MEE6's Reminder plugin is a rare exception where every single feature in the Reminder Plugin is actually free. Now here's a shocker: It's also quite literally the only feature that's completely free.
Yet again Dyno proves that it is truly an All in One bot. Like the Polls plugin, it is a basic feature, letting you set a time to be reminded and a message to write, however for 90% of people that's going to be enough to set a quick reminder to check up on a poll you set earlier, remind you to send out that important announcement or remind you to do your daily tasks in an economy bot of your flavor.
💵 Dyno itself has a Premium option for $5 per Month but the Reminders feature is completely free!
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Here's something we don't usually do. During the research for this blog, we stumbled across dotNotify which seemed a good alternative to recommend as a replacement for the, admittedly free, MEE6 Reminders plugins.
However, as soon as we authorized with Discord it immediately sent us an Email with "[IMPORTANT INFO INSIDE]" in the title. Not only that but it also automatically signed us up to their mailing list.
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A bot whose only objective is to remind you of something and schedule messages for you, DOES NOT need your Email address.