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Copy pathprocess.c
executable file
·326 lines (279 loc) · 7.37 KB
#include <types.h>#include <quickdraw.h>//#include <desk.h>#include <menus.h>#define _PROCESS_C_#include "mmemory.h"#include "macio.h"#include "symbol_tab.h"#include "process.h"#include "macdev.h"#include "vaxmacio.h"#include "progw.h"#include "window.h"#include "func.h"#include "aprintf.h"#include "iow.h"#include "main.h"#include "docmds.h"void new_process( /*create a new process in p0 space*/ MFILE *new_fsym){ if(is_a_system) { /*If there is a system then pass the buck*/ set_macvax_interrupt(NEW_PROCESS); return; } if(new_fsym == (MFILE *) 0 && (new_fsym = mopen("AOUT")) == 0) { return; } /*If already have a process running*/ /*Kill it*/ terminate_process(); /*kill any running process*/ /*Get a new process descriptor*/ if((local_process_desc = create_symbol_table(new_fsym,0)) < 0 ) { aprintf("new_process: Invalid process descriptor:%d\nAborted load (1).",local_process_desc); mclose(new_fsym); return; } /*set it as the current P0 descriptor*/ if(use_user_symbol_table(local_process_desc) < 0) { aprintf("new_process: Invalid process descriptor:%d\nAborted load (2).",local_process_desc); mclose(new_fsym); return; } alloc_sys_space(); /*reset up system space*/ alloc_p1_space(); /*reset up the stacks*/ if(load_process_P0(current_process) == -1) terminate_process(); /*Blat all of memory*/ else fake_a_pcb(); mclose(new_fsym); /*Don't keep file open as AS might want to write to it*/}void terminate_process(void){ if(is_a_system) { /*If there is a system then pass ithe buck*/ set_macvax_interrupt(KILL_PROCESS); return; } if(local_process_desc) { /*Do have a process running*/ /*halt the processor*/ stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 0; stop = 1; /*Kill it*/ free_symboltable(local_process_desc); closeall_mac_files(); /*files opened within the simulator*/ local_process_desc = 0; } freeallmem(1); /*blat all of VAX memory and watch points*/} void terminate_all_processes(void){ is_a_system = 0; local_process_desc = 0; /*halt the processor*/ stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 0; stop = 1; /*free things*/ free_all_symboltable(); closeall_mac_files(); /*files opened within the simulator*/ freeallmem(1); /*blat all of VAX memory and watch points*/} void reset_current_proc(void){MFILE *new_fsym; if(is_a_system) { /*If there is a system then pass the buck*/ set_macvax_interrupt(RESET_PROCESS); return; } if(local_process_desc) { if((new_fsym = mopen_na(current_process->name,current_process->vrefnum)) == (MFILE *) 0) { aprintf("Reset of %s Failed", current_process->name); return; } /*Kill Running process */ terminate_process(); /*kill any running process*/ /*Get a new process descriptor*/ if((local_process_desc = create_symbol_table(new_fsym,0)) < 0 ) { aprintf("new_process: Invalid process descriptor:%d\nAborted load (1).",local_process_desc); mclose(new_fsym); return; } /*set it as the current P0 descriptor*/ if(use_user_symbol_table(local_process_desc) < 0) { aprintf("new_process: Invalid process descriptor:%d\nAborted load (2).",local_process_desc); mclose(new_fsym); return; } alloc_sys_space(); /*reset up system space*/ alloc_p1_space(); /*reset up the stacks*/ if(load_process_P0(current_process) == -1) terminate_process(); /*Blat all of memory*/ else fake_a_pcb(); mclose(new_fsym); /*Don't keep file open as AS might want to write to it*/ } else terminate_all_processes(); /*Blat everything*/}void fake_a_pcb(void){ /* Sets up SP, CMD, PCB, IS and IPL*/ SP = IPR(ISP); IS = 1; SP -= 