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OpenShift Pipelines Application Namespace setup for Devtools AI Sample Applications.

Version: 0.1.1

A Helm chart for integrating the Git and Quay configuration for Pipelines in the user's application namespace.

This repo is a Helm chart that a user admin level privileges to his application namespace would run to set up OpenShift Pipelines for the Devtools AI sample applications. For more information about helm charts see the official Helm Charts Documentation.


  • You have sufficient permissions to create a namespace.
  • You have sufficient permissions to create RBAC and ServiceAccounts in your namespace.


This chart assumes the OpenShift Pipelines install chart has been run, something equivalent to what it does, so that OpenShift Pipelines can run the Tekton Pipelines under the rhdh-pipelines repo, and that Pipelines As Code has sufficient credentials to process events from you GitHub Application.

This chart will then set up the Quay and Git credentials in Secrets so that the Tekton Pipelines can interact with your applications GitHub repository and push you versions of your application's image to your Quay repository.


The helm chart can be directly installed from the OpenShift Dev Console. Check here for more information.

Install using Helm

To install the Pipelines Setup Helm chart using Helm directly, you can run:

helm upgrade --install <release-name> --namespace <helm-release-and-chatbot-application-namespace> --create-namespace .

The .gitignore file in this repository filters files named private-values.yaml. Thus, you can maintain in your local fork of this repository a value settings file outside of git management. Copy values.yaml in this directory to private-values.yaml and make any necessary edits to private-values.yaml. Then change your helm invocation to the following:

helm upgrade --install <release-name> --namespace <helm-release-and-chatbot-application-namespace> --create-namespace -f ./private-values.yaml .

Below is a table of each value used to configure this chart.


Key Type Default Description
tekton.gitSecretKeyToken string "password" [REQUIRED] The Github token value.
tekton.gitSecretName string "github-secrets" The name of the Secret's key with the Github token value.
tekton.gitSecretToken string "<your git token>" The name of the Secret containing the required Github token.
tekton.quayConfigJSON string "< your config.json file contents, ideally in compact, single line format>" [REQUIRED] The config.json used when the application image will be pushed.
tekton.quaySecretName string "ai-lab-image-registry-token" The name of the Secret containing the required Quay token.