter.py
rename to src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_txt_converter.py
index 0f9cce2..c1c1b4b 100644
--- a/src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_txt_converter.py
+++ b/src/modules/Ultrastar/converter/ultrastar_txt_converter.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 from modules import os_helper
 from modules.Midi.MidiSegment import MidiSegment
 from modules.ProcessData import ProcessData, MediaInfo
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_converter import ultrastar_bpm_to_real_bpm
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_midi_converter import ultrastar_to_midi_segments, \
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import ultrastar_bpm_to_real_bpm
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_midi_converter import ultrastar_to_midi_segments, \
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtValue, FormatVersion
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_writer import create_repitched_txt_from_ultrastar_data, format_separated_string, \
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_converter.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_converter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 76bedf9..0000000
--- a/src/modules/Ultrastar/coverter/ultrastar_converter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-"""Ultrastar Converter"""
-from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtValue
-def real_bpm_to_ultrastar_bpm(real_bpm: float) -> float:
-    """Converts real BPM to UltraStar BPM"""
-    # The UltraStar BPM info is a fourth beat of the real BPM
-    ultrastar_bpm = real_bpm / 4
-    return ultrastar_bpm
-def ultrastar_bpm_to_real_bpm(ultrastar_bpm: float) -> float:
-    """Converts UltraStar BPM to real BPM"""
-    # The UltraStar BPM info is a fourth beat of the real BPM
-    bpm = ultrastar_bpm * 4
-    return bpm
-def second_to_beat(seconds: float, real_bpm: float) -> float:
-    """Converts seconds to beat"""
-    # BPM = 60 * beat / T
-    # T * BPM = 60 * beat
-    # beat = T * BPM / 60
-    beat = seconds * real_bpm / 60
-    return beat
-def beat_to_second(beat: float, real_bpm: float) -> float:
-    """Converts beat to seconds"""
-    seconds = beat * 60 / real_bpm
-    return seconds
-def midi_note_to_ultrastar_note(midi_note: int) -> int:
-    """Converts Midi note to UltraStar note"""
-    # C4 == 48 in Midi
-    ultrastar_note = midi_note - 48
-    return ultrastar_note
-def ultrastar_note_to_midi_note(ultrastar_note: int) -> int:
-    """Converts UltraStar note to Midi note"""
-    # C4 == 48 in Midi
-    midi_note = ultrastar_note + 48
-    return midi_note
-def get_start_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_class: UltrastarTxtValue, pos: int) -> float:
-    """Calculates the start time from the Ultrastar txt"""
-    start_time = get_start_time(ultrastar_class.gap, ultrastar_class.bpm,
-                                ultrastar_class.UltrastarNoteLines[pos].startBeat)
-    return start_time
-def get_start_time(gap: str, ultrastar_bpm: str, startBeat: float) -> float:
-    """Calculates the start time from the Ultrastar txt"""
-    gap = __convert_gap(gap)
-    real_bpm = __convert_bpm(ultrastar_bpm)
-    start_time = beat_to_second(int(startBeat), real_bpm) + gap
-    return start_time
-def get_end_time_from_ultrastar(ultrastar_class: UltrastarTxtValue, pos: int) -> float:
-    """Calculates the end time from the Ultrastar txt"""
-    end_time = get_end_time(ultrastar_class.gap, ultrastar_class.bpm, ultrastar_class.UltrastarNoteLines[pos].startBeat,
-                            ultrastar_class.UltrastarNoteLines[pos].duration)
-    return end_time
-def get_end_time(gap: str, ultrastar_bpm: str, startBeat: float, duration: float) -> float:
-    """Calculates the end time from the Ultrastar txt"""
-    gap = __convert_gap(gap)
-    real_bpm = __convert_bpm(ultrastar_bpm)
-    end_time = (
-            beat_to_second(
-                int(startBeat) + int(duration),
-                real_bpm,
-            )
-            + gap
-    )
-    return end_time
-def __convert_gap(gap: str) -> float:
-    gap = float(gap.replace(",", ".")) / 1000
-    return gap
-def __convert_bpm(ultrastar_bpm: str) -> float:
-    real_bpm = ultrastar_bpm_to_real_bpm(float(ultrastar_bpm.replace(",", ".")))
-    return real_bpm
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_parser.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_parser.py
index f3024dd..b18a205 100644
--- a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_parser.py
+++ b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_parser.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 from modules import os_helper
 from modules.console_colors import ULTRASINGER_HEAD, red_highlighted
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_converter import (
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import (
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_score_calculator.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_score_calculator.py
index bdf69b8..59e295b 100644
--- a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_score_calculator.py
+++ b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_score_calculator.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from modules.Midi.midi_creator import create_midi_note_from_pitched_data
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_converter import (
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import (
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_txt.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_txt.py
index 98a13b6..5845fd4 100644
--- a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_txt.py
+++ b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_txt.py
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class UltrastarTxtValue:
     audio = ""
     video = None
     videoGap = None
-    gap = ""
+    gap = "0"
     bpm = ""
     language = None
     cover = None
diff --git a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_writer.py b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_writer.py
index 6457550..8efc01d 100644
--- a/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_writer.py
+++ b/src/modules/Ultrastar/ultrastar_writer.py
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 from packaging import version
 from modules.console_colors import ULTRASINGER_HEAD
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_converter import (
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_converter import (
     second_to_beat, )
-from modules.Ultrastar.coverter.ultrastar_midi_converter import convert_midi_note_to_ultrastar_note
+from modules.Ultrastar.converter.ultrastar_midi_converter import convert_midi_note_to_ultrastar_note
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_txt import UltrastarTxtValue, UltrastarTxtTag, UltrastarTxtNoteTypeTag, \
 from modules.Ultrastar.ultrastar_score_calculator import Score
diff --git a/src/modules/console_colors.py b/src/modules/console_colors.py
index 59328ff..e5d9375 100644
--- a/src/modules/console_colors.py
+++ b/src/modules/console_colors.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ def blue_highlighted(text: str) -> str:
 def green_highlighted(text: str) -> str:
-    """Returns a blue highlighted text"""
+    """Returns a green highlighted text"""
     return f"{Bcolors.dark_green}{text}{Bcolors.endc}"