4; vax_putl(USERPSL,SP); /*push a PSL*/ SP -= 4; if(current_process) vax_putl(current_process->entrypt,SP); /*push the entry point for the prog*/ else vax_putl(0,SP); /*Don't know entry point so push a 0*/ IPR(P0LR) |= IPR(ASTR) << 24; svpctx("svpctx"); /*this will fill in PCB and pop 2 longs from the VAX STACK*/ IPR(P0LR) &= PAGE_LENGTH_MASK; /*ldpctx("ldpctx");*/ vax_regs[14].contents.as_ulong = IPR(USP); /*stack pointer to top of stack*/ CMD = PMD = USP; /*start in user mode*/ IS = 0; IPL = 0;}long load_process_P0( Symbol_Table_Type *proc){unsigned long i;long left; /*Code segment*/ if(left = proc->txtsiz) //Yes 1 ='s { if(alloc_cd(proc->txtmap.b2 , ( proc->magic == OMAGIC ) ? UW:URKW) == (address) ERROR) { aprintf("ABORTED reading code\nClosing file"); return -1; } mlseek(proc->fsym->fd, proc->txtmap.f1,0); for(i = 0; i < proc->txtsiz; i += PAGE_SIZE) { char *buff; if((buff = (char *) mac_address(check_reference(i,KSP,WR,1))) == (char *)ERROR) { aprintf("Open Aborted\nAccess to page denied (reading code page %x).",i); return -1; } mread(proc->fsym->fd,buff, (left < PAGE_SIZE) ? left:PAGE_SIZE); left -= PAGE_SIZE; } } /*Data Segment*/ if(left = proc->datsiz) //Yes 1 ='s { /*Get enough space for data and symbols*/ if(alloc_cd(proc->datsiz + proc->bsssiz , UW) == (address) ERROR) { aprintf("ABORTED reading data\nClosing file"); return -1; } mlseek(proc->fsym->fd,proc->txtmap.f2,0); for(i = 0; i < proc->datsiz; i += PAGE_SIZE) { char *buff; if((buff = (char *) mac_address(check_reference(i+proc->txtmap.b2 ,KSP,WR,1))) == (char *)ERROR) { aprintf("Open Aborted\nAccess to page denied (reading data page %x).",i); return -1; } mread(proc->fsym->fd,buff, (left < PAGE_SIZE) ? left:PAGE_SIZE); left -= PAGE_SIZE; } } return 0;}void boot_file( /*Load a program into Physical memory and execute*/ MFILE *fsym){char *buff;long process_desc; terminate_all_processes(); /*Kill all the current process*/ setwtitle(progWindow.windowptr, fsym->name); if(copy_boot_roms(0) == -1) /*Unable to load boot roms*/ { mclose(fsym); return; } if( (process_desc = create_symbol_table(fsym,0) ) > 0 && use_user_symbol_table(process_desc) == 0 && (buff = (char *) mac_address(0x0)) != (char *)ERROR ) { mlseek(fsym->fd,current_process->txtmap.f1,0); mread(fsym->fd,buff,current_process->txtsiz); if((buff = (char *) mac_address(0x0 + current_process->txtmap.b2)) != (char *)ERROR) { mlseek(fsym->fd,current_process->txtmap.f2,0); mread(fsym->fd,buff,current_process->datsiz); SP = 0xF000; /*set stack pointer high*/ PC = current_process->entrypt; } } mclose(fsym); put_PC_in_progwindow(); clear_io_window(); clear_all_windows();}void boot(){MFILE *fsym; /* RTB 10/7/93 allows the loading of type boot files */ /* AOUT type could possibly be dropped from the list of openable boot */ /* files at a later date */ if((fsym = mopen("AOUTBOOT")) == 0) return; boot_file(fsym);}void binload( /*Ignore file format and load it into memory*/ void){MFILE *fsym;char *buff; if((fsym = mopen("")) == 0) return; terminate_all_processes(); /*Kill all the current process*/ setwtitle(progWindow.windowptr, fsym->name); if(copy_boot_roms(0) == -1) /*Unable to load boot roms*/ { mclose(fsym); return; } mlseek(fsym->fd,0,0); if((buff = (char *) mac_address(0x0)) == (char *)ERROR) { mclose(fsym); return; } mread(fsym->fd,buff,65536); SP = 0xF000; PC = 0x0; put_PC_in_progwindow(); clear_io_window(); clear_all_windows(); mclose(fsym);}void shutdown(void){ if(is_a_system) { /*If there is a system then pass the buck*/ set_macvax_interrupt(NEW_PROCESS); } DisableItem(MyMenus[fileMenu], (short)shutdownCommand);}