Releases: ratgdo/homekit-ratgdo
What's Changed
- Fixes / features for next release. by @dkerr64 and @jgstroud in #191
- Remove old redundant code
- Save logs on clean shutdown
- Check flash CRC on upload complete
- Add a full flash verify on upload to make sure contents are written properly to flash
- Change wifi persist to false. was writing wifi settings to flash multiple times on each boot. known to cause issues. #192
Lots of changes mainly focuses on trying to prevent flash corruptions.
Full Changelog: v1.4.3...v1.4.4
What's Changed
- Continue to send SSEheartbeats during firmware update by @dkerr64 in #180
- Add a log of the build sizes so we can track changes in ram usage by @jgstroud in #182
- Convert ssid String to c_str by @jgstroud in #183
- Log the BSSID on disconnect by @jgstroud in #186
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
What's Changed
- Fixes and features for next release by @dkerr64 in #175
- Back out usage of secondary IRAM heap. This was causing some users to not be able to access the webUI. Fixes #173
- Change webUI structure for memory optimization
- Add script to remotely monitor logs
- Document CLI control in the README
- New prerelease check by @jgstroud in #170
- v1.3.5 in changeling by @donavanbecker in #169
- Wait before publishing release to discord by @donavanbecker in #168
Full Changelog: v1.3.5...v1.4.0
What's Changed
- Create by @donavanbecker in #165
- Add check for pre-releases in firmware update dialog by @dkerr64 in #166
- Remove the visibility check as it was causing issues. by @jgstroud in #167
- New flash wear protection was causing problems with rolling code getting out of sync on some GDOs. Fix implemented
- OTA Flash CRC check was causing false failures and blocking OTA upgrade. Removed this check. MD5 check still in place.
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.5
Rebuild of 1.3.2
Ignore this release.
- Suspend certain activity when update underway, including comms and ho… by @dkerr64 in #153
- Time-to-close and further memory improvements by @dkerr64 in #145
Include md5 in upload by @donavanbecker in #163 - Fixes #60 Warning is now configurable in the setting page. User can set the duration of the delay before close. Lights will flash, but no beep. Controlling the beep is not yet possible.
Fixes #150 Allow user to set the WiFi transmit power. This combined with the ability to force 802.11g should fix #77
Added lots of additional error checking and safeguards to address #151 Note, you won't see the benefits of these changes until the next update.
- More stability enhancements. Memory improvements to free up additional heap.
- Store serial log to flash on crash
- Allow logging over the network to the javascript console. No longer need a USB cable to capture the logs
- FIx an issue with MD5 checking on updates
Many thanks to @dkerr64 for all the work on this release.
What's Changed
Hotfix release
Fixed incorrect reporting of garage door state
A number of users have reported failed OTA updates requiring a USB reflash in #151
I believe this was introduced by:
Reverted those changes
NOTE: since the OTA update failure is a result of the running code and not the incoming code, you may have to flash this release with a USB cable as well, but hopefully this will fix any future OTAs.
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
What's Changed
- Fix Github typo by @SShah7433 in #137
- Add wifi RSSI to web page by @jgstroud in #136
- Include Elf file by @donavanbecker in #142
- Improve web page stability by @dkerr64 in #139
- Store crash dumps to flash by @dkerr64 and @jgstroud
- Changes to LwIP configuration to help prevent running out of memory when TCP connections die and when there are corrupt mDNS packets on the network by @jgstroud #147
- Update to HomeKit library to reduce memory footprint by @jgstroud #148
New Contributors
- @SShah7433 made their first contribution in #137
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0