🔢 Collection of rapid-sdk math libraries
npm install @rapid-sdk/math
This library is distributed in ESM format only. It cannot be require()
'd from CommonJS.
For more, please read Sindre Sorhus’s FAQ.
import { Extent } from '@rapid-sdk/math';
⭐️ Math Constants
🌐 Geographic (spherical) math functions
📈 Geometric (planar) math functions
🔢 Number math functions
📐 Vector math functions
📦 Extent class for working with bounding boxes
🀄️ Tiler class for splitting the world into rectangular tiles
🕹️ Transform class for managing translation, scale, rotation
📺 Viewport class for managing view state and converting between Lon/Lat (λ,φ) and Cartesian (x,y) coordinates
This project is just getting started! 🌱
We're not able to support external contributors at this time, but check back in a bit when things have matured.