###How to read this:
Anything in <> should be filled in by user as a string
Anything not in quotes is a json format defined below
any key followed by a ? means it is optional
//What is in the json file
"top: NamedRef,
namespaces: {<namespaceName>:Namespace, ...}
"namedtypes"? : {<name>: NamedType, ...}
"typegens" ? {<name>: TypeGen,...}
"modules"? :{<name>:Module, ...},
"generators"? :{<name>:Generator, ...}
Type = "BitIn"
| "Bit"
| ["Array", <N>, Type]
| ["Record", [[<key>,Type],... ]
| ["Named",NamedRef]
//This could be referring a type, module, or generator
NamedRef = "<namespaceName>.<name>"
NamedType = {"flippedname":<name>,"rawtype":Type}
TypeGen = [Params, "sparse", [[Values,Type],[Values,Type],...]]
| [Params, "implicit"]
| //TODO Type language?
//Note if there are no instances and no connections, this is a declaration
Module = {
"connections"?: Connection[]
Generator = {
GeneratedModule = [Values,Module]
Instance = {
Connection = [Wireable, Wireable, MetaData?]
//accesses instname.a.b If "instname" is "self" then this is the module's interface.
//Note: a,b can be digits representing an index.
Wireable = "<instname>,<a>,<b>,..."
//The following is my Value IR.
//This contains a small IR representing constants and refrences to generator/module args. This can be expanded
ValueType = "Bool"
| "Int"
| ["BitVector" <N>]
| "String"
| "CoreIRType"
| "Module"
| "Json"
Params = {<field>:ValueType,...}
Arg = [ValueType, "Arg", <field>]
Const = [ValueType, <Val>]
Value = Arg
| Const
Values = {<field>:Value,...}