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An ecosystem for doing pre-processing of fMRI data in a flexible and reproducible manner.

spm12Batch provides suite of bash commands for interacting with neuroimaging processing software. The purpose of this suite is to provide automated processing pipeline elements to take BOLD (T2*) data from participant space to MNI space. The tool utilizes various neuroimaging software packages which are freely available.

My apologies in advance for some scripts that have been deprecated but not removed as yet.

The suite of commands are written in bash, and will work in a MAC OS X (Intel based) and LINUX/UNIX operating environment.

This system runs on bare metal and not in docker. This system uses a simplified data organization scheme. See the documentation for the scheme. It relies on generic names for your folders and files. The only thing that is unique is the name of the session (participant) folder. This allows the pipeline to interact with SPM in a straight-forward manner. See the documentation in this folder.

To correctly use, in addtion to MATLAB, you will need to have installed the following software on your system:

  1. SPM
  2. ANTs
  3. Anima
  4. AFNI
  5. FSL

You will also need to install the MICCAI brain templates into the ANTs folder. They should reside in a folder Templates/MICCAI2012-Multi-Atlas-Challenge-Data/ directly in the ANTs distribution such that Templates/ is next to the bin/ directory.

| |____MICCAI2012-Multi-Atlas-Challenge-Data
| | |____T_template0_BrainCerebellumMask.nii.gz
| | |____T_template0_BrainCerebellumProbabilityMask.nii.gz
| | |____T_template0.nii.gz
| | |____T_template0_BrainCerebellumExtractionMask.nii.gz
| | |____T_template0_BrainCerebellum.nii.gz
| | |____Priors2
| | | |____priors2.nii.gz
| | | |____priors6.nii.gz
| | | |____sumPriors_MICCAI.nii
| | | |____priors4.nii.gz
| | | |____priors1.nii.gz
| | | |____priors3.nii.gz
| | | |____priors5.nii.gz
| | |____T_template0_glm_6labelsJointFusion.nii.gz
| | |____T_template0_BrainCerebellumRegistrationMask.nii.gz
| | |____T_template0_glm_4labelsJointFusion.nii.gz

Each step is single command. Each command takes various parameters to override default assumptions. The command can also accept a list of sessions to run. The processes default to running in the background, but can be configured to run in the foreground. By running in the foreground, you can also daisy chain the steps together. If you computer system allows for email, look at the spm12Batch_Global variable MAILRECPT to ensure it is correct. You can configure the system such that emails can be generated at job completion. The system, if configured correctly, can also send text messages at job completion. To attempt that configuration you will need some system administration experience.


The philosophy of this suite is to provide automated functionality with flexibility. Flexibility is found with respect to ordering of steps, naming of files, and folder organization, and does not require a rigid system. An additional philosophy is that once a script is run, it should not be run again as it becomes part of the documentation on how you have processed your data.

The purpose of the suite is to provide rapid processing with extensive documentation and logging of processes, and more control of pre-processing to the investigator. A given step of the pre-processing is run prior to the next step. Typically one would run a bunch of sessions for a single step. That is, 10 sessions could be processed in the distortionCorrect step.

A typical pipeline is shown here:


Full documentation is found in the Documentation/ sub-folder.

In summary,

  • Distortion correction (distortionCorrect) uses the Anima software to correct EPI using a pseudo field-map, the results can be sent to a new directory tree to keep processing output separate from input.
  • To move other necessary data from the input area to the derivatives (processed area), such as anatomy images, you use the prepDerivatives.
  • You can then remove spikes in you data using the AFNI 3dDespike command by invoking despikeAFNI.
  • Slice-time correction is then executed for non-SMS data (sliceTime12) or for SMS/Multi-band data (sliceTimeMB). Both commands use SPM.
  • Motion correction is done with SPM using realignfMRI12.
  • To get the data into normalized space, the high-resolution image (such as a MPRAGE, SPGR, etc) is co-registered (using SPM) to the resulting motion corrected data with coregOverlay.
  • Normalization is invovoked with antsHiRes and uses the ANTs suite of commands. You can also opt to use SPM for normalization using newSeg.
  • BOLD data is the taking to normalized space with antsfMRI. If you use newSeg, then instead of antsfMRI you would invoke warpSeg to take BOLD to MNI.
  • Resulting BOLD data can be smoothed using SPM by invoking smoothfMRI.
  • If you need tissue segementation, such as to use with COMPCOR and want WM and CSF segments, I have found that SPM does a better job on segmentation, so then you'd invoke newSeg but have the N4 bias corrected data from the antsHiRes as the input. After that you would then invoke antsfMRI in a manner for it to pick up the SPM derived tissue segments.

To see an example of how these calls can be further automated look in the BatchExamples/ sub-folder. The examples are extra scripts for building jobs more automatically for a given step. The launch_... scripts are written with flexibility to process a group of sessions sequentially or in parallel based on your computational resources.

You can download a test subject here. You should unpack that into a test experiment directory such that you see this and run the test commands found in BatchExamples/Examples_Numbered. is a good one to try.

How to acknowledge

If you use this software, please place an acknowledgment in your manuscript to Robert C. Welsh, spm12Batch, and this page, and also indicate that this software was developed with partial support from NIH R01NS052514 (Welsh) and R01NS082304 (Welsh). Please drop me a note if you find it useful. If you have a publication that uses this system, please send me a citation. You can find me by looking me up at the University of Utah with my full name.

Finally, the system is easily extendable. If a new pre-processing step is needed to be added, the ecosystem can be modified to accept a new command. Please contact me if you feel a new command, within the context of spm12Batch, is needed. It usually takes only 4-6 hours to build a new command.

Eventually a help line will exist.


Robert Welsh

Copyright 2021 Robert Cary Welsh, All rights reserved. See LICENSE file for more details.